Updating pk constraint name

Hi all
is thr any simple way to remane all primary key constraint names,
like if i have all pk constraints with name say in_abcd
and i want to update them all to pk_asdf,
how can we achieve this.
Thanks :)


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    You should be able to achieve what you want with an explicit criteria filter on your entity.
    In the Modeler Design view, select your entity and add a filter. You'll see that there is a an "Order By" field in the Properties view.
    Enter the value you want there and then save and redeploy your model. When you don't enter anything in the "Criteria" field, you create a getAll fill.
    Here's an example of an entity created with this type of filter; it is sorted by price in ascending order:
    <entity name="Product" persistent="true">
      <annotation name="ServerProperties" ServerType="LCDS"/>
      <annotation name="DMS" Table="PRODUCT"/>
      <annotation name="RDS" introspectedColumns="PRODUCTID,DESCRIPTION,PRICE,PRODUCTNAME"/>
      <annotation name="VisualModeler" width="115" height="110" x="364" y="203"/>
      <id name="productid" type="integer">
      <annotation name="DMS" ColumnName="PRODUCTID"/>
      <property name="description" type="string" length="255">
      <annotation name="DMS" ColumnName="DESCRIPTION"/>
      <property name="price" type="float">
      <annotation name="DMS" ColumnName="PRICE"/>
      <property name="productname" type="string" length="255">
      <annotation name="DMS" ColumnName="PRODUCTNAME"/>
      <filter name="MyFill" order="price ASC"/>

  • How to modify a column name & How to modify a constraint name

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    How to modify a primary key constraint name if the pk has been referenced by another foreign key?

    What version of oracle are you using? If it is 9i,
    then you can the command
    alter table <table_name> rename column <column_name> to <new_column>;
    if it is 8i or earlier, you can create a view with the required names.
    Always post the oracle version and the platform you are using to get better response.

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    TS_SeqContextGetProperty( testData->seqContextCVI, &errorInfo, TS_SeqContextSequence, CAVT_OBJHANDLE, &seq_hndl );
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    Any suggestions?
    Go to Solution.

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    Does anyone know what the problem is or if there's a way to do this?
    Change Step Name.txt ‏7 KB

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    What about this?
    satyaki>desc user_cons_columns;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    OWNER                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    CONSTRAINT_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    TABLE_NAME                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    COLUMN_NAME                                        VARCHAR2(4000)
    POSITION                                           NUMBER
    Satyaki De.

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    Steps to reproduce:
    1. importing a relational data model from data dictionary which contains a table with a column level check constraint
    2. perform "Engineer to Logical model" to produce the logical model
    Perform another "Engineer to Logical model" which will show the table with the column level check constraint as being out of sync with the logical model's equivalent entity, when you drill down into the diff in the compare dialog box you see the check constraint name has a value in the relational model and the name is null in the logical model
    Looking in logical model at the constraint (<Entity>/Attributes/Attribute Properties/Default and Constraint/Constraint Name) the value is empty
    Work Around:
    Set the constraint name in the spot from verify above and perform "Engineer to Logical model" twice. The first time it will show the same issue, the second time it will show the table and entity match

    Hi Bo,
    thanks for feedback. It's fixed now and you'll get the fix in version 3.0.
    Another( probably better workaround) - in engineering dialog - "Compare/Copy options" tab - uncheck "Don't use for new objects" option.

