UPDATE_PERSON_ADDRESS API errors – spec differs! Need Example!

Hi all,
I’ve tried loading a hard-coded example of following 4 API’s but have not succeeded with any of them. I need an example of how these are supposed to work. Eventually, I want to have 1 PLSQL script that includes:
1 of..
update_person_address or
update_gb_person_address or
cre_or_upd_person_address or
update_pers_addr_with_style together with..
Hr_Assignment_Api.update_emp_asg and
(which both work because I’ve already got a working process setup..)
What I’ve found is the spec I’m using..
(taken from CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Hr_Person_Address_Api AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS/* $Header: peaddapi.pkh 115.27 2004/04/04 20:24:19 tpapired ship $ */ )
..has notes that don’t make sense with the comments section (eg. update_person_address) does not contain all the fields that you use in the actual procedure – no wonder Im getting a ‘PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'UPDATE_PERSON_ADDRESS'’ error message!
Another example is that ‘p_style’ relates somehow to regions but in abosve API there’s no ‘p_style’ parameter which makes me think do you have to use the update_pers_addr_with_style API with it?
My non-working example looks like:
/* Formatted on 2009/03/26 15:39 (Formatter Plus v4.8.7) */
SET serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WRAPPED
SET verify OFF
SET feedback OFF
   l_validate           BOOLEAN        DEFAULT FALSE;
   l_effective_date     DATE        := TO_DATE ('16-MAR-2009', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_validate_county    BOOLEAN      DEFAULT FALSE;
   ip_p_address_id      NUMBER         := 28626;
   l_obj                NUMBER;
   l_date_from          DATE        := TO_DATE ('17-FEB-2009', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_date_to            DATE        := TO_DATE ('17-FEB-2059', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_person_id          NUMBER         := 29588;
   l_address_line1      VARCHAR2 (100) := '2 FeatherHill Drive';
   l_address_line2      VARCHAR2 (100) := 'East Clackton';
   l_address_line3      VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Shrops.';
   l_address_line4      VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Inverness';
   l_postcode           VARCHAR2 (30)  := 'SL3 3RT';
   --  l_country              VARCHAR2 (100) := 'GB';
   l_telephone_number   VARCHAR2 (25)  := '0191 111 3478';
    l_party_id           NUMBER;
    l_region_1  VARCHAR2 (25)  := 'DUR';
      l_no_managers_warning            BOOLEAN;
      l_other_manager_warning          BOOLEAN;
      l_assignment_id                  NUMBER         := 29547;
      l_supervisor_id                  NUMBER         := 27928;
      l_default_code_comb_id           NUMBER         := 61635;
   --   l_default_code_comb_id           NUMBER         := 217509;
      l_datetrack_update_mode          VARCHAR2 (30)  := 'UPDATE';
      --  l_datetrack_update_mode          VARCHAR2 (30)  := 'CORRECTION';
      l_organization_id                NUMBER         := 0;
      l_concatenated_segments          VARCHAR2 (240);
      l_soft_coding_keyflex_id         NUMBER;
      l_comment_id                     NUMBER;
      l_people_group_id                NUMBER;
      l_special_ceiling_step_id        NUMBER;
      l_location_id                    NUMBER         := 175;
      l_job_id                         NUMBER         := 7;
      l_position_id                    NUMBER         := 252;
      l_group_name                     VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_org_now_no_manager_warning     BOOLEAN;
      l_spp_delete_warning             BOOLEAN;
      l_entries_changed_warning        VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_tax_district_changed_warning   BOOLEAN;
      l_style                          VARCHAR2 (4)   := 'GB';
   CURSOR csr_ovn
      SELECT MAX (padd.object_version_number)
        FROM per_addresses padd, per_all_people_f per
       WHERE padd.person_id = per.person_id AND per.person_id = '29588';
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('######################################');
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('UPDATE of EXISTING Employees Details..');
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('#######################################');
   OPEN csr_ovn;
   FETCH csr_ovn
    INTO l_obj;
   CLOSE csr_ovn;
                             (p_validate              => l_validate,
                              p_effective_date         => l_effective_date,
                              p_validate_county            => l_validate_county,
                              p_address_id                 => ip_p_address_id,
                              p_object_version_number      => l_obj,
                              p_date_from                  => l_date_from,
                              p_date_to                    => l_date_to,
                              p_person_id                  => l_person_id,
--   p_primary_flag    => 'N',
                              p_address_type               => NULL,
                              p_comments                   => NULL,
                              p_address_line1              => l_address_line1,
                              p_address_line2              => l_address_line2,
                              p_address_line3              => l_address_line3,
                              p_town_or_city               => NULL,
                              p_region_1          => l_region_1, --NULL,
                              p_region_2                   => NULL,
                              p_region_3                   => NULL,
                              p_postal_code                => l_postcode,
                              p_country                    => l_address_line4,
                              p_telephone_number_1         => l_telephone_number,
                              p_telephone_number_2         => NULL,
--  p_telephone_number_3           => NULL,
  ,p_addr_attribute_category       IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute1               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute2               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute3               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute4               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute5               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute6               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute7               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute8               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute9               IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute10              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute11              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute12              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute13              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute14              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute15              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute16              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute17              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute18              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute19              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_addr_attribute20              IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information13             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information14             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information15             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information16             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information17             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information18             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information19             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2
  ,p_add_information20             IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Hr_Api.g_varchar2 */
                              p_party_id                   => l_party_id
--      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   '..and failure looks like..: ' || SQLERRM );
EXIT;Please provide a working example of how this API is used.
Many thanks

