Update to previous query

About every 2 or 3 hours, I can be heard for approximately 3 or 4 minutes before I go silent. Does that help?

x = y
is not true if either x or y, or both, is NULL.
Whenever you have a question, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
In the case of a DML operation (such as UPDATE) the sample data should show what the tables are like before the DML, and the results will be the contents of the changed table(s) after the DML.
Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
Is unique_id really unique?  Can it be NULL?
Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
See the forum FAQ: https://forums.oracle.com/message/9362002
You might want something like this:
UPDATE  table_1
SET     doc_title  = 'Data'
WHERE   unique_id  IN (
                          SELECT  t1.unique_id
                          FROM    table_1  t1
                          JOIN    table_2  t2  ON   t1.unique_id  = t2.unique_id
                          WHERE   t1.doc_title  IS NULL
                          AND     t2.doc_type   = 'AP'
AND     doc_title  IS NULL    -- Maybe
I can't be sure without some sample data, desired results and reasons.

Similar Messages

  • Update purchase register query

    Hi All,
    I want Updation in Following query, My client want item name and Quantity also in this.
    SELECT  M.DocNum AS 'AP Inv. #', M.DocDate as 'Date', M.CardName as 'Vendor Name',M.NumAtCard as 'Vendor Ref',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) FROM PCH1 L Where L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Base Amt.(Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ECess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'EDCS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'VAT (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' VAT (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CST (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CVD (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CVD (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'SERVICE (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' Ser.Tax (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Cess_sertax (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CS on Ser.Tax (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess_st (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS_ST (Rs.)',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) From PCH3 Q Where Q.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) AS 'Freight (Rs.)',
    M.WTSum AS 'TDS (Rs.)',
    M.DocTotal as 'Total (Rs.)'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH4 T on T.DocEntry=L.DocEntry and L.LineNum=T.LineNum
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH5 J ON M.DocEntry = J.AbsEntry
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH3 Q ON M.DocEntry = Q.DocEntry
    WHERE (M.DocDate >= '[%0]' AND M.DocDate <= '[%1]')
    Deepak Tyagi

    Dear Thanga ,
    I am posting Again my Query and modify this with item name and quantity. This query is working well at my system..
    SELECT  M.DocNum AS 'AP Inv. #', M.DocDate as 'Date', M.CardName as 'Vendor Name',M.NumAtCard as 'Vendor Ref',
    (Select Sum(Quantity) FROM PCH1 L Where L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'TotQty',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) FROM PCH1 L Where L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Base Amt.(Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ECess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'EDCS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'VAT (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' VAT (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CST (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CVD (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CVD (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'SERVICE (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' Ser.Tax (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Cess_sertax (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CS on Ser.Tax (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess_st (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS_ST (Rs.)',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) From PCH3 Q Where Q.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) AS 'Freight (Rs.)',
    M.WTSum AS 'TDS (Rs.)',
    M.DocTotal as 'Total (Rs.)'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH4 T on T.DocEntry=L.DocEntry and L.LineNum=T.LineNum
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH5 J ON M.DocEntry = J.AbsEntry
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH3 Q ON M.DocEntry = Q.DocEntry
    WHERE (M.DocDate >= '[%0]' AND M.DocDate <= '[%1]')
    Thanks & Regards
    Deepak Tyagi

