Unit Price on PO

If I have a user who only can enter Po's, where is the Authorization settings to let them key in the Unite Price. All the fields are good but the price field gives me problems

When you give full authorisation to purchasing module , he/she should have access to changing unit price . If you are talking about other price ,it could be system limitation such as item cost ,last purchase price .
If he or she is not able to do that , check also inventory setting  with price list.
<I don't this it is necessary , you can give a shot >
What is the error message ? Please mention your SAP version and patch level
Thank you

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    Hi folks,
    I have created a Purchase Ordre in foreign currency euro with account assignment project. Say the unit price of the item is euro 500/pc. While doing GR for three pcs, it is showing in purchase order history only 9 euros and in local currency column 44.45 saudi riyal as per conversion mention in po.
    Why it is not showing 1500euros?
    Please reply urgently.

    You need to check for following:
    1 ) PO HEADER level currency
    2 ) Exchange Rate in PO
    3 ) Also, check for VENDOR MASTER :: Purchasing Data view for Pricing Date control field
    Also for present date  check for exchange rate between currencies which is generally maintained by FI

  • Unit price validation in Purchase Order, Goods Receipt PO and A/R Invoice

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    Hello guys,
    I have tried to add this code to check if the field Unit Price was empty in the Purchase Order form (Object ID 22)
    But it gives me an error message - Error converting data type varchar to numeric (CINF)
    I am getting the same error message even if I have some value in the Unit Price field...
    I am really confused - what is wrong with it???
    Here is the code from the Transaction notification
    IF (@object_type = N'22' AND @transaction_type in (N'A', N'U') )
              IF EXISTS (SELECT T1.DocEntry FROM OPOR T0 inner join POR1 T1 on T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
              WHERE (T1.PriceBefDi IS NULL OR T1.PriceBefDi = ' ') AND T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
                        Set @error =1
                        set @error_message = 'Unit Price cannot be blank'

  • Value based on the periodic unit price (only with pr.ctrl S)

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    Dear all,
    Does anyone know my question?

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    Dear all,
    There is this field in mateial master called "Value based on the periodic unit price (only with pr.ctrl S)" in accounting view 1,
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    Hi Tuffy,
    For your 1st query:
    PUP field in Accounting 1 (if ML is active, Price Determination indicator=3) is the result of Actual Costing Run (CKMLCP) closing entry.
    For your 2nd query:
    In most of the cases the values will be different in Previous Period and Current Period. e.g.Period 6 values are the results of Actual Costing Run (CKMLCP) in 1st week of Period 6 for Previous Period (i.e. Period 5). Period 7 values are the results of Actual Costing Run (CKMLCP) in 1st week of Period 7 for Previous Period (i.e. Period 6).
    The reason for the different values: Price differences, Exchange rate differences, Price/Exchange rate differences from Low lower materials, etc.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Value based on the periodic unit price (only with pr.ctrl S) field in mat.

    Dear all,
    There is this field in mateial master called "Value based on the periodic unit price (only with pr.ctrl S)" in accounting view 1,
    1 - May I know what is this field about (in between our company using material ledger).
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    Hi Tuffy,
    For your 1st query:
    PUP field in Accounting 1 (if ML is active, Price Determination indicator=3) is the result of Actual Costing Run (CKMLCP) closing entry.
    For your 2nd query:
    In most of the cases the values will be different in Previous Period and Current Period. e.g.Period 6 values are the results of Actual Costing Run (CKMLCP) in 1st week of Period 6 for Previous Period (i.e. Period 5). Period 7 values are the results of Actual Costing Run (CKMLCP) in 1st week of Period 7 for Previous Period (i.e. Period 6).
    The reason for the different values: Price differences, Exchange rate differences, Price/Exchange rate differences from Low lower materials, etc.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    I need to know a function module or table or any way by which I can find out the price of an item.ie unit price.

