Update DNS A recrod

Dear All,
I have formed a CAS Array (two members servers are part of it.
DNS entry for CAS array with IP address is "cas.testlab.local" and IP address is
As mentioned above Two members are part of my Array that is
Memsrv-1 and memsrv-2 with ips respectively ( &
What I wish is if Member server 1 goes down then IP address or CAS array should change to
and when member server 2 goes down then IP address or CAS array should change to
is it possible thru Powershell scripting I am not sure so requesting help

If by 'CAS' you're referring to an Exchange Client Access Server array, use NLB. That's how I handle this and it works very well.
EDIT: While what Robert has posted may work, you'll have to be running the script constantly and is most likely not how the product is intended to be load balanced.
Example documents:
Exchange 2013:
Exchange 2010:
I highly recommend looking into the documentation and using a supported method.
Don't retire TechNet! -
(Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)

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    Hi everyone,
    On ASA   when we config DHCP pool then why we need to use the command
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    Hello Mahesh,
    I have seen it on enviroments where DDNS will be run,
    As you might now DDNS is the protocol that will allow you to find or determine what the IP address of a host is whether it has changed or not ( This based on it's domain name)
    So there are going to be times where the mapping from IP to name and name to IP will change and clients might want to update this, If we want the ASA to honor those changes we add:
    dhcpd update dns

  • Active Directory client not dynamically updating DNS

    There has been some other issues mentioned on other threads regarding the Active Directory Plugin within Lion, it does appear to be flaky.
    I just wanted to make sure that the issue I'm having is not down to a mis-config by myself.
    We have several Macs running 10.7.1 and are bound into Active directory (Windows 2008 r2) however, it appears that the DNS records for these machines are not being dynamically created within AD. (All Zones are AD intergrated) All 10.6.x clients seem to work fine and records are created and updated dynamically as IPs change etc.
    Is anybody else having this issue? If not, any ideas why this is happening?
    Thanks in advance.

    I'm having exactly the same problem and nobody seems to have an answer.
    Regarding the reply you got, this has nothing to do with Lion Server. We're talking about Lion clients bound to an AD (Windows Server 2008 R2, in my case) not dynamically registering their DNS entries.
    I also noticed that the DHCP entries for those clients are missing the "Name" property, which is already symptomatic of something going wrong.

  • HTTPS, DNS and dynamically updating DNS records

    Hello to you all, if you are able to help with a DNS problem that I'm having then please accept my thanks and appreciation in advance.
    First some background information, I recently  moved my server from my studio to my house where a new purpose built studio will soon be erected. At my old studio any requests for myurl.com came in via the IP (whether that be http, https, ftp etc) from the domain registrar and the router would send the request to the relevant port number whether that be 80 for http or 443 for https etc and all was well as this location had a fixed IP address. Unfortunately at my new location whilst I have a much faster connection I do not have a fixed IP. To get around this I have the following set up (not ideal for a business I know but perfectly OK for home hosting); I set up two psuedo nameservers at no-ip.com (ns1myurl.com and ns2myurl.com) which tracks the changes in my IP address and updates its records accordingly, my registrar then sends any requests to these 'nameservers' and no-ip then forwards it on to my server. So far so good.
    The problem arises once the requests get to my server, whilst I have DNS set up, I can only recieve requests from a straight request to the server ie myurl.com will display the site without any problem, but if I then put a www in front of that or try to access the https part of my site (which is set up as a seperate site on the same server) then the server throws an error. I have tried to put an alias (CNAME) into the zone but it does not want to resolve the request. I have searched around but to no avail, I am totally new to DNS so am currently on a steep learning curve and fumbling around in the dark.
    The first thing that I need to get working is the request to be resolved correctly and then (and this is where the real fun starts!) is to dynamically update the IP in the DNS records as the IP changes. I will probably have to get help in on this as I understand that this requires BIND of which I know nothing about, first though I'd like to get the pages to be served up correctly. Advice, hints, tips or links to tutorials all greatly appreciated. Full set up listed below.
    Many thanks, David.
    Xserve PPC G5 running 10.5.8 unlimited set up as standalone OD master
    CradlePoint MBR1200 Gateway router which acts as the DHCP
    http://myurl.com and https://myurl.com set up as 2 seperate sites and located on the Xraid
    Current DNS setup:
    Primary Zone name: myurl.com with nameservers ns1myurl.no-ip.info and ns2myurl.no-ip.info and allow zone transfers in checked
    Primary Zone
            Machine (external IP)
            Machine (external IP)
            Machine (external IP)
    With the reverse zone looking thus with allow zone transfers being checked
    Reverse Zone
            Reverse mapping

