Unable to enter "QA OK date" for any Support Notification

Hi ,
We are not able to enter "QA OK date" for any Support Notification in solution manager.
Recently we have migrated the instance from Windows to  HPUX. After the migration this problem occurring.
Any idea?

If  the code you need to enter are numbers, you need to press the "function" key first (in the bottom left corner of the keyboard).
Hope this helps.
C3-00 V 08.63 25-03-11 RM-614 Variant: 00.00

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  • BAPI_PO_CREATE1 - In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item

    Currently I'm facing an error "In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item" when create a Purchase Order using BAPI_PO_CREATE1. The condition of the data that need to pump into the system is that this PO is an open item PO where does not require a metarial code for input, but it will pump in Short Text and Material Group. Other than that, the account assignment category is "K" and the item category is "9".
    Below is the coding that I have implemented.
    IF wa_temp_upr1-waers IS NOT INITIAL.
           MOVE wa_temp_upr1-waers TO wa_header-currency.
           wa_headerx-currency = abap_true.
         MOVE: wa_temp_upr1-lifnr TO wa_header-vendor,
               wa_temp_upr1-unsez TO wa_header-collect_no,
               wa_temp_upr1-bukrs TO wa_header-comp_code,
               sy-datum      TO wa_header-doc_date,
               sy-langu      TO wa_header-langu,
               'KTN1'        TO wa_header-purch_org,
               wa_temp_upr1-bkgrp TO wa_header-pur_group,
               wa_temp_upr1-zterm TO wa_header-pmnttrms.
         wa_headerx-collect_no = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-po_number = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-comp_code = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-vendor = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-doc_date = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-langu = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-purch_org = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-pur_group = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-pmnttrms = abap_true.
         IF wa_temp_upr1-meins IS NOT INITIAL.
           MOVE wa_temp_upr1-meins TO zunit_e.
               INPUT                =  zunit_e
               LANGUAGE             = 'E'
               OUTPUT               = zunit_e.
           IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
             MOVE zunit_e TO wa_temp_upr1-meins.
           MODIFY it_upr1 FROM wa_temp_upr1.
         ADD 10 TO line_item.
             NR_RANGE_NR = '01'
             OBJECT      = 'SERVICE'
             NUMBER      = pckg_no.
         IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
             INPUT  = wa_temp_upr1-matnr
             OUTPUT = wa_po_item-material.
         MOVE: line_item TO wa_po_item-po_item,
               wa_temp_upr1-ewerks TO wa_po_item-plant,
               wa_temp_upr1-lgort TO wa_po_item-stge_loc,
               wa_temp_upr1-matnr TO wa_po_item-material,
               wa_temp_upr1-menge TO wa_po_item-quantity,
               wa_temp_upr1-peinh TO wa_po_item-price_unit,
               wa_temp_upr1-netpr TO wa_po_item-net_price,
               wa_temp_upr1-meins TO wa_po_item-po_unit,
               wa_temp_upr1-afnam TO wa_po_item-preq_name,
               wa_temp_upr1-eeind TO wa_po_item-price_date,
               ' ' TO wa_po_item-gr_ind,
               'X' TO wa_po_item-ir_ind,
               'X' TO wa_po_item-prnt_price,
               ' ' TO wa_po_item-distrib.
         wa_po_item-acctasscat = 'K'.
         MOVE pckg_no TO wa_po_item-pckg_no.
         wa_po_itemx-pckg_no = abap_true.
         IF wa_temp_upr1-bismt IS INITIAL.
           MOVE: wa_temp_upr1-short_text TO wa_po_item-short_text,
                 wa_temp_upr1-matl_group TO wa_po_item-matl_group,
                  '9' TO wa_po_item-item_cat.
           wa_po_itemx-short_text = abap_true.
           wa_po_itemx-matl_group = abap_true.
           wa_po_itemx-item_cat = abap_true.
           wa_potext-po_item = wa_po_item-po_item.
           wa_potext-text_id = 'F01'.
           APPEND wa_potext TO it_potext.
         MOVE wa_po_item-po_item TO wa_po_itemx-po_item.
