Unit of measurement error

hi guys
crested po with unit of measure kg and also made migo,miro and RFQ  but now when i change unit of measurement from kg to pc in material master there is error
the base unit of measure cannot be changed choose display errors
1 if there are no stock of the material in the current period and in the previous period if there are stock in the previous period you can clear them as follow
-post the stock in the previous period to the current period so that the stock for the previous period is the same as the stock for the current period
-clear the stock with the posting date in the previous period
-if no purchase order exist for the material
i have already made po migo,miro, RFQ , please can you guide me step by step how to change the unit of measurement
thanks in advance

Goods issue the particular material to some cost center. Then there will not be any stock for the particular material. Then change the UOM.
It will work out.
Then reverse the Goods Issue.

Similar Messages

  • Unit of measure error in BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA

    Hi Guru's,
    i am trying to upload the material master data using BAPI...while uploading ia m getting beloow error ..please guide me anyone you..where i am doing mistake.....
    1st this error i am getting while executing:
    internal unit HR ,language EN is not maintained.
    and afetr execution in gs_return i am getting below error:
    Unit of measure ****** is not defined; check your entry
    error number :490
    dont get tence for code and all the values ae moving properly into BAPI...and
    here i am consider the unit of mesure as HR (hour)..
    here i am caliculating like ex: for employe (material) generating bill in hour basis.that is per 1hour $100.
    please let me know if my question is not clear..
    thanks in advance and will full points to reply....
    REPORT  zerp_material_create_upload.
    DATA:gs_bapimathead          TYPE bapimathead,
         gs_clientdata           TYPE bapi_mara,
         gs_clientdatax          TYPE bapi_marax,
         gs_plantdata            TYPE bapi_marc,
         gs_plantdatax           TYPE bapi_marcx,
         gs_forecastparameters   TYPE bapi_mpop,
         gs_forecastparametersx  TYPE bapi_mpopx,
         gs_valuationdata        TYPE bapi_mbew,
         gs_valuationdatax       TYPE bapi_mbewx,
         gs_salesdata            TYPE bapi_mvke,
         gs_salesdatax           TYPE bapi_mvkex,
         gs_storagelocationdata  TYPE bapi_mard,
         gs_storagelocationdatax TYPE bapi_mardx,
         gt_materialdescription  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_makt,
         gwa_materialdescription TYPE bapi_makt,
         gt_taxclassifications   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_mlan,
         gwa_taxclassifications  TYPE bapi_mlan,
         gt_prtdata              TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_mfhm,
         gwa_prtdata             TYPE bapi_mfhm,
         gt_prtdatax             TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_mfhmx,
         gwa_prtdatax            TYPE bapi_mfhmx,
         gt_unitsofmeasure       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_marm,
         gwa_unitsofmeasure      TYPE bapi_marm,
         gt_unitsofmeasurex      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_marmx,
         gwa_unitsofmeasurex     TYPE bapi_marmx,
         gs_return               TYPE bapiret2.
    TYPES:BEGIN OF gty_itab1,
             matnr(18),   "material
             mbrsh(1),    "industry sector
             mtart(4),    "material type
             vkorg(4),    "sales org
             vtweg(2),    "distr chan
             kondm(2),    "mat prcing grp
             ktgrm(2),    "acc asgn grp
             dwerk(4),    "plant
             meins(3),    "base uom
             tragr(4),    "tarns grp
             matkl(9),    "mat grp
             spart(2),    "division
             ntgew(13),   "net weight
             gewei(3),    "weight unit
             werks(4),    "plant
             ladgr(4),    "loading grp
             dismm(2),    "mrp type
             mtvfp(2),    "available check
             disgr(4),    "mrp grp
             dispo(3),    "mrp controller
             beskz(1),    "procurement type
             prmod(1),    "forecasting mode
             bklas(4),    "valution class
