@UDA / @DESCENDANT Calc gives #missing

Hi There,Within the Measures Dimension, I'm trying to calculate a LEV2 member based on its LEV0 decendants with the UDA's of "YRate" & "Cnt". These UDA's are present elsewhere in the hierarchy therefore only want the calculation to pick up those UDA's beneath the Member Calc.This is my member calc:-@SUM ( @ISMBR ( @DESCENDANTS ("FeeRateTD"),@UDA("Measures","YRate")))/@SUM ( @ISMBR ( @DESCENDANTS ("FeeRateTD"),@UDA("Measures","Cnt")));Hope you can help - Thanks in advance.Mark

Hiya,Don't think you can sum just a uda ... or not that I can work out. However, using a combination of @sumrange and @remove you can sum without a uda.If my logic is right, this would work:Member = ((total lev0 of mbr) - (total lev0 of mbr without UDA1)) / ((total lev0 of mbr) - (total lev0 of mbr without UDA2));This could be put in an if for actual, elseif for plan etc:AccountMbr =(@sumrange(actual,@relative("UpperLevelMbr",0)) - @SUMRANGE("Actual",@remove(@relative("UpperLevelMbr",0),@UDA(Accounts, UDA1))))//(@sumrange(actual,@relative("UpperLevelMbr",0)) - @SUMRANGE("Actual",@remove(@relative("UpperLevelMbr",0),@UDA(Accounts,UDA1))));Feel sure there has to be an easier way, but can't think of it right now!Hope this helps!

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    Hi and tnx 4 the reply's.
    The fdd is working ok. Actually i see that XP install vaimraid.sys and after this installing he continues to install the XP things. After a few minits he is ready and then he wants to install those 3 files but it isnt possible. Maybe XP cant find it or there is something else wrong. This is not to regonice. But i use a special XP version (rol-out) (automatic) version. So no questions and no serial:"-). So it could be that this gives the problems.
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    Latest crash info for cpu 0:
    Exception state (sv=0x3A3D1500)
    PC=0x01820700; MSR=0x00089030; DAR=0x028F0000; DSISR=0x42000000; LR=0x00252648; R1=0x120139B0; XCP=0x0000001C (0x700 - Program)
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    Any help??
       ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField();
            ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields();
            ParameterDiscreteValue paramDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
            paramField.Name = "@LabNo";
            paramDiscreteValue.Value = "1034";
            ParameterValues paramvalues = new ParameterValues();
    rptDocument.ParameterFields[0].CurrentValues = paramvalues;

    does the sub report have parameters in it as well?
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    Am I the only one with this problem?

    - Please turn off Automatic font activation & Alert me if system fonts change in Preference from Font Book first.
    Hi, I am not sure what you mean, if you mean turn FAP Auto font activation off, I removed the FAP plugins from Ps so I believe that would turn Auto activation off?
    I don't recall ever opening Font Book and I don't understand what change in preference from FB you are talking about.
    Your missing font text layer shows yellow icon, correct?
    If you double click the yellow icon, missing font name should show.
    With the FAP plugins installed in Ps 12.0.1 (10.6.4), I don't have the yellow missing font warning icon in my font layer (Ps just loads a substituted font and there is no way for me to call it up) — but I know exactly what you are referring to, the yellow icon is just not there with FAP plugins loaded.
    If this is a bug as I suspect the lag I discovered, you should be able to reproduce it with ease on YOUR machine:
    Install FAP 4.120
    Install Ps CS5 Plugins pictured below (these aren't available yet on fFAP website)
    open a file
    create a text layer, save file as .psd
    remove font from system
    reopen .psd
    okay missing font warning
    original font displays for a moment then is replaced
    layers pallet> font layer does not show yellow icon or recover missing font info
    quit Ps
    remove FAP plugins from Ps
    reopen .psd
    you have yellow icon warning back with missing font info...
    BTW i dont see ur email

  • Launchpad Error: Missing Module URL

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    I am trying to launch the Fiori Launchpad but it shows blue screen. In the console it gives Missing module URL -  sap.ui2.srvc.Chip  .
    I have gone through this note #1942166. There are errors in the Database table /UI2/CHIP_CHDR. As mentioned in the note to implement note #1961957, this note could not be implemented.
    We are currently on SP08 level. And earlier the Fiori Launchpad was working fine. It suddenly started giving error.
    Also, I checked SU53, there are no logs. So could not be authorization issue.
    Running reports /UI2/CHIP_SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE & /UI2/DELETE_CACHE_AFTER_IMP didn't help either.
    Please suggest.
    Parth Jhalani

    Please try to apply all the required SAP Notes.
    Below link might be of some help
    Fiori apps not show in launchpad after UI Add-on SP08 updates
    Madhu Sudhan

  • Missing Parts for all Orders

    Is there a single report which gives missing parts list for all orders with due allocation of components as per the order dates?

    Missing parts information we can see in CO24 tcode.
    In COHV or COMAC.
    in mass processing gtab page
    select function = material availability check, execute it.
    In selection tab page
    Order type
    System status - MSPT.
    COOIS : Production Order Information System
    Under this transaction you need to Select in List option as Components and then go on Selection Tab

  • Difference between UDA & User-Defined Dimension

    Hi all,
    I need to know what the difference between UDA and User-Defined Dimension and when can i use each one??
    thanks in advance

    UDAs are descriptive words that you can use to categories members of a dimension.
    Using UDA, For ex: in Customer Dim you can divide customers into CAT A, B or C and then can use these UDAs in calc scripts, query them later in reports etc.
    User defined Dimension: Is any new dimension that you add to planning application apart from default ones.