         wa_po_itemx-plant = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-po_itemx = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-stge_loc = abap_true.
         IF wa_po_item-material IS NOT INITIAL.
           wa_po_itemx-material = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-quantity = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-price_unit = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-net_price = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-po_unit = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-preq_name = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-price_date = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-acctasscat = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-gr_ind = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-distrib = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-part_inv = abap_true.
         APPEND wa_po_item TO it_item.
         APPEND wa_po_itemx TO it_itemx.
               INPUT  = wa_temp_upr1-kostl
               OUTPUT = wa_temp_upr1-kostl.
           wa_account-costcenter = wa_temp_upr1-kostl.
           ADD 1 TO l_acc.
           ADD 10 TO v_po_item.
           MOVE v_po_item TO wa_account-po_item.
           MOVE '01' TO wa_account-serial_no.
           APPEND wa_account TO it_account.
           wa_accountx-costcenter = abap_true.
           MOVE v_po_item TO wa_accountx-po_item.
           MOVE '01' TO wa_accountx-serial_no.
           wa_accountx-SERIAL_NOX = abap_true.
           wa_accountx-po_itemx = abap_true.
           APPEND wa_accountx TO it_accountx.
    *********** services
           wa_services-pckg_no = pckg_no.
           wa_services-line_no = '0000000001'.
           wa_services-outl_ind = 'X'.
           wa_services-subpckg_no = pckg_no + 1.
           wa_services-quantity = wa_temp_upr1-menge.
           wa_services-base_uom = wa_temp_upr1-meins.
           wa_services-price_unit = wa_temp_upr1-peinh.
           wa_services-gr_price = wa_temp_upr1-netpr.
           IF wa_temp_upr1-short_text IS NOT INITIAL.
             wa_services-short_text = wa_temp_upr1-short_text.
           APPEND wa_services TO it_services.
           CLEAR:  wa_services,
           wa_services-pckg_no = pckg_no + 1.
           wa_services-line_no = '0000000002'.
           wa_services-quantity = wa_temp_upr1-menge.
           wa_services-base_uom = wa_temp_upr1-meins.
           wa_services-price_unit = wa_temp_upr1-peinh.
           wa_services-gr_price = wa_temp_upr1-netpr.
           IF wa_temp_upr1-short_text IS NOT INITIAL.
             wa_services-short_text = 'SERVICE 1'.
           IF NOT wa_temp_upr1-matl_group IS INITIAL.
             wa_services-matl_group = wa_temp_upr1-matl_group.
           APPEND wa_services TO it_services.
    ************* service account assignment
           wa_services_acc-pckg_no = pckg_no + 1.
           wa_services_acc-line_no = '0000000002'.
           wa_services_acc-serno_line = '01'.
           wa_services_acc-quantity = wa_temp_upr1-menge.
           wa_services_acc-serial_no = '01'.
           wa_services_acc-net_value = wa_temp_upr1-netpr.
           APPEND wa_services_acc TO it_services_acc.
               POHEADER          = wa_header
               POHEADERX         = wa_headerx
               TESTRUN           = pa_test
               NO_PRICE_FROM_PO  = 'X'
               EXPPURCHASEORDER  = va_ebeln
               EXPHEADER         = wa_expheader
               RETURN            = it_return
               POITEM            = it_item
               POITEMX           = it_itemx
               POACCOUNT         = it_account
               POACCOUNTX        = it_accountx
               POSERVICES        = it_services
               POSRVACCESSVALUES = it_services_acc
               POTEXTITEM        = it_potext.
    I have done some search regarding this error and try to implemented it, but still does not working.
    example website that i found for this error is:
    David Klein's Corner: SAP Purchase Order Creation Error via BAPI - &quot;In case of account assignment, please enter acc…
    PO Upload through BAPI_PO_CREATE1 - Problem in Service Item
    Currently my system is using: SAP_APPL SAPKH60604
    I am really stuck on this error. Hope you all can help me on this matter.