    See table MBEW. The value or price is in terms of UoM that you have in MARA-MEINS (base unit measure). You have 2 diff. prices: variable and standard in function of type (field VPRSV).
    Edited by: E_Hinojosa on Aug 12, 2011 10:49 AM

  • Authorisation for unit price in Sales Order

    Hi Experts,
    Is there a way to prevent users from being able to change the unit price of an item in Sales Orders?  If not directly can anyone suggest a workaround to prevent access to this field?  We have noticed recently that on some occasions when users were not able to apply certain discounts they had changed the unit price!

    Hi Goeff........
    Its easily done by Authorization.
    Just unauthorized an user to change the Unit price in General Authorization in sales module.
    Or you can disable the unit price column through Form Setting and do not give authorisation to change form settings to that user........

  • Unit Price in Item Master Data

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    Can I know why it gives different Information for same type of Transaction. Does I followed wrong System.

    Please confirm the following.
    Once you select a Price in PO it should carry all the way through at the AP Invoice and should not change unless changed manually.
    Are you copying the PO >  Goods Receipt PO > AP Invoice
    And when copying to Goods Receipt PO or Invoice you are not changing the price or Pricelist
    Pls let me know

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    Hi ,
    I did not get the exact requirement.Let me bit:
    In standard AP project lines validation will try to compare the quantity , unit price and UOM of line against the database for match which actually performed on export.
    So even if match fails batch will be exported.Now if you want to correct it before EBS,i think you can do it in the business process easily that you are consuming whether BPEL/BPM process.
    We have done this in several projects
    But If you want that to be done from OFR side i think we need to code  UserExitPONumberValidate event to  compare the line items values against database.I need to test this also.

  • R12: Disable Field Quantity and Unit Price in Line Item (AR)

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    I don't have Order Management nor Inventory setup in this environment.
    Note: In AP invoices, these field are disabled.

    I don't think that is possible because the system uses those fields to calculate the Amount field, which cannot be filled in directly.

  • Unit Price Field is in-active on a Purchase Order for a Normal User

    Hi All,
    One of my A/P user is unable to enter price on a Purchase Order as the PO Unit Price field is inactive. I have given this user full authorization on PO and activated the unit price field from form settings as well but as such nothing is happening. Can anybody tell me how to get it activated.

    +Naveed Jameel wrote:
    <<Hi All,
    One of my A/P user is unable to enter price on a Purchase Order as the PO Unit Price field is inactive. I have given this user full authorization on PO and activated the unit price field from form settings as well but as such nothing is happening. Can anybody tell me how to get it activated.>>+
    Hello Naveed,
    Have you given read only or full authorisation to the price list group associated with the price list used for your BOM?

  • How to round unit price in XSL-FO Standard Purchase Order

    I have been trying to round the unit price of the Standard Purchase Order stylesheet that is written in XSL-FO. Please could someone suggest I how I could achieve this? As my attempt have been unsuccessful. In the stylesheet the following line of code returns the unit price.
    <xsl:value-of select="UNIT_PRICE"/>
    Thank you,

    I assume you are talking about number formatting:
    You can use the XPATH function format-number:
    <xsl:value-of select="format-number(UNIT_PRICE,"####.#")"/>
    This will ONLY work if UNIT_PRICE is a correct XSL number (meaning no thousand seperator). Otherwise you can probabley remove the , out of say 1,234,567 using the
    translate function translate(UNIT_PRICE,",","") - Please check any XSL reference for additional information.
    Hope that helps,