Ran your code with some minor tweaks on my instance and it works !! Find below the code that I ran.
l_effective_date DATE;-- := TO_DATE ('16-MAR-2009', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
l_validate_county BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE;
ip_p_address_id NUMBER := 19990;
l_obj NUMBER;
l_date_from DATE;-- := TO_DATE ('17-FEB-2009', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
l_date_to DATE;-- := TO_DATE ('17-FEB-2059', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
l_person_id NUMBER := 2257;
l_address_line1 VARCHAR2 (100) := '2 FeatherHill Drive';
l_address_line2 VARCHAR2 (100) := 'East Clackton';
l_address_line3 VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Shrops.';
l_address_line4 VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Inverness';
l_postcode VARCHAR2 (30) := 'SL3 3RT';
l_country VARCHAR2 (100) := 'GB';
l_telephone_number VARCHAR2 (25) := '0191 111 3478';
l_party_id NUMBER;
l_region_1 VARCHAR2 (25) := 'DUR';
l_no_managers_warning BOOLEAN;
l_other_manager_warning BOOLEAN;
l_assignment_id NUMBER := 2297;
l_supervisor_id NUMBER := 47470;
l_default_code_comb_id NUMBER := 248531;
-- l_default_code_comb_id NUMBER := 217509;
l_datetrack_update_mode VARCHAR2 (30) := 'UPDATE';
-- l_datetrack_update_mode VARCHAR2 (30) := 'CORRECTION';
l_organization_id NUMBER := 81;
l_concatenated_segments VARCHAR2 (240);
l_soft_coding_keyflex_id NUMBER;
l_comment_id NUMBER;
l_people_group_id NUMBER;
l_special_ceiling_step_id NUMBER;
l_location_id NUMBER := 9527;
l_job_id NUMBER := 2035;
l_position_id NUMBER := null;
l_group_name VARCHAR2 (30);
l_org_now_no_manager_warning BOOLEAN;
l_spp_delete_warning BOOLEAN;
l_entries_changed_warning VARCHAR2 (30);
l_tax_district_changed_warning BOOLEAN;*/
l_style VARCHAR2 (4) := 'GB';
CURSOR csr_ovn
SELECT MAX (padd.object_version_number)
FROM per_addresses padd, per_all_people_f per
WHERE padd.person_id = per.person_id AND per.person_id = 2257;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('######################################');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('#######################################');
OPEN csr_ovn;
FETCH csr_ovn
INTO l_obj;
CLOSE csr_ovn;
(p_validate => l_validate,
p_effective_date => sysdate,
p_validate_county => l_validate_county,
p_address_id => ip_p_address_id,
p_object_version_number => l_obj,
p_date_from => sysdate,
p_date_to => l_date_to,
/*p_person_id => l_person_id,
p_primary_flag => 'Y',
p_address_type => 'PHCA',
p_comments => NULL,*/
p_address_line1 => l_address_line1,
p_address_line2 => l_address_line2,
p_address_line3 => l_address_line3,
p_town_or_city => NULL,
p_region_1 => l_region_1, --NULL,
p_region_2 => NULL,
p_region_3 => NULL,
p_postal_code => l_postcode,
p_country => l_address_line4,
p_telephone_number_1 => l_telephone_number,
p_telephone_number_2 => NULL,
p_telephone_number_3 => NULL
/* ,p_addr_attribute_category => NULL
,p_addr_attribute1 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute2 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute3 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute4 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute5 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute6 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute7 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute8 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute9 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute10 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute11 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute12 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute13 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute14 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute15 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute16 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute17 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute18 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute19 => NULL
,p_addr_attribute20 => NULL
,p_add_information13 => NULL
,p_add_information14 => NULL
,p_add_information15 => NULL
,p_add_information16 => NULL
,p_add_information17 => NULL
,p_add_information18 => NULL
,p_add_information19 => NULL
,p_add_information20 => NULL*/
-- ,p_party_id => 8246
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( '..and failure looks like..: ' || SQLERRM );