    Filling the service line have the problem,
    while filling the services we must follow correct order,
    Here You entering the new services, first manually create purchase order after that observe the table
    'ESLL' and use the FM;-' MS_FETCH_SPEC_FOR_LIST' how the services are inserting after that you also follow the same order.
    if service entries are created before the creation of the PO.
    then follow as bellow....
    SELECT * FROM esll INTO TABLE lt_esll WHERE packno = wa_tmp_spec-packno.
       IF sy-subrc = '0'.
         LOOP AT lt_esll.
           CLEAR :  lt_poservices.
           lt_poservices-pckg_no    = lt_esll-packno .
           lt_poservices-line_no    = lt_esll-introw .
           lt_poservices-ext_line   = lt_esll-extrow .
           lt_poservices-outl_level = lt_esll-rang .
           lt_poservices-outl_no    = lt_esll-extgroup .
           lt_poservices-outl_ind   = lt_esll-del .
           lt_poservices-subpckg_no = lt_esll-sub_packno .
           lt_poservices-service    = lt_esll-srvpos .
           lt_poservices-edition    = lt_esll-ausgb .
           lt_poservices-ssc_item   = lt_esll-stlvpos .
           lt_poservices-ext_serv   = lt_esll-extsrvno.
           lt_poservices-quantity   = lt_esll-menge .
           lt_poservices-base_uom   = lt_esll-meins .
           lt_poservices-ovf_tol    = lt_esll-uebto .
           lt_poservices-ovf_unlim  = lt_esll-uebtk .
           lt_poservices-gr_price   = lt_esll-tbtwr .
           lt_poservices-from_line  = lt_esll-frompos .
           lt_poservices-to_line    = lt_esll-knt_introw.
           lt_poservices-short_text = lt_esll-ktext1 .
           lt_poservices-distrib    = lt_esll-vrtkz .
           lt_poservices-pers_no    = lt_esll-pernr .
           lt_poservices-wagetype   = lt_esll-lgart .
           lt_poservices-con_pckg   = lt_esll-knt_packno.
           lt_poservices-con_line   = lt_esll-knt_introw .
           lt_poservices-matl_group = lt_esll-matkl .
           lt_poservices-taxjurcode = lt_esll-txjcd.
           lt_poservices-tax_code   = lt_esll-mwskz .
           lt_poservices-date       = lt_esll-sdate .
           APPEND  lt_poservices TO lt_poservices[].
           CLEAR lt_esll.
           spec_packno            = wa_tmp_spec-packno
    *     ONLINE_DATA            = ' '
    *     LIMIT                  =
           servicetab             = lt_ml_esll1
    *     LIMITTAB               =
           no_specification_exist = 1
           OTHERS                 = 2.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
       LOOP AT lt_ml_esll1 INTO DATA(ls_ml_esll1).
         CLEAR :  lt_poservices.
