Upgrade CAD from 7.2 to 8.0

I have a customer whom i was upgrading his contact center from 7.5 to 8.0 , he has a seperated PG's from the loggers so there is no SQL server installed on the PG's , the CAD server 7.2 resides on the PG's , the upgrade to version 8.0 for the whole UCCE was successful , even the CAD but i got a strange behaviour on the CAD.
we configured ICM variables to be shown on the CAD desktop and there is a HTTP request on the agent browser , when i upgraded the CAD , i can see the variables but they are empty , i even tried to make the ICM variable 1 static value but it didn't appear , i tried using the CTIOS client , i can see the variables but not on the CAD and for the info , the CAD is fully functioning and even the synchronization is successful and i have access to the DB on the AW.
Any idea on what is happening , i beilive it is a SQL problem that i have to install SQL 2005 engine on the CAD server ???

Hello Denis,
Attached is the update fix, i also got the below from a friend who works in CISCO TAC , he found it on a case for this problem.
My problem is that i have to perform it fast and i don't have time to install it on our lab , i asked maybe you did it before , all the way , here is what i got :
This patch  still in Release-Pending  status, it’s not published yet in CCO. But there is a work around for this bug  using the attached patch. You just need to run this setup and reboot the PC  afterwards, if the variables becomes in reverse order then do the following:
1.        Stop CAD Services on Side B
2.        Stop ICM Services on Side A
3.        Uninstall CAD patch on Side A and reboot
4.        Modify the LDAP on Side A (Delete all the ICM Variables 1-10 under OU=Enterprise  Data)
5.        Install CAD patch on Side A and reboot
6.        Made test calls and found ICM Variables are shown on the CAD
7.        Stop CAD Services on Side A
8.        Uninstall patch on Side B and reboot
9.        Modify LDAP on Side B (Delete all ICM Variables 1-10)
10.       Install CAD patch on Side B and reboot
11.       Made test calls and found ICM Variables are shown on the CAD

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    does anyone had this problem?
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    Did you upgrade the JTAPI client on UCCX?  If not, log into UCCX and goto Subsytem > Cisco Unified CM Telephony > Cisco JTAPI Resync.  Warning: this requires a restart.
    Anthony Holloway
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    ********************************** Parse Error *****************************************************
    Tue Aug 13 14:13:08 2013
    kksSetBindType 16173533-2: parse err=1446 hd=3c73061fb8 flg=100476 cisid=173 sid=173 ciuid=173 uid=173
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    ----- PL/SQL Stack -----
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
      object      line  object
      handle    number  name
    319e277050        30  anonymous block
    319e277050        57  anonymous block
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    BEGIN sys.dbms_profiler."146775420110782746251362632012"; END;
    kksfbc 16173533: parse err=942 hd=3c142d8600 flg=20 cisid=3266 sid=3266 ciuid=3266 uid=3266
    ----- PL/SQL Stack -----
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
      object      line  object
      handle    number  name
    319e277050        67  anonymous block
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=29813, error=942 for statement:
    SELECT 1 FROM plsql_profiler_data WHERE 0 = 1
    Please help.

    Hi Suresh,
    Apologies for misunderstanding..
    Tue Aug 13 14:13:08 2013
    kksSetBindType 16173533-2: parse err=1446 hd=3c73061fb8 flg=100476 cisid=173 sid=173 ciuid=173 uid=173
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=15598, error=1446 for statement:
    Assuming you see the above error message in the alert log file, which was your original post, follow the below steps:
    1 Get the 'ospid' value from the error
    2. Issue the below command:
    SQL> select request_id,ORACLE_PROCESS_ID
      2 from fnd_concurrent_requests
      3 where request_id = 15598;
    3. After obtaining the request_id
    4, Query it from the front-end using SYSADMIN responsibility
    Hopefully this should get you the respective concurrent report/program.
    Thanks &
    Best Regards,

