Upgrade 7.01 SP03

Hello everyone,
i'm now the system: ides ECC6.0 SR3.
netweaver version is: 700 SP13,
I would like to netweaver upgrade from 7.0 to 7.01 SP3, what things have to download ?
what do i need to do? thanks.

IDES upgrade is not recommended by SAP.
Check SAP Note 799639 - IDES - General Information about the usage of IDES systems

Similar Messages

  • EHP4 Support Packages installation question

    I am running EHP4 SP03 and want to upgrade to Stack 04. Do I still use EHPI? The documentation states to use this tool but I thought EHPI was used for upgrade of EHP4....
    What is the difference then and what happens during a repository swtich which seems like overkill over something as simple as a SPAM transaction?
    All documentation point to using EHPI ut also states you can use SPAM/SAINT? So what gives?
    Weyland Y

    In order to upgrade from EHP4 SP03 to EHP4 SP04, you can use SPAM to upgrade. You need not to use EHPI installer again.
    Only thing you need is stack xml file which you can again download from MOPZ in solman.

  • JVM not initialized/java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError SMP2.3 SP04 WM6.0

    Hello Experts,
    We have upgraded SMP2.3 SP03 PL01 to SP04 which is a new patch available for bug fixes.
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    Exception: 11:13:14 04/11/2014 : 29 (JVM initialization error), JVM not initialized (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/syclo/agentry/internal/AgentryManagedObject
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    Tags edited by: Michael Appleby

    Couple of things to check
    a) Check the following sections in Agentry.ini file.
    [System Connections]
    Make sure that you have all the Jar files mentioned in the class path in Server or Java folder.
    b) One  last thing you can check is make sure that you have dll files like "sapjcorfc.dll"  and librfc32.dll in Server folder.

  • Mobiliser : Deploying custom code to SMP 3.0

    Hi Experts,
    We have developed few custom use cases on top of standalone Mobiliser 5.1 SP01 (Linux server).
    Same use case we are trying to deploy it to Mobiliser 5.1 SP03 and on SMP 3.0 SP03.
    1. I hope As-Is code which is developed on SP01 will not fit SP03, please confirm on this.
    2. Please let us know any guideline document how to migrate code from SP01 to SP03
    3. How to deploy custom code on SMP 3.0.
    With regards

    See my Answers below:
    1. I hope As-Is code which is developed on SP01 will not fit SP03, please confirm on this.
    Your code should have no impact unless there are some backend dependences. With SP03, additional OSGI bundles are copied to server and tomcat application (incase Money Mobiliser is used)
    2. Please let us know any guideline document how to migrate code from SP01 to SP03
    You can find the upgrade document here: https://websmp108.sap-ag.de/instguides Once at the support portal just navigate to SAP Mobile > Sybase Mobiliser Platform > Mobiliser Platform 5.1 SP03 on the left side of the screen then open Mobiliser Platform Upgrade Guide for SP03
    The vital part of the upgrade process is making sure that the DB backend, where the SP 03 Money folder will be retrieving its data from, is upgraded properly. To help alleviate  any further confusion:
    1. You will not be using the SP01  money folder or anything else in that directory anymore
    2. Everything that you need for the upgrade will be in the Mobiliser SP03 zip file that the customer should have.
    3. Upgrade the DB backend schema in the manner specified in the document
    4. You will need to perform some slight configurations to the Mobiliser SP03 money folder to successfully communicate with the DB upgrade that was performed in Step 3.  The configurations are referenced in the Mobiliser Installation manual for SP03. 
    3. How to deploy custom code on SMP 3.0.
    refer following:
    Regards, Kiran

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    I am looking for change in functionality and also focus areas for testing during the upgrade.

    Thanks but I was looking for high level differences that the new support pack brings so that I can understand the summary of differences. I have gone down note by note but its very time consuming and at the last time not very descriptive of what the change is about.Thanks for your responce

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    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to upgrade SMP 3.0 SP 03 to SMP3.0 SP 03 PL01 patch. But when i launch the installer it says:
    Installer could not check for administrator privileges.
    You must have administrator privileges to install SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 SP03 PL1
    I am not able to proceed ahead. What could be the reason for this pop-up?
    P.S.: There is only one admin user on this machine and with the same user I have installed SMP 3.0 SP03 and mobile SDK already.
    P.S.S.: I have tried the same after logging with .\smpServiceUser user also but same warning.

