Uninstalling Robohelp 8 question

I'm uninstalling RH8 and I'd like to be forwarded to a good procedure for doing this. Is uninstalling the correct term? What I am trying to do is remove RH8 from my system and give it to another person. I went through this procedure a year ago but want to make sure the transfer goes smoothly.

Before you uninstall you need to deactivate the licence so that you can activate it on the other person's PC. You can do this from the Help / Deactivate menu item. Then you can uninstall the application in the normal way. Some people prefer using an uninstall app like RevoUninstaller though.

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    I have gotten myself into a pickle. I recently uninstalled TCS1 and installed TCS3.5. I did not uninstall the RH patches (7.0.1 through 7.0.3) before I uninstalled TCS1.
    Yeah, I know.
    Now I can't uninstall the RH patches.
    It wasn't until after the fact that I read the information on Peter's website about the proper way to go about this (see http://www.grainge.org/pages/authoring/rh7/using_rh7.htm and the section named "Uninstalling RoboHelp 7"), so now I am one of those people who "left the patch high and dry."
    I suspect that I will have to uninstall TCS3.5, reinstall TCS1, uninstall the RH patches, uninstall TCS1, and finally resinstall TCS3.5.
    Please tell me I'm wrong and that there is an easier way to remove the RH 7.0.3 (and lower) patches . . . .
    Thank you,
    Shannon Mooney

    I’ve had the same problem once and I solved it with Revo Uninstaller: http://www.revouninstaller.com/. (There’s a free trial version.)
    It took a little digging with Revo, but I successfully removed the patches. At least it’ll be faster than installing everything and then uninstalling it bit by bit.

  • Decompiling chm, opening hhp in Robohelp, 2 questions

    Hi, I've been looking through the forum posts, as well as on Peter Grainge's web site under Reverse Engineering, and I haven't quite found the answers to some questions I have about turning a chm file into a RoboHelp project.  Any help with the following would be much appreciated.
    Our .net API developers use ndoc (which I've never used) to generate a chm file for each API. I received a copy of one of the chm files. Kind of looks like a handy dictionary, in the same spirit as Man pages, with definitions of methods, elements, types, and syntax.  Useful for what it is. But there's very little in the way of context or "big picture".
    What is missing is an overview, method examples, a discussion of the business rules and constraints that the developer needs to keep in mind for each method, and so on.  As the tech writer, I'm tasked with adding the missing info as well as clarifying some of what's already there.
    The final help documentation needs to be useful to developers, QA testers, or even a PM who wants to have a general understanding of what the methods do, what data is used, and so on.
    So, I thought maybe I could just pull the chm information into a RoboHelp 8  project and augment it with additional text, topics, etc.
    What I Tried
    After reading Peter's reverse engineering info, I opened RH8 and used HTML Help Studio to decompile the chm file I received.
    However, when I opened the resulting hhp file in RH8, all of the topics were on the same level, unlike in the original chm file.
    No nice hierarchy. Plus there was no TOC or index.
    I then thought I would try Pete Lees' suggested method of recovering the TOC and index, as a start toward fixing things, but since I did not see two hhc and hhk files in my project, I couldn't use that method.
    I then tried decompiling the chm using Keytools, but the results were the same when I looked at the project in RoboHelp.
    My Questions
    1. Before I spend more time on this, am I even on the right track, thinking that the way to go is to take API Development team's chm files and turn them into RH8 projects that I can doctor up? Or am I overlooking a better alternative? 
    2. Is there another way to recreate the topic hierarchy, TOC, and index after decompiling the chm file and then opening the hhp file in RH8?
    Thanks again for any and all help.

    I think you are on the right track.
    You should be able to recover those. Check the detail of my article. Post back if no joy.
    It is a while since I have done any reverse engineering so I would have to test whether or not the hierarchy is maintained. I thought it was but not sure.
    It maybe there was no hierarchy in the source. You don't need one to create a TOC with hierarchy so are you sure the developers had one? I suspect they may well have ignored niceties like that. If so, you would either have to live with that or undertake it manually.
    Have you considered how you will maintain this arrangement when the product is upgraded? I guess you could reverse engineer the CHM you are given and then import the topics you need, provided they don't need too much massage.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Cannot Uninstall RoboHelp 7

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    Good grief, Charlie Brown!

    Another reminder that sometimes we need to be patient.
    It's not often, but on occasion a process takes awhile.

