Updating INVALID status of objects in procedure

Hi guys.
I'm trying to create a procedure to update/recompile all invalid objects.
I am having a few issues with the syntax, and was wondering if any of you have done anything like thsi before. I obviously have not. :)
Here's teh code:
CURSOR recompile_cur
   SELECT object_name, status
   FROM user_objects
FOR rec_cur IN recompile_cur LOOP
  ALTER rec_cur.object_name COMPILE;

I know your way makes way more sense, but the
assignment (yes, I'm in school) is asking for a
procedure to update teh invalid objects, which is why
I was looking to do it that way in the first place.Fair enough :-)
The correct way would be, as stated by others:
end;Doing it it like in your procedure, you should probably do something like this:
(NOT recommended, NOT tested)
   CURSOR recompile_cur
      SELECT object_name, object_type, status
        FROM user_objects
       WHERE status = 'INVALID';
   PROCEDURE exe(rec IN recompile_cur%ROWTYPE)
                        || rec.object_type
                        || ' '
                        || rec.object_name
                        || ' COMPILE';
   END exe;
   FOR rec_cur IN recompile_cur
END recompile_sp;

Similar Messages


    작성날짜 : 2002-04-18
    Import를 하거나 DDL 작업을 하고 나서 procedure 나 package등의
    pl/sql object가 invalid로 빠지는 경우가 있다. 이런 object들을
    찾아서 recompile해주는 procedure를 소개한다.
    이 procedure는 User 내의 모든 Invalid 상태의 procedure, function,
    package 등의 Object 들을 Recompile한다. Compile에러가 발생하는 경우
    dbms_output package를 이용하여 화면에 display해 주게 되므로 실행하기
    전에 set serveroutput on 을 반드시 실행한다.
    Invalid된 object가 많은 경우라면 compile에러의 확인을 위해 spool을
    받는 것이 좋다.
    CURSOR getlist IS SELECT object_type, object_name FROM
    user_objects WHERE status = 'INVALID' AND
    object_type IN ('PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE',
    schemaname VARCHAR2(100);
    CURSOR geterr ( objname VARCHAR2, objtype VARCHAR2 ) IS
    SELECT text, line, position FROM user_errors WHERE
    name = objname AND type = objtype;
    SELECT username INTO schemaname FROM user_users;
    FOR getlistrec IN getlist LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line( 'attempting compile on ' ||
    getlistrec.object_name );
    dbms_ddl.alter_compile( getlistrec.object_type,
    schemaname, getlistrec.object_name );
    FOR getlistrec IN getlist LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line( '---ERROR---' );
    dbms_output.put_line( 'compile failed on ' ||
    getlistrec.object_name );
    FOR geterrrec IN geterr( getlistrec.object_name,
    getlistrec.object_type ) LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line( 'line: ' || geterrrec.line ||
    ' col: ' || geterrrec.position );
    dbms_output.put_line( substr( geterrrec.text, 1, 100 ));
    SQL> spool Compile.log
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec recompileinvalid;
    attempting compile on CRYPTIT
    attempting compile on CRYPTIT
    attempting compile on DECRYPT
    attempting compile on ENCRYPT
    attempting compile on SYNC_IM_INDEX
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> spool off

    우연의 일치인지 저도 어제 rac 기술지원을 나왔는데..
    통계정보를 수집하려고하니 dbms_stats가 invalid되어 있더군요.
    compile 명령을 하려다가 다른 패키지도 invalid되어있기도해서
    utlrp.sql을 수행했습니다.
    물론 백업 후 restart한 후에 세션 모두 클리어시키고 수행했습니다.
    그런데 한번 해서 안되는 경우도 있으니 invalid object의 결과를 보고
    utlrp.sql을 여러번 더 수행하면 해결됩니다.
    ## invalidobj.sql
    invalid 된 object에 대한 출력
    col owner format a20
    col object_name format a30
    select owner, object_name, OBJECT_TYPE,CREATED,LAST_DDL_TIME, STATUS
    from dba_objects where status<>'VALID';
    글 수정:
    민천사 (민연홍)
    그런데 중요한 것은.. 이것이 open상태에서 수행되더라도
    오라클에서는 그냥 수행해도 문제없다고 하더라도..
    제 개인적인 의견으로는 서비스 중에 수행해서는 절대 안된다고
    생각합니다. 서비스에 어떠한 영향이 갈지도 모르니까요. 문제가
    발생하면 그건 이 작업을 수행한 DBA탓 이겠죠. 장애보고서 써야하고
    골치가 아픕니다.
    저같은 경우에는 백업을 2copy를 하는데 미디어(테이프장치)를
    서로 다른 미디어를 써서 2copy를 해야 작업 시작하겠다고 했고
    그렇게 했습니다. 또한 세션을 모두 클리어시킨 후에 작업했구요.
    장애에 대한 강박관념이라고 할지 모르겠지만 지금까지 본 봐로는
    이렇게 꼼꼼하게 챙기지 않고 장애가 난다면 업계에 오래에 머무르기
    힘들 것 같다는 생각이 들더군요..~
    제가 장애에 너무 민감해서 말씀드리는 것이지 충고를 하는 것은 아닙니다.
    오해가 없으시길 바랍니다.

  • Procedure - invalid status

    Hi all,
         I have the procedure name val_xyz and it is worked fine upto july end and now while trying to compile the procedure, it is showing [email protected] invalid. I checked the status in the user_objects, it showing the status as "INVALID". Can any one tell me the reason how it automatically changed its status into "INVALID"..
    procedure contains various tables with datalinks....
    Please give me the possible reasons for how it changed automatically to INVALID status..

    It can happen for many reasons. A simple ALTER on a dependent table might do it:
    SQL> create table t (col1 number);
    Table created.
    SQL> create or replace
      2  procedure p as
      3     l_col1 number;
      4  begin
      5     select col1
      6     into   l_col1
      7     from   t;
      8  end;
      9  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> select object_name, status from user_objects where object_name = 'P';
    OBJECT_NAME                    STATUS
    P                              VALID
    SQL> alter table t add (col2 number);
    Table altered.
    SQL> select object_name, status from user_objects where object_name = 'P';
    OBJECT_NAME                    STATUS
    P                              INVALID

  • Status Of Objects INVALID

    Hi all
    I am trying to load the netscape LDAP supporting classes into database(loadjava), i
    found the status of all the classes showing
    INVALID can any one suggest me the reason and
    how to over come it.

    hi Ramu,
    I am also facing same problem. What I could figureout is that when we uoload a class file using loadjava the JVM inside the Oracle trys to compile that and if it could not found any of the refrenced class then it mark the status invalid. You can use -resolve option of loadjava to see the actual error.
    Now in my case it says oracle.sql.BLOB could not be found. When i looked in user_objects view it has INVALID status for all the oracle.sql.BLOB/CLOB etc.
    I think it has to do something with Oracle JVM. If you find out some solution for this pl mail me at [email protected]

  • How to get an updatable ADODB Recordset from a Stored Procedure?