    Finally i am able to resolve the issue. This issue was due to some files had been corrupted and were causing problem in upgrading to PL01 and uninstalling smp 3.0 SP03.
    Let me share what i have done:
    1. Stopped "SAP Mobile Platform Server" service from services.msc. Make sure there is no instance running for the same.
    2. Deleted installed SMP folder at "C:\SAP\MobilePlatform3"
         (if some folder is not getting deleted, rename it to some name and then try to delete it)
    3. Go to "regedit.exe" and look for "SAPSMP3Service" and delete its every instance/folder.
    4. Delete "SMP" folder from this location C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Universal
    4. Reboot your machine and then try to install.
    Thanks Binh Tran for your time and providing this workaround.

  • CRM 2007 SP03 upgrade error

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    While we are trying to apply SP01 support pack files through JSPM we are getting the following message at the bottom of JSPM screen and JSPM hangs from this point onwards:
    Target System of development component u2018dp/dam.xmltranslationu2019/u2019sap.comu2019/u2019MAIN_CRM70VAL_Cu2019/u20191294192u2019/u20190u2019
    reported the following error:
    JSPM logs does not report any error as mentioned above and JSPM does not produce any trace file either.  After displaying the above messages JSPM does not advance any further.
    Then we downloaded SP03 support pack files and  tried with the new set of files. Still facing the same problem.  Did anyone face/resolve this problem?? Please suggest.
    Nagesh Seemakurty

    We could fix the problem finally.  Here is the answer:
    Check SDM logs at ../SDM/program/log/ directory for the log that shows this error message. This log also shows that parameter 'com.sap.cm.share'  is missing from SDM repository.
    There is a note discussing the matter: 965948 Missing deployment variable "com.sap.cm.share".
    Once you set the parameter and restart JSPM everything went OK.
    Hope this helps !!
    Nagesh Seemakurty

  • Unknown exception while creating Item: PPM 5.0 (SP11) + NW 7.41 SP03 + ECC 6.0 EHP7

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    Along with that we did below updates as well.
    NW 7.02 SP10 --> NW 7.41 SP03
    ECC 6.0 EHP5 --> ECC 6.0 EHP7
    During creation of Item we are getting below error
    Exception occurred in the update of the application object
    Some points I have checked already:
    1. New configuring: the complete new set of configuration right from New Portfolio type to item type and related master data.
    2. Authorization: I have ACO_SUPER and also ACL access ADMIN and Write at Portfolio and Top bucket, which shows as Inherited. tried adding Create manually at lowest bucket.
    3. Old Portfolio's (before upgrade): face same issue for new create however the old ones I can update and save works fine.
    4. Basis: There is no Trace we could find relevant, No ST22 dump.
    5. Trace: show CuaOwnLuwErrorReset which Im not sure nor is our Basis guy.
    6. Market place: Tried searching service market place for CuaOwnLuwErrorReset, No use, tried with spaces too.
    7. Basis: Tried verification of Database tables
    8. Old Items > Financial Planning shows dump at CX_RPM_DB_UPDATE, developers are checking it out.
    9. Developments: No BAdI is called during save.
    Any pointers highly appreciated

    Thanks for the pointers. But from configuration perspective its all good I believe.
    Answers in bold
    1) Is this issue persisted before upgrade also?
        NO. Earlier it was working fine.
    2) Have you enabled automatic project creation in the item type?
         a) If yes, then can you check with an item creation where automatic project creation in not enabled.
              Already tried creation of Item only. Same error. With Check box or without. With template or without.
         b) If issue persists only with automatic project creation,then are you trying to create PPM project or PS project?
              PS is not in picture now, as its linked to release strategy of cProjects (PPM project)
         c) If PS project, can you check for the object links RFC connections?
              The cProjects (PPM project) and PS RFCs are fine. We are on same server so its all good. NONE is what is verified in SM59 already

