Update installation d

is it possible to update the Vista installation disc for the X-Fi to the latest drivers and software?
I thought of something like copying the CD to the harddri've, decompressing the downloaded drivers and software updates and replacing the folders on the CD with the new content.
Does this work?
I'm tired of unchecking all outdated applications when installing the creative software.
Maybe it would also be possible to run the installation disc directly from hdd. So when a new update is out, you could install it and replace the installation files on the disc immediately, so you get an actual installation disc all the time.

Well, in previous experience, I can say that it does actually work, I have done this with my installation CD for Windows XP.
I did try a few times with the Vista CD, but it seems a bit more complex to do, basically some of the downloaded software has a different folder structure than the CD, so it may take some time and patience.
I am going to give it another go, so I will either update this post or PM you and make a new thread if CL allow me to upload it and share with other users.

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    This question is Not Answered.(Mark as assumed answered)
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           Tags (edit): none (add)  
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    Give Adobe Support a call or contact the TCS team at [email protected] - something in your environment is causing the installer to fail (I'd guess).

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    foxbat123 wrote:
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    If the iPod is not recognized and cannot be restored from the other user account, try the tips in this article: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1852
    You can quickly isolate the issue by trying to restore from another computer.
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    To get the iPhone repaired in Kenya, visit an Orange store http://www.orange.co.ke/

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    2. Installing the update manually from here - http://www.adobe.com/support/dreamweaver/downloads_updaters.html
    3. As suggested - removing the /AAMUpdater folder here - http://forums.adobe.com/thread/847350?start=0&tstart=0
    4. Tried the "fix" link - http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/902/cpsid_90241.html - dead link
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    U44.. update error http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1289956 may help
    -more U44.. discussion http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1275963
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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      Installation failed. Error Code: U44M2P7
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    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Bridge CS5_4.0.5_AdobeBridge4-mul: Install failed
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    Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.5 Update
      Installation failed
      Photoshop Camera Raw 6.6 Update
      Installation failed
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    Can you reset you computer to before the update and try the update again?
    You should also reset you preferences as this file is not affect by a reinstall.  Believe in Mac it is hold down Cmd key and start Bridge.  You should get a reset window with 3 options.

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    Adobe Photoshop Version: 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch]) x32
    Operating system: Windows XP 32-Bit
    Version: 5.1 Service Pack 3
    Regional setting = de
    Camera Raw 6.7.1
    Adobe Support Advisor (V1.6.1.20120504) is not able to locate the problem.
    How can I successfully install the Camera Update?
    Best regards,

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    If you get the following error when updating ACR 6.2 on OSX:
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    Look for /Applications/Adobe
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    Rerun the update.

    Just a heads up.

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    Are you using any disk cleaner or optimization tools like CleanMymac or Mackeeper?

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