             stprs(11),   "std price
             vprsv(1),    "price control
             peinh(5),    "price unit
             lgort(4),    "storage location
             maktx(40),   "mat description
             taxkm(1),    "tax class
             planv(3),    "task list usage
             brgew(13),   "gross weight
             mtpos(4),    "gen it gross grp
          END OF gty_itab1.
    DATA:gt_itab1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_itab1,
         gwa_itab1 TYPE gty_itab1.
    TYPES:BEGIN OF gty_itab2,
    END OF gty_itab2.
    DATA:gt_itab2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_itab2,
         gwa_itab2 TYPE gty_itab2.
    PARAMETERS:p_files TYPE string.
    *using call method uploading CSV file into internal table
          filename                = p_files
          filetype                = 'ASC'
          data_tab                = gt_itab2
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      LOOP AT gt_itab2 INTO gwa_itab2.
        gwa_itab1 = gwa_itab2-abc(178).
        APPEND gwa_itab1 TO gt_itab1.
      LOOP AT gt_itab1 INTO gwa_itab1.
        SPLIT gwa_itab1 AT ',' INTO
    *header data
        gs_bapimathead-material                      = gwa_itab1-matnr.
        gs_bapimathead-ind_sector                    = gwa_itab1-mbrsh.
        gs_bapimathead-matl_type                     = gwa_itab1-mtart.
        gs_bapimathead-basic_view                      = 'X'.
        gs_bapimathead-sales_view                      = 'X'.
        gs_bapimathead-purchase_view                   = 'X'.
        gs_bapimathead-mrp_view                        = 'X'.
        gs_bapimathead-storage_view                    = 'X'.
        gs_bapimathead-account_view                    = 'X'.
        gs_bapimathead-cost_view                       = 'X'.
    *sales data
        gs_salesdata-sales_org                       = gwa_itab1-vkorg.
        gs_salesdatax-sales_org                      = '8888'.   "'X'.
        gs_salesdata-distr_chan                      = gwa_itab1-vtweg.
        gs_salesdatax-distr_chan                     = '88'.   "'X'.
        gs_salesdata-mat_pr_grp                      = gwa_itab1-kondm.
        gs_salesdatax-mat_pr_grp                     = 'X'.
        gs_salesdata-acct_assgt                      = gwa_itab1-ktgrm.
        gs_salesdatax-acct_assgt                     = 'X'.
        gs_salesdata-delyg_plnt                      = gwa_itab1-dwerk.
        gs_salesdatax-delyg_plnt                     = 'X'.
    *client data
        gs_clientdata-base_uom                       = 'HR '.   "gwa_itab1-meins.
        gs_clientdatax-base_uom                      = 'X'.
        gs_clientdata-trans_grp                      = gwa_itab1-tragr.
        gs_clientdatax-trans_grp                     = 'X'.
        gs_clientdata-matl_group                     = gwa_itab1-matkl.
        gs_clientdatax-matl_group                    = 'X'.
        gs_clientdata-division                       = gwa_itab1-spart.
        gs_clientdatax-division                      = 'X'.
        gs_clientdata-net_weight                     = gwa_itab1-ntgew.
        gs_clientdatax-net_weight                    = 'X'.
        gs_clientdata-unit_of_wt                     = gwa_itab1-gewei.
        gs_clientdatax-unit_of_wt                    = 'X'.
       gs_clientdata-item_cat                       = gwa_itab1-mtpos.
       gs_clientdatax-item_cat                      = 'X'.
    *Plant data
        gs_plantdata-plant                           = '8888'. "gwa_itab1-werks.
        gs_plantdatax-plant                          = '8888'.   "'X'.
        gs_plantdata-loadinggrp                      = gwa_itab1-ladgr.
        gs_plantdatax-loadinggrp                     = 'X'.
        gs_plantdata-mrp_type                        = gwa_itab1-dismm.
        gs_plantdatax-mrp_type                       = 'X'.
        gs_plantdata-availcheck                      = gwa_itab1-mtvfp.
        gs_plantdatax-availcheck                     = 'X'.
        gs_plantdata-mrp_group                       = gwa_itab1-disgr.
        gs_plantdatax-mrp_group                      = 'X'.
        gs_plantdata-mrp_ctrler                      = gwa_itab1-dispo.
        gs_plantdatax-mrp_ctrler                     = 'X'.
        gs_plantdata-proc_type                       = gwa_itab1-beskz.
        gs_plantdatax-proc_type                      = 'X'.