  • Pictures not appearing in after upgrade to SRM-MDM Catalog 3.0 SP7 Patch4

    Due to some issues in Advanced search we performed the service pack upgrade from SRM-MDM Catalog 3.0 SP5 (with MDM to SRM-MDM Catalog 3.0 SP7 Patch4 ( MDM  With this new SP, the Pictures are not appearing anymore under the Hyperlink section anwhere in Catalog browser( Compare, Context view, Item details). With earlier SP pictures were appearing perfectly.
    We have done like this:( refer earlier thread - Re: SRM MDM Catalog 3.0 Image display) thanks Sudhanshu, Jitesh and Mandeep for suggesting that solution!
    Using the hyperlink field
    type : rendered
    MIME type : image type i.e. .jpg
    URL : web URL
    We had gone for this option because we dont want to store impages in MDM, and this worked perfoectly until new SP upgrade.
    Any clues?

    Hi Bala,
    Nothing appears under the Hyperlink section in Catalog browser, though a valid link exists in Data Manager under Hyperlink  as type-Rendered, MIME type as JPG and a valid URL.
    I have searched Service Market place for this fix of this issue and found that SAP has improved the technology ( from Object Cache to Blob Cache) to display pictures/hyperlinks from SRM-MDM Catalog 3.0 SP06 and MDM 7.1SP04 onwards. We were  on SRM-MDM Catalog 3.0 SP05 and MDM 7.1 SP03 before Dev upgrade.
    Here are the notes for reference of others who get into same issue.
    Note 1450593 - Implementation of BlobCache
    This note states "MDM7.1 SP04 offers new image caching functionality called Blob Cache. The old functionality of Object Cache is replaced with the Blocb Cache mechanism in Catalog 3.0 SP06 P1"
    Note 1505796 - Images not showing in SRM-MDM catalog (error in BlobCache)
    This note talks about the issue in MDM API with Blob Cache. The Fix has been provided in SRM-MDM Catalog SP08 Patch 01.
    But upgrade is not something that happens on the drop of a hat, we dont want to do another upgrade,  I would like to know if there is a workaround.

  • ST-PI 2008_1_700 upgrade fails on Lower Level SP

    Hello all,
    We are trying to upgrade our ST-PI component for an ECC 6.0 EhP4 SPS 06
    system for end result of connecting/ being managed by our SolMan EhP1 SP25 SLM
    Current: ST-PI 2005_1_700 SP06
    Target: ST-PI 2008_1_700 SP03
    The error we receive is: Request/task SAPKA70001 does not exist
    We are currently on:
    SAP_ABA 701 0006 SAPKA70106
    SAP_BASIS 701 0006 SAPKB70106
    We are on EhP4 SPStack 06 on most components in the managed system, our Solution Manager is EhP1 SP25
    I have tried using KITLRDA (install), KITLRDG (supplement upgrade) and
    the main one KITLRDB (upgrade) and all fail or KITLRDG is not
    recognized at all.
    All with KITLRD1, KITLRD2, KITLRD3       
    Steps taken:
    Tcode SAINT
    Load packages KITLRDB, KITLRD1, KITLRD2, KITLRD3 in SAINT OCS queue
    Select target KITLRD3 003 > KITLRDB 000
    Error: Request/task SAPKA70001 does not exist
    During phase ADDON_CONFLICTS_?
    Have already entered a SAP message, and there is no information on this error anywhere I can find. Any help resolving this and moving forward with my add-on upgrade would be appreciated.
    Thank you

    since you already have add on ST-PI 2005_1_700, please proceed with the delta upgrade cd for ST-PI 2008_1, and apply the latest patch for the same
    Please refer SAP Note 1228898 - Installation/delta upgrade of ST-PI 2008_1.
    as per that you could use SAPKITLRDB KITLRDB.CAR please check