         lt_poservices-pckg_no    = ls_ml_esll1-packno .
         lt_poservices-line_no    = ls_ml_esll1-introw .
         lt_poservices-ext_line   = ls_ml_esll1-extrow .
         lt_poservices-outl_level = ls_ml_esll1-rang .
         lt_poservices-outl_no    = ls_ml_esll1-extgroup .
         lt_poservices-outl_ind   = ls_ml_esll1-del .
         lt_poservices-subpckg_no = ls_ml_esll1-sub_packno .
         lt_poservices-service    = ls_ml_esll1-srvpos .
         lt_poservices-edition    = ls_ml_esll1-ausgb .
         lt_poservices-ssc_item   = ls_ml_esll1-stlvpos .
         lt_poservices-ext_serv   = ls_ml_esll1-extsrvno.
         lt_poservices-quantity   = ls_ml_esll1-menge .
         lt_poservices-base_uom   = ls_ml_esll1-meins .
         lt_poservices-ovf_tol    = ls_ml_esll1-uebto .
         lt_poservices-ovf_unlim  = ls_ml_esll1-uebtk .
         lt_poservices-gr_price   = ls_ml_esll1-tbtwr .
         lt_poservices-from_line  = ls_ml_esll1-frompos .
         lt_poservices-to_line    = ls_ml_esll1-knt_introw.
         lt_poservices-short_text = ls_ml_esll1-ktext1 .
         lt_poservices-distrib    = ls_ml_esll1-vrtkz .
         lt_poservices-pers_no    = ls_ml_esll1-pernr .
         lt_poservices-wagetype   = ls_ml_esll1-lgart .
         lt_poservices-con_pckg   = ls_ml_esll1-knt_packno.
         lt_poservices-con_line   = ls_ml_esll1-knt_introw .
         lt_poservices-matl_group = ls_ml_esll1-matkl .
         lt_poservices-taxjurcode = ls_ml_esll1-txjcd.
         lt_poservices-tax_code   = ls_ml_esll1-mwskz .
         lt_poservices-date       = ls_ml_esll1-sdate .
         APPEND  lt_poservices TO lt_poservices[].
         CLEAR ls_ml_esll1.
       CLEAR : lt_poservices.
    *& Filling the po service values internal table from service internal table
       LOOP AT lt_poservices[]  INTO lt_poservices WHERE gr_price GT 0.
    READ TABLE lt_ml_esll1 INTO wa_msll WITH KEY  packno = lt_poservices-pckg_no
                                               introw = lt_poservices-line_no
                                            extrow = lt_poservices-ext_line..
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           CLEAR lt_posvalues.
           lt_posvalues-pckg_no    = wa_msll-packno.
           lt_posvalues-line_no    = wa_msll-introw.
           lt_posvalues-quantity   = wa_msll-menge.
    *      lt_posvalues-net_value  = wa_msll-netwr.
           lt_posvalues-serno_line = '01'.
           lt_posvalues-serial_no  = '01'.
    *      lt_posvalues-percentage = '100'.
           APPEND lt_posvalues TO lt_posvalues[].
           CLEAR : wa_msll.
    note:- if  it is correct give points