    In VB6 I have this code to get a disconnected ADODB Recordset from a Oracle 9i database (the Oracle Client is 10g):
    Dim conSQL As ADODB.Connection
    Dim comSQL As ADODB.Command
    Dim recSQL As ADODB.Recordset
    Set conSQL = New ADODB.Connection
    With conSQL
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Password=<pwd>;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=<uid>;Data Source=<dsn>"
    .CursorLocation = adUseClientBatch
    End With
    Set comSQL = New ADODB.Command
    With comSQL
    .ActiveConnection = conSQL
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .CommandText = "P_PARAM.GETALLPARAM"
    .Properties("PLSQLRSet").Value = True
    End With
    Set recSQL = New ADODB.Recordset
    With recSQL
    Set .Source = comSQL
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
    .ActiveConnection = Nothing
    End With
    The PL/SQL Procedure is returning a REF CURSOR like this:
    SELECT *
    END GetAllParam;
    When I try to update some values in the ADODB Recordset (still disconnected), I get the following error:
    Err.Description: Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.
    Err.Number: -2147217887 (80040E21)
    Err.Source: Microsoft Cursor Engine
    The following properties on the Command object doesn't change anything:
    .Properties("IRowsetChange") = True
    .Properties("Updatability") = 7
    How can I get an updatable ADODB Recordset from a Stored Procedure?

    4 years later...
    I was having then same problem.
    Finally, I've found how to "touch" the requierd bits.
    Obviously, it's hardcore, but since some stupid at microsoft cannot understand the use of a disconnected recordset in the real world, there is no other choice.
    Reference: http://download.microsoft.com/downlo...MS-ADTG%5D.pdf
    Solution (VB6):
    Dim Rst As Recordset
    Rst.Open "select 1 as C1, '5CHARS' as C5, sysdate as C6, NVL(null,15) as C7, null as C8 from DUAL", yourconnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
    Set Rst.ActiveConnection = Nothing
    Dim S As New ADODB.Stream
    Rst.Save S, adPersistADTG
    Set Rst = Nothing
    With S
    'Debug.Print .Size
    Dim Bytes() As Byte
    Dim WordVal As Integer
    Dim LongVal As Long
    Bytes = .Read(2)
    If Bytes(0) <> 1 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG byte 0, se esperaba: 1 (header)"
    .Position = 2 + Bytes(1)
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 2 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG byte 9, se esperaba: 2 (handler)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' handler size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 3 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 3 (result descriptor)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' result descriptor size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 16 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 16 (adtgRecordSetContext)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' token size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 5 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 5 (adtgTableDescriptor)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' token size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(1)
    If Bytes(0) <> 6 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 6 (adtgTokenColumnDescriptor)"
    Do ' For each Field
    Bytes = .Read(2)
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' token size
    Dim NextTokenPos As Long
    NextTokenPos = .Position + LongVal
    Dim PresenceMap As Long
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    PresenceMap = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'ColumnOrdinal
    'WordVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(bytes(1)), 2))
    'Aca pueden venir: friendly_columnname, basetable_ordinal,basetab_column_ordinal,basetab_colname
    If PresenceMap And &H800000 Then 'friendly_columnname
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'Size
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' Size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal * 2 '*2 debido a UNICODE
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H400000 Then 'basetable_ordinal
    .Position = .Position + 2 ' 2 bytes
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H200000 Then 'basetab_column_ordinal
    .Position = .Position + 2 ' 2 bytes
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H100000 Then 'basetab_colname
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'Size
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' Size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal * 2 '*2 debido a UNICODE
    End If
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'adtgColumnDBType
    'WordVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(bytes(1)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'adtgColumnMaxLength
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'Precision
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'Scale
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Dim ColumnFlags() As Byte, NewFlag0 As Byte
    ColumnFlags = .Read(1) 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS, First Byte only (DBCOLUMNFLAGS=4 bytes total)
    NewFlag0 = ColumnFlags(0)
    If (NewFlag0 And &H4) = 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE (bit 2) esta OFF
    'Lo pongo en ON, ya que quiero escribir esta columna LOCALMENTE en el rst DESCONECTADO
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 Or &H4)
    End If
    If (NewFlag0 And &H8) <> 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN (bit 3) esta ON
    'Lo pongo en OFF, ya que no me importa si NO sabes si se puede updatear no, yo lo se, no te preocupes
    'ya que quiero escribir esta columna LOCALMENTE en el rst DESCONECTADO
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 And Not &H8)
    End If
    If (NewFlag0 And &H20) <> 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE (bit 5) esta OFF
    'Lo pongo en ON, ya que siendo un RST DESCONECTADO, si le quiero poner NULL, le pongo y listo
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 Or &H20)
    End If
    If NewFlag0 <> ColumnFlags(0) Then
    ColumnFlags(0) = NewFlag0
    .Position = .Position - 1
    .Write ColumnFlags
    End If
    .Position = NextTokenPos
    Bytes = .Read(1)
    Loop While Bytes(0) = 6
    'Reconstruyo el Rst desde el stream
    S.Position = 0
    Set Rst = New Recordset
    Rst.Open S
    End With
    'TEST IT
    On Error Resume Next
    Rst!C1 = 15
    Rst!C5 = "MUCHOS CHARS"
    Rst!C7 = 23423
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    MsgBox "OK"
    MsgBox Err.Description
    End If

  • Help!Cache status of object for Central Adapter Engine is incorrect

    this problem cconfused me several days!
    version:PI 7.1
    after i activate the communication channel, the cache not update for central adapter engine
    problem: in cache status overview, the update for central adapter engine not yet started, but notification is ok.
                     the update for integration server and mapping run time are all correct.
    then when i display wsdl for sender agreement(SOAP sender),  show message:Cache status of object abcd123 for Central Adapter Engine is incorrect
    if i ignore this message, error message popup:dapter Engine af.xid.sapittest for communication channel abcd123 not registered in SLD
    who can help me solve this problem.
    thank you in advance.

    Hi cheng,
    Kindly check if you have set theparameter 'com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.sld.name' in your
    Exchange Profile, since it's not set by default. Open note #1278563 and follow the procedures.
    And you may check the following notes:
    #1031321 - Self-Registration of Adapter Engine and RWB fails
    #1334053 - No automatic PI 7.10 SLD Registration (Here you'll see the note 764176 which you have already applied and also the note #1117249).
    In RWB, is the adapter Engine "red light"? If yes, what is the specific error?
    Caio Cagnani

  • Get workflow status abap object way

    Hi all of you,
    I am facing a workflow problem.
    I am working on a class that implements the interface IF_SWF_IFS_WORKITEM_EXIT.
    That class will be trigger after a user decision step to update a database table with current workflow informations.
    <b>My problem is how to find the workflow status (but not the user decision one) by knowing that my class is executed in the user decision step.</b>
    I know that I have this information in the table SWIWIOBJCT but as I decided to achieve my task using abap object, I would like to know if somebody know a simple way using abap object.
    I am facing another problem: if the user decide to approve the document my workitem (for the user decision step and the global workflow) will now have the COMPLETED, but at the moment my class is executed they don't have the COMPLETED status yet.
    Do someone know if the information on the new status of the workflow is stored anywhere?
    I don't know if I have exposed clearly my problem, but I can give some points to any helper since the answer is helpful.
    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry for my language. Information about workflow work item's (WI) status can find in SWWWIHEAD (transparent table) by simple select or using FM SWW_WI_WL_READ (on enter need give id of WI).
    For another problem: can you get information about WI status twice from your own class (on enter and on out)? If can - check of changes status and did your procedures...