  • RoboHelp 10 questions

    We are looking at a trial version of RoboHelp 10, and there are certain issues I'm trying to get a handle on. (We currently use RoboHelp 8.) So far working with the trial version for a couple of hours (and viewing a few brief Adobe videos) has not helped. Could any of you who use RoboHelp 10 advise me on the following?
    For years we have generated WebHelp and used the topics on their own, without using the main help "start" file, because we wanted a single frame, not the tri-pane look. Each topic has a header that we include using the templates/master pages. The header includes icons that work as a "back" button and links to the TOC and Index, as well as a print icon and a search field. If the user clicks the TOC or Index, that opens in the main window instead of the text from the previous topic. I had hoped that we could make a screen layout with this approach (since we are also interested in multi-screen layout for tablet and desktop support), but I'm still not seeing a way to get a simple topic window with a header. Is that possible?
    I'm also not seeing a way to create your own screen layout from scratch. You seem to have to start with one of the layouts that are included. Is that correct?
    If we wanted to be able to search across multiple generated help projects, would we need to merge the help projects?
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi Tammy
    I'll try to address some of these.
    tspaul wrote:
    For years we have generated WebHelp and used the topics on their own, without using the main help "start" file, because we wanted a single frame, not the tri-pane look. Each topic has a header that we include using the templates/master pages. The header includes icons that work as a "back" button and links to the TOC and Index, as well as a print icon and a search field. If the user clicks the TOC or Index, that opens in the main window instead of the text from the previous topic. I had hoped that we could make a screen layout with this approach (since we are also interested in multi-screen layout for tablet and desktop support), but I'm still not seeing a way to get a simple topic window with a header. Is that possible?
    Nothing really changes between 8 and 10 in this respect. You should still be able to generate as you did before. But your mention of wanting a "screen layout" seems that you are wanting to delve into the fun brave new world of HTML 5. Good luck with that! I'll have to let Willam or another that has lots of HTML 5 experience answer that one.
    I'm also not seeing a way to create your own screen layout from scratch. You seem to have to start with one of the layouts that are included. Is that correct?
    I believe it's possible to create your own layout. But it's certainly NOT the most intuitive process and it's one I honestly hope Adobe will simplify in a future build so that us mere humans are easily able to create and customize our own HTML 5 layouts without requiring a PHD and 40 years experience coding HTML 5 and CSS. As it stands, it's not a process for the faint of heart.
    If we wanted to be able to search across multiple generated help projects, would we need to merge the help projects?
    Since the first two questions seemed to be HTML 5 (Multiscreen) centric, are we to assume this one falls into that area as well? If so, again, Willam or someone with HTML 5 Multiscreen skills will have to advise. I'm unsure if merging is even possible using that output type.
    Cheers... Rick

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    My question is with the fact that I know from experience the serial code can only be used twice, and if I unistall and reinstall and use the serial code again, will it render it useless?
    No it will not render it useless, it is fine.
    A serial number can only be used simultaneously on two machines. It can be used as many times as you want. You can uninstall and reinstall a machine dozens of times with the same serial number.

  • Robohelp 9 question on referring to javascripts

    Hello. I am working with Robohelp 9. I am working with a group in India that incorporates the Robohelp files that I have generated into their product's online help .They are telling me that they have to hand edit output files from the SSL! folder to add a location for the javascripts they are using (i.e. whver.js). The output for my topic files contain this reference: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="whver.js"></script>. They want me to edit these this to add this to the path:  /...abcdirectory/ after src=".
    I have moved the files to abcdirectory, but the output files do not generate with this path. It is impractical to edit output files. Is there another way in Robohelp to indicate the location of the .js files so that the output files contain the correct path?
    Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.

    I'm confused. You said you were having to hand edit them, presumably to meet their requirements. My point was to decline to do this as there is no need. They are asking you to make a change they are making when there is no need to make the change in the first place.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Robohelp 9 question. URGENT! Thanks!

    I have a user that is having an issue where when she inserts an image into a document and saves, it doesn't save it to the file on the server (where it is supposed to), it just saves it in the body of the text. Does that make sense? Have you seen this issue?
    I re-installed Robohelp and created a new profile for her on her machine and deleted the old one from the registry; still nothing. She is using Windows 7 x64.
    I really appreciate any insight. Thanks!

    That will not solve the problem. Whatever you do you have to move it locally and hope there is no corruption. I recommend you zip the project and move it for two reasons.
    1] You will have a copy of where the project is now if anything goes wrong.
    2] Very occasionally we have seen people having problems using copy and paste across the network.
    Delete the CPD and then open the project and verify all is OK.
    After that you have two options.
    1] Work on it locally and zip a copy to the network every night when working on the project.
    2] Implement source control. Part of that will involve checking in that local copy. When you work on the project thereafter RoboHelp will check out to the local copy whatever it needs and you then check back in as required.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Uninstall Lync 2013 question

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    Can I just wipe the OS and start over or what get thrown into AD that needs to get cleaned up?