  • Multiple SQL Update within Parent Query

    I am tring to extract an image from within a MS SQL image field,
    opening the image using JAI, getting the src.getWidth() & src.getHeight
    () of each item within the database, and then writing the width and
    height back into the database. Everything works except when I goto
    write the values into the database - the page (when loading) continues
    to work and work and work until I restart the tomcat service. I do not
    understand why this would occur, and what is even stranger - I have
    very similar code i used for resizing images in the database into a
    thumbnail - display and original file sizes using a similar approach...
    and that works with out a problem...
    I have tried the code with out the inner update query - it works. I
    tried with just the selection of a single specific item in the first
    query and that works, but when I try multiple updates the second query
    appears to stall.
    The code is as follows.:
    <%@ page language="java" import="javax.servlet.*,javax.servlet.http.*,java.io.*,java.util.*,java.sql.*,javax.media.jai.*,java.awt.*,java.awt.image.*,java.awt.Graphics.*,java.awt.geom.*,java.awt.image.renderable.*,javax.media.jai.widget.*,com.jspsmart.upload.*,java.net.*,com.sun.media.jai.codec.*"%>
    <jsp:useBean id="mySmartUpload" scope="page" class="com.jspsmart.upload.SmartUpload" />
         // Variables
         int count=0;
         int width                                             = 0;
         int height                                             = 0;
         String vFileName                                   = "";
         String vFileExt                                        = "";
         String vFileID                                        = "";
         String format                                        = "0";
         // Connect to the database
         Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=WWWBBD;User=wwwbbd;Password=bbd1412");
         //Create the statement
         Statement sqlGetPics                              = con.createStatement();
         Statement sqlUpdate                                   = con.createStatement();
         //build the query
         String qryGetPics                                   = "SELECT TOP 5 FileID, FileExt, FileName, AdjFile = CASE WHEN FullFile IS NULL THEN Display ELSE FullFile END FROM FileStore WHERE (UPPER(FileExt) = '.JPG' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.TIF' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.GIF' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.BMP') AND (NOT Display IS NULL OR NOT FullFile IS NULL)";
         //execute the query
         ResultSet rsGetPics                                   = sqlGetPics.executeQuery(qryGetPics);
         // Initialization
         SmartUpload uploader                              = new SmartUpload();
         mySmartUpload.initialize(getServletConfig(), request, response);
         // Upload
         while (rsGetPics.next()) {
              vFileID                                             = rsGetPics.getString("FileID");
              vFileExt                                        = rsGetPics.getString("FileExt");
              vFileName                                        = rsGetPics.getString("FileName") + vFileExt;
              width                                             = 0;
              height                                             = 0;
              uploader.fieldToFile(rsGetPics, "AdjFile", "/upload/" + vFileName);
              if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".JPG") || vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".JPEG"))
                   format                                        = "JPEG";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".TIF") || vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".TIFF"))
                   format                                        = "TIFF";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".GIF"))
                   format                                        = "JPEG";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".BMP"))
                   format                                        = "BMP";
                   format                                        = "0";
              // update the width & height
              if (format != "0")
                        //Opens the image
                        RenderedImage src                    = JAI.create("fileload","d:\\servers\\tomcat\\webapps\\jsp\\upload\\" + vFileName);
                        width                                   = src.getWidth();
                        height                                   = src.getHeight();
                        java.io.File imageFile               = new java.io.File("d:\\servers\\tomcat\\webapps\\jsp\\upload\\" + vFileName);
                        InputStream is                         = new FileInputStream(imageFile);
                        //build the query
                        String qryUpdate                    = "UPDATE FileStore SET Width = " + width + ", Height = " + height + " WHERE FileID = " + vFileID;
                        //execute the query
                        ResultSet rsUpdate                    = sqlUpdate.executeQuery(qryUpdate);
                   catch(Exception e)
                        {out.println("An error occurs : " + e.toString());}               
         <TITLE>Repair Files</TITLE>
    <%=count%> files updated in the database.

    BTW - I also tried this with a prepared statment query... no good.

  • TS1424 My Apple ID has been disabled, it won't let me updated my previous purchases. No reason for why it has been disabled or how to enable it again. I reset my password, security questions and billing info. Nothing- Anybody has seen this before?...

    My Apple ID has been disabled, it won't let me updated my previous purchases. No reason for why it has been disabled or how to enable it again. I reset my password, security questions and billing info. Nothing… I even called Apple SUpport 1-800 # and they said they can't help me...Anybody has seen this before?...

    You need to contact itunes support.
    There is NO telephone support for itunes.  Use the link above.

  • Query Builder problem - query results from previous query

    I have a 100% repeatable problem in Oracle Query Builder (Version where some rows from the results of a previous query appear in the results for the current query. The queries being run are saved in *.brw files. If I close down Query Builder completely between queries, there is no problem. If I run one query, export the results to a CSV file, close that query and then open a second query, when I run the second query there are rows in the results that shouldn't be there (they are remnants of the first query). Interestingly the total number of rows for the second query is correct, so the same number of rows are missing as shouldn't be there. Anyone come across this before? Problem is repeatable for different database users and on different computers.

    as i posted earlier .. queryBuilder as a stand alone product is neither supported nor available anymore. it is only available as part of the report data wizard.