  • Invalid Status

    Hi All,
    Recently i have exported and imported the user "bitech" from one server in apex to the other server in the apex.
    So i have got all the tables, packages, procedures, functions within the user in the target server apex.
    But some of those objects seemed to be in INVALID status whether those objects may cause the apex not to work in the target.
    These are the objects which are in invalid status
    WWV_META_CLEANUP                    PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_FILES                      SYNONYM             PUBLIC          INVALID
    APEX_APPLICATION_FILES              SYNONYM             PUBLIC          INVALID
    APEX_WORKSPACES                     SYNONYM             PUBLIC          INVALID
    APEX_WORKSPACE_FILES                SYNONYM             PUBLIC          INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_SW_PARSER                  PACKAGE             APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_API                        PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_GEN_API2                   PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_IMAGE_API                  PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_CSS_API                    PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_HTML_API                   PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_FND_USER_API               PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_IMP_PARSER                 PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES               PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_THEME_MANAGER              PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_SW_SCRIPT                  PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_SW_PARSER                  PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_SW_UPGRADE                 PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    APEX_WORKSPACE_SQL_SCRIPTS          VIEW                APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_WS_ATTACHMENT              PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_MIG_ACC_LOAD                    PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_LOAD_DATA                  PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_GENERATE_DDL               PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_XLIFF                      PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_HELP                       PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALID
    WWV_FLOW_WORKSPACE_REPORTS          PACKAGE BODY        APEX_040000     INVALIDwhat may be the issue over here. what is the reason behind this invalid status.

    Try this in 3.0, if it's still a problem please let us know. Otherwise assume that it was a bug that was fixed.

  • Update activity status based on Customer request status,

    I have a requirement to update the status field of a service request activity to Completed when the service request status = closed. Any suggestions?

    If the field they are updating is in the same object it shouldn't be an issue. If another object needs to be updated then the workflow won't work.
    Integration events can be used for this. generate a event and have a external process poll the integration event queue for new events. when received, it can do whatever is necessary via web services.

  • User Exit to update user status at VA01/VA02

    Hi Expert
    Please help identify any User Exit to update User Status stored in tables (JSTO/JEST), at time of sales order (Business Object 2032) creation / change.
    Requirement is to set check mark on a specific user status in case of a material master is missing HTS code.

    If your requirement is to set the check the HTS field in the material master, you can make the field as Mandatory without which the  Material cant be saved
    You can make this field mandatory in OMS9 transaction code with field status as 89 and the field is MARC-STAWN
    Please revert if you need more details

  • Error while updating data from DataStore object

    Currently we are upgrading BW3.5 to BI7.0 for technical only,
    we found and errors during process chain run in further processing step. This step is basically a delta loading from DSO to Cube.
    The error message are:
    Error while updating data from DataStore object 0GLS_INV
    Message no. RSMPC146
    Job terminated in source system --> Request set to red
    Message no. RSM078
    That's all no further errors message can be explained clearly here from system.
    I have applied SAP note 1152453 and reactivate the datasource, infosource, and data target.
    Still no help here!?
    Please advise if you encountered these errors before.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: David Tai Wai Tan on Oct 31, 2008 2:46 PM
    Edited by: David Tai Wai Tan on Oct 31, 2008 2:50 PM
    Edited by: David Tai Wai Tan on Oct 31, 2008 2:52 PM

    Hi Vijay,
    I got this error:
    Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X      
    Date and Time          04.11.2008 11:43:08 
    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system       
    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look  
    at and manage termination messages, and you can also         
    keep them for a long time.                                   
    Short text of error message:                                             
    No start information on process LOADING                                                                               
    Long text of error message:                                              
          For process LOADING, variant ZPAK_0SKIJ58741F4ASCSIYNV1PI9U, the    
          end should be logged for instance REQU_D4FIDCEKO82JUCJ8RWK6HZ9KX    
          under the log ID D4FIDCBHXPLZMP5T71JZQVUWX. However, no start has   
          been logged for this process.                                       
      System Response                                                         
          No log has been written. The process (and consequently the chain)   
          has been terminated.                                                
          If possible, restart the process.                                   
      Procedure for System Administration                                                                               
    Technical information about the message:                                 
    Message class....... "RSPC"                                              
    Number.............. 004                                                 
    Variable 1.......... "D4FIDCBHXPLZMP5T71JZQVUWX"                         
    Variable 2.......... "LOADING"                                           
    Variable 3.......... "ZPAK_0SKIJ58741F4ASCSIYNV1PI9U"                    
    Variable 4.......... "REQU_D4FIDCEKO82JUCJ8RWK6HZ9KX" 
    Any idea?

  • Fresh Install: Gnome Shell segfault and bgrt invalid status (Nvidia)