  • RE: In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for it

    Dear All,
    I am getting the Error : 'In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item'. when I try to create a service PO(I mean when the 'Item Cat' = 9 (D) and Account assignment category as K) .
    I am populating POACCOUNT and POACCOUNTX structures of BAPI Correctly even the POSERVICES structure.
    I tried even by creating through me21n, there it is getting created correctly. The order in which I am trying to enter in ME21N is First I am providing Org Data,
    Next Item data with Acct assn cat as 'K' Item Category as 'D' short text, PO quantity, Order Unit, Net price, Material group, Plant,
    Next it is prompting for Services data : short text, quantity, Unit, Gross price.
    Then it is prompting for Account assignment of service in line 10, there I am giving GL account, Cost center.
    It is creating the PO successfully.
    But when I try using BAPI (BAPI_PO_CREARE1) it is giving the error 'In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item'.
    Please do the needful.
    Thanks & Warm Regards,
    Jayarama Krishna.

    Dear All,
    Who ever facing the above problem can use the below code, problem is solved.
    When we create Purchase Order using "BAPI_PO_CREATE1", it works for all cases but we can have problems when we create Service Items in PO. Either we get an error u201CPlease maintain services or limitsu201D or u201CIn case of Account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for itemu201D.
    Service PO occurs when we enter item category u2018Du2019 (Service) and Account category u2018Ku2019 (Cost Center).
    When we use BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create service PO, following tables are populated at item level:
    a) POITEM
    b) POITEMX
    For service items: POITEM-PCKG_NO = u20180000000001u2019. (assign package no as a dummy number)
    Set PCKG_NO flag in POITEMX table as u2018Xu2019.
    Package No is the link that connect POITEM table to POACCOUNT table through tables POSERVICES and POSRVACCESSVALUES.
    Set POACCOUNT-SERIAL_NO to u201801u2019.
    Set same PCKG_NO to u20180000000001u2019 in POSERVICES table. Maintain two entries in POSERVICES table like this:
    WA_POSERVICES-PCKG_NO = u20180000000001u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-LINE_NO = u20180000000001u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-OUTL_IND = u2018Xu2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-SUBPCKG_NO = u20180000000003u2019. (Dummy No.)
    WA_POSERVICES-QUANTITY = u2018100.000u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-BASE_UOM = u2018EAu2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-PRICE_UNIT = u20181u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-GR_PRICE = u2018100.000u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES- PCKG_NO = u20180000000003u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES- LINE_NO = u20180000000002u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-QUANTITY = u201810.000u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES- BASE_UOM = u2018EAu2019.
    WA_POSERVICES--PRICE_UNIT = u20181u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-GR_PRICE = u2018100.000u2019.
    WA_POSERVICES-MATL_GROUP = u20180012u2019.
    WA_POSRVACCESSVALUES-PCKG_NO = u20180000000003u2019.
    WA_POSRVACCESSVALUES-LINE_NO = u20180000000002u2019.
    This logic will work definitely and PO Service Items will be created.

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    trying to load music from itunes to my ipod classic  message rec'd WINDOWS - WRITE DELAYED FAILED   UNABLE TO SAVE ALL THE DATA FOR THE E: THE DATA WAS LOST
    is this my ipod  or an itunes problem?

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  • Why is it when I enter a birthday date for a contact as the 12th of November 1993 that the birthday appears as the 11th of November and as the 19th birthday rather than the correct 20th?

    Why is it when I enter a birthday date for a contact as the 12th of November 1993 that the birthday appears as the 11th of November and as the 19th birthday rather than the correct 20th?

    Yoor post is very confusing. AOL's iPad magazine is called "Editions" and it's free. "The Daily" is put out by TheDailyHolding and is owned by Rupert Murdoch. You've already posted in another thread where the solution was given. Other people seem to have manged to get unsubscribed.
    Best of luck.

  • How to Get Missing Dates for Each Support Ticket In My Query?

    Hello -
    I'm really baffled as to how to get missing dates for each support ticket in my query.  I did a search for this and found several CTE's however they only provide ways to find missing dates in a date table rather than missing dates for another column
    in a table.  Let me explain a bit further here -
    I have a query which has a list of support tickets for the month of January.  Each support ticket is supposed to be updated daily by a support rep, however that isn't happening so the business wants to know for each ticket which dates have NOT been
    updated.  So, for example, I might have support ticket 44BS which was updated on 2014-01-01, 2014-01-05, 2014-01-07.  Each time the ticket is updated a new row is inserted into the table.  I need a query which will return the missing dates per
    each support ticket.
    I should also add that I DO NOT have any sort of admin nor write permissions to the database...none at all.  My team has tried and they won't give 'em.   So proposing a function or storable solution will not work.  I'm stuck with doing everything
    in a query.
    I'll try and provide some sample data as an example -
    CREATE TABLE #Tickets
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,DateUpdated DATE
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('44BS', '2014-01-01')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('44BS', '2014-01-05')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('44BS', '2014-01-07')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('32VT', '2014-01-03')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('32VT', '2014-01-09')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('32VT', '2014-01-11')
    So for ticket 44BS, I need to return the missing dates between January 1st and January 5th, again between January 5th and January 7th.  A set-based solution would be best.
    I'm sure this is easier than i'm making it.  However, after playing around for a couple of hours my head hurts and I need sleep.  If anyone can help, you'd be a job-saver :)