  • EHP Upgrade Issue - Java Stack

    Our Source System at NW 7.0 SP13 and we are upgrading the system to EHP1 SP03.
    Upgrade failed at Downtime > DEPLOY_ONLINE_DEPL phase.
    Error log:
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Error]:                       com.sap.sdt.ucp.phases.AbstractPhaseType.doExecute(AbstractPhaseType.java:863) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Exception has occurred during the execution of the phase.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Error]:             com.sap.sdt.jspm.unattended.RequestController.addContextInfo(RequestController.java:178) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Deployment of queue sapjup-queue completed with error
    JSPM version is Current JSPM log directory is /usr/sap/XPD/JC00/j2ee/JSPM/log/log_2009_09_09_16_09_42.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Error]: com.sap.sdt.sapjup.tools.sapjupjspm.SAPJupJSPMRapiAdapter.createAndLogRapiException(SAPJupJSPMRapiAdapter.java:698) [Thread[main,5,main]]: The deployment of the queue failed.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Error]: com.sap.sdt.sapjup.tools.sapjupjspm.deploy.SAPJupJSPMDeployer.deployList(SAPJupJSPMDeployer.java:68) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Could not execute deployment of stack file /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in/XPD.xml.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Error]:      com.sap.sdt.j2ee.phases.PhaseTypeDeploymentManager.execute(PhaseTypeDeploymentManager.java:519) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Error while executing DeploymentManager phase with action deploySlot. Check the log files for the specified action.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Info]:                         com.sap.sdt.ucp.phases.AbstractPhaseType.cleanup(AbstractPhaseType.java:906) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase UPGRADE/DEPLOYMENT_BASED_UPGRADE/DEPLOY_ONLINE_DEPL has been completed.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Info]:                         com.sap.sdt.ucp.phases.AbstractPhaseType.cleanup(AbstractPhaseType.java:907) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Start time: 2009/09/09 22:09:42.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Info]:                         com.sap.sdt.ucp.phases.AbstractPhaseType.cleanup(AbstractPhaseType.java:909) [Thread[main,5,main]]: End time: 2009/09/09 22:11:51.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Info]:                         com.sap.sdt.ucp.phases.AbstractPhaseType.cleanup(AbstractPhaseType.java:910) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Duration: 0:02:08.248.
    Sep 9, 2009 10:11:51 PM [Info]:                         com.sap.sdt.ucp.phases.AbstractPhaseType.cleanup(AbstractPhaseType.java:911) [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase status is error.
    I went through the following link , proceeded with option 2, But still getting same error.  
    Portal Upgrade Issue
    Please advise the resolution for the issue I have.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Srinivas Dasari on Sep 10, 2009 5:48 AM
    Edited by: Srinivas Dasari on Sep 10, 2009 5:48 AM

    Issue resolved

  • Crystal Report exported as PDF in BO 4.1 SP03 is creating Margins

    Our users began complaining this past weekend (6/29/2014) that our Crystal Reports that are formatted to fit to letter head page size in
    PDF format are seeing their columns truncated because Adobe is imposing a 1/4 margin on the top and sides of their reports, causing dollar values to truncate a digit at the front or back of their numbers -- NOT a good thing.  We have been up on SP03 for several months, but just started seeing this change recently.  We also just recently upgraded to CR2011 SP09 a few weeks ago.
    Are there new settings that we can tweak to remove the PDF margins on the server?  Anyone have any ideas?  We will try any idea, no matter how far-fetched as it may seem.
    BO Admin in the Dark, losing numbers on reports.

    I solved this problem by setting in the report Design -> Page Setup - [X] No Printer - [X] Dissociate Formatting Page Size and Printer Paper Size

  • BPC 7.5 upgrade process - Doubts

    Once we had the confirmation and approval to upgrade the system from SP00 to SP03 (on .NET server components), we noticed that some functional configurations had been made in the meantime. This new scenario where new things had been done from a functional perspective makes me wonder if any of that configuration could be lost while or after upgrading the server component?
    Also, after reading Note 1453797 - Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP03 NW Central Note, section "Before you install" to be more specific it says to uninstall any previous version of the .NET server and client components. Also Scott recommended me that as a best practice. This applies when the upgrade is being done from BPC 7.0 to BPC 7.5 for example or it also applies to my case (uprading BPC 7.5 system from SP00 to SP03)?
    Thanks again for your help.