    Hi everyone! I have Arch freshly installed, and after some modprobing last night I was finally able to get the Arch repository Nvidia drivers working. That being said, I am still getting a "bgrt invalid status" message on boot up (and, for what it is worth I do not have an Arch splash screen). I have googled the issue which took me to a thread here on the Arch forums, but that was dealing with the Noveau driver and not Nvidia.
    Below is my entire dmesg output, and would appreciate if someone might help me look through it and diagnose the Gnome segfault and any other issues that may be present. I am also looking for some advice as to the proprietary Nvidia drivers. I have a GTX 980, and while currently I don't need any advanced rendering, here when an upcoming game gets released on Steam, I very well may need that.
    dmesg output [main concern near bottom at entry 2.875973]:
    [ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
    [ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
    [ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
    [ 0.000000] Linux version 3.19.3-3-ARCH (builduser@tobias) (gcc version 4.9.2 20150304 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 8 14:10:00 CEST 2015
    [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=d00bbf3b-182d-4b7f-9502-23eff99f42e5 rw quiet
    [ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000057fff] usable
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000058000-0x0000000000058fff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000059000-0x000000000009efff] usable
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009f000-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000009d08dfff] usable
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009d08e000-0x000000009d094fff] ACPI NVS
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009d095000-0x000000009d4f4fff] usable
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009d4f5000-0x000000009d964fff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009d965000-0x00000000bd92bfff] usable
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bd92c000-0x00000000bdc97fff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bdc98000-0x00000000bdcb5fff] ACPI data
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bdcb6000-0x00000000be1defff] ACPI NVS
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000be1df000-0x00000000bef51fff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bef52000-0x00000000beffefff] type 20
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000befff000-0x00000000beffffff] usable
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000e0000000-0x00000000efffffff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fec00000-0x00000000fec00fff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed00000-0x00000000fed03fff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed1c000-0x00000000fed1ffff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee00fff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000ff000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x000000083effffff] usable
    [ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
    [ 0.000000] efi: EFI v2.31 by American Megatrends
    [ 0.000000] efi: ACPI 2.0=0xbdc9e000 ACPI=0xbdc9e000 SMBIOS=0xf04d0 MPS=0xfd5d0
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem00: [Boot Code | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000008000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem01: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000008000-0x0000000000048000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem02: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000048000-0x0000000000058000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem03: [Reserved | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000058000-0x0000000000059000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem04: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000059000-0x000000000005f000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem05: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000000005f000-0x0000000000060000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem06: [Boot Code | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000060000-0x000000000009f000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem07: [Reserved | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000000009f000-0x00000000000a0000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem08: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000100000-0x0000000000f3e000) (14MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem09: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000f3e000-0x000000003795c000) (874MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem10: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000003795c000-0x0000000037ca6000) (3MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem11: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000037ca6000-0x0000000070a60000) (909MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem12: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000070a60000-0x0000000099a88000) (656MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem13: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000099a88000-0x000000009c090000) (38MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem14: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c090000-0x000000009c094000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem15: [Loader Code | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c094000-0x000000009c0b1000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem16: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0b1000-0x000000009c0b2000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem17: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0b2000-0x000000009c0b3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem18: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0b3000-0x000000009c0b7000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem19: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0b7000-0x000000009c0b9000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem20: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0b9000-0x000000009c0ba000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem21: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0ba000-0x000000009c0bb000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem22: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0bb000-0x000000009c0bd000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem23: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0bd000-0x000000009c0be000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem24: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0be000-0x000000009c0c2000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem25: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0c2000-0x000000009c0c4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem26: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0c4000-0x000000009c0c5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem27: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0c5000-0x000000009c0c6000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem28: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0c6000-0x000000009c0e2000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem29: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0e2000-0x000000009c0e3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem30: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0e3000-0x000000009c0e4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem31: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0e4000-0x000000009c0e5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem32: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0e5000-0x000000009c0e7000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem33: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0e7000-0x000000009c0e8000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem34: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0e8000-0x000000009c0f0000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem35: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0f0000-0x000000009c0f4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem36: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c0f4000-0x000000009c114000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem37: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c114000-0x000000009c115000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem38: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c115000-0x000000009c116000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem39: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c116000-0x000000009c117000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem40: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c117000-0x000000009c118000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem41: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c118000-0x000000009c119000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem42: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c119000-0x000000009c126000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem43: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c126000-0x000000009c128000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem44: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c128000-0x000000009c129000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem45: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c129000-0x000000009c12b000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem46: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c12b000-0x000000009c12e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem47: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c12e000-0x000000009c130000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem48: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c130000-0x000000009c132000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem49: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c132000-0x000000009c135000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem50: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c135000-0x000000009c138000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem51: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c138000-0x000000009c13e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem52: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c13e000-0x000000009c141000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem53: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c141000-0x000000009c142000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem54: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c142000-0x000000009c143000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem55: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c143000-0x000000009c146000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem56: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c146000-0x000000009c148000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem57: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c148000-0x000000009c149000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem58: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c149000-0x000000009c14a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem59: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c14a000-0x000000009c14d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem60: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009c14d000-0x000000009cb1b000) (9MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem61: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb1b000-0x000000009cb1d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem62: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb1d000-0x000000009cb1e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem63: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb1e000-0x000000009cb1f000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem64: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb1f000-0x000000009cb23000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem65: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb23000-0x000000009cb27000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem66: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb27000-0x000000009cb28000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem67: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb28000-0x000000009cb2b000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem68: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb2b000-0x000000009cb4e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem69: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb4e000-0x000000009cb52000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem70: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb52000-0x000000009cb53000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem71: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb53000-0x000000009cb59000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem72: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009cb59000-0x000000009d08e000) (5MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem73: [ACPI Memory NVS | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d08e000-0x000000009d095000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem74: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d095000-0x000000009d1f6000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem75: [Boot Code | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d1f6000-0x000000009d4ba000) (2MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem76: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d4ba000-0x000000009d4bf000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem77: [Boot Code | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d4bf000-0x000000009d4c3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem78: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d4c3000-0x000000009d4d8000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem79: [Boot Code | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d4d8000-0x000000009d4ea000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem80: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d4ea000-0x000000009d4f5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem81: [Runtime Data |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d4f5000-0x000000009d965000) (4MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem82: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d965000-0x000000009d978000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem83: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d978000-0x000000009d97c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem84: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d97c000-0x000000009d97d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem85: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d97d000-0x000000009d982000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem86: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d982000-0x000000009d983000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem87: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d983000-0x000000009d987000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem88: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009d987000-0x00000000a4a2a000) (112MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem89: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a2a000-0x00000000a4a2d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem90: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a2d000-0x00000000a4a2e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem91: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a2e000-0x00000000a4a30000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem92: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a30000-0x00000000a4a31000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem93: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a31000-0x00000000a4a32000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem94: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a32000-0x00000000a4a38000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem95: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a38000-0x00000000a4a39000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem96: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a39000-0x00000000a4a45000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem97: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a45000-0x00000000a4a46000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem98: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a46000-0x00000000a4a6a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem99: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a6a000-0x00000000a4a6b000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem100: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a6b000-0x00000000a4a77000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem101: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a77000-0x00000000a4a78000