    CREATE TABLE #Tickets (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,DateUpdated DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    CREATE TABLE #tempDist (
    NRow INT
    ,TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MinDate DATETIME
    ,MaxDate DATETIME
    CREATE TABLE #tempUnUserdDate (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MissDate DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #tempDist
    SELECT Row_Number() OVER (
    ORDER BY TicketNo
    ) AS NROw
    ,Min(DateUpdated) AS MinDate
    ,MAx(DateUpdated) AS MaxDate
    FROM #Tickets
    GROUP BY TicketNo
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempDist
    -- Get the number of rows in the looping table
    DECLARE @RowCount INT
    SET @RowCount = (
    SELECT COUNT(TicketNo)
    FROM #tempDist
    -- Declare an iterator
    -- Initialize the iterator
    SET @I = 1
    -- Loop through the rows of a table @myTable
    WHILE (@I <= @RowCount)
    --  Declare variables to hold the data which we get after looping each record
    DECLARE @TicketNo VARCHAR(50)
    ,@MinDate DATETIME
    ,@MaxDate DATETIME
    -- Get the data from table and set to variables
    SELECT @TicketNo = TicketNo
    ,@MinDate = MinDate
    ,@MaxDate = MaxDate
    FROM #tempDist
    WHERE NRow = @I
    SET @MyDate = @MinDate
    WHILE @MaxDate > @MyDate
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    WHERE TicketNo = @TicketNo
    AND DateUpdated = @MyDate
    INSERT INTO #tempUnUserdDate
    VALUES (
    SET @MyDate = dateadd(d, 1, @MyDate)
    SET @I = @I + 1
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempUnUserdDate
    DROP TABLE #tickets
    DROP TABLE #tempDist
    DROP TABLE #tempUnUserdDate
    Shridhar J Joshi 
    <If the post was helpful mark as 'Helpful' and if the post answered your query, mark as 'Answered'>

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    Here's a link from Apple on stolen mac products.

  • Unable to enter a negative amount for payment

    I am trying to enter a negative amount for payments under order items, but I keep getting this error message:
    "The minimum accepted payment amount for 'Financing' is '0'. Please enter an amount greater than '0' to continue.(SBL-SFS-00167)".
    The payment method & type I'm using here is "Financing" & "CareCredit". But, when I enter the payment method & type as "Credit Card" & "Visa", I can enter a negative amount without any errors.
    I think this requires some configuration to override. Can anyone help me with this issue?

    It's known bug.
    Bug number is 10499290.
    Visit/contact oracle support for more information.
    Good luck

  • Preferance pane window keeps popping open when entering search or data into any fields. I'm also using 1Password and it happens when trying to enter a password

    I'm running on Mac OS X 10.7.4, Firefox 14.0.1. This issue didn't exist until this most recent Firefox update. Basically, a preference pane opens every time data is being entered into a field. It doesn't seem to be the same preference pane that you see when you open the preferences through the normal Firefox access ie. Firefox > Preferences. All of the choices listed in this particular preference pane are specific to Firefox though. I have a screen capture that I could include if wanted. When using 1Password the pane appears, when entering a search in the search bar near the address bar the pane pops up, when entering data into any field as I am now filling in this detail report the pane also pops up. It's quite annoying. Any advice? I'm going to systematically attempt to quit any add-ons and see if that makes a difference. I ave already tried doing a reinstall to no avail.

    I think a screen shot would be helpful. There is a box below the compose area of a reply to upload files.

  • Unable to enter multiple Schedule lines for BOM material in Sales Order

    Hi All,
    We have a Sales Order where in which we cannot add additional schedule lines for BOM material.
    The schedule lines are greyed out, user was able to add schedule lines earlier.
    I have checked all assignments in VOV6, VOV7 and everything seems to be fine and no changes have been made to item category being used.
    Please provide a solution for this.
    PFB link in which similar situation posted in this community but the final resolution method is not discussed.