    Hi Ethan,
    Thanks for the quick response.
    Actually I'm new installing BO BPC and maybe I've not used the correct words to describe that configuration I've detected while trying to install SP03. What I've noticed is that an Initial Application Set has been created. Actually, this is the only thing I have found but I'm not sure if that imply any other configurations either in .NET server or ABAP server that could be lost after upgrading the server component from SP00 to SP03. The same question arises if I decide to uninstall the current installation to perform a fresh one using SP03 directly as its described in note 1453797.
    In summary, is there any chance to lost the configuration made on a BPC system (.NET and ABAP servers or client) if any of the above upgrade process is performed?
    Hope being clear enough this time thanks so much for your help.
    Kind regards

  • Upgrade problem CE 7.1 SP3 to SP4  (ESP_FRAMEWORK)

    Hi all,
    I have a problem upgrading the version of CE 7.1 SP3 to SP5.
    Deproying component 'sap.com/ESP_FRAMEWORK' is aborted .
    Please Help me . How to Resolve this problem?
    My system is NW CE 7.1 Productive Edition SP03 , win2003 x64.
    @Following is Detail.
    1.I downloaded the SP05(from SP03) files from SMP.
    2.I had start the update tool ( CEUPDATE69_0-10005101.EXE ) .
    (I could'nt use [Update Management Service tool] ,because of my network environment is using 'http proxy user/password'.)
    3.When deployment phase ,following error was occured.
    Details message(s):
    Software component ESP_FRAMEWORK deployment messages:
    Deployment of archive \\vmces10\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in\ESPFRAMEWORK05_0-20001918.SCA for component sap.com/ESP_FRAMEWORK aborted
    Detailed message: 1. Contains Aborted deployment component: sdu id: sap.com_tc~esi~esp~app sdu file path:
    version status: HIGHER deployment status: Aborted description:
      1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5402] JLinEE reported following erros for sap.com/tc~esi~esp~app application.
       ERRORS: * Application Model Builder: Content is not allowed in prolog., file: sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app.sda#META-INF/application.xml, column 1, line 1
       , severity: error * Web Model Builder: Content is not allowed in prolog.
       , file: sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app~web.war#WEB-INF/web.xml, column 1, line 1, severity: error Hint: 1) Given application file is not valid one.
    Deployment of archive \\vmces10\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in\ESPFRAMEWORK05_0-20001918.SCA --> sap.com~tc~esi~esp~wsil.sda for component sap.com/tc~esi~esp~wsil
    is rejected because deployment of other component it depends on is rejected
    Detailed message: 1. Aborted deployment archive: sdu id: sap.com_tc~esi~esp~app contained in software archive: sdu id: sap.com_ESP_FRAMEWORK
    Deployment of archive \\vmces10\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in\ESPFRAMEWORK05_0-20001918.SCA --> tc~esi~uddi~sr~proxy~ear.sda for component sap.com/tc~esi~uddi~sr~proxy~ear
    is rejected because deployment of other component it depends on is rejected
    Detailed message: 1. Aborted deployment archive: sdu id: sap.com_tc~esi~esp~app contained in software archive: sdu id: sap.com_ESP_FRAMEWORK
    Deployment of archive \\vmces10\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in\ESPFRAMEWORK05_0-20001918.SCA --> sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app.sda for component sap.com/tc~esi~esp~app aborted
    Detailed message: 1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5402] JLinEE reported following erros for sap.com/tc~esi~esp~app application. ERRORS: * Application Model Builder: Content
    is not allowed in prolog., file: sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app.sda#META-INF/application.xml, column 1, line 1, severity: error * Web Model Builder: Content
      is not allowed in prolog., file: sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app~web.war#WEB-INF/web.xml, column 1, line 1, severity: error Hint: 1) Given application file is not valid one.
    See Deploy Controller log E:\usr\sap\CES\J00\j2ee\JSPM\log\log_2008_05_20_03_52_08\deploy_2008-05-20_04-07-44.log for details.
    Thanks in advance,
    Best regards,

