Unique Artwork Situation?

Like everyone else, I am having trouble with artwork on match.  All my albums/songs have artwork on them.  On my laptop in iTunes, I see it all and it works fine.  I have updated match many times, it seems that on my Apple TV, other computer with match turned on, and on my iPhone it's not all there.  Sometimes it is and sometimes randomly I don't have it all, however what I don't have is consistent across devices.  This is highly frustrating, anyone with advice?

Figured it out.  You (well, I did) have to go to the albums that are causing you issues, right click on one of the songs>get info>atwork tab>copy artwork.  Then, right click on the entire album>get info>accept that you are changing infor for multiple tracks>paste artwork in artwork square.
It works, and after many frustrating posts and tons of different approaches, this was the simplest and it worked like a charm.  YMMV.

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    Generally all you need to do is fill in an appropriate Album Artist. For more details see my article on Grouping Tracks Into Albums, in particular the topic One album, too many covers.

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    Michael Palma1 wrote:
    Weird, didn't for me. I marked .m4v files as TV Shows (i.e. Curious George) then gave them their own unique artwork so the kids could visually identify them. They would just got to the TV section of Apple TV, choose curious George, then choose the show with the artwork they wanted. This Apple TV does NOT do that for me.
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    I believe I understand your issue.  You would like to use a print driver to print to your HP ePrint enabled printer from your apps that are hosted by Citrix server.  While I believe this makes perfect sense, HP does not have a print driver that officially supports MS TS or Citrix that also supports the ePrint Cloud path.  The reason for this is the ePrint windows driver is a "dynamic" print driver (similar to HP UPD dynamic mode) that handles multiple print paths (tcp/ip, wireless direct, cloud, etc) in a single driver instance by dynamically changing the port the print queue is bound to so the port is specific to the delivery path.  For example, if printing to a network printer it will use a MS Standard tcp/ip port.  If printing to the ePrint cloud a custom port is used, etc.  Well, if you have lots of Citrix users trying to print to a single print queue, but to different destinations, the users would be colliding with each other when they print by having the driver trying to change the print queue to different print ports at the same time.
    What you could do is install an ePrint print queue on the citrix server if you can control the access to that queue to just your local branch users.  Also, if you only have on ePrint enabled printer the situation is even better as only one port will be needed by that queue.  You can find the ePrint software at www.hp.com/go/eprintsoftware   You might want to download the version of the driver that supports XP as Windows 2003 is very similar print system.
    NOTE:  this is not a supported environment for this driver.  You would be using it without warrenty or support and no promises are being made here.
    Good luck if you choose this path and please post back the results.  Thanks!

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    Thanks for the tip, Master. I had the same experience as DDJAN. Logic, instinct, experience, whatever was leading me in the direction of the actions you took, but I thought I'd check online first to see if anyone else had encountered this and if there was any support available. Your post gave that warm-fuzzy feeling that my problem was not unique, the situation not hopeless and things were on the way to being addressed!
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    first day notes:
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    All files are relative to the document and not root
    preview using temporary file is checked
    Testing Server folder is: MacintoshHD:Library:WebServer:Documents:sitename
    Testing Server URL Prefix is:
    FF and Safari give me:
    Not Found
    The requested URL /MarcJanowitz.com/TMPV8Y2WAUZU.shtml was not found on this server.
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    the next day i tried:
    apache is set to run by setting my web sharing on
    i changed the line that said in my config.inc.php. back to localhost so i could try
    Try:  http://localhost/sitename.com
    I'd switched because i was getting "Re: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)" and I found these:
    MySQL :: Re: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)
    MySQL :: &lt;&lt;&lt; THE SOLUTION - SOLUTION SUMMARY &gt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&lt; READ THIS FIRST &gt;&gt;&gt;
    now that i look at those pages again, perhaps just switching back to local host  in both places isn't enough
    i've sort of lost track of the changes i've made now
    I switched the line in manage sites to lowercase to match the folder
    PHP and MySQL were running last night before i shut down.  How do I make sure they're running now that i've started up again?
    as of now, still getting "not found"
    I know there are similar topics but i'm certain i've gotten myself in a unique enough situation that it is worth a new discussion because i can't find one close enough to what i've done

    Diana Kesselschmidt wrote:
    3)don't know where you mean when you say:
    simply declare those ports in the call... i.e. localhost:8889 for mysql and to see the website localhost:8888
    I explained this before. If you use the default MAMP ports, you need to use http://localhost:8888/ instead of http://locahost/ in the URL prefix of the Testing server definition. Also, when creating a MySQL connection, use localhost:8889 instead of localhost in the Server field.
    If you have stopped the preinstalled version of Apache in System Preferences, as well as stopping the version of MySQL that you installed from a dmg, you can change the ports in MAMP. See the following screenshot, which is taken from the tutorial on setting up a PHP development environment:
    The screenshot shows the default MAMP ports. If you click the "Set to default Apache and MySQL ports" button, those values will change to 80 and 3306 respectively. If you do that, and you get a green light from both MySQL and Apache, you can use http://localhost/ and localhost in the testing server and MySQL connection dialog boxes.
    If you still get errors when trying to test a page in Dreamweaver, please give precise details of the values you have entered in the Testing server folder and URL prefix fields of the Testing Server section of the Site Definition dialog box.