    Hi Samiksh,
    Pls check for that particular customer, only complete delivery allowed(c) is set in the CMR or CMIR. If so, you can't enter multiple schedule lines for that customer.. it would be grayed out in the sales order schedule lines except confirmed line.
    or check the problematic sales order at item level shipping tab if the par del/item is set to 'C'
    With regards

  • *New Dates For* Upcoming Support Webinars & Info About Support

    Dear Oracle Primavera Customers:
    As of November 2009, the Oracle Primavera software support team has completed the migration and integration to Oracle Global Customer Support. This is an exciting time for the support organization, as we will now utilize and leverage the same tools and resources. Additionally, our clients will have one centralized location when contacting the support organization. We are sending this message to provide a brief reminder of how you can contact Oracle Support and where to go if you have questions.
    Contacting Support
    Please use your Oracle Support Identifier (SI) to contact Oracle Support either via the My Oracle Support portal or by telephone:
    - [My Oracle Support |https://support.oracle.com/CSP/ui/flash.html]
    - [Global Support Phone Numbers|http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html]
    Support Identifiers were sent to directly supported customers in October 2009. If you misplaced your SI or never received one, please call the [Oracle Support hotline|http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html] .
    If you contact Oracle Support by telephone, please note that Oracle's Customer Care team will take the call. The Customer Care team handles initial logging of all issues received by telephone, local language support and translation, exception handling, and handling of all non-technical questions and issues. The Customer Care team is available to handle all questions related to a customer's Support Identifier (SI) and can walk through the My Oracle Support registration process and logging of a new Service Request (SR), if needed.
    Technical Service Requests logged by customers either directly via My Oracle Support or via the Customer Care team will be automatically routed to the appropriate Primavera Support Engineer for technical issue triage, analysis, and resolution. Once your request is assigned to an Engineer, you can speak directly to the Engineer regarding the status of your request by calling the [Oracle Support hotline |http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html] and entering your service request number. Doing so will transfer your call directly to the Engineer working on your request.
    Need Help?
    •Please plan to attend one of our upcoming live Support webinars. This webinar will review the information you need to work effectively with Oracle Global Customer Support. Below are the details for both the conference call and web conference for the webinars in late March and on April 1, 2010.
    [Primavera Webinar Conference Call Dial In Information |https://strtc.oracle.com/imtapp/app/imtdocvw.jsp?did=10274761&docToken=ZGlkPTEwMjc0NzYxJm1JRD02NDk3NDYyJmlzQ29udmVydGVkPXRydWUmaXNBcmNoaXZlPWZhbHNl]
    Pass code for the web conference and conference call is Primavera
    Web conference link is below each session date/time
    Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11AM US Eastern Time
    Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2PM US Eastern Time
    Thursday, April 1, 2010 11AM US Eastern Time
    - For questions about your Support Identifier (SI), issues with My Oracle Support and/or questions about how to use My Oracle Support, please contact Oracle Support Customer Care by calling the [Oracle Support Hotline|http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html] .
    - For questions about Oracle support processes, systems, the support model and/or training on My Oracle Support, please visit the [Primavera Welcome Center on My Oracle Support|https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=NOT&id=888813.1] .
    We look forward to speaking with you at an upcoming Support webinar and assisting you with your continued success with Oracle Primavera applications.
    Oracle Primavera Customer Support