  • QTD value in ASO

    Hi All,
    I have a ASO application with Time and Period dimension. The hierarchy of Time dimension is like:
    ------Total Year
    The hierarchy of Period dimension is like:
    Now I write a MDX query as member formula for QTD. Which is:
    (IsLevel([TIME].CurrentMember, 0),
    Now when I retrieve the QTD for any month it always gives #Missing value.
    Can you please help me if I'm missing something?
    Thanks in advance

    garycris wrote:
    A couple of different approaches. If you want to have QTD member that needs to be part of "View Type" Dimension. As Glenn rightly pointed out you have not referenced the member of the Period dim where the data is loaded so your tuple is implied to sum the time members in your formula and their intersection with the QTD member itself.
    You need to add another dim to do these type of calcs, otherwise why not just create alternate hierarchies in Time dim to do QTD?As you suggested to do these type of calcs I need to add another dim, I already have that dim (Period). In my Period dim QTD is sibling of FY12, and Period dim is dynamic.
    Alternate hierarchy is very good solution but if Iwant to move with a member QTD having MDX formula then what should I need to do?


    I want to know the price of a certain price condition (PR00). My input parameters are the material number and sales organisation.
    I'm using the function module 'SALES_CONDITIONS_READ' but I recive the error message 'Condition types for SP calc. control missing in calc. schema for pricing'.
    I'm not able to see what is wrong.
    My question is: Am I using th eright function module and if so what should I change to make it work?
    Best regards
    Jesper Dueholm

    Hi Jesper,
    From your point:
    005 has customer specific price ( You need sales org,customer, material and date)
    501 has customer with release status ( you need customer and release status)
    004 has material specif ( You need material and sales org ).
    But your input criteria is only the material and sales org.
    If you need the result exactly , then you have to pass the customer as input criteria.
    As per the access sequence: you need to get the records first from
    A005 if record exists-- process.
    if not then go to A501 Exists -- Process..
    If not then go to A004 table with material only.
    I would suggest you to consider the customer also in your input criteria, and then use a BAPI to simulate a Quotation ( Or ) Order.
    This BAPI gives in return with all condition types with the exact prices. You can pick up the required condition value from the BAPI internal tables.

  • PS DataMover starting in bootstrap mode first time in error.

    I installed PS Tools 8.51 in Windows 7 with oracle 11g. When I start first time Data Mover it gives ‘Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200, 0)’. However I could able to connect thru SQL Plus and SQLDeveloper. Please help me what I am doing wrong. When I try to install PS ODBC, it gave incomplete informing Crystal run time not found.
    I do not see any rows in PSDBOWNER table.
    PeopleTools 8.51 Client Trace - 2011-12-31
    PID-Line Time Elapsed Trace Data...
    -------- -------- ---------- -------------------->
    1-1 12.32.45 Tuxedo session opened {oprid='PS', appname='TwoTier', addr='//TwoTier:7000', open at 05808788, pid=5312}
    1-2 12.32.56 11.139000 Tuxedo session opened { DisconnectAll at05808788, pid=5312}
    Edited by: 885066 on Dec 31, 2011 9:48 AM
    Edited by: 885066 on Dec 31, 2011 9:52 AM

    Hi Peri,
    Is the entry of your oracle instance setup correctly in the tnsname.ora, listener.ora files under both 64bit & 32bit Oracle directory? (try to using the sqlplus to connect from another box to see if the connection works or not.)
    Here's some tip for the ORA-12154 error: http://ora-12154.ora-code.com/ (for more you can refer to Oracle Documentation, I guess this should be somewhere located where I didn't know.)
    Do you run the data mover from the same box where you install the 64bit DB?
    I would suggest if you can run from another box. Install the 32bit Oracle client, PSoft workstation(or install as File Server), etc.
    Hope this helps.
    Saxon SI

  • Is there any better option than this slow query?

    Hi all,
    i want to find out lets say Ticekt no range from Variable1 - Variable 2, are all ready existed or missing from my ticket master table which is having a million records and the no grows timely.
    For example i want to find out in range 30000 - 50000
    if any missings it should give missing number are
    45678 etc . etc.
    i wrote a for.. loop and im checking one bye one from ticket master table using select count(*) from ticket_master where ticket_no = var, which is time consuming and server becoming slow when i issue this query. my ticket master ticket_no is indexed.
    any better idea advise please..

    I am not sure I understand your problem correctly.
    Here are some test datas:
    create table ticket_masters ( ticket_no number) ;
    exec for i in 1..1000 loop insert into ticket_masters values (round(i/0.97)); end loop
    select 200-1+rownum missing from ticket_masters where rownum<=300-200
    select ticket_no from ticket_masters where ticket_no between 200 and 300
           283i am select rownum from ticket_masters, but I could select from anything actually, a pl/sql table, dual group by cube(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1), all_objects, ...
    Could you please do a desc ticket_masters to show me your datatype and also select a few ticket_no

Maybe you are looking for

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