    Thanks for the reply Camelot, that part though I had already figured out. I now have this working, all I did was change the external IP to the internal one of the server with resolves with the .local machine name and all is working just fine (for now!). As long as I have primary zones set for each site and any alias or services set up on them then everything works well.. The real test will be when my ISP changes the IP, whilst my tests have proved successful the proof will be when they update the address.
    Thanks anyway. David.

  • After updates, DNS fails

    This is the message I get when attempting to start:
    The DNS server could not listen on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket for address The event data is the error code.  An IP address of can indicate a valid "any address" configuration in which all configured IP addresses on the computer are available for use.
    Restart the DNS server or reboot the computer.
    and then:
    The DNS server could not open socket for address
    Verify that this is a valid IP address for the server computer.  If it is NOT valid use the Interfaces dialog under Server Properties in the DNS Manager to remove it from the list of IP interfaces.  Then stop and restart the DNS server. (If this was the only IP interface on this machine and the DNS server may not have started as a result of this error.  In that case remove the DNS\Parmeters\ ListenAddress value in the services section of the registry and restart.)
    If this is a valid IP address for this machine, make sure that no other application (e.g. another DNS server) is running that would attempt to use the DNS port.
    I can't get to the properties of the DNS server to even see what address it's trying to bind to. Everything worked fine before a group of updates were installed. The machine is a SBS and has NAT to deal with the outside interface.
    I have checked the DNS and there is no key for listenaddress in the DNS service. Also, in services, it says DNS is started, but I can't get into it. The DNS service MMC just has a red X through it.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    According to the description, the issue seems to be related to SBS 2003. As we mainly focus on the general question about Windows Server system, for better and quick answer to the question, it is recommend you initial a new thread in the SBS newsgroup to get further support.
    For your convenience, I have list the link to the corresponding community as followed.
    Discussions in microsoft.public.windows.server.sbs
    Hope the issue can be resolved soon.
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Updating DNS Names

    Hi Everyone - first post, so please bear with me whilst I learn the ettiquette here
    I administer a classroom of about 30 macs (mainly G4 eMacs with about 10 power macs) for a postgraduate newspaper journalism class. We recently (last summer) decided to try to implement a more comprehensive management/imaging scheme for them, and bought apple remote desktop and a copy of Tiger Server.
    The problem I'm currently having is updating the DNS name information in the Apple Remote Desktop application (server side). I've had all of the dns records for the machines updated to something human readable so that dns information can be used as part of an automatic renaming process on newly imaged machines. But ARD still displays the old names.
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    Does anyone have any pointers as to what's going on? Where is this information cached, and how can it be updated?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Brian, thanks for replying.
    I didn't enter the dns details for the machines in the first place. I can edit the dns names manually, but that isn't the point. The ARD manual does state fairly clearly that the DNS names are set when the machine is added using reverse-dns lookup. This should ensure that the DNS name setting is correct, and should safeguard against typos etc.
    Of course, even if I were to re-type each DNS address manually (possible for 30 odd machines, I suppose, though it wouldn't be if this were 300 odd), I'd have to do a reverse dns address for each computer address ANYway.
    I suppose I could bypass the problem by writing a hybrid applescript/bash script that looked up the dns address for a given IP address and changed the dns name through ARD... but I'd prefer it if there was a way to force ARD itself to re-lookup the information so that it was correct.