    CREATE TABLE #Tickets (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,DateUpdated DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    CREATE TABLE #tempDist (
    NRow INT
    ,TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MinDate DATETIME
    ,MaxDate DATETIME
    CREATE TABLE #tempUnUserdDate (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MissDate DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #tempDist
    SELECT Row_Number() OVER (
    ORDER BY TicketNo
    ) AS NROw
    ,Min(DateUpdated) AS MinDate
    ,MAx(DateUpdated) AS MaxDate
    FROM #Tickets
    GROUP BY TicketNo
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempDist
    -- Get the number of rows in the looping table
    DECLARE @RowCount INT
    SET @RowCount = (
    SELECT COUNT(TicketNo)
    FROM #tempDist
    -- Declare an iterator
    -- Initialize the iterator
    SET @I = 1
    -- Loop through the rows of a table @myTable
    WHILE (@I <= @RowCount)
    --  Declare variables to hold the data which we get after looping each record
    DECLARE @TicketNo VARCHAR(50)
    ,@MinDate DATETIME
    ,@MaxDate DATETIME
    -- Get the data from table and set to variables
    SELECT @TicketNo = TicketNo
    ,@MinDate = MinDate
    ,@MaxDate = MaxDate
    FROM #tempDist
    WHERE NRow = @I
    SET @MyDate = @MinDate
    WHILE @MaxDate > @MyDate
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    WHERE TicketNo = @TicketNo
    AND DateUpdated = @MyDate
    INSERT INTO #tempUnUserdDate
    VALUES (
    SET @MyDate = dateadd(d, 1, @MyDate)
    SET @I = @I + 1
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempUnUserdDate
    DROP TABLE #tickets
    DROP TABLE #tempDist
    DROP TABLE #tempUnUserdDate
    Shridhar J Joshi 
    <If the post was helpful mark as 'Helpful' and if the post answered your query, mark as 'Answered'>

  • Unable Update profile due request data for "state" field

    Anyone else having a problem updating their profile? Once I log-in the site send me page to update my profile. Once I try to click update, it comes back with an error message requesting the "state" field be complete. But there is no "state" field provided or it is not visible.
    Who ever create the profile page needs to check their work.

    Thank you all for responding.
    @ Sushant - We definitly have data in that PSA table linked to the data source (8ZECPCO22 , where ZECPCO22 is the direct update DSO) and this data is what we want to delete through process chains. As mentioned earlier we are able to manually delete these PSA requests via manage of the data source.
    Few more detail information below:
    ZECPCO22 is the direct update DSO and as per the data flow the data is further loaded from this DSO (data source -8ZECPCO22) into a master data infoobject or other targets via a infopackage and with processing type "PSA and then into Data target in series".
    So looking at the infopackage one can definitly confirm that the PSA table is used and since the DSO is a direct update we cant have change log table.
    However we are unable to delete these PSA requests through process chains using a "Delete PSA request" nor "Delete Change log Request" process types.
    Any suggestion is appreciated.
    Warm Regards
    Vikram S Reddy

  • Web ADI Report set, excel is not showing the data for any of the three repo

    We are currently working on and moving from Desktop ADI to Web ADI. At the time of publishing report in Web ADI the excel is empty.
    AFter successfully running the WEB Adi reportset for Consolidate Balncesheet ( for a period ex: APR-2012), there were 3 reports that were publlished as a set. Then I went to Repository Management and went to the folder and subfolder where I saved all the above 3 reports. When I click on view on one of the reports, the excel spreadsheet opens and try to load something for a while but finally ends up loading nothing.
    I am unable to figure out what went wrong. Do you have any idea.
    If someone can help me, I really appreciate.

    Hi ,
    In u r query what I observed was unit cost*gross profit is Amount Sold. Can u make this calculation with Physical calculation rather than and logical calculation.
    See if u have kept logical joins for both the tables with the fact and set the content level at detail level in the content level of fact.
    Then it will work

  • To enter Trading Partner data for vendor posting using SGL indicator

    I am trying to post a vendor document using f-02, with posting key 29, with a special GL indicator. I need to input the trading partner data. However, I could not find the field under "more data". There was no "further data" selection. I was also not able to enter the trading partner via the path : Extras -> trading partner.
    Please advice how to pull out the field for trading partner for posting using special GL indicatior. I have checked the PK variant screen and the field status group variant ansd could not find the field trading partner.

    already maintained in vend master data, OBA7, OBC4, OB41 were also maintained.
    But the thing is, the trading partner field did not appear on the posting screen. I was prompted with an message that trading partner is a required field as I have set it as mandatory. And the system ask me to input under "further data". But i cannot find that option. Neither can I find the trading partner field.
    Please assist.

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