Updation of table ,dataelement from 4.6 to ecc 6.0

in my project i have to  Combined Upgrade & Unicode
Conversion of object how we know which table& data element  have to change.
what is the process or step and any utility for updation . apart from this if any one know any book or link for specific this please send me

As you asked here several times the same question here again the same answer:
--> SAP Business Suite Applications
--> SAP ERP 6.0
--> Upgrade
--> Upgrade Documentation - mySAP ERP 2005 SR2

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    This is what I found :-
    There are a couple of ways to approach this.
    1) load the excel spreadsheet into the database "as is". You can use interMedia
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       REFRESH CONTROL Control-Name FROM SCREEN '0100'  -> use this command to refresh the table control
    to know more, read into
    if helpful, reward
    Sathish. R

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    Hi Yash,
    I can see you are coming from Sybase/SQL-Server background.
    This syntax is not allowed in Oracle.
    In Oracle, it can be,
    update hrt_emp_mst a
    set a.e_no= NVL( ( select b.e_no from emp_temp b where b.emp_no=a.emp_no ), a.e_no ) ;If the table hrt_emp_mst is very big and/or emp_temp is not indexed on emp_no, this will not be very efficiant. You will be better off writting a pl/sql block with 'bulk collect'.

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    If you are wondering why you are not getting any responses, it is because you have vented a complaint without any details that make any sense or give anyone something to work on.
    If you want help, I suggest actually detailing what has happened, with versions of software etc. Anything that would let us assist.
    As a start I am guessing that you have not really got the hang of "How it all works". Firstly download the Pages09_UserGuide.pdf from under the Help menu. Read that and view the Video Tutorials in the same place. A good addition would be the iWork 09 Missing manual book and something to help you learn how to use your Mac.
    If there are specific tasks you need help with:
    Is a good resource.

  • Update a table in the database from a report

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    oyu can use the following to insert or update in data base from reports
    CMD_LINE := 'insert into Table values
    CMD_LINE := 'update Table set net = '||a||'
    where ddate ='''||:todate||'''';
    commit ;

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    Hello my friend,
    You can do it MAYBE , i think you can reverse the update doing a ROLLBACK, but only after you update....not after the program finishes..
    To update some fields at once use:
    Hope this helps!!

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    ThanX All,

    Hi Sriram,
              Assuming you have a table filled with records by adding one by one, If you want to update a table in SAP ECC, follow these steps..   i think already you are triggering the action for the button in view(for table updation) to method in controller or created a custom controller and mapped the model node.
    1.  Initialize the main model node and bind the model node with the intialised object like
         Zbapi_MainModelNode_Input input = new Zbapi_MainModelNode_Input();
                           wdContext.nodeZbapi_MainModelNode_Input ().bind(input);     
    2.  Now loop the table node and set the values with corresponding class in the generated model (from webdynpro explorer) and initialize like
            IPrivateControllerName.ITableElement myTab = null;     
           for ( int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeTable().size();i++)
                         myTab = this.wdContext.nodeTable().getTableElementAt(i);
         Bapi_structname name = new Bapi_structname();     
    Finally execute the BAPI..
       wdContext.currentZbapi_MainModelNode_Input tElement().modelObject().execute();
    Hope this solves your issue - Update the Table in ECC from Webdynpro.
    Edited by: Manjunath Subramani on Nov 20, 2009 4:26 PM
    Edited by: Manjunath Subramani on Nov 20, 2009 4:27 PM

  • Update a table from a view

    I'm a newbie and I would like any suggestions and help with my problem.
    I have a view, m_jobs, that is based on the view, sys.dba_jobs. I want to add a two fields, user_id and update, to keep track of user who is adding and modifying scheduled jobs. So I decided to create a table which has the two new fields and the same fields from m_jobs. I populated my new table with the values from m_jobs, but since I created a table, the values aren't always updated. How can I update the table whenever the values in my view change? Do I create a trigger for that and how would that go? Thanks in advance.

    I interpret the question differently:
    A view is nothing more than a select statement on other tables. you cannot put triggers on it since it does not contain data (with the exception of 'instead of'-triggers, but they have a different meaning). What you should do is put a trigger on the underlying table(s) that dba_jobs is querying. That trigger should then populate your table.
    However, this is not recommended since it might interfere with Oracle normal operation (if your trigger fails (e.g. when your table is dropped), the original insert into the underlying dba_jobs table by Oracle will also fail potentially resulting in nasty problems with Oracle.
    Alternatively, you could make a job that checks for changes in the data and maintains the table. Or see if auditing can help (don't know if that is possible on Oracle internal tables).
    Hope this helps,

  • Update Rows with info from other Rows in Same Table.