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    and publish.  We got errors because I'm assuming it couldn't connect to sql in the first place and that the FE service wouldn't start.
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    We'll find out when we try to reinstall again.

  • Uninstall to reinstall question

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    I just upgraded my "Production Suite" to FCP Studio. The install went well enough and everything was working just find. Then I don't know what I did but all of a sudden Motion started acting squirrelly. When I "Apply" an item it comes in off centered, the location indicator of the timeline doesn't line up with the frame it's at. Like when I press the home key, the indicator moves to frame 2 and not frame 1. This is just a visual thing but it would be nice to have it line up properly.
    So I was going to uninstall and then reinstall the app. But I can't find any info on which files I need to trash. I've tried trashing the prefs and reinstalling (without uninstalling first) and it hasn't helped. So I'm hoping the community can help.
    Thanks in advance.

    With your installation, you also have installed the motion library of effects. You may not need to delete those files. I would delete the app and just the pref.list from my USER/LIBRARY/PREFERENCES folder and re-install the app. See how you go...

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    I have a question I have install EP with DB2 v9, now I want uninstall EP,
    My question is: When I uninstall the SAP NW Portal too I should to uninstall the  database instance? or there is any problem with the database ??
    Because in other occasions I have had to uninstall the portal and DB2  and  re- install all
    thanks  for your answers

    Hi Danny,
    You can uninstall the Instance as well as the DB together or separately without any problem. Choose from the CD --Additional com..-> Uninstall...

  • Running RoboHelp 10 and RoboHelp 11 on the same system

    Windows 7, 64-bit operating system.
    Upgraded RoboHelp 10 to RoboHelp 11 this week. Upgraded my RH10 WebHelp Proj project (released with our 2.0 application) to start editing for release with 3.0 application next June .
    The upgrade did not uninstall RoboHelp 10.
    I work from within Visual Studio 2010 Professional. (I know that this is not a Source Control thread, but my issues are intertwined here.)
    I create WebHelp Pro (even though we are not yet publishing to RH Server, although we're working on it!).
    I check the output into Release folders in Souce Control, and the build picks up the files for installation with our application.
    If I need to update the 2.0 application Help, does anyone know whether I can still use RH10 to update that project? (I've posed the question to an Adobe consultant, but have not yet heard back.)
    If I can't use RH10 to update the 2.0 application Help (and have to open the 2.0 project in RH11 and, therefore, upgrade it), are there new things in RH11 that could affect the WebHelp Pro output and, therefore, affect the use of the WebHelp Pro HTM files by the application? (Our release engineer believes that, for version control purposes, I must make changes to the 2.0  project in the same RH Client used to develop it.)
    Thanks for any help.
    Carol Levine
    AIR Worldwide

    First, (and to reiterate what Rick said) if you are not publishing to RoboHelp Server right now. Do NOT use WebHelp Pro. The Pro flavor is strictly for hosting on a RoboHelp Server installation.
    The good news is that when and if you do decide to use RoboHelp Server, you simply take the Rh project (whether from Rh 10 or 11) and publish it with the WebHelp Pro SSL. It sounds like there is a some confusion between RoboHelp Server and Source Control. It is a common option to use RoboHelp Server and Source Control. But they are mutually exclusive. (While both may be used, they have nothing to do with one another.)
    If you think about it, RoboHelp Server is output (by definition not "source")
    So, you can continue using Rh 10 and 11 clients on the same computer, but as you note, you cannot open an Rh 10 project in Rh 11 because it is a one-way forward conversion (as Peter said).
    As for publishing, be aware that when you move to RoboHelp Server, the publishing workflow is different. The web admin can't simply copy/paste WebHelp Pro output (from source control as you describe) to the Rh Server (or, as you said, "pick up files"). The project must be published from the RoboHelp 10/11 client directly to the Rh Server. This is because Rh Server is a database application and in order for the database to be "aware" of the new content, it must come from the RoboHelp client app (10 or 11). Also, in terms of Application Help and context sensitivity, there is a CSH API and a syntax that is used to call the Rh Server help topics from the application. This is covered in the online help. See the sub head "Access context-sensitive Help" in the Adobe RoboHelp Server 9 * RoboHelp Server Web Administrator tasks as well as Adobe RoboHelp 11 * Program Help for web pages
    John Daigle
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor
    Evergreen, Colorado

  • RoboHelp 9, Win 7, Word 2010 : Macros not running due to Security Settings

    I've just upgraded from RH7, Win XP, Office 2003,  and cannot get RoboHelp for word to run on new Laptop running Win7 and Word 2010.  By not running I mean the program will start and open Word OK, but try and run any RoboHelp command in a pre existing project and the dreaded "The MAcro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your Macro Security setting" warnign is presented :-
    This is despite settings macro settings appropriately in Word 2010 trust centre :-
    Oddly enough an installation on a Network with Windows 7 starter does not present this as an issue.
    I have Admin rights on both machines, can anyone suggest were else I go and/or what else I can try to cotrrect this issue ?

