Unwanted log off

how do i stop my computer from logging me off while i am watching my show on my external hard drive?

From the menu bar, select
 ▹ System Preferences... ▹ Security & Privacy ▹ Advanced...
and uncheck the box marked
Log out after … minutes of inactivity
If there's a closed padlock icon in the lower left corner of the preference pane, you may need to click it to unlock the settings. Enter your login password when prompted.

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    Hi Experts,
         I am having trouble with our web gui, I can log in without a problem and when i try to log out there is message shows that i am logged off but when i refresh the page it automatically logs in. It would only go back to the log on page if i exit the whole browser window. i am using mozilla for my web gui. any help on this matter would be much appreciated. 

    Which version of Web browser ?
    and also refer the SAP Notes
    1777513 - WebGUI logoff does not work
    1903478 - Session remains open after the logoff

  • Log off problem in integrated ITS

    our cancel button for ending the application with an external ITS works fine and the exitURL which is deposit in the service file will be shown.
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    Can anybody help me?
    This works:
    wgateURL(~command="logoff", ~exitURL="http://www.sap.com")
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    Thanks, Susanne

    This was discussed recently.
    check out this thread
    Close the IE page on click of a button in the transaction

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    Hi Friends,
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    Thank you.

  • How to log off from SNC portal

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    Your help is appreciated.

    Hi Soumen,
    There is no logoff button in SNC Web portal.
    You can close the SNC web protal to logoff.
    About your issue when you logoff it will locks your query as it is not logoff straight a way solution is create another query so that you can use another query or go to transaction SM04 and logoff your user-

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    foreach ($_ in get-content C:/servers.txt)
    {(gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName$_).Win32Shutdown(4)}
    The problem is all this does is log off the first user in the session list when you are looking at task manager.  How could
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    This thread on stackoverflow may be useful to you if the user is connected to an RD session on your servers: Powershell Log Off Remote Session 
    As a starting point:
    $server = 'MyServer'
    $username = "domain\usertologoff"
    $session = ((quser /server:$server | ? { $_ -match $username }) -split ' +')[2]
    logoff $session /server:$server
    (the script listed logs the current user off, I changed it to all you to enter the username)
    Jason Warren

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    Click the Orange Firefox button in the upper left hand corner, then hover over the arrow to the right of "History". Go to "Clear Recent History", and clear the following:
    Time Range: Everything
    Under Details check the following:
    Active Logins
    Offline Website Data
    Uncheck everything else. Click "Clear Now", then restart Firefox.

  • Log off button in a web report (bw 3.5)

    I'm trying to add a log off button in my default web template, but it seems not working properly.
    My web template, including simple query result, without user input variable :
    <!-- BW data source object tags -->
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_DATA_PROVIDER"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="DATAPROVIDER_1"/>
             <param name="QUERY" value="ZTESTGC_QUERYLOGOFF"/>
             <param name="INFOCUBE" value="SUZ_C01"/>
             DATA_PROVIDER:             DATAPROVIDER_1
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_PROPERTIES"/>
             <param name="TEMPLATE_ID" value="ZTESTGC_LOGOFF"/>
             <param name="STATELESS" value="X"/>
             <param name="USE_PAGE_WRAPPER" value="X"/>
          <link href="/sap/bw/Mime/BEx/StyleSheets/BWReports.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <P><A class=SAPBEXBtnStd title="Log Off" href ="<SAP_BW_URL CMD='LOG_OFF'>&sap-sessioncmd=cancel"><nobr> Log Off</nobr> </A></P>
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="GET_ITEM"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="TABLE_1"/>
             <param name="ITEM_CLASS" value="CL_RSR_WWW_ITEM_GRID"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER" value="DATAPROVIDER_1"/>
             ITEM:            TABLE_1
    When I click on my button, i'm redirected on a blank page but :
    - if i click on the back browser (IE6) button, I see query results again, without see logon screen.
    - if i stay on the blank page and i relaunch my web template using WAD button 'Execute in browser ...' it doesn't ask me my logon information
    Why ???
    Thanks to help me,

    try something like this:
    button, which calls javascript function
    function logoff()
    // releases the current session and calls the log out page
    it works correctly.If you press the button you will be at first loged off and after that redirected to htm_logoff.html (it is a simple html site, which you have to build)
    Edited by: Erwin  Buda on Jan 9, 2009 3:31 PM

  • How to set printer margins if using a lot of printers in virtual desktops which are deleted each time users logs off

    i am using Firefox version 31. I have a problem with page setup margins. I need to use left
    30mm; right 10mm; top 20mm; bottom 20mm. I am using VMware floating assignemnt linked clones
    virtual desktops. After users log off - machines are deleted and users next time logs on get's brand
    new VDI's. Users gets printers to VDI using login script from Active Directory.
    Option Explicit
    Dim strPrinterUNC, objNetwork
    strPrinterUNC = "\\some_server\printer_number_1"
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strPrinterUNC
    WScript.Sleep (20000)
    objNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter strPrinterUNC
    Set objNetwork = Nothing
    Each user have different logon script, because they use different printers (different printer names e.g. \\some_server\printer_number_2 ; \\some_server\printer_number_3 and etc. Page setup margins in Internet Explorer are ok. But how to make Firefox page setup margins as i need? For other options i have
    used CCK2 Wizard 2.0.4 tool. It worked fine. Maybe i can put some information in C:\Program
    Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\pref\autoconfig.js I have some usefull data in it allready. I
    have found info that: "Setting print margins is done in the printer settings". I have a lot of
    printers, so i can not set printer margins individualy for each of them. Now mozilla shows top,
    bottom, right, left each 12.7 mm. What should i do if i have a lot of printers in enterprise