        gs_plantdata-period_ind                      = 'M'.   "HARD CODED FOR PERKZ peroid indicator
        gs_plantdatax-period_ind                     = 'X'.
        gs_plantdata-inhseprodt                      = '0'.   "hard coded for DZEIT inhouse production
        gs_plantdatax-inhseprodt                     = 'X'.
    *forecast parameeters
        gs_forecastparameters-plant                  = '8888'.   "gwa_itab1-prmod.
        gs_forecastparametersx-plant                 = '8888'.   "'X'.
        gs_forecastparameters-fore_model             = gwa_itab1-prmod.
        gs_forecastparametersx-fore_model            = 'X'.
    *valution data
        gs_valuationdata-val_area                   = '8888'. "gwa_itab1-bklas.
        gs_valuationdatax-val_area                  = '8888'.   "'X'.
        gs_valuationdata-val_class                   = gwa_itab1-bklas.
        gs_valuationdatax-val_class                  = 'X'.
        gs_valuationdata-std_price                   = gwa_itab1-stprs.
        gs_valuationdatax-std_price                  = 'X'.
        gs_valuationdata-price_ctrl                  = gwa_itab1-vprsv.
        gs_valuationdatax-price_ctrl                 = 'X'.
        gs_valuationdata-price_unit                  = gwa_itab1-peinh.
        gs_valuationdatax-price_unit                 = 'X'.
    *storage location dat
        gs_storagelocationdata-plant              = '8888'.  "gwa_itab1-lgort.
        gs_storagelocationdatax-plant             = '8888'.  "'X'.
        gs_storagelocationdata-stge_loc              = gwa_itab1-lgort.
        gs_storagelocationdatax-stge_loc             = '8888'.   "'X'.
    *material discription
        gwa_materialdescription-langu                = 'E'.
        gwa_materialdescription-matl_desc            = gwa_itab1-maktx.
    *tax classification
       gwa_taxclassifications-taxclass_1            = gwa_itab1-taxkm.
        gwa_taxclassifications-depcountry            = 'US '.         "HARD CODE FOR TAX
    *prt data
        gwa_prtdata-plant                        = '8888'.   "gwa_itab1-planv.
        gwa_prtdatax-plant                       = '8888'.   "'X'.
        gwa_prtdata-prt_usage                        = gwa_itab1-planv.
        gwa_prtdatax-prt_usage                       = 'X'.
    *unitsof measure
        gwa_unitsofmeasure-alt_unit                  = 'HR '.   "gwa_itab1-brgew.
        gwa_unitsofmeasurex-alt_unit                  = 'HR '.  "'X'.
        gwa_unitsofmeasure-unit_of_wt                  = 'KG'.    "gwa_itab1-brgew.
        gwa_unitsofmeasurex-unit_of_wt                  = 'X'.
        gwa_unitsofmeasurex-sub_uom                  = 'X'.
        gwa_unitsofmeasure-gross_wt                  = gwa_itab1-brgew.
        gwa_unitsofmeasurex-gross_wt                  = 'X'.
    *appending workarea to table's
        APPEND gwa_materialdescription    TO gt_materialdescription.
        APPEND gwa_taxclassifications     TO gt_taxclassifications.
        APPEND gwa_prtdata                TO gt_prtdata.
        APPEND gwa_prtdatax               TO gt_prtdatax.
        APPEND gwa_unitsofmeasure         TO gt_unitsofmeasure.
        APPEND gwa_unitsofmeasurex        TO gt_unitsofmeasurex.
    *calling FM BAPI for uploading the Material master data
            headdata            = gs_bapimathead
            clientdata          = gs_clientdata
            clientdatax         = gs_clientdatax
            plantdata           = gs_plantdata
            plantdatax          = gs_plantdatax
            forecastparameters  = gs_forecastparameters
            forecastparametersx = gs_forecastparametersx
            valuationdata       = gs_valuationdata
            valuationdatax      = gs_valuationdatax
            salesdata           = gs_salesdata
            salesdatax          = gs_salesdatax
            return              = gs_return
            materialdescription = gt_materialdescription
            unitsofmeasure      = gt_unitsofmeasure
            unitsofmeasurex     = gt_unitsofmeasurex
            taxclassifications  = gt_taxclassifications
            prtdata             = gt_prtdata
            prtdatax            = gt_prtdatax.
    Check the return table.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          WRITE: / 'Error occured while creating material'.
          WRITE: / 'material',gwa_itab1-matnr,'created'.

