Unable to sync photos

Just got a new iPad and enjoying it very much, but I can't seem to get any photos on it. It syncs everything else and I have enough space on it, but the photos just won't come over. I get the following message from iTunes when I try it:
The ipad cannot be synced. You do not have enough access privileges for this operation.
I am the administrator of the computer so I'm not sure why I don't have privileges. Any thoughts?

It can be as simple as changing your user permissions to the iPhoto Library .... I had the same error and found several responses about having you delete your iPhoto cache, but to no avail I was still getting the error.
If you are like me having one iMac with multiple user accounts with a share Media folder for Music and Photos, the iPhoto Library you are trying to sync may not have the iPad user account in its permission list for the iPhoto library you want to copy (right click -> Get Info)... was it created by another account?
After reading a comment about the iPhoto library belonging to another user I check mine and it was missing the user account I was trying to sync the iPad with, once I added that user it sync without error.

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    On the tv you should have selected 'settings/computers/connect to itunes library', I think you likely selected 'settings/computers/connect to shared library'. You may have to select your current shared library and unlink it before you can set it up properly but I'm not too sure as I've not had to do it myself.

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    Thanks for the reply. 
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    Thanks Leonie. I removed the iPod Photo Cache and tried again, but still no luck
    Is enough space on your device for all photos?
    Where is your iPhoto Library stored? In your Pictures folder or on an external drive?
    Are the recent photos o.k.? Do they show, when you enlarge them? Can you edit them?
    Have you repaired the permissions in your iPhoto Library or repaired the library?  You can repair the iPhoto Library using the First Aid Tools:
    Try to launch into the First Aid Tools  by holding down the key combination option-command ⌥⌘ and clicking the iPhoto icon to launch iPhoto.
    Keep the two buttons firmly held down, until you are seeing the First Aid panel.
    Then select "Repair permissions".
    Repeat with "Repair database", if the first repair did not help.

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    PWOsborne wrote:
    I am unable to sync photos with my iPad.  Both computer and iPad have the most recent updates.  Only a few photos sync.  I have plenty of memory.
    Nothing more to add other than what you mean is that you have plenty of storage capacity. If you truly have plenty of memory - you should remember this from now on ...memory would be the RAM and storage capacity is the amount of space available on the device for you to add apps, movies, books, etc.

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    Hi there,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer
    -Griff W.

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    Hi Damon,
    Thanks for the update and the suggestion of trying a new user account... I don't know why that didn't occur to me. Well, you will not be too surprised to hear that with a new user account the photos synced no problem.
    That leaves me with an iPhoto library rebuild on my hands. The Apple provided rebuild didn't resolve my issue when I tried it last week. So I will need to do a manual rebuild... something which I have done once before but vowed never to do again as I lost hundreds of hours of work organising and tagging my photos... something which I have invested considerable time in recovering and don't want to lose them again.
    With Leopard around the corner, I will be performing a clean install of the new OS on a fresh HDD within the month, so I am going to recreate my iPhoto library that way... rather than invest time now only to see it wasted later.
    Thanks once again for the pointers to those Apple docs... most useful.
    Kind regards,

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    Hello sopravoce,
    It may help to remove the iPod Photo Cache that resides in the same location as the photos being synced.
    iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder

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    Thanks in advance for any help !!

    I'm not sure why - but that didn't seem to work for me.  I had to use:-
    stsadm -o getsitelock -url <Site-collection-url>
    The result was "None".  I also checked in CA and my sites are not locked

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    Read carefully:
    You can only sync ONE folder to the phone.  Whatever is NOT in that folder will be removed from the phone.  You CAN create sub folders to logically divide up your pix into albums.
    For example:
    If you sync your phone to the folder iPhonePicAlbums, you will get all of Friends, Home & Family, and IDpix
    You will NOT get PS Express, even if those pix were previously on the phone.  If you want the pix from the folder PS Express to be transferred to the phone, make it a sub folder under iPhonePicAlbums.

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    Do you mean crashes (as in some software problem) or turns off completely (hardware issue) ?
    If it's crashing then it's a different problem and you'd be better starting a new thread. If it's hardware then the same things apply as have already been mentioned above.
    It's clear that iPhoto (at least the Mac version, I don't use Windows) puts a lot of load on the processor - more than most people ever do at other times. If the thermal management is not up to scratch, the processor will overheat, and the machine will just switch off without warning. I agree it's "rather annoying" In programming terms it's the right thing to to, run parallel threads and fully utilise the resources available - you don't worry about overheating the processor since that should not happen in a properly designed and built system.
    So check your BIOS settings to make sure any settings there are correct. If the machine is still under warranty then take it back to the supplier and tell them the thermal management isn't right. Other than that, you may have to start investigating the hardware - is the heatsink and fan up to the job, is the headsink properly mated to the processor, and so on. I'd not suggest getting into this yourself unless you know what you are doing - find someone that does since it's easy to make matters worse.
    As I mentioned above, at first I was doing photos in small batches (or or two events or folders at a time) and allowing the processor to cool down in between (you need a utility that will tell you the core temperature to do this). This is a right PITA though. Then I found there is a utility in Apple's dev tools for turning off cores for testing - turning off a core made things run more slowly but meant that the processor didn't overheat and I could just leave it. It may be worth looking in your BIOS and/or OS to see if there's something similar - or a means of turning down the clock speed.

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    Make sure you have enough space on iCloud and do a back up to iCloud while conneted to wi-fi with internet connections. That way when you upgrade you can do a restore from that back up.

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