  • ITunes 8 STUTTER (in Windows) conquered for once and all (at least for ME)

    Like you, I have read, tried and failed to resolve using the many suggested fixes such as disabling air Tunes, reducing audio card sampling rate, changing the audio output settings in Quick Time... literally tore my hair out, went so far as uninstall/reinstall iTunes 8 several times, even bought a couple of different new sound cards (one USB and one PCI) and STILL the stutter persisted. I have over 20 years experience. I got onto the trail when I used MSCONFIG to disable all non-Microsoft services and start up items and rebooted. Played iTunes... NO STUTTER. So then it was which program(s) and or services were at fault? I uninstalled literally almost EVERY optional program on my PC including Adobe stuff, Java stuff and more, NO JOY. Finally, I stumbled across a post on the web where a guy said he DISABLED HIS FIREWALL and I tried it... INSTANT JOY!!!!!
    We were running TrendMicro Office Scan firewall. Turning it off solved this stutter issue for ME, it might or might not work for YOU. If all other suggestions have failed, Give it a go. Note: Some corporate users may have to involve their IT people and may or may not be granted the permission to 'try' this...
    It worked for me and that's all I'm saying. Hope it helps even just one other soul who has lost patience with what seemed an insurmountably frustrating problem with iTunes 8 stuttering.
    Information in this post is given without warranty or guarantee, and end-user assumes all risks of use thereof.

    Disable your flavor of Windows Firewall and see if this clears up the Stutter. It worked for me on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 3 machine with all latest Microsoft patches by disabling Trend Micro Software-based Firewall completely.
    NOTE: Disabling your firewall may put you at risk from Internet attack. Consult your IT security adviser for recommendations and best practices specific to your own unique computing situation. In our case we have a HARDWARE FIREWALL (which is STILL ON) that was NOT causing the stutter in iTunes. It appears from trial-and-error empirical testing here that the Trend Micro Office Scan Software firewall was the culprit. Again, this is non-scientific empirical data and given without warranty or guarantee of any kind. You assume all risks of use if you elect to try this fix.
    Message was edited by: Robert MAC

  • Colorchecker Passport correction

    I know this has been discussed before, and probably should be a FAQ, but I've looked at previous discussions and have yet to find a definitive answer. Appreciate any tips.
    I think the problem is simple: I need to color-correct a RAW image that has a 24-patch Macbeth card in it. It's shot in full sunlight with a 45° angle between the lens and the sun. I know what the RGB values of the card are supposed to be:
    http://xritephoto.com/ph_product_overview.aspx?ID=1257&Action=Support&SupportID=5159&catid =28
    I need to do whatever needs to happen to this image to make it so that when I sample the various patches with the eyedropper in Photoshop, they're reasonably close (∆E of 7-8 would probably be adequate) to what the above chart says they should be.
    I looked at Rags Gardner's work:
    But it seems to have stopped at CS5/ACR5 and I can't get it working with CS6/ACR7.1 (so far).
    Is there a way to "pull" the colors in the image however they need to be shifted so that the 24 Macbeth card samples are reasonably close to what they should be according to the X-rite (or Lindbloom) charts say they should be, and the rest of the image's colors are calibrated along with it?