    Hi Aparna..
    even with HUR also i am getting same error.....
    is there any changes required in the SPRO .......
    i mean in BAPI had ..unitofmeasure we have around 21 fields( here extra fields is DEL FLAG)
                          but in unitofmeasurex has only 20 fields...
    we need to anything in SPRO for avoiding DEL FLAG.....
    sorry if i am confusing u.....
    thanks for responce and send few more inputs for resolving the issuee....

  • Unit of Measure Error in Purchase order

    Hi Gurus,
    While saving the Purchase order i am getting the Error message
    "Unit of measure KG not defined for language GB."
    We are trying to place this  PO outside the US .PR already created and released.But when i am converting the PO and saving it gives me this error .
    Thanks a lot in Advance
    Edited by: Metroid01 on Jul 23, 2009 12:55 AM

    How do i create the UOM in CUNI for the specific language? I can see the below
    Int  meas unit---->KG
    Technical---->  Kg(in Po it is taking  g is lower case)
    in ALE/EDI--->ISO Code is EA.
    Can you check this if it is the right set up in  config.
    Thanks a lot for the help.

  • Base Unit Of Measurement error

    Dear Sir \ Mam,
    Our some materials base unit of measurement is in KG, and we want to make bills, excise RG1 entry in KG for milligram sales or material transfer. How to go for such transaction, system is not allowing for such transactions.
    Pls Note : We can't create two separate materials code for these UOM issue materials.
    Requesting a help.
    Randhir Padwal

    As per my understanding you have base unit in KG and you want to material issue and sales in miligram unit. If this is requirement then you may try to assign "sales unit" for material master in "sales:sales org1" view. you have to also give the conversion rate from KG to miligram in additional data.
    for issuing you have to maintain issue unit "miligram" in material master view "Plant data/stor1"

  • Unit of measure not defined for language ZH

    We were creating a PO when we encountered the error which states "Unit of measure not defined for language ZH".
    We executed CUNI to translate the units of measurement to our target language. System prompted "This object was segmented. Only new lines evaluated." What does this mean?
    We tried creating the PO again, however we encountered the same error that the unit of measure was not defined for the language.
    Please recommend action/s that we should take. Thank you.

    Take a look at the below threads. Your problem has the solution.
    Re: Unit of measure XX not defined for language DE
    Re: Unit of Measure Error in Purchase order

  • Units of measure

    We're connecting our SRM system to another R/3 backend system. When looking at the units of measure in this backend system, I see table T006A listing the measurements in 3 languages (German, English & French), but not all measurements can be found in all three languages. Some do exist in all 3 languages but not all of them. As we try to synch these with SRM, I need to know if...
    1. Do we have to have the measurements in all 3 languages in R/3 as well as in SRM in order for it to work?
    2. Of the Commercial & Technical names, which one is displayed by SRM during the SC creation? I assume it's the Commercial but not sure.
    My concern is that when a German or French user logs in to shop, s/he may not recognize the measurement abbreviation and will need to assistance in looking up what the abbreviation stands for. So to be able to describe what the code stands for, do we have to create them in 3 different languages?

    <b>Please go through this -></b>
    1. Yes. Correct. using Tcode- CUNI.
    2. Commercial name
    UOM are stored in an internal format. At the display time, this format is converted to language dependant commercial format. If not possible *** is displayed.
    Check table T006A to see maintained entries for internal unit (say PAK, etc..).
    Use transaction CUNI to complete it for all langauages, English (EN), French (FR), German (DE), etc...
    Your Unit of Measurement don't have description in required langauge (German, Spanish)  language.
    Log on to SRM and backend system in (German, French, Spanish) languages and run transaction CUNI.
    Find the correpsonding Unit (say ZTO) and fill ISO Code text and Measurement unit text.
    Also, Try to keep measurement unit <-> ISO code assignments unique.
    Please confirm that ISO codes and especially UOM configuration have been correctly maintained in english in SRM as well as in R/3 (transaction CUNI)
    You can simply maintain the same UOMs by configuring them in transaction CUNI. Additionally you can do a remote compare/adjust to synch the data in the systems if you have a large volume of changes.
    You just need to make sure that the units of measure in the SAP
    Enterprise Buyer system correspond to those in the backend system.
    <u>Path in the Implementation Guide (IMG):</u>
    SAP Web Application Server--> General Settings -->Check Units of Measurement
    <b>Related links to go through -></b>
    Re: Need help on EBP unit of measure error
    Re: Internal Unit of Measurement
    Re: Setting up UOM's
    ISO Code  & Multiple UOM
    Re: internal unit PAK, language EN is not maintained
    Re: No price in shopping cart from catalog with non-EA order unit
    Replicating UOM from ECC to SRM
    <u>Additional SAP Help links -></u> <b>Please refer to this link for Data replication.</b>
    <u>Hope this will definitely help.</u> Do let me know.
    - Atul

