Uninstalling an App leaves behind its traces.

I recently made the painless switch from an old PC to Mac OS X and must say so far its been nothing than less than a dream...I do have a simple question on uninstalling applications though....
I just recently installed Adium and had to remove it as I could not figure out how to use the iSight with it...so as I had read here I just went into my Applications folder and Dragged the app to the trash...but I soon observed that there are traces of the app still left for Instance when I navigate to users/Library/Application Suppport/Adium 2.0 or when I search for Adium using spotlight, can I delete this folder without any hiccups?
Thanks for you advise...

Uninstalling Software: The Basics
Most OS X applications are completely self-contained "packages" that can be uninstalled by simply dragging the application to the Trash. Most applications create preference files which are stored in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder. Although they do nothing once you delete the associated application, they do take up some disk space. If you want you can located them in the above location and delete them, too.
Some applications may install an uninstaller program that can be used to remove the application. In some cases the uninstaller may be part of the application's installer, and is invoked by clicking on a Customize button that will appear during the install process.
Some applications may install components in the /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder. You can also check there to see if the application has created a folder. You can also delete the folder that's in the Applications Support folder. Again, they don't do anything but take up disk space once the application is trashed.
Some applications may install a startupitem or a Log In item. Startupitems are usually installed in the /Library/StartupItems/ folder and less often in the /Home/Library/StartupItems/ folder. Log In Items are set in the Accounts preferences. Open System Preferences, click on the Accounts icon, then click on the LogIn Items tab. Locate the item in the list for the application you want to remove and click on the "-" button to delete it from the list.
If an application installs any other files the best way to track them down is to do a Finder search using the application name or the developer name as the search term.
There are also several shareware utilities that can uninstall applications:
Spring Cleaning
Look for them at www.versiontracker.com or www.mackupdate.com.
For more information visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on removing software.

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    <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>nzbdrone</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>mono</string> <string>--debug</string> <string>/Applications/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe</string> </array> <key>KeepAlive</key> <true/> <key>AbandonProcessGroup</key> <true/> </dict> </plist>
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    hey, i know its a stupid question to ask...but what is the proper way to uninstall or remove apps on the mac? i have always just moved it to the trash but for some reason it doesnt seem right...is that the way to do it or is there some other way. thanks

    For most Mac apps, it really is that simple. Unlike in Windows, where various little files are put all over the place and it's impossible to do anything without the help of an uninstaller, on a Mac, the entire app really is contained in that one little icon in your Applications folder (or wherever you put it).
    There are certain exceptions: some complicated apps (I'm thinking things like Norton Antivirus) may come with uninstallers because they do put a few files in other places. If the app came with its own uninstaller, use it. But otherwise, go ahead and just toss the app in the trash. The only thing some/most apps leave behind is a preferences file, which is in /Users/[your username]/Library/Preferences. Also, certain apps (such as Mozilla and Adium) have a folder in /Users/[your username]/Library/Application Support. You can get rid of these if you'd like, or if you feel like doing spring cleaning, but it's not a big deal.

  • I have uninstalled Acrobat XI Pro with its uninstaller in the applications folder. And CC desk top app still says its installed

    I have followed these stapes below,
    Use a different uninstaller to uninstall Acrobat X:
    Mac OS
    Go to the Applications > Utilities > Adobe Installers and run the Acrobat X Pro uninstaller from this location. The uninstaller is named "Acrobat X Pro."
    Quit ACC and then restart ACC.
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    Can any one help please?

    Hi Word247,
    Please follow the step 2 and 3 mentioned in the KB: CC desktop lists applications as "Up to Date" when not installed

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    Oracle Version:
    Operating System:Linux
    Hi suddenly the database went down and in alert logfile it is showing error like this.
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    Poorna Prasad.

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    Poorna Prasad.S

  • Photoshop Crashed- can't uninstall Adobe App manager won't open either- PLEASE HELP!