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    Microsoft XP Home edition V 2002 Service Pack 3
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    I am trying to develop a Daemon / Server application using the new Office 365 APIs. I have added a new application to Azure Active Directory. I am using cURL + the app ID and secret to get a JWT token, this is the exact request:
    curl -X POST https://login.windows.net/TENANT_KEY/oauth2/token \
    -F redirect_uri=http://spreadyDaemon \
    -F grant_type=client_credentials \
    -F resource=https://outlook.office365.com/ \
    -F client_id=XXXX \
    -F client_secret=XXXX=
     I get back a JWT however it has no scopes for access set here is the decoded JWT claims:
    "ver": "1.0",
    "aud": "https://outlook.office365.com/",
    "iss": "https://sts.windows.net/TENANT_KEY/",
    "oid": "17fa33ae-a0e9-4292-96ea-24ce8f11df21",
    "idp": "https://sts.windows.net/TENANT_KEY/",
    "appidacr": "1",
    "exp": 1415986833,
    "appid": "XXXX",
    "tid": "e625eb3f-ef77-4c02-8010-c591d78b6c5f",
    "iat": 1415982933,
    "nbf": 1415982933,
    "sub": "17fa33ae-a0e9-4292-96ea-24ce8f11df21"
    Therefore when I do a request to the exchange API endpoint I get the following response:
    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Cache-Control: private
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    request-id: d08d01a8-7213-4a13-a598-08362b4dfa70
    Set-Cookie: ClientId=WDALDNO0CAIOOZDZWTA; expires=Sat, 14-Nov-2015 16:40:59 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly
    X-CalculatedBETarget: am3pr01mb0662.eurprd01.prod.exchangelabs.com
    x-ms-diagnostics: 2000001;reason="The token has invalid value 'roles' for the claim type ''.";error_category="invalid_token"
    X-DiagInfo: AM3PR01MB0662
    X-BEServer: AM3PR01MB0662
    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
    Set-Cookie: exchangecookie=6bf68da033684824af21af3b0cdea6e3; expires=Sat, 14-Nov-2015 16:40:59 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly
    Set-Cookie: [email protected]=[email protected]4Wbno2ajNGQkZKWnI2QjJCZi9GckJKBzc/Oy9LOzdLOy6vOycXLz8XKxoGaio2PjZvPztGPjZCb0ZqHnJeekZiak56djNGckJI=; expires=Sun, 14-Dec-2014 16:40:59 GMT; path=/EWS; secure; HttpOnly
    Set-Cookie: [email protected]=[email protected]4Wbno2ajNGQkZKWnI2QjJCZi9GckJKBzc/Oy9LOzdLOy6vOycXLz8XKxg==; expires=Sun, 14-Dec-2014 16:40:59 GMT; path=/EWS; secure; HttpOnly
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    X-FEServer: DB4PR02CA0026
    WWW-Authenticate: Bearer client_id="00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", trusted_issuers="00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@*", authorization_uri="https://login.windows.net/common/oauth2/authorize", error="invalid_token",Basic Realm="",Basic Realm=""
    Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:40:59 GMT
    Content-Length: 0
    I have asked a stack overflow question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26950838/office-365-api-error-the-token-has-invalid-value-roles-for-the-claim-type
    Any help on the matter will be hugely appreciated, thanks!