  • Unit Price Format in XSL-FO Code for Standard Purchase Order Printing

    Hi All,
    As I am new to XSL-FO, so i am not aware of doing XML,XSL-FO changes. I have an issue with the xsl-fo for standard po layout. My report layout gives ##,## instead of ##.## as my Unit Price. i.e. in the report for POs, it is showing unit price in the format as #,## eg: 0,32 or u can say like 1,70 instead it should show #.## something like 0.32 and 1.70 as my unit price. The piece of code related to unit price formatting in report as follows:
    <xsl:when test="(UNIT_PRICE,1,1 > 1) and (substring-before(UNIT_PRICE,',') > 0)">
    <fo:table-cell xsl:use-decimal-format="euro2"> <fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="table.cell5"> <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="form_data1">
    <xsl:value-of select="format-number(substring-before(UNIT_PRICE,','),'#.###','euro2')"/>,<xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),3,1)) > 4"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),3,1)) =''"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),3,1)) = 1"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),3,1)) = 2"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),3,1)) = 3"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),3,1)) = 4"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),2,1)) = ''"><xsl:value-of select="((substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,1))-(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,','),1,1)))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:when test="(substring(UNIT_PRICE,1,1)=',')">
         <fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="table.cell5"> <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="form_data1">
         <xsl:value-of select="UNIT_PRICE"/>
    <xsl:when test="(UNIT_PRICE,1,1 > 1) and (substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.') > 0)">
    <fo:table-cell xsl:use-decimal-format="euro2"> <fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="table.cell5"> <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="form_data1">
         <xsl:value-of select="format-number(substring-before(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),'#.###','euro2')"/>,<xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),3,1)) > 4"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),3,1)) =''"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),3,1)) = 1"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),3,1)) = 2"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),3,1)) = 3"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),3,1)) = 4"><xsl:value-of select="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,5))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),2,1)) = ''"><xsl:value-of select="((substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,1))-(substring(substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,'.'),1,1)))"/></xsl:if>
    <xsl:when test="(UNIT_PRICE,1,1 > 1 ) and (substring-after(UNIT_PRICE,',') ='') ">
    <fo:table-cell xsl:use-decimal-format="euro"> <fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="table.cell5"> <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="form_data1">
    <xsl:value-of select="format-number(UNIT_PRICE,'#,###.00','euro')"/>
    PS: My decimal formats for euro and euro2 are:
    <xsl:decimal-format name="euro" decimal-separator="," grouping-separator="."/>
    <xsl:decimal-format name="euro2" grouping-separator="." NaN="0"/>
    Any help or reply regarding this issue will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Michele:
    I can check out for you how to print page number in XSL-FO (There is an O'Reilly) book, but I think I help you better by recommending a different strategy - Don't write XSL-FO stylesheets. While Purchasing does not support RTF templates you can still write RTF templates and convert them to FO using the XML Publisher Template Builder for Word.
    Download the matching Template Builder for Word (5.0) or XML Publisher Desktop 5.5 (includes the Template Builder) patch and then Create your template as an RTF template.
    You can then EXPORT the template as XSL-FO stylesheet and upload as to Purchasing AS LONG AS THE VERSION OF THE DESKTOP and E-Businees Suite XML Publisher MATCH.
    If you still want to write XSL stylesheet, you can just use the Template Builder to generate you the code and paste the code (e.g. for page numbers) into your stylesheet.
    By the way - Purchasing will support RTF templates in future versions...
    Hope that helps,

  • Terms user query Changes in unit price in purchase order and a/p invoice

    Dear sir
         please give me a term user query for , if any changes in unit price in purchase order and a/p invoice

    Try this:
    SELECT  Distinct ' true'
    FROM adoc T2
    JOIN ado1 T0 ON T2.docentry = T0.docentry AND T2.Objtype = '22'
    JOIN por1 T1 ON T1.docentry = T0.docentry AND T1.Linenum=T0.Linenum
    WHERE  $[$38.14.number] != T0.Price
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Approval procedure if user change in the unit price at Purchase Order

    Dear Experts,
    I have defined purchase price list in the item master data. I want an approval if there is any devaition in the purchase price list and unit price which is defined in the purchase order. It will always go for the approval.

    Dear Ravindera,
    Approval is only working on the header level. Unless you just care about the first line, no approval procedure can be built for other lines.
    You can block those PO by SP_TN instead.

Maybe you are looking for