    My photoshop has crashed. I have the design suit standard- paid for license 2 years ago. Indesign and Illustrator work no problem. I have taken my Mac to the apple store to see if it was do with their update and it wasn't. They advised me to contact adobe and that its impossible!!  I have read on forums to update Java which I've done and that still docent help. I am now trying to uninstall the App and the installer will not work- can't even use the adobe manager. The error message is as follows:
    Process:               Adobe Photoshop CS6 [401]
    Path:                  /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CS6
    Identifier:            com.adobe.Photoshop
    Version:               ???
    Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:        ??? [1]
    Responsible:           Adobe Photoshop CS6 [401]
    User ID:               501
    Date/Time:             2015-02-05 09:51:54.515 +0000
    OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.10.2 (14C109)
    Report Version:        11
    Anonymous UUID:        EA1D0E4A-3CF8-8A05-1534-23A3AE6FEC43
    Time Awake Since Boot: 1800 seconds
    Crashed Thread:        0
    Exception Type:        EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/AdobeOwl.framework/Versions/A/AdobeOwl
      Referenced from: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CS6
      Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
      /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/AdobeOwl.framework/Versions/A/AdobeOwl: unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
      /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/AdobeOwl.framework/Versions/A/AdobeOwl: unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Binary Images:
        0x7fff65497000 -     0x7fff654cd837  dyld (353.2.1) <65DCCB06-339C-3E25-9702-600A28291D0E> /usr/lib/dyld
        0x7fff8e2f0000 -     0x7fff8e4a0ff7  com.apple.QuartzCore (1.10 - 361.15) <72A78C43-30DF-3748-9015-4B28119DB27B> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
        0x7fff90a0b000 -     0x7fff90c73ff3  com.apple.security (7.0 - 57031.10.10) <79C37E73-271B-3BEF-A96E-CDB83FF12CF0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
        0x7fff912b4000 -     0x7fff91dfeff7  com.apple.AppKit (6.9 - 1344.72) <44EF7DEB-3072-3515-9F34-2857D557E828> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
        0x7fff92ba2000 -     0x7fff92bb0ff7  com.apple.opengl (11.1.1 - 11.1.1) <F79F5FFF-372E-329E-81FB-EE9BD6A2A7A7> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
        0x7fff92c16000 -     0x7fff92facfff  com.apple.CoreFoundation (6.9 - 1152) <CBD1591C-405E-376E-87E9-B264610EBF49> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
        0x7fff939f1000 -     0x7fff93a3dff7  libcups.2.dylib (408) <9CECCDE3-51D7-3028-830C-F58BD36E3317> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
        0x7fff959cf000 -     0x7fff95cfdfff  com.apple.Foundation (6.9 - 1152.14) <E3746EDD-DFB1-3ECB-88ED-A91AC0EF3AAA> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
        0x7fff95e72000 -     0x7fff95ee4ff7  com.apple.framework.IOKit (2.0.2 - 1050.10.8) <FDFB1FBE-6A0E-3D63-828C-CD53500FCB0F> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
        0x7fff97d91000 -     0x7fff97d91fff  com.apple.Carbon (154 - 157) <0DF27AD6-ED64-34D7-825D-65297D276652> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
    Model: MacBookPro9,1, BootROM MBP91.00D3.B08, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.3 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 2.1f175
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Built-In
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, PCIe, 512 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353737334448302D434B302020
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353737334448302D434B302020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xF5), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.3.2f6 15235, 3 services, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: ST500LM012 HN-M500MBB, 500.11 GB
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS31N
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 25.1

    Try re-installing over the existing install. Adobe CC 2014 Direct Download Links: Creative Cloud 2014 Release | ProDesignTools

  • How do I fully and cleanly uninstall unwanted apps?

    Have recently swapped from a Windows machine to a brand new and customised iMac. I've therefore had to accept that the OS is Mavericks and that pre-loaded on the machine are iPhoto and the iWork suite. I now wish to remove, if permitted, the following of these from the machine:
    How can I do this fully and cleanly? I gather that you can do a 'shake' test for an app you want to delete from the machine and, if it's permitted to remove the app, you then drag its icon on to the Trash. But as I understand it this doesn't necessarily remove other extraneous files associated with the app. So, how do I discover what those are, where they're located, and what exactly to do with them?
    Incidentally, of the iWork suite I've decided to keep Pages.
    I'm a little concerned that perhaps uninstalling these apps might remove some files that are shared with other apps on the machine, including functions built into the operating system. Will that conceivably happen? Is iPhoto, for example, required to display images in Apple Mail, and is it also required for me to be able to import RAW and other images from a camera using direct drag 'n drop (into a folder of my own choosing)? And what about Preview? Will that get removed along with iPhoto?
    I only do serious work on my computer, and I want to keep this machine's contents lean and clean.