    I'm trying to update rows with information from the same table. The table gets loaded with info from a report that runs and it has to be a new entry every month but I would like to carry over some of the info from last month. This statement below runs but updates all rows in the new table load and in my test cases I only made a few match so only like 5 records should get updated. This is an example of what I'm trying to do. If I add this(C2.COL_INVC_ID = C1.COL_INVC_ID) to the last "*Where*" statement I get an invalid identifier for "C2.COL_INVC_ID". So what am I doing wrong here??? How can I update only the rows that where also in last months run???
    Thanks in advance for any help!
    Update OpenIssues OI1
    Set(OI1.Num, OI1.Status, OI1.Code, OI1.LastModifiedDate) =
    (Select OI2.Num, OI2.Status, OI2.Code, OI2.LastModifiedDate
    From OpenIssues OI2
    Where OI2.num = OI1.num and OI2.TableLoadDate = TO_DATE('01/31/2012 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    Where and OI1.TableLoadDate = TO_DATE('02/29/2012 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

    Welcome to the forum!
    SQLMe wrote:
    I'm trying to update rows with information from the same table. The table gets loaded with info from a report that runs and it has to be a new entry every month but I would like to carry over some of the info from last month. This statement below runs but updates all rows in the new table load and in my test cases I only made a few match so only like 5 records should get updated. This is an example of what I'm trying to do. If I add this(C2.COL_INVC_ID = C1.COL_INVC_ID) to the last "*Where*" statement I get an invalid identifier for "C2.COL_INVC_ID". If the aliases c1 and c2 aren't defined anywhere, then you can't use them anywhere.
    The WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement can only reference the table being updated, ot1 in this case.
    So what am I doing wrong here??? How can I update only the rows that where also in last months run???
    Thanks in advance for any help!
    Update OpenIssues OI1
    Set(OI1.Num, OI1.Status, OI1.Code, OI1.LastModifiedDate) =
    (Select OI2.Num, OI2.Status, OI2.Code, OI2.LastModifiedDate
    From OpenIssues OI2
    Where OI2.num = OI1.num and OI2.TableLoadDate = TO_DATE('01/31/2012 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    Where and OI1.TableLoadDate = TO_DATE('02/29/2012 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    ------------There's a syntax error in the last line. Either something got lost when you posted the code, or you just don't want the keyword AND. You certainly don't want AND immediately after WHERE.
    In general, if it's not obvious how to do an UPDATE, then UPDATE is the wrong tool: you want MERGE instead.
    Whenever you have a problem, please post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) from all tables involved.
    Also post the results you want from that data, and an explanation of how you get those results from that data, with specific examples.
    Simplify the problem as much as possible. Remove all tables and columns that play no role in this problem.
    If you're asking about a DML statement, such as UPDATE, the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements should re-create the tables as they are before the DML, and the results will be the contents of the changed table(s) when everything is finished.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • Updating a table from tabular form using a process

    I have a tabular from creating using wizard
    I've a field called Last_updated_by in the table
    the username is assigned to an item P2_user based on the user who logs in.
    What I need is,when any row is updated, I need to update the last_updated column with value in p2_user.
    Need help on this
    I'm using apex 3.2 with 11g
    tried the below
    idx number:=1;
    FOR i in 1 .. wwv_flow.g_f01.COUNT
    for j in idx .. wwv_flow.g_f02.count
    update table_name set last_updated_by=:p2_user where ID=APEX_APPLICATION.G_F02(j);
    end loop;
    Its updating the table,but all the rows are getting updated,just not the selected rows.
    Not sure what I'm doing wrong here
    Edited by: Agowda on Jan 12, 2012 1:55 AM

    I am looking for the same... can you please share how did you got this working

  • Hi, Bapi or function module to update RBCO table from an internal table.

    I have a requirement to  update RBCO table from an internal table.  is there any Bapi or function module  or any other method other than update, modify statements.
    Moderator message: Welcome to SCN!
    Moderator message: please do more research before asking, show what you have done yourself when asking.
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    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jul 12, 2011 12:28 PM

    I don't know if any FM exists for your requirement. But you may like to copy it into a custom table and modify it according to your enterprise needs.

  • Updating a table from a collection

    I have some data in a collection that is meant to update a table
    I have a string of colon delimited column names like
    The table contains the PK and the data for column names as per the string above.
    How can I loop thru the table and create/execute a UPDATE statement that updates
    those columns in a pre-specified table?
    Of course using bind variables as much as possible?

    thought you may do it easier by loop through collection in a process as ...
    for c in (select c001 pk, c002 age, c003 height, c004 weight
    from yur_collectioin
    where c.pk = c001) loop
    update yur_tbl set age = c.age ....
    where pk = c.pk
    end loop;
    Or you may "loop thru the table" and update in a process as ...
    for c in (select * from tbl) loop
    for cc in (select c001 pk, c002 age, c003 height, c004 weight
    from yur_collectioin
    where c.pk = cc.pk) loop
    update tbl set age = cc.age ....
    where pk = cc.pk
    end loop;
    end loop;
    Should not have mutation problem but I am not sure. Good luck.

Maybe you are looking for