    Firefox has a profile folder that has preferences to save this. But the config that would need to be changed is:
    print. save_print_settings = True - (default): Save the print settings after each print job
    Locking that preference: [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Locking_preferences]
    Or done manually:
    #In order to check the margins, we need to go to ''File'' > ''Page Setup''.
    #Once this is done, switch to the ''Margins & Header/Footer'' tab.
    #Check what's set there under ''Margins''.
    The following are the default values for ''Margins'':
    Check these values accordingly and change them if necessary.

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    I can't figure out how to log off of my daughter's iTunes account that has been loaded to my PC.  When I want to sync my iPhone, I get her data, not mine.

    Hi, Abril_Perez17.
    This may be related to a new feature embedded in iOS7 that shows all purchased music by default.  Go to Settings > Music, then turn off Show All Music.  See if the issue ceases once the feature has been disabled.  This information is located on page 63 of the user guide below. 
    iPhone User Guide
    Jason H. 

  • Is there any way to log off automatically from a WIFI connection every time the device is turned off or goes into sleep mode.

    I have a bunch of Apple devices in my house (kids) and don't like the idea of all these devices (iPads, iPod touches, iPhones) always being connected to my home WIFI.  Ideally, I would prefer the devices connect automatically when they are in use by a human and log off the network when they (the devices) go to sleep mode or are turned off.

    This is not an answer, more of a question.  I know that when a pad goes to sleep, it drops the connection. We all remember the thousands of posts from folks who had trouble re establishing the connection after waking up in the early days.  What is different now is the use of push, and notifications.  If you have these enabled, doesn't that mean that the wifi needs to stay active?  
    I notice that I have notifications on the screen that came in while asleep, and I can only believe that the wifi saw them.  This is different from the old behavior or re grabbing the wifi.
    So, to Pam, on one the devices you are concerned about, turn off notifications, fetch and push, put it to sleep, and see if it drops off the network.  I am kind of curious.
    By the way, having the wifi active has not shown me any battery usage. The router certainly does not care.  Security is at the router end, so if somebody wants to hijack my signal, it does not matter if the pad is active or not.  So I guess I am not clear either on what your issue might be.

  • How can i log off another device from my apple id

    some time ago i have logged in with apple id on my friends iPad. and now his son is giving me a troubles in my game Clash of Clans. i have changed my apple id password, it doesnt resolve the problem. how can i log off on his ipad remotely ??

    Go to Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars and look in the Mail section.  If you have an icloud account listed there, just delete it.

  • Server 2012 R2 RDS – cannot log off user session

    We have a 2 server RDS RemoteApp Farm.
    One server is constantly leaving user sessions in a disconnected state without the ability to kill the session (rebooting is the only way); this is happing 1-2 times per week.
    Servers have been configured to kill a disconnected session after 10 minutes, but some disconnected sessions have been running for days.
    Below is a screenshot of the process running for two disconnected users sessions that I could not disconnect, rebooting the server was the only way of fixing this. No error's were generated when users disconnected the session.
    Is there a known fix for this?

    Did you apply session disconnected policy setting in your environment?
    There are different ways for getting user log off. As you have commented that it’s happening with specific user, once check whether the user profile is not corrupted or any other related case. Also it might relates that some application or related services
    is still running under user profile so that session cannot be logged off. You can also try PowerShell command to log off the user. Also with
    Query user command you can find the related session name and ID and then with “Logoff user command” you can logoff the specific user. 
    For policy related to session setting you can check beneath article. (point 1)
    [Forum FAQ] Restrict number of Active Sessions
    in RDS 2012 and 2012 R2
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • User profile images not persisting after log off on Server 2012 R2 RDS Session Hosts

    We have a 2012 R2 remote desktop deployment, with two session collections, a gateway server, and connection broker.
    We have set these session collections to use centralised user profile disks.
    What I am having an issue with, is that when a user sets their profile image through the server they have logged on to (I have the desktop experience pack installed so they are able to do this), they can see the user tile has been set with that image in
    settings and also on the start menu, but as soon as they log off the server and back on, their profile image has been reset to the default blank image.
    I have checked all of my group policy options, and cannot find any settings that could be impacting this.
    Does anyone have any ideas why these images are not persisting for users or admins?
    Thanks, Eds

    Please check that the user is not getting a temporary profile each time he logs in. Also, make sure that the RDP client is properly configured to display the Wallpaper: http://www.webapper.com/blog/index.php/2007/10/18/enabling-desktop-wallpaper-on-remote-desktop-terminal-services/
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
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    Contact your carrier and the police. If it was lost in a specific building, ask the people running it.

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