    Barney and Tony,
    Not sure if this reply will appear in the correct sequence in the discussion thread but I've had a look at those folders and files you mentioned, Barney. There was nothing in most of them. Library/Extensions exists as System/Library on my setup but I saw nothing in it pertaining to any of the three apps concerned.
    In <System>/Applications/Numbers/Contents I found such cryptic folders as:
    _Code Signature
    _MAS Receipt
    MAC OS
    Pkg info
    but, again, looking in these folders yielded nothing that appeared remotely associated with any of the three apps. In searches like this you can get right down to the very coding level if you wish, it seems. However, unless you're familiar with the coding you've no idea as to what these functions are, or how they interact with other apps and processes. And I'm certainly not.
    One thing I did come across, however, happened when I was looking at one of the more hidden-away user functions of the Apple Mail client and I noticed that apps such as iPhoto and PhotoBooth are involved in importing images into the client. That being so, it might be better for me not to remove iPhoto, since I use and rely on Apple Mail quite a lot.
    All in all, it's difficult for me to make an informed judgement on this. Possibly, Apple's now organised the uninstall of certain apps in a much fuller and cleaner way than before and so perhaps all I'd need to do, in reality, is to perform the 'wiggle' uninstall. But I just don't know. And there's always the danger that removing what are now some quite embedded apps could cause some other related app or utility to not function properly from hereon. So, in the end, I might have to just concede that I'm stuck with these apps.
    Possibly, the only way of ridding my machine of them is for me to perform at a later date a major cleanup, completely wiping the HD, and reinstalling Mavericks from scratch.
    If only Apple had never installed those apps in the first place! Why on earth did they have to be compulsory?! So much for Apple and their products being user-friendly! I'm disappointed in Apple over this.

  • ITS Trace level

    We have a dual-host ITS instance 6.20. The Wgate is placed in the DMZ and can't be managed by ITS Administrator (ITS Administrator is behind the firewall)
    How can I change ITS Trace Level for the Wgate in DMZ?
    Is there some kind of config file?
    Thx in advance.

    Hi Brian,
    you can change the tracelevel in .../SAP/ITS/6.20/config/ItsRegistryWGATE.xml in section Traces. Make sure to restart wgate.
    Best regards,

  • How can i delete uninstalled iOS apps?

    How can i delete uninstalled iOS apps in iTunes11 & iphone? Its taking up my iPhone's space as i kept trying on new apps but uninstalled them after trying. The uninstalled apps still appear in my iTunes "Apps" though. I deleted all the apps in Mobile Application folder in Mac because i couldnt delete any in iTunes & iPhone but its not working(still in my iTunes "Apps"). I wanna get rid of them from my iTunes & iPhone.... so that i can save space... HOW?

    Mark the names that you see in the apps man.. They should be like a000c1b.sis etc.
    Connect the phone to your PC as USB mass storage device.
    Open the drive in your PC.
    In search option, write down the name, the files will appear, delete em.
    Or, you can use 3rd party File explorer like explore to delete em.

  • Uninstall CC apps after CC 2014 install?

    Is this something I should do?