    Thanks for the prompt response and usual sage advice.  Firstly in answer to your question this was a 32 Bit version issue.  That I was accessing via a company system account with Admin Privileges.
    Before posting I had reviewed the thread you suggested, after reviewing it again I set about spending another day trying to reslove this issue.  This included, test installations on 2 seperate PC's with Windows 7 (32 Bit) and Office 2010.  Both seperate installations were flawless, so one has to assume there was something wrong with the initial PC.  Back to basics, conducting a system restore on the fault installed PC to a known good point, Completely uninstalling RoboHelp 9 including deleting all templates, file remnants and registry settings. as per Adobe Uninstall instructions (http://kb.adobe.com/cps/881/cpsid_88189.html) , followed this by a complete Windows scan to correct any incorrect file systems / structures, Cleaned registry and created local Administrator account on the PC.  Via the local administrator account conducted a "repair' over Office 2010 to ensure  file structure integrity, Run Word and set Trust centre and file permissions as per the 2 working instructions (Note as I was using some word documents based on word 97 templates I made sure the permissions on those te,plates would run (Un ticked)), conducted clean install of Robohelp 9 and tested.  No longer getting Macro errors. Program running correctly. Re-booted and  Logged back into machine using company account setting, and problem fixed at that location.  (There was concern that company account policy may have been causing the issue)
    As company Sys Admin had initially installed the software I am uncertan as to what machine profile they used.  I suspect s installing under a Local admin profile assisted in correcting the issue.
    As a final step, although the program runs OK in normal mode, I set the start up to always run as "Administrator".  This alters the toolbar options within Word with RoboHelp commands being present via a specific "RoboHelp' Tab rather than grouped in the "Add Ins" tab.
    I know you will also say (As you have advised me some years ago when I raised another issue that you assisted in) that I probably shouldn't be working in RoboHelp for Word and better to be working in HTML, however I dread the thought of migrating what are fairly large projects and staff accessng the final results much prfer the older Help format rather than the CHM or web based formats of now.  From an administrative and distribution viewpoint our environment likes a single file distribution system that the older systems provide.
    Thanks once again for the and direction.  Hopefully other users, should they be confronted with a similar issue find this as some help.
    Bryan Holman

  • RoboHelp X5 Re-Install, Disk 1 ?

    After trying to make RoboHelp X5 work with Word 97,
    which I later found out is not supported,
    I uninstalled RoboHelp and am now
    having a problem re-installing it.
    I insert the disk named Macromedia RoboHelp X5 Office,
    and enter my name, company name
    and Product Key Number that starts with RHO13
    After some installation process, it is promptimg me to insert
    Disk 1.
    The CD is still in the Rom drive. What other CD does it need?
    Thank you,
    Jacques Pomerleau

    Thank you William, but I went there already and got myself the 156 update.
    So I must assume that this Note is the official answer to my question:
    "Important Note: Aperture updates available via Software Update or this download page can be used only to update full versions of Aperture. They cannot be used to update Aperture trial software, which has now been updated to Aperture 2.1."
    Indeed, the 156 update first looks for a 1.x Aperture.

  • Uninstall groupwise client

    anyone know how to uninstall the groupwise client 7 from a workstation in silent mode? Right now I use zenworks to run
    MsiExec.exe /I{CBA40CBC-05A3-418D-84F6-E891AC48BED3}
    but this prompts me with questions. so i run /qn on the end of the string and of course its silent but still doesn't install because those questions are still not being answered!

    have you tried MsiExec.exe /X{CBA40CBC-05A3-418D-84F6-E891AC48BED3}
    "wildt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > wildt;1619158 Wrote:
    > > anyone know how to uninstall the groupwise client 7 from a workstation
    > > in silent mode? Right now I use zenworks to run
    > >
    > > MsiExec.exe /I{CBA40CBC-05A3-418D-84F6-E891AC48BED3}
    > >
    > > but this prompts me with questions. so i run /qn on the end of the
    > > string and of course its silent but still doesn't UNinstall because
    > > those questions are still not being answered!
    > --
    > work like you don't need to,
    > live like there is no tomorrow,
    > dance like no one is watching!
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > wildt's Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=4608
    > View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=340186

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