
Hi Friends.
Please help me out.I purchased an iphone 4 , 3 months back from Bangalore.It was bought from a retailer before the official release of iphone in india....
As he told its Factory Unlocked...Now the iphone 4 is in ios 4.3.1.i want to know if its possible for me to update it to 4.3.5 and whether it will be safe for me and  will it lock my iphone..Guys help me out    

Based on the number of post we get here from people from India being told they have an "factory unlocked" phone only to have them relocked when they update their phone, I would say you most likely do NOT have a factory unlocked phone.
Because you bought it from a retailer before the official release date (making this NOT an official retailer), it is certainly a grey market phone and almost CERTAINLY hacked to be unlocked.

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Event Name: BlueScreen
Response: None
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:

Attached files:
C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini0928 09-04.dmp
C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Te mp\WER-75660-0.sysdata.xml
C:\Users\me\AppData\L ocal\Temp\WER7D78.tmp.version.txt
& #x000d;
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C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Mic rosoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\Report06d1c4b5

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    PC   Windows XP  

    And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist.
    let's just doublecheck this. folks get this message if they have "automatically update selected playlists only" selected in their itunes "ipod" preferences tab. so bring up that tab ("edit > preferences", click "ipod" while the ipod is showing up in the source list), and do a playlist by playlist crosscheck of the playlists selected in that tab, and the playlists showing up in the itunes sourcelist.
    is there any playlist selected in the preferences tab that isn't showing up in the sourcelist?
    love, b

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    1. Try Resetting the iPod. Hold Select and Menu for 6-10 seconds - until you see the Apple Symbol.
    2. Use iPod Updater to restore your iPod to factory settings.
    See if those two steps clear up your problem.

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    Maximum number of Result Blocks has been reached.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0xD4]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Grid'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Maximum number of Result Blocks has been reached.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0xD4]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Grid'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Update of Plan "deposittest created 7/19/2007 5:11:50 PM" failed.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  PlanMgr -- 0x1, PlanMgr -- 0xD5]
    The data updation stops after the row count 49900.
    Please help to resolve this error .
    Thanks in advance.

    in BAM-Administrator you should rraise Parameter "MaxResultBlocks".
    BAM originaly is al licensed Software from Group1 named "Sagent Data Flow".
    This may help searching the web.

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    But then I left the Macbook and it went into Sleep.
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    And this is where the problems started.
    After the MB woke to the Safe Sleep screen, which shows the desktop a little "out of focus", the progress bars started filling in from left to right, BUT before they completed, the screen went BLACK.
    And it has had a problem with black screen ever since. I can boot the MB from internal or external HD or from DVD, and it seems to boot fine. Boot chime, Apple logo, spinning wheel, then at the point where it pauses, blue screen, then goes to desktop, instead the screen goes black.
    It finishes booting, but seems to go into Sleep.
    I can wake it by pressing a key, but the screen either comes on and goes black again after 10 seconds, or I get the Safe Sleep wake screen, and then it goes black after 10 seconds.
    And at boot or when waking the MB, the front LED flashes 5 times. There are no error beeps.
    I've tried changing RAM, but problems remain.
    So what's all this? Any ideas?
    The display doesn't seem dead, as it works to boot and wake. The MB works fine with external monitor.
    It's weird, but I can't think of anything apart from the Firmware update. The problems started right after installing it.
    Unfortunately, this model of Macbook doesn't have a Firmware Restoration image to download and burn to CD. It is the ONLY Mac at this point that doesn't have this!
    I called Apple support and even bought the 49 Euro Pay Per Incident service, which proved to be the same as throwing 49 Euro out the window. The only "technical" support they provided was to Reset the SMC, which you can find out about FOR FREE at the Apple website. And which I'd done anyway. I'd also reinstalled the MacOS. Don't want to beef too much, but sheesh, you've already got a Macbook that might need costly repairs, and they make you pay 49 Euro BEFORE they even ask you about the problem and what you've done to try to solve it. I'm tempted to say "ripoff". I mean, if all they can offer you is the advice to reset the SMC - which Apple offers for free at their website - then that's pretty poor service for 49 Euro, to say the least.
    Apart from the wasted 49 Euro, I'm pretty peeved about the Firmware update (or so it seems) wrecking a perfectly working 2008 Macbook. I don't know how to convince Apple of this, but I'm certainly going to try.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Re. the Displays setting, the Macbook display isn't recognized and mirroring isn't an available option.
    I've scoured the net and the idea of replacing the PRAM battery may be something to try. I read a post by a guy with a Macbook logic board screwed up by a Firmware update, which he solved by replacing the PRAM battery, as when you disconnect it you reset the logic board.
    Which capacitor?
    No luck so far with talking to Apple. I will try to get hold of someone a little more tech savvy and/or in a position of authority, as it seems that the Firmware is the culprit. Obviously a million other things could go wrong with a Macbook, but given the timing here it looks like the Firmware. Firmware updates can and occasionally do screw up a computer, as most manufacturers will warn you before you apply the update: PC makers, printer makers, etc. And they probably warn you that it's all your responsibility if anything goes wrong. But re. the Apple Firmware update:
    1) it came thru Software Update
    2) there was no warning
    3) to make things worse, there's no Firmware Restoration image that I can burn to a CD to reflash the logic board: this is the only Apple computer that doesn't have a Firmware Restoration option
    I'll try to get thru to a manager and convince him/her that the firmware may have been the cause.
    Do you think an authorized Apple tech might have access to some way to do a firmware restoration? Something not avaiable to mere mortals? Because if not, the only solution looks like a new logic board.