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem102: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a78000-0x00000000a4a9c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem103: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a9c000-0x00000000a4a9d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem104: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4a9d000-0x00000000a4aa9000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem105: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4aa9000-0x00000000a4aaa000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem106: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4aaa000-0x00000000a4b29000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem107: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4b29000-0x00000000a4b2a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem108: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4b2a000-0x00000000a4c4c000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem109: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a4c4c000-0x00000000a5238000) (5MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem110: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5238000-0x00000000a5239000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem111: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5239000-0x00000000a523b000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem112: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a523b000-0x00000000a523c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem113: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a523c000-0x00000000a523d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem114: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a523d000-0x00000000a524a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem115: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a524a000-0x00000000a524d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem116: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a524d000-0x00000000a524e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem117: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a524e000-0x00000000a5250000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem118: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5250000-0x00000000a5289000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem119: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5289000-0x00000000a528a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem120: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a528a000-0x00000000a52ef000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem121: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a52ef000-0x00000000a52f0000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem122: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a52f0000-0x00000000a5334000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem123: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5334000-0x00000000a593e000) (6MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem124: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a593e000-0x00000000a594b000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem125: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a594b000-0x00000000a594c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem126: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a594c000-0x00000000a594d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem127: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a594d000-0x00000000a595d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem128: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a595d000-0x00000000a5b5c000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem129: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5b5c000-0x00000000a5b78000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem130: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5b78000-0x00000000a5c47000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem131: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5c47000-0x00000000a5c49000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem132: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5c49000-0x00000000a5c68000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem133: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5c68000-0x00000000a5c71000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem134: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5c71000-0x00000000a5e1e000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem135: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a5e1e000-0x00000000a6149000) (3MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem136: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a6149000-0x00000000a6168000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem137: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a6168000-0x00000000a6263000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem138: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a6263000-0x00000000a626c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem139: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a626c000-0x00000000a65d6000) (3MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem140: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a65d6000-0x00000000a65d8000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem141: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a65d8000-0x00000000a6b1e000) (5MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem142: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a6b1e000-0x00000000a6b20000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem143: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a6b20000-0x00000000a6b26000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem144: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a6b26000-0x00000000a6b28000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem145: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a6b28000-0x00000000a711a000) (5MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem146: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a711a000-0x00000000a711c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem147: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a711c000-0x00000000a853f000) (20MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem148: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a853f000-0x00000000a8547000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem149: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8547000-0x00000000a854e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem150: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a854e000-0x00000000a8556000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem151: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8556000-0x00000000a855c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem152: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a855c000-0x00000000a8564000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem153: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8564000-0x00000000a8568000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem154: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8568000-0x00000000a8570000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem155: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8570000-0x00000000a8578000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem156: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8578000-0x00000000a8586000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem157: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8586000-0x00000000a8592000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem158: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8592000-0x00000000a8597000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem159: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8597000-0x00000000a859c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem160: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a859c000-0x00000000a85a3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem161: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85a3000-0x00000000a85aa000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem162: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85aa000-0x00000000a85b1000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem163: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85b1000-0x00000000a85b5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem164: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85b5000-0x00000000a85bd000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem165: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85bd000-0x00000000a85bf000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem166: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85bf000-0x00000000a85c3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem167: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85c3000-0x00000000a85ca000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem168: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85ca000-0x00000000a85d2000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem169: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85d2000-0x00000000a85d9000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem170: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85d9000-0x00000000a85e4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem171: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85e4000-0x00000000a85e9000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem172: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85e9000-0x00000000a85ee000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem173: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85ee000-0x00000000a85f6000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem174: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85f6000-0x00000000a85fc000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem175: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a85fc000-0x00000000a8604000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem176: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8604000-0x00000000a8608000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem177: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8608000-0x00000000a860a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem178: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a860a000-0x00000000a860d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem179: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a860d000-0x00000000a8612000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem180: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8612000-0x00000000a861c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem181: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a861c000-0x00000000a86f7000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem182: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a86f7000-0x00000000a86fb000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem183: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a86fb000-0x00000000a873e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem184: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a873e000-0x00000000a8740000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem185: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8740000-0x00000000a879c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem186: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a879c000-0x00000000a879e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem187: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a879e000-0x00000000a87a0000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem188: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a87a0000-0x00000000a87a2000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem189: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a87a2000-0x00000000a880e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem190: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a880e000-0x00000000a881e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem191: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a881e000-0x00000000a8823000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem192: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8823000-0x00000000a8835000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem193: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8835000-0x00000000a883e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem194: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a883e000-0x00000000a8841000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem195: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8841000-0x00000000a8842000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem196: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8842000-0x00000000a887e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem197: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a887e000-0x00000000a8883000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem198: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8883000-0x00000000a8884000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem199: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8884000-0x00000000a88d6000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem200: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a88d6000-0x00000000a8926000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem201: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8926000-0x00000000a892a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem202: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a892a000-0x00000000a8948000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem203: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8948000-0x00000000a89ef000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem204: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a89ef000-0x00000000a8a1a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem205: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8a1a000-0x00000000a8bca000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem206: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8bca000-0x00000000a8bdc000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem207: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8bdc000-0x00000000a8be0000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem208: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8be0000-0x00000000a8be7000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem209: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8be7000-0x00000000a8bea000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem210: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8bea000-0x00000000a8bfc000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem211: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8bfc000-0x00000000a8d7f000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem212: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8d7f000-0x00000000a8daa000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem213: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8daa000-0x00000000a8dc5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem214: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8dc5000-0x00000000a8dd0000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem215: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8dd0000-0x00000000a8dfd000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem216: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8dfd000-0x00000000a8dfe000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem217: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8dfe000-0x00000000a8dff000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem218: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8dff000-0x00000000a8e08000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem219: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a8e08000-0x00000000a90d8000) (2MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem220: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a90d8000-0x00000000a90d9000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem221: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a90d9000-0x00000000a94f9000) (4MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem222: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a94f9000-0x00000000a94fb000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem223: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000a94fb000-0x00000000aa9e9000) (20MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem224: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aa9e9000-0x00000000aa9eb000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem225: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aa9eb000-0x00000000adb6d000) (49MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem226: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000adb6d000-0x00000000adb6f000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem227: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000adb6f000-0x00000000ae74b000) (11MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem228: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae74b000-0x00000000ae74d000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem229: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae74d000-0x00000000ae752000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem230: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae752000-0x00000000ae754000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem231: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae754000-0x00000000ae86e000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem232: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae86e000-0x00000000ae872000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem233: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae872000-0x00000000ae878000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem234: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae878000-0x00000000ae87a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem235: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000ae87a000-0x00000000aeafa000) (2MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem236: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aeafa000-0x00000000aeafc000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem237: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aeafc000-0x00000000aeb16000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem238: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aeb16000-0x00000000aeb18000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem239: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aeb18000-0x00000000af538000) (10MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem240: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af538000-0x00000000af564000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem241: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af564000-0x00000000af5fe000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem242: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af5fe000-0x00000000af64e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem243: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af64e000-0x00000000af7a2000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem244: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af7a2000-0x00000000af7aa000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem245: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af7aa000-0x00000000af86e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem246: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af86e000-0x00000000af892000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem247: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000af892000-0x00000000afa7e000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem248: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000afa7e000-0x00000000afaa1000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem249: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000afaa1000-0x00000000afae3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem250: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000afae3000-0x00000000afb00000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem251: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000afb00000-0x00000000afea4000) (3MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem252: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000afea4000-0x00000000afebc000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem253: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000afebc000-0x00000000aff04000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem254: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aff04000-0x00000000aff0e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem255: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000aff0e000-0x00000000b00a3000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem256: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b00a3000-0x00000000b00a9000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem257: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b00a9000-0x00000000b0123000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem258: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0123000-0x00000000b012a000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem259: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b012a000-0x00000000b0176000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem260: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0176000-0x00000000b0199000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem261: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0199000-0x00000000b02b6000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem262: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b02b6000-0x00000000b02e3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem263: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b02e3000-0x00000000b0426000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem264: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0426000-0x00000000b0443000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem265: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0443000-0x00000000b0645000) (2MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem266: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0645000-0x00000000b0662000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem267: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0662000-0x00000000b07a0000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem268: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b07a0000-0x00000000b07a6000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem269: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b07a6000-0x00000000b08d9000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem270: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b08d9000-0x00000000b08e4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem271: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b08e4000-0x00000000b0a30000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem272: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0a30000-0x00000000b0a3e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem273: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0a3e000-0x00000000b0a91000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem274: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0a91000-0x00000000b0a94000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem275: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0a94000-0x00000000b0bf3000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem276: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0bf3000-0x00000000b0bf7000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem277: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0bf7000-0x00000000b0c55000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem278: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0c55000-0x00000000b0c56000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem279: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0c56000-0x00000000b0d46000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem280: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0d46000-0x00000000b0d50000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem281: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0d50000-0x00000000b0da2000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem282: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0da2000-0x00000000b0daf000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem283: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0daf000-0x00000000b0dd7000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem284: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0dd7000-0x00000000b0ddf000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem285: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0ddf000-0x00000000b0de4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem286: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0de4000-0x00000000b0de8000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem287: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0de8000-0x00000000b0ea0000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem288: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0ea0000-0x00000000b0ea5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem289: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0ea5000-0x00000000b0f50000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem290: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0f50000-0x00000000b0f56000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem291: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0f56000-0x00000000b0f91000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem292: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0f91000-0x00000000b0f9e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem293: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0f9e000-0x00000000b0fd1000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem294: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0fd1000-0x00000000b0fde000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem295: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b0fde000-0x00000000b1080000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem296: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1080000-0x00000000b1087000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem297: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1087000-0x00000000b1146000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem298: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1146000-0x00000000b1154000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem299: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1154000-0x00000000b116f000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem300: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b116f000-0x00000000b1176000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem301: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1176000-0x00000000b11a5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem302: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b11a5000-0x00000000b11ab000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem303: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b11ab000-0x00000000b1231000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem304: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1231000-0x00000000b1236000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem305: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1236000-0x00000000b1271000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem306: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1271000-0x00000000b127e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem307: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b127e000-0x00000000b1304000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem308: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1304000-0x00000000b1308000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem309: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1308000-0x00000000b142c000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem310: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b142c000-0x00000000b142f000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem311: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b142f000-0x00000000b151c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem312: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b151c000-0x00000000b1525000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem313: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1525000-0x00000000b153c000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem314: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b153c000-0x00000000b1544000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem315: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1544000-0x00000000b155b000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem316: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b155b000-0x00000000b1560000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem317: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1560000-0x00000000b198d000) (4MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem318: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b198d000-0x00000000b1999000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem319: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1999000-0x00000000b19a2000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem320: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b19a2000-0x00000000b19a5000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem321: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b19a5000-0x00000000b19a8000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem322: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b19a8000-0x00000000b19a9000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem323: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b19a9000-0x00000000b19fa000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem324: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b19fa000-0x00000000b19fb000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem325: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b19fb000-0x00000000b1a37000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem326: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1a37000-0x00000000b1a38000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem327: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1a38000-0x00000000b1aa1000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem328: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1aa1000-0x00000000b1aad000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem329: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1aad000-0x00000000b1acd000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem330: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1acd000-0x00000000b1ace000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem331: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1ace000-0x00000000b1af3000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem332: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1af3000-0x00000000b1af4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem333: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000b1af4000-0x00000000bb91e000) (158MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem334: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bb91e000-0x00000000bb920000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem335: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bb920000-0x00000000bcf8f000) (22MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem336: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bcf8f000-0x00000000bd052000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem337: [Loader Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bd052000-0x00000000bd061000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem338: [Boot Code | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bd061000-0x00000000bd92c000) (8MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem339: [Reserved | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bd92c000-0x00000000bd9df000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem340: [Reserved | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bd9df000-0x00000000bdc98000) (2MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem341: [ACPI Reclaim Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bdc98000-0x00000000bdc9e000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem342: [ACPI Reclaim Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bdc9e000-0x00000000bdcb6000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem343: [ACPI Memory NVS | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bdcb6000-0x00000000bddbe000) (1MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem344: [ACPI Memory NVS | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bddbe000-0x00000000be1df000) (4MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem345: [Runtime Data |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000be1df000-0x00000000be538000) (3MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem346: [Runtime Data |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000be538000-0x00000000bee39000) (9MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem347: [Runtime Data |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bee39000-0x00000000bee3b000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem348: [Runtime Data |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bee3b000-0x00000000beeb1000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem349: [Runtime Data |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000beeb1000-0x00000000beeb4000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem350: [Runtime Data |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000beeb4000-0x00000000bef52000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem351: [Runtime Code |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bef52000-0x00000000bef74000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem352: [Runtime Code |RUN| | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000bef74000-0x00000000befff000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem353: [Boot Data | | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000befff000-0x00000000bf000000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem354: [Conventional Memory| | | | | |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000100000000-0x000000083f000000) (29680MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem355: [Memory Mapped I/O |RUN| | | | | | | |UC] range=[0x00000000e0000000-0x00000000f0000000) (256MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem356: [Memory Mapped I/O |RUN| | | | | | | |UC] range=[0x00000000fec00000-0x00000000fec01000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem357: [Memory Mapped I/O |RUN| | | | | | | |UC] range=[0x00000000fed00000-0x00000000fed04000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem358: [Memory Mapped I/O |RUN| | | | | | | |UC] range=[0x00000000fed1c000-0x00000000fed20000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem359: [Memory Mapped I/O |RUN| | | | | | | |UC] range=[0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee01000) (0MB)