  • BPS/Web: 'Your previous query is still being processed'

    One of our users get the following message when clicking on a page link in a BPS web application we designed:
    'Your previous query is still being processed'. The user is only clicking once on the link and gets in an endless loop (when monitoring the system, no activity can be seen).
    All our other users are fine. We checked the internet explorer settings of this user and they are identical to all the other users. We know it is not linked to the user ID or the portal.
    Has anyone already seen this ? Any idea where we should look at ?
    Thanks for any help.

    Hello David,
    on one hand you are saying only one user has the problem but on the other hand you write that it's not linked to the user ID?
    If the frontend settings are OK, then it might be a firewall issue. Some of them block ports or filter JavaScript.
    SAP NetWeaver RIG, US BI

  • Extend existing tsql query to get all customers, even if they have no instances of the previous query - thought this would be easy, but...

    Hi all,
    The previous query is absolutely ok.
    The only thing i want to change is ...
    get all the previous available ve1 AND NEW: if a AGNR has no ve1-instance, regardless get an ve1-instance with the agnr filled but f.e. the other fields empty
    The grouping could made in reporting-logic later, and not in the tsql-query.
    resultset i need:
    - all agnr, if the have an ve1-instance or not
    Groups (hierarchy) i need, later in Report:
    - AGNR
       - ve1 (with all the left joind fields pg, vnfk, vnpk, vm (if they are)
       - if a agnr has no instance of ve1 --> print: "NO ver available"
    DATEPART(yyyy, ve1.new_begin) AS begin_year,
    pg.accountnumber as pg_accountno,
    AGNR.new_vm_kid AS vm_contactid,
    AGNR.new_vm_kidname AS vm_contactidname,
    WHEN ve1.new_vn_kid IS NOT NULL THEN 'Private Customer'
    WHEN ve1.new_vn_fid IS NOT NULL THEN 'Account Customer'
    ELSE 'Kunde'
    END AS kunde_typ,
    DATEPART(yyyy, vnpk.birthdate) as vnpk_birth_year,
    WHEN ((ve1.new_rlz_v IS NOT NULL) OR (ve1.new_rlz_v > 0))
    THEN ve1.new_rlz_v
    WHEN (DATEPART(yyyy, ve1.new_begin) IS NOT NULL) AND (DATEPART(yyyy, vnpk.birthdate) IS NOT NULL)
    THEN 65 - ((DATEPART(yyyy, ve1.new_begin)) - (DATEPART(yyyy, vnpk.birthdate)))
    ELSE 20
    END AS vlz_calc,
    WHEN ((ve1.new_bnj IS NOT NULL) OR (ve1.new_bnj > 0)) THEN ve1.new_bnj
    WHEN ((ve1.new_bn_zw IS NOT NULL) OR (ve1.new_bn_zw > 0))
    WHEN new_zw = '100000008' THEN ve1.new_bn_zw * 12
    WHEN new_zw = '100000004' THEN ve1.new_bn_zw * 4
    WHEN new_zw = '100000002' THEN ve1.new_bn_zw * 2
    WHEN new_zw = '100000001' THEN ve1.new_bn_zw * 1
    WHEN new_zw = '100000006' THEN ve1.new_bn_zw
    ELSE 0
    ELSE 0
    END AS bnj_calc
    Filterednew_ver AS ve1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Filterednew_agnr AS AGNR
    ON ve1.new_agnr_agnr_avmid = AGNR.new_agnrid
    LEFT OUTER JOIN FilteredAccount AS pg
    ON ve1.new_pgid = pg.accountid
    LEFT OUTER JOIN FilteredAccount AS vnfk
    ON ve1.new_vn_fid = vnfk.accountid
    LEFT OUTER JOIN FilteredContact AS vnpk
    ON ve1.new_vn_kid = vnpk.contactid
    LEFT OUTER JOIN FilteredContact AS vm
    ON AGNR.new_vm_kid = vm.contactid
    (ve1.createdon >= @Begin_Week)
    AND (ve1.createdon <= @End_Week)
    AND (ve1.new_vg = @vg)
    AND (ve1.statuscode = '1')
    AND (ve1.new_efv <> '100000000' OR ve1.new_efv IS NULL)
    AND (ve1.new_vstat <> '100000004' OR ve1.new_vstat IS NULL)
    AND (ve1.new_zw IN ('100000008','100000004','100000002','100000001','100000006'))
    i thought, and tried with right joins, but i think i need to change the sight (the complete query)?
    thx for all kind of help
    Greets Peb

    Hi Peb,
    Please provide sample data and expected results.