  • Unable to Sign in  analytics After Upgraded obiee from 10g to 11g

    Hi all,
    I have problem when upgrading catalog from 10g to 11g.
    The error is:" Unable to Sign In . An invalid User Name or Password was entered. "
    I upgraded following the steps like this:
    1.Login EM and check BI server is running successfully.
    2.Started the UA.bat.
    Select the operation:Upgrade Oracle BI RPD and Web Catalog.
    Step by Step,and the upgrade completed successfully.
    3.Open the RPD online using the Admintool succefully.
    4.But when I Login the BI and view the dashboard with the 10g's user (Administrator),the page appear the error "*Unable to Sign In . An invalid User Name or Password was entered.* "
    5.Then I Try to Regenerating User GUIDs
    1. Update the FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS parameter in NQSConfig.INI:
    a. Open NQSConfig.INI for editing at:
    b. ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obisn
    c. Locate the FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS parameter and set it to YES, as follows:
    e. Save and close the file.
    2. Update the Catalog element in instanceconfig.xml:
    a. Open instanceconfig.xml for editing at:
    b. ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/
    c. coreapplication_obipsn
    d. Locate the Catalog element and update it as follows:
    e. <Catalog>
    f. <UpgradeAndExit>false</UpgradeAndExit>
    g. <UpdateAccountGUIDs>UpdateAndExit</UpdateAccountGUIDs>
    h. </Catalog>
    i. Save and close the file.
    3. Restart the Oracle Business Intelligence system components using opmnctl:
    4. cd ORACLE_HOME/admin/instancen/bin
    5. ./opmnctl stopall
    6. ./opmnctl startall
    7. Set the FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS parameter in NQSConfig.INI back to NO.
    Important: You must perform this step to ensure that your system is secure.
    8. Update the Catalog element in instanceconfig.xml to remove the UpdateAccount GUIDs entry.
    9. Restart the Oracle Business Intelligence system components again using opmnctl:
    10. cd ORACLE_HOME/admin/instancen/bin
    11. ./opmnctl stopall
    12. ./opmnctl startall
    So,waiting for the help,thanks!

    if your using oracle db please make sure your db settings and tnsnames.oRA settings
    also try you please try below troubleshooting steps:
    1) please check latest error message and find the root cause,
    presentation catalog log path:
    obiee installed Drive:\Oracle\Middleware\instances\instance1\diagnostics\logs\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\sawlog0.txt file
    also check it nqserver.log file
    oracle bi server log path ref:
    obiee installed Drive:\Oracle\Middleware\instances\instance1\diagnostics\logs\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1\nqserver.log
    2)can you try to login RPD,EM and console by using your weblogic a/c then try to login with some other user.
    if its not working then try to delete that users from catlog and check it Check OPMN services are running state.
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\instances\instance1\bin>opmnctl startall
    opmnctl startall: starting opmn and all managed processes...
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\instances\instance1\bin>opmnctl status
    Processes in Instance: instance1
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    coreapplication_obiccs1 | OracleBIClusterCo~ | 4992 | Alive
    coreapplication_obisch1 | OracleBIScheduler~ | 2420 | Alive
    coreapplication_obijh1 | OracleBIJavaHostC~ | 1856 | Alive
    coreapplication_obips1 | OracleBIPresentat~ | 5684 | Alive
    coreapplication_obis1 | OracleBIServerCom~ | 5232 | Alive
    3) Refresh GUIDs and Restart WebLogic and OPMN Services then try it again...still if your getting same issues then try to
    check DB(try to login and confirm) and check it RPD --> physical layer connection pool setting and try to
    view physical data.
    also paste it your latest error log message (nqserver.log and sawlog01.log message) here

  • Can I upgrade directly from ColdFusion 9 Enterprise to ColdFusion 11 Enterprise without going to 10 first?

    Can I upgrade directly from ColdFusion 9 Enterprise to ColdFusion 11 Enterprise without going to 10 first?
    For those who have done this,
    1.  What quirks did you find that you had to overcome in your installation (I know that everyone's environment is different and produces differest results)?
    2.  What part of your code broke for which you had to find fixes?
    Tips and suggestions for a smooth installation, besides following the installation document.

    Create a car (archive file) in CF 9 enterprise which will capture all CF 9 settings like Data sources, Web services etc. Make sure when you are doing this, pop up blocker is disabled.
    NOTE : While creating the archive file, give the full name with the absolute path in the package name. For example C:\Test\mypackage.car
    Then move this car file into the server where you want to install CF 11. Install CF 11 and then  deploy this archive (car) file. All CF 9 settings will be migrated to CF 11 enterprise.
    Else, if you want to install CF 11 on the same server where CF 11 is installed, then remove the connector for all the websites which are configured with CF 9, make sure the CF 9 services are running and then run the CF 11 installer and at the end of CF 11 installation, you will get a dialogue box which will ask you to migrate CF 9 settings in CF 11.
    Run the Code Analyzer in CF 11 Administrator to check whether any the CF 9 code used in your application is breaking in CF 11 or not