    [ 0.000000] efi: mem360: [Memory Mapped I/O |RUN| | | | | | | |UC] range=[0x00000000ff000000-0x0000000100000000) (16MB)
    [ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.8 present.
    [ 0.000000] DMI: ASUS All Series/Z97-PRO, BIOS 2012 09/30/2014
    [ 0.000000] e820: update [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff] usable ==> reserved
    [ 0.000000] e820: remove [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff] usable
    [ 0.000000] AGP: No AGP bridge found
    [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x83f000 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
    [ 0.000000] MTRR default type: uncachable
    [ 0.000000] MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
    [ 0.000000] 00000-9FFFF write-back
    [ 0.000000] A0000-BFFFF uncachable
    [ 0.000000] C0000-DBFFF write-protect
    [ 0.000000] DC000-DFFFF uncachable
    [ 0.000000] E0000-FFFFF write-protect
    [ 0.000000] MTRR variable ranges enabled:
    [ 0.000000] 0 base 0000000000 mask 7800000000 write-back
    [ 0.000000] 1 base 0800000000 mask 7FE0000000 write-back
    [ 0.000000] 2 base 0820000000 mask 7FF0000000 write-back
    [ 0.000000] 3 base 0830000000 mask 7FF8000000 write-back
    [ 0.000000] 4 base 0838000000 mask 7FFC000000 write-back
    [ 0.000000] 5 base 083C000000 mask 7FFE000000 write-back
    [ 0.000000] 6 base 083E000000 mask 7FFF000000 write-back
    [ 0.000000] 7 base 00C0000000 mask 7FC0000000 uncachable
    [ 0.000000] 8 disabled
    [ 0.000000] 9 disabled
    [ 0.000000] PAT configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WC UC- UC
    [ 0.000000] e820: update [mem 0xc0000000-0xffffffff] usable ==> reserved
    [ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0xbf000 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
    [ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000fd8d0-0x000fd8df] mapped at [ffff8800000fd8d0]
    [ 0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption
    [ 0.000000] Base memory trampoline at [ffff880000089000] 89000 size 24576
    [ 0.000000] Using GB pages for direct mapping
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01b32000, 0x01b32fff] PGTABLE
    [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01b33000, 0x01b33fff] PGTABLE
    [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01b34000, 0x01b34fff] PGTABLE
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x83ee00000-0x83effffff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x83ee00000-0x83effffff] page 2M
    [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01b35000, 0x01b35fff] PGTABLE
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x820000000-0x83edfffff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x820000000-0x83edfffff] page 2M
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x800000000-0x81fffffff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x800000000-0x81fffffff] page 2M
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00100000-0x9d08dfff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x00100000-0x001fffff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x00200000-0x3fffffff] page 2M
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x40000000-0x7fffffff] page 1G
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x80000000-0x9cffffff] page 2M
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x9d000000-0x9d08dfff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x9d095000-0x9d4f4fff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x9d095000-0x9d1fffff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x9d200000-0x9d3fffff] page 2M
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x9d400000-0x9d4f4fff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01b36000, 0x01b36fff] PGTABLE
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x9d965000-0xbd92bfff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x9d965000-0x9d9fffff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x9da00000-0xbd7fffff] page 2M
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0xbd800000-0xbd92bfff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] BRK [0x01b37000, 0x01b37fff] PGTABLE
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0xbefff000-0xbeffffff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0xbefff000-0xbeffffff] page 4k
    [ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x100000000-0x7ffffffff]
    [ 0.000000] [mem 0x100000000-0x7ffffffff] page 1G
    [ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x3795c000-0x37ca5fff]
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000BDC9E000 000024 (v02 ALASKA)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000BDC9E080 00007C (v01 ALASKA A M I 01072009 AMI 00010013)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x00000000BDCAD510 00010C (v05 ALASKA A M I 01072009 AMI 00010013)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000BDC9E198 00F372 (v02 ALASKA A M I 00000011 INTL 20120711)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x00000000BE1DEF80 000040
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x00000000BDCAD620 000092 (v03 ALASKA A M I 01072009 AMI 00010013)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: FPDT 0x00000000BDCAD6B8 000044 (v01 ALASKA A M I 01072009 AMI 00010013)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000BDCAD700 000C7D (v01 Ther_R Ther_Rvp 00001000 INTL 20120711)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000BDCAE380 000539 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20051117)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000BDCAE8C0 000B74 (v01 CpuRef CpuSsdt 00003000 INTL 20051117)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: MCFG 0x00000000BDCAF438 00003C (v01 ALASKA A M I 01072009 MSFT 00000097)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET 0x00000000BDCAF478 000038 (v01 ALASKA A M I 01072009 AMI. 00000005)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000BDCAF4B0 00036D (v01 SataRe SataTabl 00001000 INTL 20120711)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000BDCAF820 005977 (v01 SaSsdt SaSsdt 00003000 INTL 20120711)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: BGRT 0x00000000BDCB51F0 000038 (v01 ALASKA A M I 01072009 AMI 00010013)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
    [ 0.000000] No NUMA configuration found
    [ 0.000000] Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000083effffff]
    [ 0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x83eff8000-0x83effbfff]
    [ 0.000000] [ffffea0000000000-ffffea0020ffffff] PMD -> [ffff88081e600000-ffff88083e5fffff] on node 0
    [ 0.000000] Zone ranges:
    [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x00001000-0x00ffffff]
    [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x01000000-0xffffffff]
    [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x100000000-0x83effffff]
    [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
    [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges
    [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00001000-0x00057fff]
    [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00059000-0x0009efff]
    [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00100000-0x9d08dfff]
    [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x9d095000-0x9d4f4fff]
    [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x9d965000-0xbd92bfff]
    [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0xbefff000-0xbeffffff]
    [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x100000000-0x83effffff]
    [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x00001000-0x83effffff]
    [ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 8373331
    [ 0.000000] DMA zone: 64 pages used for memmap
    [ 0.000000] DMA zone: 59 pages reserved
    [ 0.000000] DMA zone: 3997 pages, LIFO batch:0
    [ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 12051 pages used for memmap
    [ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 771254 pages, LIFO batch:31
    [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 118720 pages used for memmap
    [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 7598080 pages, LIFO batch:31
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x1808
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x04] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x04] lapic_id[0x06] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x05] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x06] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x07] lapic_id[0x05] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x08] lapic_id[0x07] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0xff] high edge lint[0x1])
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x08] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
    [ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 8, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
    [ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a701 base: 0xfed00000
    [ 0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 8 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00058000-0x00058fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x0009f000-0x0009ffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9d08e000-0x9d094fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9d4f5000-0x9d964fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbd92c000-0xbdc97fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbdc98000-0xbdcb5fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbdcb6000-0xbe1defff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbe1df000-0xbef51fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbef52000-0xbeffefff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xbf000000-0xdfffffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xf0000000-0xfebfffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfec01000-0xfecfffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed00000-0xfed03fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed04000-0xfed1bfff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfedfffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee01000-0xfeffffff]
    [ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff]
    [ 0.000000] e820: [mem 0xbf000000-0xdfffffff] available for PCI devices
    [ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
    [ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:128 nr_cpumask_bits:128 nr_cpu_ids:8 nr_node_ids:1
    [ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 31 pages/cpu @ffff88083ec00000 s86336 r8192 d32448 u262144
    [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s86336 r8192 d32448 u262144 alloc=1*2097152
    [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 8242437
    [ 0.000000] Policy zone: Normal
    [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=d00bbf3b-182d-4b7f-9502-23eff99f42e5 rw quiet
    [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
    [ 0.000000] xsave: enabled xstate_bv 0x7, cntxt size 0x340 using standard form
    [ 0.000000] AGP: Checking aperture...
    [ 0.000000] AGP: No AGP bridge found
    [ 0.000000] Calgary: detecting Calgary via BIOS EBDA area
    [ 0.000000] Calgary: Unable to locate Rio Grande table in EBDA - bailing!
    [ 0.000000] Memory: 32486996K/33493324K available (5534K kernel code, 917K rwdata, 1744K rodata, 1164K init, 1156K bss, 1006328K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
    [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=8, Nodes=1
    [ 0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
    [ 0.000000] RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled.
    [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=128 to nr_cpu_ids=8.
    [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=8
    [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:8448 nr_irqs:488 16
    [ 0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
    [ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
    [ 0.000000] hpet clockevent registered
    [ 0.000000] tsc: Fast TSC calibration using PIT
    [ 0.000000] tsc: Detected 4000.001 MHz processor
    [ 0.000017] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 8003.33 BogoMIPS (lpj=13333336)
    [ 0.000019] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
    [ 0.000022] ACPI: Core revision 20141107
    [ 0.009229] ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired
    [ 0.029785] Security Framework initialized
    [ 0.029788] Yama: becoming mindful.
    [ 0.030858] Dentry cache hash table entries: 4194304 (order: 13, 33554432 bytes)
    [ 0.034247] Inode-cache hash table entries: 2097152 (order: 12, 16777216 bytes)
    [ 0.035692] Mount-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
    [ 0.035711] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
    [ 0.035889] Initializing cgroup subsys memory
    [ 0.035892] Initializing cgroup subsys devices
    [ 0.035893] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
    [ 0.035894] Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls
    [ 0.035895] Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
    [ 0.035908] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
    [ 0.035909] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
    [ 0.035911] ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: Set to 'normal', was 'performance'
    ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: View and update with x86_energy_perf_policy(8)
    [ 0.036595] mce: CPU supports 9 MCE banks
    [ 0.036604] CPU0: Thermal monitoring enabled (TM1)
    [ 0.036611] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 1024, 2MB 1024, 4MB 1024
    Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 1024, 2MB 1024, 4MB 1024, 1GB 4
    [ 0.036664] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 20K (ffffffff81a0a000 - ffffffff81a0f000)
    [ 0.037117] Ignoring BGRT: invalid status 0 (expected 1)
    [ 0.043080] ftrace: allocating 21171 entries in 83 pages
    [ 0.048407] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=0 pin2=0
    [ 0.081410] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (fam: 06, model: 3c, stepping: 03)
    [ 0.081414] TSC deadline timer enabled
    [ 0.081426] Performance Events: PEBS fmt2+, 16-deep LBR, Haswell events, full-width counters, Intel PMU driver.
    [ 0.081437] ... version: 3
    [ 0.081437] ... bit width: 48
    [ 0.081438] ... generic registers: 4
    [ 0.081438] ... value mask: 0000ffffffffffff
    [ 0.081439] ... max period: 0000ffffffffffff
    [ 0.081439] ... fixed-purpose events: 3
    [ 0.081440] ... event mask: 000000070000000f
    [ 0.101445] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
    [ 0.101446] .... node #0, CPUs: #1
    [ 0.115404] NMI watchdog: enabled on all CPUs, permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter.
    [ 0.122053] #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
    [ 0.238414] x86: Booted up 1 node, 8 CPUs
    [ 0.238416] smpboot: Total of 8 processors activated (64025.68 BogoMIPS)
    [ 0.243980] devtmpfs: initialized
    [ 0.246376] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0x9d08e000-0x9d094fff] (28672 bytes)
    [ 0.246377] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xbdcb6000-0xbe1defff] (5410816 bytes)
    [ 0.246503] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
    [ 0.246530] RTC time: 13:27:06, date: 04/16/15
    [ 0.246592] NET: Registered protocol family 16
    [ 0.257198] cpuidle: using governor ladder
    [ 0.270535] cpuidle: using governor menu
    [ 0.270549] ACPI: bus type PCI registered
    [ 0.270550] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
    [ 0.270588] PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000)
    [ 0.270589] PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in E820
    [ 0.270757] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
    [ 0.284059] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
    [ 0.284060] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
    [ 0.284060] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
    [ 0.284061] ACPI: Add