  • New Windows Server 2012 unable connect to Netlogon Service or update DNS records

    Hi everybody, all of my Windows Servers 2012 decided to collapse after innocuous group policy update that was meant to make user passwords more secure.
    The AD and DNS seem to be functioning "normally", I am able to add new Windows7 and Windows Server 2008 machines to the domain, I can see them in listed in the AD and DNS record are update correctly, however, as soon as I try to join Windows Server
    2012 it breaks.
    The event log is littered on the new server with:
    The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter
    with settings:
               Adapter Name : {DB7F73CE-E011-4F3C-BEBC-2CE7A871DF51}
               Host Name : CHEETAH
               Primary Domain Suffix : somedomain.com
               DNS server list :
               Sent update to server : <?>
               IP Address(es) :
    The reason the system could not register these RRs was because the update request it sent to the DNS server timed out. The most likely cause of this is that the DNS server authoritative for the name it was attempting to register or update is not running
    at this time.
    You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
    Name resolution for the name _ldap._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.dc._msdcs.somedomain.com. timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.
    When I try to ping the primary DC (WS2003) it fails, the Secondary DC (WS2012) responds.
    The >nltest /sc_query:somedomain.com on Windows Servers 2012 returns:
    Flags: 0
    Trusted DC Name
    Trusted DC Connection Status Status = 1311 0x51f ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS
    The command completed successfully
    yet it works on all other machines.
    I tried removing 2012 servers from the domain and rejoining - without success. The cookie crumbled when I added two new installations of Windows Server 2012 & 2008 and 2008 worked fine but 2012 showed same symptoms.
    There is one peculiar thing that I had noticed on all Windows 2012 machines, it constantly showing "Workplace Connection - Connecting" in the networks pane on the right side of the screen, which I can't say i ever noticed before.
    Unfortunately, the secondary DC is a multihoming server with Direct Access role - I am not sure if this may play some part but our existing configuration worked for a year now without any problems. Issue appeared when I changed the password complexity rule,
    which boggles the mind. I wonder if there has been some other changes in GPO that did not propagate from years ago and finally comeback to break things.
    Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

    Hello Ace, i wish you a Happy New Year! I hope your break was enjoyable and filled with cheer.
    In the end I had to bite the bullet and reinstall all troublesome servers. Your recommendations from above removed some serious problems with the DA and DNS resolution.
    I was able to attach new server to the domain without any problems and begin painful process of rebuild.
    I have promoted TIGER to full DC controller role, but having some issues with replication. Although running >repadmid /showrepl gives positive
    feedback, the sysvol folder on the secondary DC is empty.
    Also there is a couple of warnings in the event log:
    Event ID 4012
    Log Name: DNS Server
    Source: DNS-Server-Service
    The DNS server is waiting for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to signal that the initial synchronization of the directory has been completed. The DNS server service cannot start until the initial
    synchronization is complete because critical DNS data might not yet be replicated onto this domain controller. If events in the AD DS event log indicate that there is a problem with DNS name resolution, consider adding the IP address of another DNS server
    for this domain to the DNS server list in the Internet Protocol properties of this computer. This event will be logged every two minutes until AD DS has signaled that the initial synchronization has successfully completed.
    - which has not repeated since 3rd of Jan.
    These events occur on the primary DC every few minutes:
    Event ID 1030
    Source: Userenv
    Windows cannot query for the list of Group Policy objects. Check the event log for possible messages previously logged by the policy engine that describes the reason for this.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    Event ID 1058
    Source: Userenv
    Windows cannot access the file gpt.ini for GPO CN={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=somedomain,DC=com. The file must be present at the location <\\somedomain.com\sysvol\somedomain.com\Policies\{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}\gpt.ini>.
    (The network name cannot be found. ). Group Policy processing aborted.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    Should sysvol folder be shared on the secondary DC? Another interesting thing to point out is that
    \\somedomain.com\sysvol\somedomain.com\Policies\ can be access
    from all other machines except the DC1.
    kind regards,

  • How often does Verizon update DNS?