  • Can't download updates and previous purchases

    App store is not downloading updates or previous purchases (from another computer). Clicking the Update or Install button, just changes the button to light grey for a couple of seconds, then goes back to normal dark grey, but nothing downloads.
    Any suggestions?

    To give a little more detail:
    I recently purchased two applications, Transmit and Keynote. They downloaded and installed just fine on my iMac. I then tried to install them on my MacBook Pro (recently bought new) and nothing happens when I click the install button next to the entries under Purchases.
    I have probably 10 other apps that installed just fine. I can even install any of them right now and it downloads and installs just fine. Only Transmit and Keynote (my latest purchases) it doesn't work. I can also "buy" and install new software and it works.
    If I log out and back in to my Apple ID account, it'll ask me for my password like it normally does to install software, but then again does nothing -- the button just flips back to "Install" after a second.
    There is no error message at all, although yesterday the very first time I tried to install the software there was some kind of server error. I tried quitting and restarting Mac App Store.
    I tried rebooting. I checked my Applications folder for Transmit.app or Keynote.app just in case there was something half downloaded or a trial version that could conflict -- nothing.
    I ran Software Update and everything was fully up to date. I also ran the combo 10.6.7 update.
    I tried deleting the appstore and storeagent files in ~/Library/Caches, ~/Library/Cookies and ~/Library/Preferences
    None of this has had any effect.
    I have contacted Apple Support. Hopefully they will have some advice to offer.

  • After each query in serial communicat​ion I receive the response of the previous query.Why?

    I control a D121 stepping motor driver of Suruga Saiki. The driver except my commands immediately, but when I send a sequence of queries, each time the response refers to the previous query. How can I receive each time the correct response?

    Clear out the serial buffer before each command you send. You can do this by querying the number of bytes available at the port and then doing a read for the same number of bytes.
    Also, some instruments have a 'buffering' mode, where they can store a whole sequence of commands and responses. If communications somehow get out of sync, the instrument could end up one response behind on every command. You may want to see if your stepping motor has such a response buffer that can be cleared or disabled.

  • Capturing Info about Updates to previous transactions

    Hello Experts,
    I am a newbie and I have a hard time figuring out the following.
    In accounting and other applications like stocks there are closing balances that are brought forward to next week/months/year.
    How I can write a database object , Say that I am in week 4, and due to some reasons I need to UPDATE a previous transaction (say that happened in in week 2) that changes the closing balance at the end of week 2 accordingly the opening and closing Balance for week 3 changes and also O/balance for week 4 changes.We have similar scenarios in Ledgers etc on yearly basis.
    I will be very grateful if some one can help me to understand how It can be implemented using Oracele/RDBMS objects, How I can capture these changes automatically.
    Any advice or pointers or small application Will do me a world of good.
    Thanks in advance.
    Martin St. Lou

    Camus wrote:
    The author of that blog post used cower instead of yaourt, but I don't think cower allows me to sync AUR database into custom dir either. Or am I missing something? I don't how yaourt and cower sync AUR database anyway.
    I actually already wrote such notifier for gnome in bash. But I want to display more info and I want to include AUR packages.
    The perfect tool in my situation would be something that allows me to sync official and AUR databases into custom dir and then displays list of updates with:
    -name of package
    -current version
    -updated version
    I can currently do all of the above, but just with official repos and not as elegantly as I want.
    Not sure what you mean by 'sync AUR database' (no such thing exists as it does for the binary repos), but cower will let you download to wherever you want.

  • I cant update my previous apps in apple store

    Why i cant update my previous apps in app store

    I try to press update button it start working
    Then stop and I try many times to update but nothing happen
    I try the following but problem still remain
    1 Reset the device
    2 sign out and sign in again

  • Updates for previously paid for apps that address stability issues, bug fixes, other improvements that a customer is entitled to

    Why is the policy of Apple to prohibit customers from downloading FREE updates for previously paid for apps that address stability issues, bug fixes and other improvements that a customer is entitled to because the customer does not currently have a credit card on file that they can verify has an available balance??? I can understand it even for free apps or apps on sale or because most of those apps depend on in-app purchases but COME ON. Where is the ethics in that policy? Where is the consumer protection? Especially considering the ONLY marketplace to receive these third party products is through apple. INSANE.
    Wasted another 3 or 4 hours today trying to find a solution. I am unable to provide alternative payment method and money is tight for next 2 weeks but this is temporary. It's not as if I will never be purchasing more apps and apple products in the future. I have been a loyal apple customer since the days when Power!ac 9500 retailed for $8,000.00. Another words for a very long time.
    Anyone else find this to be a legitimate issue?

