Uncompressing .Z files

Has anyone had any luck uncompressing .Z files (Old UNIX compression format)?  Here is what I've tried:
http://www.ni.com/example/28662/en/  - which is LV5... I wasn't sure this was the right solution anyway.
OpenG ZLib - Can't get it to open a .Z file.  Returns "Not Found" which makes me think it doesn't support .Z files.  Documentation on that library is sparse.
Base zlib DLL (http://www.zlib.net/) - Looks like it might work, but "Import -> DLL" seems to crash LabVIEW every time. I'd have to go through the .h files manually and figure out what parameters need to be fed in to the function calls.  I could do this, but...  I'm hoping somoene has done this before and has a canned solution before I spend 3 hours rummaging through header files

BowenM wrote:  I ended up using a system exec with winzip.  I hate winzip, but it is corporate IT approved!
That was the other program I have done the sytem exec with.  7Zip is so much better.
One possible way around your issue is to just include the 7zip executable with your program.  It can just sit right there inside your support directory and IT needs to know nothing about it.  No installing it.  Just copying the latest executable into your project.  I have not tried that myself (my IT loves 7zip), but I have been told that it works.
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    AVI is a wrapper, what is inside YOUR wrapper - Exactly what is INSIDE the video you are editing?
    Codec & Format information, with 2 links inside for you to read http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1270588
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Underdog:
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    Export cannot crop selectively, it's all or nothing.
    You need to make your edits such that the program monitor shows you what you want to see. If you don't see what you want in the program monitor then it will not magically change when you export.
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    You will find links to many
    free tutorials in the PremiereProPedia that will quickly show you how things are done in Premiere Pro.
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    Asking in the wrong place, twice, will not give you an answer http://forums.adobe.com/thread/913390
    Since it appears you did not read the reply in your other message, maybe you will read this reply
    Click http://forums.adobe.com/community/premiere/premierepro_previous

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    I've still never seen any problems with a single video track and uncompressed audio.
    I won't argue that it never happens to anybody, of course, but I've made DVDs for a lot of people, and usually the only problems I hear tend to be a problem with their brand of player not being able to recognize the media. Those are relatively rare and almost always has to do with cheaper brands of DVD players. If they can get it to start at all, I haven't heard of any trouble with playing the whole thing.
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    But that brings up another point you guys might try. I heard people mention 3.5Mbps. I use 3.2, and I don't see any noticeable difference in the quality of the video. But switching from uncompressed audio to ac3 definitely is a noticeable (downward) difference, at least using the stock Dolby 2.0 encoding preset included in DVDSP4 / Compressor 2 and a standard stereo (2-channel) source. I did several different tests where I encoded the audio both ways and burned a test DVD with multiple audio tracks, switching between them to compare. Even normal conversations on the ac3 (Dolby 2.0) track sounded quieter and less dynamic, and there was (naturally) an even more noticeable difference in any kind of music.
    So you might give that combination (3.2Mbps video with uncompressed audio) a try in the future, especially if you're picky about the audio. If that fixes the problem, I think it's a reasonable sacrifice since the audio difference is more severe. Basically, if you're doing a professional enough job that the difference in video between 3.5Mbps and 3.2Mbps is important, then you should already be doing a professional 5.1 audio encoding from individual channels anyway.
    BTW, I have my 3.2Mbps labeled "120min", since that's about what I can fit on a DVD with uncompressed audio. My other often-used settings are 2.8Mpbs for 135min (three hour-long TV episodes with commercials cut out), and 2.0Mpbs for 170min. (And I can't remember for sure, but the 170min may even be a slight overestimate, so be careful of cutting it too close if you use those settings.) I usually don't even notice a video quality difference with 2.8Mpbs, though I have only used that with a less-than-pristine source anyway, so the lower bitrate isn't the bottleneck for quality in that case.

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    Thanks in advance for any advice. 

    Given the material, standard ProRes or even ProRes LT (if you have FCP v7) is fine.
    ProRes HQ is intended for 35mm film out and/or 2k video. It is a waste of file space and processing overhead for your purposes.

  • Handle Uncompressed Quicktime Files?

    Hey All,
    Total newbie, here. So please excuse if this is a dumb question.
    I work a lot in commercial production, but obviously, only in the very non-technical end of it. I've been getting a lot of samples of my projects in an AVID-generated uncompressed quicktime format. (The kind where the pixels are round as opposed to square, so if you try to play them in quicktime, the proportion of your screen area gets squished down a bit.)
    Here's my question. I know I can bring these into Final Cut Pro and it can translate the pixels so the screen area appears at its proper size. Can Final Cut Express also handle these files?
    I tried to figure this out by looking at apple.com/finalcut but couldn't really figure out the answer.
    Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

    Cool. That explains a lot.
    I'm getting the files from editing houses. They are uncompressed quicktime files. Don't know if there's a more specific description than that. Been trying to transition away from keeping digi-beta copies of everything. The files are coming to me burned on a DVD and then I just copy them straight into my computer.
    Don't know what codec is being used. I don't actually have the files on my person at the moment, otherwise I'd check.
    Anyway, it sounds more and more like FCE is not the right answer for me. Usually, I have editing places take my uncompressed files and then have them convert them into dv files. Those, I can just bring into iMovie to do what I want. Was trying to avoid having to call in the favor to have the editing places convert them and was hoping to use FCE to do it all myself. But that isn't sounding possible for a lay person like myself.
    If there's anything else you think I should know I'd love to hear it. Thanks a lot. You've been really, really helpful.

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