  • R12 Upgrade Report from 11i Getting Error

    Hi everyone,
    We are currently working an R12 upgrade project from 11.5.10 to 12.1.3. I am currently converting a report from 11i to R12 but it is erroring out when I run it in R12. Below is the log. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Payables: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    XXHH_APXNACHA_CHASE module: XXHH: NACHA Payment Format Chase (HHG)
    Current system time is 06-DEC-2011 15:52:03
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    Enter Password:
    MSG-00001: Org ID: 141
    MSG-00001: After SRWINIT
    MSG-00099: Inside Get_Company_Name
    MSG-00099: Payment Batch = JRG120111b
    MSG-00099: No reporting entity setup found.
    REP-1419: 'beforereport': PL/SQL program aborted.
    REP-0069: Internal error
    REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Terminated with error:
    REP-1419: MSG-00001: Org ID: 141
    MSG-00001: After SRWINIT
    MSG-00099: Inside Get_Company_Name
    MSG-00099: Payment Batch = JRG120111b
    MSG-00099: No reporting entity setup found.
    REP-1419: 'beforereport': PL/SQL program aborted.
    Report Builder: Release - Production on Tue Dec 6 15:52:04 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Program exited with status 1
    Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running Oracle*Report for your concurrent request 3660174.
    Review your concurrent request log and/or report output file for more detailed information.
    Executing request completion options...
    Output file size:
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 06-DEC-2011 15:52:06

    It looks as though its failing in your beforereport trigger.
    MSG-00099: Inside Get_Company_Name
    MSG-00099: Payment Batch = JRG120111b
    MSG-00099: No reporting entity setup found.
    REP-1419: 'beforereport': PL/SQL program aborted.I dont believe payment batches are used anymore as they need to be done via Payment profiles and therefore you will need to use Payment Instruction ids instead. Also the setup at R12 is Mosaic
    try including this. as the first statement in the Beforereport trigger. All the banks tables payment tables has changed so unless you have changed these to you will need to adjust these correctly to the R12 tables.
         MO_GLOBAL.INIT ('SQLAP');

  • Oracle Forms & Report Upgrade/Migrate from 6i to 11g

    Hi All,
    We are planning to upgrade/Migrate from Oracle Froms and Reports 6i to 11g. Can some one please  give me an high level steps to upgrade and migrate from 6i to 11g version.
    Many thanks in advance.
    Kind Regards,

    hi ,
    use below steps for Eliminate this issue
    To start the wizard version of the Forms Migration Assistant:
    1. On Windows systems, set the environment variable FORMS_PATH:
    On UNIX systems, set the variable FORMS_PATH as in the example below:
    setenv FORMS_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/forms
    In Windows, from the Start menu, select ORACLE_HOME | Forms Developer |Oracle Forms Migration Assistant (GUI Mode), or at the command line, start the conversion utility by entering: frmplsqlconv.bat mode=wizard.
    in UNIX, enter frmplsqlconv.sh mode=wizard.
    The Conversion Wizard Welcome dialog displays.

  • Upgrade IDSM2 from 4.1(5)S225 to 5,1 using application partition

    can i upgrade an IDSM2 (WS-SVC-IDSM2-BUN)in a 6513 from 4.1(5)S225 to 5.1 by copying the 5.1 application partition to the sensor
    [from the cisco userguide]
    Chapter 10 Configuring the Sensor Using the CLI
    Reimaging Appliances and Modules
    Reimaging the IDSM-2
    This section contains the following topics:
    • Catalyst Software, page 10-124
    • Cisco IOS Software, page 10-126
    Catalyst Software
    To reimage the application partition, follow these steps:
    Step 1 Obtain the application partition file from Software Center on Cisco.com and copy
    it to an FTP server.
    Step 2 Log in to the switch CLI.
    Step 3 Boot the IDSM-2 to the maintenance partition:
    cat6k> (enable) reset module_number cf:1
    Step 4 Log in to the maintenance partition CLI:
    login: guest
    Password: cisco
    Step 5 Reimage the application partition:
    [email protected]# upgrade ftp://user@ftp server IP/directory
    path/image file
    Step 6 Specify the FTP server password.
    After the application partition file has been downloaded, you are asked if you
    want to proceed:
    Upgrading will wipe out the contents on the hard disk. Do you want to
    proceed installing it [y|n]:
    Step 7 Type y to continue.
    When the application partition file has been installed, you are returned to the
    maintenance partition CLI.
    Step 8 Exit the maintenance partition CLI and return to the switch CLI.
    Step 9 Reboot the IDSM-2 to the application partition:
    cat6k> (enable) reset module_number hdd:1
    Step 10 When the IDSM-2 has rebooted, check the software version.
    Step 11 Log in to the application partition CLI and initialize the IDSM-2.
    See Initializing the Sensor, page 10-2, for the procedure.