    I am all for any instance where I am asked to verify my account or Apple ID. The issue is that I am being denied delivery of a beneficial update of a premium, already paid for app... Because I am (at the moment) maxxed out with my credit card I have associated with my Apple ID.
    There are four different (full version) paid for apps that just all released major updates.  The third party developers offer the updates for free to customers who have purchased the full version of the app and the update includes stability improvements, iOS 7 comparability, bug fixes and expanded functionality.
    These are not apps that, in total, cost over $100... And that I use every day.
    Never had an issue with being required to verify my account or Apple ID.

  • Update Collection by Query rule and condition

    I have one collection called Windows 7 Machines.
    I've added a Query that I made like this:
    select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM on SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.ResourceID
    = SMS_R_System.ResourceID where SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption like "% Windows 7 %"
    And it's working.
    What I want the collection to do, is to update membership so Members Count is based on clients that is actively communicating with the SCCM server, and exclude those who haven't communicated with the server for 40 days.

    GREAT NEWS :D  I've managed to configure the Clients Status by following the previous guide that i posted from technet.
    Now is the only challenge to complete the Query. As i wrote above :
    I don't understand is where to put the "client = active" statement, i've tried like this but it gives me This query has a syntax error, Are you sure you want to save it? Yes / No
    select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM on SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.ResourceID
    = SMS_R_System.ResourceID where SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption like "% Windows 7 %" client = active
    Thank you very much for your time.

  • Multiple Rows Update / Refresh Toplink Query when database trigger involved

    Hi everybody!
    I have two easy troubles for you; the platform is the same as the SRDemo Toplink version.
    1.     Multiple Rows Update: I want to update with mergeEntity method, multiple rows for an isolated table; that method receives a parameter that I try to bind with the iterator "dataProvider" but it only merges the first row, not all, any other combination returns an error.
    What I want to do is to have a form (like tabular forms in Apex) that lets me update multiple rows in a single page. ¿May anyone tell me how to do it?
    2.     Refresh Toplink Named Query: I have a list on a page with two columns. From another page, a button does an action that fires a database trigger that updates one of the columns on the list´s page. When I go back to the list, it is not updated; however, the CacheResults´s property is set to false on the iterator.
    Thanks in advance,
    Alejandro T

    I didn't use it (yet), but - you might take a look. You'll find a [url http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/apex-plug-ins-182042.html]Timer plug-in on this page. It is a dynamic action which allows you to periodically fire other dynamic actions in the browser. For example use the timer to refresh a region every five minutes. You can perform any dynamic action you want using this infrastructure.So I was thinking: you might use it to run a dynamic action which would check whether something changed in that table (I suppose you'll know the way) (for example, a database trigger might set a flag in some table, timestamp or similar), and - if you find that something really changed - refresh the page.
    As I said, I never used it so that's pure theory. Someone else might know better, though.

  • 10.5.6 update is installing updates in Previous System/Applications folder.

    After updating from OS X 10.5.5 to 10.5.6 I discovered several of the updates were installed into Previous System/Applications rather than the Macintosh HD/Applications folder.
    This resulted in Mail (3.1 build 914/933) quitting repeatedly which is when I discovered I had a newer version (3.5 Build 933) in the Previous System folder.
    I then checked some of the other applications and further discovered that Spaces 1.0, Bluetooth 2.13, ical 3.06, Key Chain 4.0.2, X11 2.1.5 and Address Book 4.1.1 also installed to the Previous System folder.
    I switched the applications between the two folders and everything seems to be working OK but is this going to mess things up when 10.5.7 comes around?

    Just and update:
    -Previously I had deleted the Previous Systems folder.-
    I backed up my files and downloaded the massive 10.5.6 Combo update on top of the previous update. Restarted the computer and everything is working fine, all the newer versions of software are installed and running fine.
    So a happy ending for today.

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