    I think your expectations are way too high for how little color-error there should be using any sort of calibration process.  One thing to understand is that profiles optimize for the color of the light, not the luminance, and both things are tied up in the RGB numbers you are comparing.  Analyzing the difference in HSL or Lab and ignoring the L portion of either would be less misleading.
    I have not let any run to completion on my slow computer, but the calibration scripts seem to work ok in CS6 as long as you set PV2010 instead of PV2012 and perhaps reset any other parameters to reasonable zero/default values that have evolved since the scripts were last tested. 
    I prefer Tindemans’ script over Rags’ because Tindemans’ uses all the patches to compute the color error, not just the single primary color patch that Rags’ does.  Tindemans’ script also lets you set weights for the various patches so you can optimize for skin or landscapes or some other set of colors, because the whole set will never be all that close. 
    A few years ago I investigated various color profiles and used ColorCheck module of Imatest Studio (a few years back when it was a bit cheaper) to plot the color error:
    Others contributors on these forums have suggested that because the calibration scripts and the DNG Profile Editor both tweak different parts of the Adobe profile, that you could compute the slider values using the script, and then compute a DNG Profile from an Adobe profile after setting those slider values, instead of using the defaults of 0, to get a more accurate customization.  I have not attempted this, myself, but I understand the logic.
    The Adobe profiles have hue-twists in them that can produce more pleasing results for real photos than profiles created with the DNG Profile Editor. so while I used to use my script-based or DNGPE-based profiles almost exclusively, now I use the ones from Adobe unless I am dealing with a subject that looks good with stronger colors or I have a unique lighting situation that might benefit from a custom profile.  For example, recently I helped shoot a wedding in a church that had white walls and an unfortunate row of lighting along the sides, with varying shades of yellowish and greenish incandescent and fluorescent bulbs.  While, I did take some calibration shots before the ceremony to calibrate to the main overhead lighting, the custom profiles I created intensified the mixed-lighting color spots along the white walls—perhaps more photometrically accurate but ugly in this scenario.  Instead, I mostly used the Adobe Standard profile or sometimes the Camera Standard profile for the bulk of the shots.
    I do like using my custom profiles for outdoor scenes with bright colors in daylight and have some specialized profiles for sunset and twilight to take some of the edge off those extremes of ambient lighting.

  • Is it possible to install photoshop 6.0 (CD) on macbook pro?

    Is it possible to install photoshop 6.0 (CD) on macbook pro?
    Is it possible to install photoshop 5.0 (CD) on macbook pro?

    March 23, 2013
    To whom it may concern,
    I'm not sure how unique my situation is but let me briefly explain.  In a prior life I was a photographer (about 12 years ago).  At that time I had purchased Photoshop and upgraded it a couple of times.  When I stopped photographing I was up to photoshop 5 with the CD and appropriate serial numbers.  Recently I decided to get back to photography and went to install Photoshop 5 on my computer (MacBook Pro) but it was not compatible.  What can I do to use it.  I do not really want a newer version especially at full cost.  My first preference is to somehow install Photoshop 5 even if there was some cost to the adaptation process.  If this is not possible (hard to believe, as we've put men on the moon) then at some compromise cost I am willing to upgrade.  But again, this is not my first choice.  As I completely understand that you would not want to allow customers to skip numbers of additions at a fixed upgrade cost, you must understand that I really don't want or need the current version.  I simply want to be able to use what I have purchased, even if it is out-dated. 
    I look forward to hearing from you, as I would like to solve this issue legitimately.
    Erik Simmons

  • AT&T 3G (Sierra Wireless) Drivers Working Under 10.6?

    Anyone have any luck getting AT$T's Sierra Wireless modem working under 10.6. I have downloaded the latest drivers from Sierra's website which are suppose to allow using Apples WWAN utility; however, the WWAN software does not launch when the device is attached.
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled the drive with no luck.
    Any suggestions?

    I removed everything Sierra I could find. The problem now is that the modem is recognized as a USB disk rather than a modem. Sierra has a switcher application that is supposed to (at the kernel extension -- kext -- level) switch the modem from USB disk to modem mode. That ought to fire up Snow Leopard's natural drivers.
    Problem is -- when I install the lastest switcher kext I can find from Sierra's website, installer tells me it didn't install correctly. I think it works with 10.5.5 (or 10.5.6) and higher, but not with 10.6.
    Anyone with more information -- it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    I have a support e-mail into Sierra but it will probably take them a while to walk me through all the things I have already done before they get to the meat of the matter. (No slam on Sierra support -- just that most support trails take a while for the support personnel to walk one through the standard stuff.)
    I'll let everyone know if I hear anything from Sierra.
    Or ... perhaps I have a unique, flaky situation.

  • External drive to share music

    I currently use an external drive (Mybooklive) as the default folder for all of my music, I use itunes to play the music on my desktop and I dont have any issues at all for playing music and displaying the artwork for the music, the problem is that the artwork won't show when I try to play the music from a laptop..any suggestions?

    Heading the right direction!
    Here's how I set mine up.
    I started with the largest music catalog anybody in the family had (mine). Moved that to the server, putting the Music Folder contents and iTunes folder itself in a directory called "jukebox" I then imported my kid's and wife's music into this master library. I renamed the iTunes folder "!Tunes-dad", and created and similarly renamed a copy for each member of the family. These folders all sit in the Jukebox directory at the same level as the artist directories, i.e !tunes-dad, !tunes-mom, !tunes-son, !tunes-daughter, 10,000 Maniacs, 311, and Abba are all first level within the Jukebox directory.
    Everyone exported their individual playlists, and then selected the new master library created for them. Importing their playlists reestablished their individual customizations.
    Not perfect. Adding new music to any one's library does not add it to the other automatically. Each user has a unique artwork folder, etc. Overall though, it works pretty well.
    As for iTunes licensing, everyone is covered under the 5 authorized computers here, so we're OK.
    Hope that helps!

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