Uninstall iDVD, iMovie, GarageBand, World Book 2004

I would like to know how to remove the following applications:
- iDVD
- iMovie
- GarageBand
- Worl Book 2004
The disk space used by this applications is really huge, I never use them. I am now lacking drive space & I rather like to keep as much as possible picture in iPhoto, instead of keeping never used applications & archiving pictures.
Of course I would like to do it as clean as possible & to keep the opportunity to re-install them later, even if it is highly unlikely.
Thanks for the support!

Drag the applications to the Trash, then empty the Trash. IDVD, iMovie, and Garageband also have additional files that will be found in the /Library/Applications Support/ folder. Those folders can also be dragged to the Trash and deleted.

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    Perform a custom install of them from your computer's original disks, and then update them as needed. If you have a retail version of Mac OS X 10.5, it doesn't have those applications.

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    HI Ian,
    You can install Rosetta from your Snow Leoaprd install disc.
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    I don't have panther but with my "full disc" of Tiger you can do it this way:
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    Open pacifist-> press "not yet" or pay if you want
    Open package, choose the DVD of Tiger, there choose "install bundled software"
    then click open
    now it's looking through the DVD and gives you all the options
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    Do you have these...
    /Library/Application Support/2005 World Book/
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/2005WorldBook/
    /Applications/2005 World Book Reference Suite/  (1.7 GB on Disk)
    World Book.app
    World Book Notepad.app
    World Book Dictionary.app
    World Book Registration Utility.WB2005
    World Book User Guide.pdf

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    I know of no problems with iPhoto and trashing World Book.
    Hwever, some folks have had problems with iPhoto when Garage Band is trashed - it fails to launch.
    My suggestion is to keep Garage Band (the app itself, minus language resources is only about 80MB) but by all means trash the associated Sound Loops - which is where the Gigs of space go. In fact, trashing the app won't remove these - they're in an Application Support Folder.

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    12 iBook G4,1.2 GHz, 30 GB HD, 768 RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Hi Lutetia,
    Yes, all applications that came pre-installed on your iBook can be re-installed using the disk(s) that came with it. See This Article.
    Whilst deleting GarageBand you might also like to delete the supplied loops in HD/Library/Application Support. I deleted mine so long ago I can't remember how big the folder is but it's in excess of 1GB. From memory, World Book has a large file in Application Support too.
    Printer drivers are another space hog and can be found in the HD/Library/Printers folder. You can safely delete any named drivers that you don't have a printer for. For example, if you have a Canon, you can remove Epson, Lexmark, Hewlett Packard & Brother drivers. Epson alone takes up close to 1gb. You can even remove specific drivers from within the manufacturer's folder. For example, if you have an Epson C86 you can safely trash any other specific drivers in the Epson folder like C46, C66 etc. If, at a later date, you buy a printer whose driver you removed they can be added from your install disk, the disk that comes with the printer or downloaded.
    A word of warning: More cautious heads than mine advise against messing in the HD/Library, but if you stick to the examples above, i.e. GarageBand loops, World Book and printer drivers you will be OK.
    You might also like to consider removing Language Support files if you have no need for other languages. This can be done using Monolingual. Heed the warnings on the site, i.e. Don't remove English or American English, or other languages that you have a use for. They can't be reinstalled without reinstalling the OS.
    Last but by no means least, when you have finished dumping your unwanted stuff in the trash, don't forget to empty it. You haven't regained the space until you do
    …and definitely last this time: If in doubt leave it alone and ask!
    Have fun,

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. You can install iDVD 6 and run it but as Ian pointed out you'll probably have to manually import photos, iMovie files, etc. into an iDVD project. The media browser probably won't work. You can certainly try it though. To uninstall iDVD 7 delete the application, the preference file, com.apple.iDVD.plist, and all files with iDVD in the file name that reside in the HD/Library/Receipts folder.

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    Might be the cache...
    Go to ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.appstore
    Move the Cache.db file from the com.apple.appstore folder to the Trash.
    ~ (Tilde) character represents your Home folder
    Restart your Mac. See if that helped.

  • IDVD & iMovie?

    i'm not in the right forum but i could not find the place to put this in? or  that Forum has gone missing cause of the Upgrade?
    I Have a few DVD Movies I Want to Burn them onto My Apple 24inch iMac Computer how do I Do it? in 2009 I Was at The Apple Store & I Did the Apple One To One Care at that Year 2009 to 2010 they explained to me how to Burn a DVD Movie on My iMac but i forgot on how to do it cause i never did it since 2009 I Have iDVD & iMovie, they explained the details on how to burn them using the 2 Applications but i forgot since then, Please how do I Burn My DVD Movies onto My iMac so i can just have them in My Computer when i wanna play the movie?
    Movies I Have
    Freddy vs Jason
    Miami Vice

    maybe I didn't explain it right: commercial DVDs don't mean movies with commercials - it means they are available to buy in stores (commercially).
    And, if you want to make your own movie, we can help you here using iMovie, but as I and MadisonP said, you can't easily copy purchased DVDs because they have protection built in (they don't want you to copy the movie). Since these are purchased DVDs, it may not be worth your while to spend money on any software if it is not going to work anyway.
    And asking is just fine - how do you find out if you don't ask....
    This is why we can't talk about it:
    Keep within the Law
    No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.
    Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store.

  • About iDVD & iMovie?

    i'm not in the right forum but i could not find the place to put this in? or  that Forum has gone missing cause of the Upgrade?
    I Have a few DVD Movies I Want to Burn them onto My Apple 24inch iMac Computer how do I Do it? in 2009 I Was at The Apple Store & I Did the Apple One To One Care at that Year 2009 to 2010 they explained to me how to Burn a DVD Movie on My iMac but i forgot on how to do it cause i never did it since 2009 I Have iDVD & iMovie, they explained the details on how to burn them using the 2 Applications but i forgot since then, Please how do I Burn My DVD Movies onto My iMac so i can just have them in My Computer when i wanna play the movie?
    Movies I Have
    Freddy vs Jason
    Miami Vice
    I Wanted to post this here but could not find this place fast enough?

    You are asking how to make pirate copies of commercial DVDs that you have somehow ripped to your Mac?
    As that is illegal in most countries, being a flagrant breach of copyright, it is also against the terms of use of these forums to discuss it.

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    ffmpeg might be very difficult to install and use, but not FFMpegX. FFMpegX takes ffmpeg, adds a very simple Mac OS X UI on top, and packages it as an application bundle. No files to put in strange places, and simple to use.
    I highly recommend it. It comes preconfigured with setting for common file formats and automatically recognizes the input format. You can simply tell it to convert a directory of files from whatever format they were in to H.264 QuickTime movies and it'll do it.

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    Jim T

    Mac App Store - World Book Notepad

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