    Hi Manu,
    To wrap this thread up; I have had an answer on stack overflow.
    It appears that currently the grant type client_credentials is not supported, according to a comment on this blog post by Matthias' http://blogs.msdn.com/b/exchangedev/archive/2014/03/25/using-oauth2-to-access-calendar-contact-and-mail-api-in-exchange-online-in-office-365.aspx 
    "There is no way in the code flow to avoid username/password. We're working on a client credential flow for later this fall that will give you the functionality required to run background services. For this you will not need a username/password,
    but the application will directly assert its identity and authenticate as itself."
    Unfortunately I require client_credentials for a daemon process, Q4 is the scheduled release for support for this grant time.
    Thanks for the help,

  • DI API error while adding AP Invoice (Using serial Nos.)

    Im getting the following DI API error when adding an AP Invoice which has serial numbers and i cant seem to find any logical fault in the code.
    " [PCH1.WhsCode][line: 4] , 'This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035) "
    If anybody has encountered this error and found a solution kindly let me know.

    Hi Vivek,
    Are you trying to add same document number, serial number or so on?
    "entry exist " means like "duplicate key problem", I guess.
    Basically, whscode column in PCH1 table allows duplicating.
    So, I think serial number is duplicated among same item code.
    Hope this useful for you.
    Hyunil Choi.

  • Error message says need Adobe reader 8 or 9 installed to open pdfs from web pages yet Reader 9alredy

    Error message says need Adobe reader 8 or 9 installed to open pdfs from web pages yet Reader 9 is alredy installed on computer. Is this a 64 bit ossue although I am sure I did not have this problem prior to a replacement hard drive being installed.

    What is your operating system, browser?
    What is the exact message you are getting?