    Hey, I ran into a similar error (not bgrt invalid status, but a gnome shell segfault) after updating recently and I'm using the proprietary drivers. I think I may have had multiple issues. I'm not sure if any of this advice will prove useful, but some combination of these worked for me:
    * Stop gdm with systemctl (use ctrl alt f2 or another tty), uncomment WaylandEnable=false in /etc/gdm/custom.conf and try restarting gdm
    * If that doesn't work, disable gdm and install another login manager (I used sddm)
    * If that still doesn't work and you have the infinality font packages for freetype, fontconfig, and cairo, replace them with the default packages and try starting your login manager again
    Last edited by canurabus (2015-04-17 18:36:59)

  • VAMT 3.0 unknown error 0x80131904 on update license status

    I have VAMT 3.0 installed on a windows 2008 R2 server with SQL Express installed also, both from Windows ADK.
    When I try to update license status on VAMT 3.0 on a specific windows 7 computer it ends with error: unknown error (0x80131904).
    For Windows Servers an Office on windows XP it works fine.
    These are some events:
    Log Name:      Volume Activation Management Tool
    Source:        VAMT Runtime
    Date:          4/17/2013 11:52:50 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      VMATServer
    Software provider for application: 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 was unavailable on machine:
        Machine Name: Windows7Computer.mycompanydomain
        OS Version  : 6.1.7601
        OS Edition  : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
        Network Type: Domain
        Network Name: mycompanydomain
        Is KMS Host? False
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="VAMT Runtime" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-04-17T17:52:50.000000000Z" />
        <Channel>Volume Activation Management Tool</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>Software provider for application: 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 was unavailable on machine:
        Machine Name: Windows7Computer.mycompanydomain
        OS Version  : 6.1.7601
        OS Edition  : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
        Network Type: Domain
        Network Name: mycompanydomain
        Is KMS Host? False
    Log Name:      Volume Activation Management Tool
    Source:        VAMT Runtime
    Date:          4/17/2013 11:52:49 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      VAMTServer.mycompanydomain
    Encountered error while updating product on machine
        Machine Name: Windows7Computer.mycompanydomain
        OS Version  : 6.1.7601
        OS Edition  : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
        Network Type: Domain
        Network Name: mycompanydomain
        Is KMS Host? False
     System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.
    The statement has been terminated.
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.Execute(Expression query, QueryInfo queryInfo, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] parentArgs, Object[] userArgs, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries, Object lastResult)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.ExecuteAll(Expression query, QueryInfo[] queryInfos, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] userArguments, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.System.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.DynamicInsert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.Insert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges()
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProductsInternal(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProducts(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.UpdateProductsProvider.DiscoverProducts()
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="VAMT Runtime" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-04-17T17:52:49.000000000Z" />
        <Channel>Volume Activation Management Tool</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>Encountered error while updating product on machine
        Machine Name: Windows7Computer
        OS Version  : 6.1.7601
        OS Edition  : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
        Network Type: Domain
        Network Name: mycompanydomain
        Is KMS Host? False
     System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.
    The statement has been terminated.
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.Execute(Expression query, QueryInfo queryInfo, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] parentArgs, Object[] userArgs, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries, Object lastResult)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.ExecuteAll(Expression query, QueryInfo[] queryInfos, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] userArguments, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.System.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.DynamicInsert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.Insert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges()
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProductsInternal(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProducts(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.UpdateProductsProvider.DiscoverProducts()</Data>
    Log Name:      Volume Activation Management Tool
    Source:        VAMT Runtime
    Date:          4/17/2013 11:52:49 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      VAMTserver.mycompanydomain
    Encountered an error while saving discovered products to database: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.
    The statement has been terminated.
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.Execute(Expression query, QueryInfo queryInfo, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] parentArgs, Object[] userArgs, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries, Object lastResult)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.ExecuteAll(Expression query, QueryInfo[] queryInfos, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] userArguments, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.System.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.DynamicInsert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.Insert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges()
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProductsInternal(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProducts(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="VAMT Runtime" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-04-17T17:52:49.000000000Z" />
        <Channel>Volume Activation Management Tool</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>Encountered an error while saving discovered products to database: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.
    The statement has been terminated.
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.Execute(Expression query, QueryInfo queryInfo, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] parentArgs, Object[] userArgs, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries, Object lastResult)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.ExecuteAll(Expression query, QueryInfo[] queryInfos, IObjectReaderFactory factory, Object[] userArguments, ICompiledSubQuery[] subQueries)
       at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.System.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.DynamicInsert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeDirector.StandardChangeDirector.Insert(TrackedObject item)
       at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
       at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges()
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProductsInternal(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)
       at Microsoft.Licensing.VolumeActivation.VamtDataStore.AddDiscoveredProducts(IList`1 availableProducts, IList`1 activeProducts, SoftwareProtectionService provider, Boolean doNotDeleteProducts)</Data>
    Please help.

    String or binary data would be truncated.
    The statement has been terminated.
    Above is the error in stack. The general meaning of the error is what we are trying to insert a larger length value. For example inserting value 'Balmukund' in varchar(8) column would fail because my name as 9 characters.
    Since its raised by VAMT, this has to be reported to them to find where the problem is.
    Balmukund Lakhani
    Please mark solved if I've answered your question, vote for it as helpful to help other users find a solution quicker
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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    Author: SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn -
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  • Apex using result_cache has an invalid status for wwv_flow_language query

    In the v_$result_cache_objects view of SYS I noticed that Apex is using the result_cache feature of 11g.
    Some of the Apex queries will have the status 'PUBLISHED', but others have the status 'INVALID'
    It already happens when I start APEX (http://localhost:7778/pls/apex).
    As I understand the result_cache method it will invalidate the cache after an update is done on the depending table.
    Does it make sense that those Apex queries has a result_cache hint when it will be invalidated soon after?

    just had a look at our own development box and for me this query doesn't show the status INVALID. It would also not make a lot of sense because this table is only populated during installation.
    When you shutdown your database and start it up again and then access APEX with http://localhost:7778/pls/apex to see the query in invalid status?
    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    APEX 4.0 Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

  • HTTPS SharePoint site with HTTPS Provider hosted app - The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

    We have SharePoint 2013 site configured with SSL and we have developed a provider hosted app which interacts with SharePoint list.
    If we try accessing the Provider hosted app from the SharePoint site with HTTP [http://mysharepointsite.com/] there are no any errors thrown.
    But whenever the same Provider hosted app is tried accessing from the same SharePoint site using https address
    [https://mysharepointsite.com/] we are getting below error:
    The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
    Exception Details: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Source Error:
    An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
    Stack Trace:
    [AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.]
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendAuthResetSignal(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest, Exception exception) +2983172
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +473
    System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessReceivedBlob(Byte[] buffer, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +86
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +262
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +473
    System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessReceivedBlob(Byte[] buffer, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +86
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +262
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +473
    System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessReceivedBlob(Byte[] buffer, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +86
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +262
    System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +473
    System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest) +8530566
    System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult) +230
    System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) +645
    System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) +9
    System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) +87
    System.Net.TlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult result) +1467
    System.Net.TlsStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) +84
    System.Net.PooledStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) +22
    System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeaders(Boolean async) +761
    [WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.]
    System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() +8534156
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SPWebRequestExecutor.Execute() +58
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequest.ExecuteQueryToServer(ChunkStringBuilder sb) +975
    ProviderHostedHTTPSWeb.Default.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +348
    System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +71
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3178
    We have already added the certificate used for the SharePoint site and the provider hosted app in the SharePoint central admin trusts.
    Any idea's how can I resolve this issue?

    According to your post, my understanding is that you failed to access provider host app using https.
    The reason for this is that SharePoint implements its own certificate validation policy to override .NET certificate validation.
    Fix is to setup a trust between SharePoint and the server requiring certificate validation.
    For more information, you can refer to:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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