    How often - How quickly,  does Verizon update it's DNS servers?
    The reason that I must ask is that I have just changed wevhosts and cannot connect to my new host.
    It has been over one hour now and I am dead in the water because I cannot connect!!!
    Yes, before you reply  -  I have checked using network-tools.com  and my site is in public dns
    How long should I wait before looking at alternative DNS?
    I am on the North Shore of Massachusetts - the delay is unbearable.

    JoeCarver wrote:
    Nevermind I have now just called Verizon "Tech Support" and they don't know!
    To quote: " It happens fom time to time"
    When he was asked "should I get OPEN DNS?
    Answer: "yeah, you can go ahead and do that"
    Nice, real nice............
    Lesson learned - warning to those who might be hosting a web site and change servers + hosts
     "yeah, you can go ahead and do that"
    It's a combination of things.
    First it depends how fast your hosting isp issues a DNS push to send out your new address and then it's dependant on how fast the push trickles through all the dns servers in the world.  I believe if you check with your hosting isp they will say it can take up to 24 hours to propogate around everywhere.  You could use one of your hosting isp's dns servers as your primary dns server and then you should see the chnages virtually immediately, however that could slow down other access slightly as it might be slower to reach than a near at hand verizon server.

  • Client tries to update dns record

    The DNS server log shows that a client tries to update a dns record. The update is denied, but the client tries several times, using different ports. Denied every time.
    Is there a risk that this client or another client manage to update the dns record? What should I do to prevent this attacs?
    The action taken by now is to stop the client in the firewall at ip level. But then there is another client using another ip so this isn't really the best way.

    There is no reason to worry about this.
    It's probably a Windows 2000 or XP client doing this.
    As far as I know the client can't update the OS X BIND DNS the way it's setup.
    You can disable the DNS updating setting in the Windows client's TCP/IP DNS config setup.

  • Updating DNS hostname

    I'm sure I should know how to do this but I need to know how to update the our server's hostname in DNS. We're using Mac OS X Server 10.4.7 and it's just not clear to us.
    We're trying to change our IP address on the server as we just moved and have a new IP address.
    ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

    Do in Terminal : host -v -t NS <yourdomain>
    These are the nameservers hosting your domain.
    If one of these is the IP your server had before the move you have to alter that setting at a/the registrar for your (top-)domain to reflect the IP # change.
    Otherwise the record for your server IP has to be changed on the servers hosting your domain.
    You are hosting some of your own public services?

  • Website Updates DNS issues

    My company had someone add a word press section to their website. 
    Externally I can ping the domain name without WWW, but internally I can only ping it with WWW in front. 
    The IP address of the site has stayed the same, but I believe the developer has set it up to only be accessible without the www in front of it. 
    What do I add in terms of DNS records to make the domain name ( domain.com) pingable 
    ( again www.domain.com is pingable, domain.com is not) 

    in your domain DNS zone you could create an A record named "www" without quotes and point it to the ip address of the web server.
    Best regards
    Meinolf Weber
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    My Blog: http://blogs.msmvps.com/MWeber
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

  • Script to update DNS Entry

    I have a domain name for free from dyndns, but I don't have a static IP. I imagine that it could be updated every once in a while with a cron entry activating a script to automatically collect my current IP and update it on the dyndns page.
    My abilities with scripting go little beyond basic commands and purely local operations. If anyone could could point me to some good resources to figure out how to do it, or write the script for me, I would be much obliged.

    nogoma wrote:The dyndns site recommends a couple of tools here; I used to used one of them. However, nowadays I use the functionality built into my router for this. A lot of modern routers do this, you might want to check that out if you have one.
    +1 for everything in there
    Don't reinvent the wheel unless you have to

  • Dynamic DNS updates and issues with re-imaged / replaced machines with the same computer name

    Our AD team gets asked frequently to delete bad DNS entries because a computer was replaced or VDI was re-created, and when it was joined to the domain it had the same computer name but different SID, so the DNS entry for that computer can no longer be updated
    to a new IP address because the new computer doesn't have rights to update that object in DNS.
    I recently saw a resolution to this was to set the security for DNS to allow updates from "Domain Computers" as described in the KB below.
    Has anyone done this?  Any negative implications from this?