    Creative Cloud brought with it the ability to install a bunch of different Adobe apps. That’s mostly a good thing, but it also means you can end up with unwanted apps installed. The CC 2014 versions are treated as new apps, and they don’t automatically import your plugins and settings. Which is why CC 2014 apps are installed alongside rather than replacing the existing versions–basically so that you don’t end up losing all your plugins. But if you’ve already migrated your plugins or don’t use any, you end up with what amounts to unnecessary duplicates.
    There are two ways to uninstall unwanted apps. Both involve a proper uninstall–just deleting the apps is the wrong way to do it. The right way is to uninstall them.
    Option 1.
    Uninstall from within the Creative Cloud application manager. Both options outlined on this page work, but this is probably the easiest way.In the Creative Cloud popup, make sure that the Apps tab is selected. When you hover the cursor over an app, you get a small settings icon and a drop down arrow.Choose Uninstall. You’ll then get the option of whether to keep or remove the preferences for that app.Choose Uninstall. You’ll then get the option of whether to keep or remove the preferences for that app.
    Option 2.
    All of the apps also include uninstallers that you can run from Finder or Windows Explorer.
    Mac OS
    Open Finder and go to /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers
    Double-click an Adobe product to uninstall
    Follow on-screen instructions
    On Mac, the folder contains aliases to all the uninstallers.
    Open the Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features
    Choose an app and click Uninstall/Change
    Follow on-screen instructions
    You can’t batch them–they have to be done one at a time or you end up with this message:
    "You are already running the Adobe Application manager"
    When you run each uninstaller you’ll get the option to leave or remove preferences.
    Once it’s done, you’ll get a message saying the process is complete and you can move on to the next one.
    The result is a much cleaner Creative Cloud app, less clutter taking up space on your hard drive, and less clutter when using external apps in things like Light room.

  • Very strange screen problem (previous app leaves mark)

    I'm Danielle, i'm from the Netherlands and i'm having a very strange problem with my iPad mini (bought It August 2013).
    never had problems with my iPad, but since a few weeks i have à strange problem with my screen.
    when i open an app, for example messages, and i use it for a while, and then return to the home screen or go to another app,the messages app leaves a mark o'n the screen at the left side of my screen (an area of 2 cm from the Side). my english is not very good but im trying to describe it.
    I cant make a print screen of iT because its a problem with the screen So you dont see iT on a print screen.
    - i see a mark of THE previous screen(app) on my screen
    - first i throught iT was: in dutch we call it doorgebrand, translated in english: burn through (dont know if i translated it right). Like a old computer when you are working at a screen for to long so letters and text are printed, permanently, on the Screen (Thats why you have screen savers).
    - but: it disapears in a few minutes or if i open a black screen.
    - It's not very clear to see (The longer i used the app, The clearer the Mark) and iT has horizontal stripes
    i hope someone has experience with this problem or knows what i have to do.
    i never heard of this problem before and i cant Find iT on Google.
    kind regards,
    danielle from the netherlands

    A workaround is to turn the brightness down, it may reduce the 'burn in' less & makes it less noticeable.
    You should get in contact with Apple ASAP if you consider it bad enough to need repair, it should have a 1 year warranty. I suspect it is considered just to be how it behaves.

  • TS3297 I recently started my apple I'd account and used my wife's bank card for payment info. I then loaded $75 from iTunes gift cards on the account. I was able to make in app purchases, now its telling me to contact iTunes Store support to complete now?

    I recently started my apple I'd account and used my wife's bank card for payment info. I then loaded $75 from iTunes gift cards on the account. I was able to make in app purchases, now its telling me to contact iTunes Store support to complete now? Help

    Do what it told you to do.
    Contact itunes support

  • How do I uninstall an app from my Mac?

    How do I uninstall an app from my Mac? do I just drag it to the trash?
    Thank you


  • How do I uninstall an app on a macbook?

    How do I uninstall an app on a macbook?

    Use the uninstaller that came with the application.
    If no unistaller then drag it to the Trash and empty theTrash.

  • Error when trying to install the adobe creative suite exit code 39.I get the following error message Directory does not exist : /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/DECore/DE6/resources/uninstall/Uninstall Product.app

    i have run the adobe cleaner , repaired disk permission and also tried to download and install several times.
    this is a mac osx running the yoshmite
    please help
    this is the error
    Exit Code: 39
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DW042 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s)
    ERROR: Directory does not exist : /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/DECore/DE6/resources/uninstall/Uninstall Product.app
    ERROR: DW042: ARP Entry couldn't be created for language : en_US

    Oliviat14nov does /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/DECore/DE6/resources/uninstall exist on your computer? 

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