    Hi Vani
    thanks again.
    -->1. Do you have the value of the key UpdatePolicyURL?
    I think UpdatePolicyURL doesn't have relation to SP applying.
    What meaning is it?
    -->2. I assume you do have an SID.
       'SID'  means SAP support market place's ID ?
       I had just registered OSS message.
    -->Also, could you please chk this doc?
       yes. I proceedured patching with this doc.
    *additional logs are following
    Deployment of archive F:\sp5\BIWDALV05_0-20001925.SCA --> bi~alv~common.sda for component sap.com/bi~alv~common is rejected because deployment of other component it depends on is rejected
    Detailed message:
              1. Aborted deployment archive:
    sdu id: sap.com_tc~esi~esp~app
    contained in software archive:
    sdu id: sap.com_ESP_FRAMEWORK
    See Deploy Controller log E:\usr\sap\CES\J00\j2ee\JSPM\log\log_2008_05_26_22_49_27\deploy_2008-05-26_22-59-15.log for details.
    <br><b>Overall deployment messages:</b>
    Deployment finished with error.
    May 26, 2008 11:20:06 PM [Error]: Deployment of queue STI-1211809786655 completed with error Deployment finished with error.
    JSPM version is Current JSPM log directory is E:\usr\sap\CES\J00\j2ee\JSPM\log\log_2008_05_26_22_49_27.
         695. Client path 'F:\sp5\ESPFRAMEWORK05_0-20001918.SCA --> sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app.sda'
         Sdu info :name 'tc~esi~esp~app', vendor 'sap.com', location 'SAP AG', version '7.1005.20080201145918.0000', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[( name 'tc~esi~esp~lib', vendor 'sap.com') , ( name 'tc~esi~esp~api', vendor 'sap.com') ]
              Deploy status is 'Aborted'
              Description:'1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5402] JLinEE reported following erros for sap.com/tc~esi~esp~app application.
    * Application Model Builder: Content is not allowed in prolog., file: sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app.sda#META-INF/application.xml, column 1, line 1, severity: error * Web Model Builder: Content is not allowed in prolog., file: sap.com~tc~esi~esp~app~web.war#WEB-INF/web.xml, column 1, line 1, severity: error
    Hint: 1) Given application file is not valid one.'.

  • BI 4.1 Upgrade from BI 4.0 - MOBIServer web application is missing on AIX platform

    Hello BI Technical Experts,
    Recently, I have upgraded our BI environment from BI 4.0 SP05 Patch 06 to BI 4.1 SP03 Patch02 successfully. As per the BI 4.1 technical documentation the BI Mobile Server on the web application server (Tomcat 7) should have been deployed automatically but we are missing this in all our environments, looks like upgrading to BI 4.1 does not install MOBIServer automatically.
    Technical Details:
    From 4.1 Mobile Feature is available for AIX as well!
    OS: AIX, DB: Oracle 11g
    I would like to know if there is a way to run the setup.sh from the install directory in custom installation mode to modify the BI server platform to select Mobile Server under web application? I could not find this information anywhere in the SAP's knowledge base nor in the internet. I found how to do this operation in Windows and looks pretty simple but I am not getting the same wizard to choose the option when I run the setup.sh, it directly takes me to uninstallation step!!
    Any input is much appreciated! This is holding our mobility project.
    S Sumanth GV
    This is the mobile application in CMC post upgrade. But I am missing the web application on top of tomcat.
    Missing MOBIServer under warfiles and tomcat locations:

    Hi Denis,
    Thank you for taking your time to answer my concerns. However, I have tried running modifyOrRemoveProducts.sh from the install location but I did not get modify option to choose like you get in Windows. It just lists the installed products and add-ons and allows me to choose any one of those, if I select any of the BI Platform Server base components it directly takes me to the un-installation step. I ran the script just to show whats happening at my server for you to show.
    Based on the product I select and once I click on continue then it will execute the following setupexe command which ultimately take me to the un-install step.
    I am not sure which crucial step I am missing here?
    Thanks in advance,
    S Sumanth GV

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