    Granting all domain computers write access to all records in the dns zone does solve the problem. On the negative side, DNS security is reduced significantly. For example, any user with admin rights locally on his/her computer will be able to sabotage
    services in your domain by deleting or changing host records of domain controllers, servers or other client computers. 
    A more secure solution in this case will be configuring DHCP servers to update DNS on behalf of the client and granting DHCP servers appropriate access to DNS zone. Take a look at
    Configuring Secure Dynamic Update for more info.

  • DHCP-Server (2008 R2) is not updating Reverse-DNS-Pointer

    Hi there,
    we have a 2008 R2 DHCP running. The DHCP is using an user which is member of "DnsUpdateProxy"-AD-Group to create, update and delete DNS-entries. Also the Option "Always dynamically update dns A and ptr records"
    is set!
    Now I have a strange behavior, that the Forward-DNS-Entries are created and updated correctly, but not the Reverse-Entries. There are no Errors in the DHCP-Log regarding problems with registering DNS-entries...
    What should I check?!

    Thanks for your share.
    In general, DNS Reverse Lookup Zone is not created automatically. In addition,  does the Reverse-Zone you mentioned mean DNS Reverse Lookup Zone? If yes, I am sorry to say that I have never heard a way can achieve that. Maybe a script or command can
    do that.
    Best regards,

  • DNS records not always updating / up to date / correct

    We have a local domain with a primary DC running Windows Server 2008 R2 along with DHCP and DNS (AD integrated), and a secondary backup DC running Windows Server 2008 (non-R2), however it has been off for a very long time due to malfunctioning
    hardware. We also have another domain on the same LAN in a different forest altogether which has a trust set up between these two domains. This other domain has a Windows Server 2008 R2 as the primary DC and utilizes the first mentioned DC for DHCP
    as well. The LAN has physical Ethernet connectivity and WiFi as there are mostly laptops as workstations. DCHP leases are set to 24 hours and DNS Aging and Savaging is configured for both domains.
    I have been troubled by an issue for some time now where in some cases there is a mismatch with the IP a laptop has and what DNS has captured. I tried to reproduce the issue but I am unable to do so: I would connect a laptop via cable, then switch
    to WiFi and then back again, each time DNS gets updated accordingly. I have tried the same tests with both connected simultaneously while switching between them as well.
    What is curious is that I experience this intermitted issue in both DNS forward lookup zones for the respective domains. Keep in mind as I said previously that these are completely separate domains from different forests with a trust
    configured between them. Other than the trust which they have in common, the DHCP is also in common which makes me suspect the issue is related to it. I have configured the IPv4 DCHP setting: "Always dynamically update DNS A and PTR records"
    and ensured credentials were set which will be used to register and update records on behalf of clients.
    This issue is causing problems with internet access through our hardware firewall as the sessions are dependant on the accuracy of DNS. Please, could anyone try and assist me. Thank you in advance.   

    I have made an interesting discovery. At one point yesterday client was connected to both cable and wifi which means DCHP had 2 leases for each adapter respectively. Later in the day wifi was completely turned off though a physical toggle switch on the
    machine and only plugged in via cable. Further in the day I had the user complain that there is no internet connectivity (remember I said our firewall is dependant on the DNS' accurancy). Upon inspection I found that DNS had the IP of the wifi adapter and
    not the one from cable, yet the wifi adapter is turned off completely for a couple of hours. I ran ipconfig /registerdns which corrected the A record, however only for about an hour after which the wifi IP overwrote the record again. I ended up deleting
    the wifi adapter's DHCP lease late in the afternoon after which we all left for the day not too long thereafter. In the morning I had the same complaint of no internet access to again find that the cable IP is not reflecting in DNS for the client's A record
    and now found a completely new IP which it did not have before, yet according to DCHP, the MAC address matched the wifi adapter. When I checked, the wifi adapter was still completely off. Somehow someway the record keeps on being overwritten by something (suspect
    DHCP), even if the other adapter is completely turned off?!

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