  • Error message 'Enter unit of measure' in Webclient

    Hello Experts,
    We are working on CRM 5.0 SP 7, IC WebClient and have implemented the BAdi "<b>CRM_SERVICEPROD_BADI</b>" to assign a service product ''<b>INVESTIGATION'</b> whenever user selects service ticket in WebClient.
    However, when confirming a Business Partner and accessing the service ticket, an error is getting displayed stating "<b>Enter the unit of measure</b>".
    We have already mentioned the unit of measure in Product but it seems it is not picking from there.
    Please help me to remove this error.
    Reward points assured for useful answers.

    I had a similar Problem
    You will have to assign the base unit of measure in service tab as hours and then in the sales and distribution tab assign the same unit in the sales unit and give minimum order quantity(for e.g-1) & delivery unit ,this you will have to do for all the sales areas you might have mapped in the S&D tab
    I'm sure the issue will be resolved
    Shankar Raj

  • Error message  "Enter the unit of measure" in WebClient ???

    Hello Experts,
    We are working on CRM 5.0 SP 7, IC WebClient and have implemented the BAdi "CRM_SERVICEPROD_BADI" to assign a service product ''INVESTIGATION' whenever user selects service ticket in WebClient.
    However, when confirming a Business Partner and accessing the service ticket, an error is getting displayed stating "Enter the unit of measure".
    We have already mentioned the unit of measure in Product but it seems it is not picking from there.
    Please help me to remove this error.
    Reward points assured for useful answers.

    Hi Amit
    Gerhard is 100% correct. Please make sure that your unit of measures are maintained on the product master(trans COMMPR01).
    Use the code below in CRM_PRODUCT_I_BADI to set uom.
      if cs_product_i_badi-process_qty_unit is initial.
        cs_product_i_badi-process_qty_unit = 'EA'.
        cs_product_i_badi-process_qty_num = 1.
        cs_product_i_badi-process_qty_den = 1.
    Also, you will find you get error to specify product quantity. This can be done in badi CRM_SCHEDLIN_BADI with code below.
    if is_schedlin_wrk-quantity is initial.
       cs_schedlin_badi-quantity = 1.

  • Error  while creating PO --   Unit of measure not defined for lanuage  ZH

    Hi all,
    i  have created the PR with EA as UOM. Then while creating PO, i am getting error like
    '  Unit of measure not defined for lanuage ZH' .
    Then  I execute CUNI
    Then menu is GOTO > Translation > units of measure
    enter source language and target language . After this i am getting the below message
    --->  Language not available on server
    Please suggest what i should do. Thanks.

    HI Pabi,
    Go to material master for material in purchase requisition, the Go to Additional data and maintained language as ZH in material master data.
    Also the other possibility, that if in your case purchase requisition are converted to purchase orders through background jobs,
    then check the background job execution in SM37 whether that background job has been triggered twice parellely in the background, which could have resulted in locking of same purchase requisition at same time and hence your are getting the Error.

  • Error of Unit of Measure in Invoice Parking

    Hi ,
    I am trying the invoice parking from a vendor portal by using BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_PARK ... we have created ZPTP_INVOICE_PARK function module for it ... now I have an issue that when I am paassing the following fields
    in FM
    LIFNR : 107411
    Header table entries
    Doc_date : 01.06.2011
    Gr_date : 01.06.2011
    Com : 1500
    Curre : INR
    Gross amt : 46676.22
    Vendor Inv : keep blank
    DO : keep blank
    Vendor Inv Amnt : 46676.22
    Input Table IT_INV_Table
    EBELN     1540027236
    EBELP     00020
    MBLNR     5000781648
    MJAH     2011
    ZEIL     0001
    MW     01
    ITM_AMT     46676.22
    WAERS     10
    PO_QTY     50
    MENGE : 50
    MEINS : EA
    Now,I am getting an error that "Unit of measure SET differs from unit of measure EA in order item 1540027326 00020" where my 00020 item no. is having UOM as EA and item no. 10 is having UOM as SET(and it is a deleted line item ).
    My question is why it is saying unit diffres as even in FM I am giving the right UOM i.e. EA
    While SET is a unit of first line item which is deleted.