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    Is there any way to get the constraint name that was violated using sql%bulk_exceptions.
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    I've following script.
    set serveroutput on
    drop table chld;
    drop table chld2;
    drop table prnt;
    create table prnt(n number primary key);
    insert into prnt select level from dual connect by level<11;
    create table chld(cn number references prnt(n));
    insert into chld select level from dual connect by level<3;
    create table chld2(cn number references prnt(n));
    insert into chld2 select level*3 from dual connect by level<3;
    select * from prnt;
    select * from chld;
    select * from chld2;
      type t_prnt_obj is table of prnt.n%type index by pls_integer;
      t_prnt_tab t_prnt_obj;
      l_exp_cnt integer;
      select n bulk collect into t_prnt_tab from prnt order by n;
      dbms_output.put_line('t_prnt_tab.count -- '||t_prnt_tab.count);
      forall i in t_prnt_tab.first .. t_prnt_tab.last save exceptions
        delete prnt where n = t_prnt_tab(i);
      when others
        l_exp_cnt := sql%bulk_exceptions.count;
        dbms_output.put_line('Total exceptions:'|| l_exp_cnt);
        for k in 1 .. l_exp_cnt
          dbms_output.put_line('Error '||k|| ' - Collection Index: '||sql%bulk_exceptions(k).error_index||' - Error Code: '|| sql%bulk_exceptions(k).error_code||' - Message: '||SQLERRM(- sql%bulk_exceptions(k).error_code) );
        end loop;
    end;I get the output as below:
    t_prnt_tab.count -- 10
    Total exceptions:4
    Error 1 - Collection Index: 1 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (.) violated - child record found
    Error 2 - Collection Index: 2 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (.) violated - child record found
    Error 3 - Collection Index: 3 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (.) violated - child record found
    Error 4 - Collection Index: 6 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (.) violated - child record foundInstead, I want to get in output with the constraint_name added. Like below:
    t_prnt_tab.count -- 10
    Total exceptions:4
    Error 1 - Collection Index: 1 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (GK.CP_FK) violated - child record found
    Error 1 - Collection Index: 1 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (GK.CP_FK) violated - child record found
    Error 1 - Collection Index: 1 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (GK.C2P_FK) violated - child record found
    Error 1 - Collection Index: 1 - Error Code: 2292 - Message: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (GK.C2P_FK) violated - child record foundIs it possible, if so how do I get it?
    Thanks in advance for you help.

    This is phenomenal, Manik. It surely eased the work am doing at the moment.
    Thanks to you and many more to, Tom!

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    I have a need to update the property of a class given its
    I have found that if I used the notation :
    obj["name"] = "hello world!"
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    instance 'obj'.
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    public class Foo
    private var _name : String = "";
    public function get name() : String
    return _name;
    public function set name(name : String) : void
    if (name == null) // protect from setting it as null, for
    some reason...
    name = "";
    _name = name;
    and then I have some code that knows that an object it has a
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    hoping to be able to do this:
    public function setProperty(instance : Object, propertyName :
    String, propertyValue : Object) : void
    instance[propertyName] = propertyValue;
    However, this doesn't work, as it tries to create a new
    dynamic property and can't.
    Is there another way to set the property value, similar to
    the way you can set a property on a JavaBean?
    PS Apologies for the code not being formatted properly. I
    can't find the 'attach code' feature that I keep reading

    This was idiocy on my part.
    The example does work!

  • Run time update on Button name and Action of Button

    I want to change the button name and button path in the GUI directly. So user can update GUI as per their requirement.
    Now I have built a GUI with multiple buttons. Whenever the button clicked corresponding webpage will be opened. This Button name and webpage link can not be changed as per current GUI design.
    But I want to allow anybody to update the Button name and webpage link as per their need.
    Please suggest , how can I achieve it? Please share if you have some code snippet.

    Changing the text on a Swing JButton is pretty simple. That isn't an appropriate question for this forum, however. This forum is for questions concerning using or extending WindowBuilder. General Swing questions should be posted to a general Swing/Java forum.

  • Constraint names hardcoded !!!

    we generated entity and view objects based on a table and tested the application module which was working fine. now we have created a new user by firing the scripts again. as a result, validations on the entity object (eg. not null etc) have started failing. on examining, we found that the system generated constraint names like SYSC000101 for not null columns, have been hardcoded in the XML file and these differ now in the newly generated scheme. what is the solution to this.
    what will happen when we go to the client site and fire our scripts there??? will all my entity objects stop working???

    I have a master and a child table that are linked by a foreign key (name is CITY_STATE_FK). this was working fine in the original schema. but in the new schema, when i try to insert a new city(child), it gives the error "failed to find or invalidate owning entity". In the default association that jdeveloper has made, if i uncheck the Composition check box in the properties of the association, insert is allowed. But why is it forcing me to remove Composition. In this case i have my user defined FK name that is same in the 2 schemas.

  • Problem with constraint names

    Hi to all, I have a problem with the constraint names. I need to delete the table name that is used like prefix in the constraint name.
    - Actual : DBO_MYDATABASE_FK_Ho_Ka
    - Desired : FK_Ho_Ka
    The constraint names are FK_Ho_Ka in the creation database script, but if I import the database schema, I have DBO_MYDATABASE_FK_Ho_Ka, but I only need the constraint name.
    Thanks so much :)

    Thanks for your time :)
    I did a migration from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to Oracle 11g database. Then, I need to use the same Entity Framework model to use with Sql Server and Oracle. Then, I need that the constraint names must be the same in the two databases.
    I did the migration with Oracle Sql Developer and all works fine. The resulted migration script has the constraint name like FK_UJ_UK (that it's OK) but when I import the database schema or do the Entity Framework model, I have this constraint name DBO_MYDATABASE_FK_UJ_UK.
    Edited by: Bluegene on Dec 11, 2008 9:35 AM

  • VAT GL or withhold tax GL text (SGTXT) will be update by Vendor name automatically during posting data

    When i will execute T.code FB60 for vendor AP generate purpose then VAT GL or Withhold tax GL text (SGTXT) will be update by Vendor name automatically. Anybody there , who can help me? 
    Best Regards,
    Tariq Russel.

