Unknown item declared as root of mxml doc

I've just installed Flex Builder 2 and am trying to go
through the "getting started" examples but every time I try to go
to design mode, I get the "An unknown item is declared as the root
of your MXML document. Switch to source mode to correct it."
message. This happens when I create a new Flex project or when I
open one of the existing samples that I imported (Restaurant).
What am I doing wrong?

I've the same problem.... sob sob...
Ale S

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    Maybe this happen bacause you put many additional info in your "Aple discussion" profile about the software that you use, but we can also say you the same as Logic message:
    your detailed "Audio configuration" profile info contain a "unknow item"
    Whitch is your audio interface?
    PS: anyway, try to trash Logic preferences.

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    Item category available is either N or L. I don't think there is any U available.
    If you are referring account assignment in PR. for project it should Q, P or N. U is not for project.
    What is the purpose of assigning / planning materials in your project during the initial stage?, is it for cost planning? if it is only for cost planning then follow what Virendra has recommended.
    Please also read sap help on Material in Projects.

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  • An unknown item is declared as the root of your MXML document.Switch to source mode to correct it.

       I have a problem with filex Builder 3. When i switch to design mode the error is appering help me plz.

    ya sure.. Thanks for the reply.
    Here is my mxml code..
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
            <mx:MenuBar id="myMenuBar" labelField="@label">
                <menuitem label="MenuItem A">
                    <menuitem label="SubMenuItem A-1" enabled="false"/>
                    <menuitem label="SubMenuItem A-2"/>
                <menuitem label="MenuItem B"/>
                <menuitem label="MenuItem C"/>
                <menuitem label="MenuItem D">
                    <menuitem label="SubMenuItem D-1"
                        type="radio" groupName="one"/>
                    <menuitem label="SubMenuItem D-2"
                        type="radio" groupName="one"
                    <menuitem label="SubMenuItem D-3"
                        type="radio" groupName="one"/>

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    Attached file shows where I am expecting the sales order / item to be seen.
    Please provide hints on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sonal
    If you want the billing doc to post in the sales order as cost object, then your GL has to be cost element and the account assignment category in Sales order must be E
    Check the Requiremebt Type in the Procurement tab of sales order.
    This RT is assigned to a Requirement Class and the RC is mapped to Acct Assgn Catg.
    Spro - Cost object controlling - prod cost by sales order - control of sales order related.....
    In this node you can see which RC is assigned to RT
    Br. Ajay M

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    My question is can this be fixed or do I have to avoid using Helvetica/Arial 10-point fonts in my document?
    Martin Barker.

    Here I have no problem with these fonts :
    For Doing this I found two problem pages I used Helvetica 10.
    For The next problem page had I used Arial 10.
    I was able to export without any kind of problem.
    It would be a good idea to scan your fonts with FontBook.
    Some may be corrupted or some may be conflicting.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 18 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My Box account  is : http://www.box.com/s/00qnssoyeq2xvc22ra4k
    My iDisk is : http://public.me.com/koenigyvan

  • Tax amount line item with Business area in Billing Doc generating to A/cing

    While generating the Billing Doc, for the Tax amount line item , the Business area shd be populated. How this can be done? while  for the othter line items it is displaying but not for the tax amount line item.

    In ECC 6.0 with document splitting and new GL business area would be available in the general ledger view for tax postings. For earlier versions than ECC 6.0 use balance sheet adjustment program SAPF180 to populate business area for tax items.
    Thanks and regards

  • GL posting clearing item amount and do not show doc status on the header

    GL post clearing amount both side and increase the no of items in the GL balance display. Inaddition, these clearing line item document header does not show document status field.  I have another GL which does not post extra two lines and clearing item document is empty and header shows document status as A (cleared item).
    Could you let me know what the difference and what need to be changed to make it not to post clearing items + and - and show doc status.
    Both are same FSG and only difference tick mark not done for balance in local currency.

    Thanks for your reply...but thats did not work. As I said earlier, I have a Structure in my rows and 2 characteristics in my free chracteristics and in my columns I have a selection of key figures...
    What I want is when I drill down on one of my 2 free characteristics, I do not want to see rows with amounts (KFs) zero or space.

  • Error: "Audio configuration contains unknown items"

    After a few sessions I did on a song I get this error message. The song continues to work. But from time to time this error appears.
    What does it mean? And how can I eliminate it?

    Maybe this happen bacause you put many additional info in your "Aple discussion" profile about the software that you use, but we can also say you the same as Logic message:
    your detailed "Audio configuration" profile info contain a "unknow item"
    Whitch is your audio interface?
    PS: anyway, try to trash Logic preferences.

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    Any clues?

    I am not sure if you tried this but you may want to take a look at the contents of the file ftpusers found in /etc. If the username root is in that file you will not be able to use ftp as root, it is a security issue. If you want to be able to use ftp as root you must remove root from that file. /etc/ftpusers stores all the users that can not log into ftp.
    Hope This Helps.
    Sun Developer Technical Support

  • Is it possible to manually move catalog items into the /root folder?

    Hey all,
    I am trying to move a bunch of old analyses/dashboards into a new 11G installation from my 10G one.  The 11G installation pulls from the same database and has a (almost) identical repository.  I've tried copying and pasting the files (.atr etc) into folders in catalog/paint/root but they won't appear in the BI catalog...does anyone know how to get the tool to recognize them?
    UPDATE:  I ran the "Scan and Update catalog objects that require updates" in the administrator section and it recognized the file and updated it.  I then hit "Reload Files and Metadata" and it still isn't appearing.

    Hi You have the original 10g rpd and catalog. Try try the following:
    Goto the middleware directory then the BI Instance, then the bin, or do a search you should find the following file:
    Run this and follow the prompts then use that rpd, and catalog it produces, give it a shot, may be a better way for you.

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