    Thanks for the response.
    But the Unit is not fixed for D. there are number of transaction takes place and accordingly the units are. That is why I can not hard code it.
    Plz advice.

  • Error in BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA -  Unit of measure ****** is not defined;

    I am using the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA to create material in the material master, I am passing
        ls_bapi_head-basic_view    = 'X'.
        ls_bapi_head-purchase_view = 'X'.
        ls_bapi_head-mrp_view      = 'X'.
        ls_bapi_head-storage_view  = 'X'.
        ls_bapi_head-quality_view  = 'X'.
        ls_bapi_head-account_view  = 'X'.
    these views, I am passing the necessary details to the BAPI . But it is giving me an error ' **Unit of measure ****** is not defined; check your entry**'. plz help me how to solv the problem.

    Hi Vinod,
    It was very usefull for me thanks,
    I have another problem i have  to pass Valuation Class - bklas and in quality view nspection Type - 'art', Inspection Type - Material Combination is Active - 'aktiv'.
    please let me know how to pass these values to FM

  • Error as unit of measure PC not defined for language RO while creation ofPO

    Hi GUYS,
    When am trying to create a PO in ME21N transaction i got error as below,
    unit of measure PC not defined for language RU
    Message no. 06079
    Table 006A contains no entry for this unit of measure
    Please let me know what action to be taken from my side to over come this issue.
    Note: If i check the related vendor i could able to view that the language maintained as RU.

    Hi Jurgen,
    Thanks for your reply once again.
    As mentioned by you earlier i have tried to login with languae RU in Q system but unfortunately i got an error saying taht language not installed.
    Also we found for Language - EN and UOM - PC has been maintianed in T006A table.But if i check for lanugage - RU and UOM PC combinatoin has not manintaned in T006A table.
    Please let me know how to maintain the values in this table T006A for combination Lang - RU and UOM - PC.
    Please revert back with your soilution.
    Note: I have tried in SM30 but failed due to below error
    The maintenance dialog for T006A is incomplete or not defined

  • Getting an error in CIF Inbound queue:"Only 0 decimal places are permitted for unit of measure PC"

    I am getting an error in CIF Inbound queue (function: CIF_ORDER_INBOUND_30A). The error text says "Only 0 decimal places are permitted for unit of measure PC".
    Can anyone point out the solution to resolve this error? It would be a big help for me as I am new to APO and so getting difficult to find a clue for it.

    Hi Mansi,
    Please check the cif queue you will get the order number from that order number you can find out material code. Then check the material master unit of measure in MM03 you have used some alternative unit of measure and system is unable to convert order to  alternative unit of measure because of decimal setting. If you go to CUNI and check the unit if measure PC it is not permitted for decimal places. If you need decimal than change the UoMof Material and use diff UoM or allow the decimal for PC which is not good practice.

  • Error: In language EN, the internal unit of measure DA is not maintained.

    i am doing subcontracting operation and when i try to convert the PR into p.o in co02 the system gives this error
    In language EN, the internal unit of measure DA is not maintained.
    how can i solve this error...

    There are couple of things..
    1. PR to PO Creation is not with T.Code: CO02.
    2. It seems you are working on Multi Global environment.
    Ask your Basis Team to do the Language imports for UOM.

  • Error in Batch Specific Unit of Measure

    Dear Friends,
    I am maintaining Batch Specific Unit of Measure with Usage as Product Unit for a Raw Material.
    Base Unit of Measure : NOS
    PO Unit : KG
    Batch Specific Unit of Measure : KGP (KG Per Piece)
    When I am doing GRN, I am entering
    Quantity in Unit of Entry = 7181.7 KG
    Quantity in Stock Keeping Unit = 6704 NOS
    The System is giving an error:
    The qty stored that was entered is adjusted
    Message no. XU040
    Plese Help me.
    Prashant Atri

    As you have different units of measure, review information on  conversion with proportion/product unit in note 362932.
    See also notes 312510 and  515187

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