    Hi Tariq
    We had the same requirement and we achieved through Substitution at Complete Doc level using User Exit
    You can also achieve through BTE 1120
    Br. Ajay M

  • Constraint names - Modeling Naming Options

    Can anyone advise me which group(under Model Options -> Naming Conventions) controls the max code length for the below in a physical data model.
    FK Constraints
    PK Constraints
    UK Constraints
    The context sensitive help from this window does not describe what physical objects some of these impact. For instance, I thought Reference would control FK Constraints, but it is not. I have FK Constraints being generated longer than 30 characters, which is the max that Oracle allows. Other objects is a catch all that I did not restrict to 30 as that then shortens lot of other things that I don't even know and might want to.
    I tried looking in the PD Meta model help under "Libraries -> PdPDM -> Model Options", but I don't understand much of what is described there.
    I have following in the Oracle 11g DBMS Resource file under the branch "ORA11GR1::Script\Objects\Reference\ConstName".
    I need this so that I have FK constraints generated with a sequence number suffix. Maybe the Model naming options don't apply when this is used and I need to figure out the syntax to chop the table name so that to 24 as FK_ and _1 will use up 6 characters in the constraint name.

    Hi Stefan,
    It is still ending up generating Unique key constraint names longer than 30 characters.
    I do have a rule for constraint name creation as well.
    So right now in my Oracle 11 Resource file, I have this.
    ORA11GR1::Script\Objects\Key\ConstName    is set to UK_%TABLE%_%.U-18.1:AKEY%
    I am wondering if I should change it to UK_%U.25:TABLE%_%.U-18.1:AKEY%   so that it takes only 25 characters from table name and that is restricted to 30 characters max.
    I also have MaxConstLen at two levels and both are set to 30
    It is getting really frustrating that I cannot get same results as I did with Erwin DDL generation. I wish SAP made it easy and had a setting for Constraint names in Model Naming options.


    I've a llitlle PB with my Dataguard
    After shutdown both sites to increase SGA size in Primary site and update in secondary site too
    I start the Primary site without Pb.
    But the Secondary site don't want to start.
    When I do a startup it fails.i check in Dataguard and i found
    The Pb is the secondary site name is not ('DMWEBDG_srvsdmwebp02')
    bu only "DMWEBDG"
    And I can't find any way to update the site name in Dataguarg.
    the Alter command doesn't explain very well.
    Soes anyone knows how to do it?
    DGMGRL> show site verbose 'DMWEBDG_srvsdmwebp02'
    Name: 'DMWEBDG_srvsdmwebp02'
    Hostname: 'srvsdmwebp02'
    Instance name: 'DMWEBDG'
    Standby Type: 'physical'
    Number Built-in Processes: '2'
    Number Generic Processes: '0'
    Enabled: 'yes'
    Required: 'yes'
    Default state: 'STANDBY'
    Intended state: 'STANDBY'
    PFILE: ''
    Number of resources: 1
    Name: DMWEBDG_srvsdmwebp02 (default) (verbose name='DMWEBDG_srvsdmwebp02')
    Current status for "DMWEBDG_srvsdmwebp02":
    Warning: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

    The PB was Solved.

  • SQL*Modeler forgets check constraint names

    SQL*Modeler Version 2.0.0. Build 584
    If I create named check constraints under the Relational Model/Tables/Table level Constraints then generate the model I have the constraints correctly named. Exit the model and reload, the constraints appear to be correct but when I look at the physical model under tables/table check constraints I see generated names such as TCC4, TCC5 etc.
    At this point I can change the name but this is not stored it is just thown away.
    If I go back to Relational Model/Tables/Table level Constraints and simply Apply no changes then the constraint names appear correctly in the generated model. However, I have many tables and this is not a practial solution each time I generate the model.

    Hi Ian,
    thanks for feedback. Fix will be available in next release.

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