  • I tried to install latest OS update. Recd error installing. IT tried to load the upgrade in Safe Mode. Now system will not boot up. IT says I have to do a clean install which loses all data.

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    The IT dept took the hard drive out and tried to back it up and they said they other computer could not connect or find my hard drive.
    Major panic....
    I have Norton antivirus and have never found any viruses on the system. I also have a program called ExamSoft which some other students here have noted they had similar crashes. Not sure if that is the issue...

    Several take home messages here:
    always back up before you update.
    always back up anything you don't want to lose. Kind of like flossing. Only floss the teeth you don't want to lose.
    Norton is very, very bad software, and you should get rid of it.
    You don't need antivirus software on your mac. Antivirus software on macs causes more trouble than it is worth.
    Your hard drive may be failing and thus may not be salvageable.
    You could try booting into the recovery partition and seeing if you can repair your hard drive.
    If that doesn't work, then there is a small chance that a third party utility (like Disk Warrior or TechTool) might be able to fix your drive (if it is not failing).
    If that doesn't work, you may be able to send your drive and a lot of cash to a drive recovery service and see if they can get your files off it.
    In the mean time, get notes and slides from a (smart) friend.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 Error messages after update to mac os 10.4.6

    After updated to mac os 10.4.6 everytime I use Photoshop CS2 I receive an error message "Could not complete your request because of a program error"
    I did all the workarounds that were described in document 331627 from Adobe's website and nothing worked.
    I also subscribe to maxosx.com support and someone suggested removing the legal.localized/Tien...file from the photoshop cs2/legal directory, but everytime I tried to select the directory "legal" from within the finder view, it disappeared and closed the finder window.

    Did you upgrade from a previous version of OS X like 10.3.x or 10.2.x or from a prior version of 10.4.x? If the former, there are probably some files in your previous system folder that need to be restored.
    Otherwise, double click Photoshop when it's closed, and then IMMEDIATELY hold Command + Option + Shift. You'll get a box for resetting the settings. Select Yes and maybe that will help.

  • I am trying to update Adobe Bridge and Photoshop CS6, because it is not opening my CR2 files taken by my Canon 6D.  I have tried to go to help updates, and the software says that it is "Up to Date".  However, if I view the plug-in, it says that Camera R

    I am trying to update Adobe Bridge and Photoshop CS6, because it is not opening my CR2 files taken by my Canon 6D.  I have tried to go to help > updates, and the software says that it is "Up to Date".  However, if I view the plug-in, it says that Camera Raw is only version 7.1.  I can not find a direct download for Camera Raw 7.3, only the DNG converter, NOT CAMERA RAW!  Please Help!

    Did you fix your issue?  I am having the same one

  • Error in updating Photoshop CC

    I just updated all of my CC programs but Photoshop failed - even though it says that it updated in the CC menu. When I try to launch PS this is the message I get "Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found. The procedure entry point ?Terminate@StructuralImageEditing@@YAXXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe

    Please follow the below mentioned steps let me know if they work:
    1. Uninstall current Ps CC app, If there are any issues with CC uninstall then run the Cleaner tool to remove Ps CC :http://www.adobe.com/support/contact/cscleanertool.html .
    2. Restart your system
    2. Install Ps CC app from Creative Cloud
    3. Do not launch Ps
    4. Update to 14.1.2 via the Creative Cloud desktop application
    5. Once the updates are successfully applied, Launch Ps CC to verify.

  • Error in recent Photoshop update

    I tried to update Photoshop and received an error in update twice. Now my Creative Cloud shows it updated but when I try to open my Photoshop CC (64 bit) I get an error that says "Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found...The procedure entry point ?Terminate@StructurallmageEditing@@YAXXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoxhop CC (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe."
    I can get into the The Photoshop that's not (64 bit) to start a new file, but when I try to reopen that file or open an old one I get the above error. I need my files...Help

    Do a search it looks like Adobe support has helped others with this problem. However if your on windows update 14,2 add bugs as well as new features.

  • Can not insert/update data from table which is created from view

    Hi all
    I'm using Oracle database 11g
    I've created table from view as the following command:
    Create table table_new as select * from View_Old
    I can insert/update data into table_new by command line.
    But I can not Insert/update data of table_new by SI Oject Browser tool or Oracle SQL Developer tool .(read only)
    Anybody tell me, what's happend? cause?
    Edited by: user8248216 on May 5, 2011 8:54 PM
    Edited by: user8248216 on May 5, 2011 8:55 PM

    I can insert/update data into table_new by command line.
    But I can not Insert/update data of table_new by SI Oject Browser tool or Oracle SQL Developer tool .(read only)so what is wrong with the GUI tools & why posting to DATABASE forum when that works OK?

  • Adobe Cloud Update stuck at 99%

    My Adobe Cloud update for After Effects CC 2014 has been stuck at 99% for about 20 minutes. I have a job I need to get out right away. Anyone have any ideas? Would really appreciate any help... thank you!

    After Effects
    http://blogs.adobe.com/crawlspace/2012/07/photoshop-basic-troubleshooting-steps-to-fix-mos t-issues.html#TroubleshootUpda…
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

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