  • After Effects CS6 error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback - any ideas please?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm running After Effects CS6 ( on a MacBook Pro 2.8Ghz with 16GB RAM (Mac OS 10.9.4)
    As a test, I created a 3 and a half minute Sequence in Adobe Premiere CS6, and then imported this into After Effects CS6, and placed it on the AE timeline.
    This footage involves a couple of 1920x1080p footage movies, some psds and a large number of JPGs exported from two videos arranged as a sequence in two layers in Premiere, one on top of the other. So all in all for a Premiere / After Effects file I'd say it's reasonably heavy.
    I then did a RAM Preview with Multiprocessing switched off - the 3 and a half minute sequence loaded into RAM, taking about 1min 30seconds, and played back in realtime at 25fps. This worked fine with 3,4,5 and 6 GB RAM available to other applications in the Memory Preferences. All things considered I think this is quite good. I can make changes, reclick the RAM Preview icon and my changes load into RAM and it previews ok.
    My only 'complaint' is how long the RAM Preview takes to load up the whole thing.
    I've been reading up on Multiprocessing and decided to try this to see if I can speed up the time it takes my RAM Preview to load up.
    So I looked at some recommendations from Adobe and read information on various forums including this one.
    My settings in the Memory Preferences are currently
    • 6GB reserved for other applications
    • Reduce cache size when system is low on memory - unticked
    • After Effects Multiprocessing - ticked
    • Installed CPUs (processor cores) - 8
    • CPUs reserved for other applications - 6
    • RAM allocation per background CPU - 3GB
    • Actual CPUs that will be used - 2
    This combination takes about 25 seconds to load up my 3 and a half minute sequence which I thought was pretty amazing.
    I then pressed the stop button and then the play button - so now just playing the sequence briefly.
    And also added a new layer - into the timeline - just a simple shape.
    Then I tried a RAM Preview again.
    I found I could load up part of the sequence but not load the whole thing into RAM.
    I kept trying to get a RAM Preview and got this message
    "After Effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback" which seems to prevent RAM Preview from working.
    Eventually I quit and restarted After Effects and the problem went away temporarily and then came back when I tried again.
    I tried various changes to the Memory Preferences - trying 3GB available for other applications. This gave 13GB of my 16GB RAM to After Effects.
    This made it take slightly longer for the After Effects error to appear but it still appeared.
    I tried ticking Reduce Cache size in the Memory Prefs  - the After Effects error still appeared, so having read this is supposed to make the issue better I now leave it untucked, but as far as I can see ticked or untucked, it makes no difference, the problem remains.
    I've since tried -
    Making 2,3,4,5 and 6 CPUs available for other applications.
    Changing the Background RAM allocation per background CPU to 0.75GB, 1GB, 1.5GB, 2GB and 3GB
    Lots of combinations.
    But in the end, I always get the "After Effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback" error.
    It might take less or more time for the message to show up, depending on the combination of settings, but in the end I always got the same message appearing.
    And I notice that I can RAM Preview less and less of the timeline. i.e. it becomes more blue than it does green and will load in only a small section of the timeline as opposed to the whole thing.
    Reading further, I tried Edit > Purge > Image Cache and Edit > Purge > All Memory but still get the error message.
    I also tried ensuring there were no other applications running e.g. Safari or Chrome or Firefox. And certainly not Photoshop or Premiere etc.
    Reading even further, I tried two Memory management applications - 'Memory Clean' and 'Purge.'
    Neither has had any effect - the After Effects error still appears.
    Then I went back into the Memory and Multiprocessing Preferences.
    I unticked Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously. And now the RAM Preview loads the whole 3 and half minute sequence in entirety, taking about 1 and half minutes to do so. It's working as perfectly as if I'd just quit and re-opened the application.
    Then I went back into the Memory and Multiprocessing Preferences.
    I reticked Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously.
    The chose Edit > Purge > All
    And tried a RAM Preview again. It loaded up in 25 seconds, but then, as previously, the error message came.
    I tried Edit > Purge All - no effect.
    And I tried going into the Media and Disk Cache Preferences and clicked Empty Disk Cache - still the problem remains.
    I understand from my reading that After Effects CS6 11.0.2 was intended to fix this issue but I'm on 11.0.4 and as far as I can tell, I still have it - assuming it's the same thing.
    As far as I can see, not using Multiprocessing allows me to work without these errors but take a bit longer to load the RAM Preview.
    However I'd like to be able to use Multiprocessing as it seems it can potentially speeds things up quite a lot. I realise I could just not use it and AE would work, but I'd rather be able to make use of a feature of the software if possible, especially if it will speed things up and make optimum use of the my computer's hardware.
    I've downloaded a trial copy of After Effects CC 2014. I'm still testing it but as far as I can see the RAM Preview error appears in this version of AE as well, but can take bit longer to show up in my experience.
    Thanks everyone - if anyone has any thoughts or advice I'd appreciate hearing your opinions.
    Kind regards,

    You need to have much more RAM reserved for other applications and more CPUs reserved for other applications. Your current settings are crippling your performance.
    Read these:
    After you have adjusted your settings according to the recommendations on those pages, restart your computer and try again.

  • I tried to update my iPhone 4S but I nowkeep getting an error saying I need to restore my phone before it can be used because it's in recovery mode! But if I restore it I lose all my media and data and I don't want to do that! Is there anything I can do??

    I tried to update my iPhone 4S but I now keep getting an error saying I need to restore my phone before it can be used because it's in recovery mode! But if I restore it I lose all my media and data and I don't want to do that! Is there anything I can do?? Somone please help, i'm freaking out over here!

    Anything that was on the phone is already gone. You have no choice but to restore. If you were backing up and syncing the phone on a regular basis, you should be able to restore your backup with minimal data loss.

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