    Just wanted to clarify some things.
    As Scott has already confirmed you can re-image using the method described and following Scott's advice on what additional updates to install.
    BUT understand that any configuration you have your 4.1 sensor will be lost during that method of re-imaging to 5.1.
    Another alternative is to first upgrade from 4.1(5)S225 to 5.0(1), and then to upgrade to 5.1(1).
    The upgrade to 5.0(1) will convert the 4.1 configuration into a compatible 5.0 format.
    I saw another post you made implying that you had to downgrade back to 4.1(5)S189 to do the 5.0(1) upgrade. This is not the case. You can upgrade directly from your current 4.1(5)S225 to 5.0(1).
    You can install the IPS-K9-maj-5.0-1-S149.rpm.pkg file directly on your current 4.1(5)S225 sensor.
    When S225 was installed on your 4.1(5) sensor, it also placed in storage the corresponding S225 update for your 5.0 sensor.
    So when IPS-K9-maj-5.0-1-S149.rpm.pkg is installed on the sensor it will detect that stored off S225 for 5.0 and install it at the same time.
    So once installed you will be immediately at 5.0(1)S225.
    Once at 5.0(1)S225, then you can upgrade directly to 5.1(1) using the IPS-K9-min-5.1-1d.pkg upgrade.
    (NOTE: 5.1-1d file was created to fix some upgrade bugs, but still installs the same 5.1(1) files as the original 5.1(1) upgrade package).
    So you will wind up at 5.1(1)S225.
    Now at this point I would recommend installing at least one later signature update (S226 or higher in your case) BEFORE installing the 5.1(1p1) patch.
    And AFTER the signature update, then install the 5.1(1p1) Engineering Patch (contact the TAC for this patch).
    Because of this specific upgrade path, the best way to avoid some issues is to install at least one signature update before installing the 5.1(1p1) patch. The signature update helps to ensure the sensor is ready for the 5.1(1p1) upgrade. Some of the files needed for the 5.1(1p1) upgrade have been seen to not get carried forward properly in the upgrade from 5.0(1) to 5.1(1), but a signature update corrects those issues.
    NOTE: This precaution of installing the signature update BEFORE the 5.1(1p1) is only needed when upgrading from 5.0(1) to 5.1(1). If imaging directly to 5.1(1) using the maintenance partition, then the 5.1(1p1) can be installed before a signature update without an issue.
    Once 5.1(1p1) is up and running and monitoring packets and generating alarms, then additional signature updates can be installed afterwards.

  • Upgrade 4240 from 4.1 to 5.0

    i want to upgrade 4240 from 4.1 to 5.0
    when i am in romon mode and i give ip address to managment Interface of IDS and Tftp Server Address. After giving address i am not able to ping in romon mode to tftp server. i have use cross cable between IDS and TFTP Server and also droping straight cable from IDS and tftp server on switch. But when i am in configuration mode then i can ping. So please tell me what i do to upgrade 5.0. also tell me if any other method to upgrade . Thanks in advance

    If you are truly attempting to upgrade from 4.1 to 5.0 (versus a re-image), the correct approach is to install the 5.0(1) Major update file using the CLI upgrade command. This will retain any configuration settings on the sensor.
    The steps you describe above are to re-image your sensor using the 5.0(2) system image. I am not sure why your settings are not working. Have you assigned an IP address to the gateway? Depending on your network topology, this may be necessary. You should also try pinging your gateway or another active address on your network to see if you are even getting out of the sensor.

  • There are some form errors after upgrading ebs from 12.1.1 to 12.1.3

    Hello , EBS experts,
    I have some upgrading issues need your great help. thanks in advance!
    We have installed EBS 12.1.1 on Oracle Linux 5.7, everything is okay.
    Now, we need to upgrading EBS from 12.1.1 to 12.1.3, after all the upgrading process were done. We have encountered the form error while opening the AR transaction forms as below
    ORA-01403: no data found
    FRM-40735: PRE-FORM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04062.
    Lots of Receivable forms have the same issue, I have upgrading the ebs from 12.1.1 to 12.1.3 with 2 times, but every time, I have encountered the same issue.
    Can anyone have me? it's very urgent for me to finish this task, thanks!
    Here is my upgrading process for your reference
    1. Installed the EBS 12.1.1 and everything is okay(Create a AR, AP transaction and invoice and post to gl).
    2. I have referenced this document to upgrading the EBS
    Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 Readme [ID 1080973.1]
    To apply Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3, follow these steps:
    1) 9239089
    2) 9239090(US), then applied the 9239090_zhs as I have the zhs language on the EBS 12.1.1
    3) 9239095
    Post-Update Steps
    1. Apply post-install Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Technology patches. (Required)
    2. Update database tier nodes with the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 code level.
    Application tier:
    Database tier:
    3. I have applied the following patches before upgrading to 12.1.3(before step 2 as above)
    Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Upgrade [ID 761570.1]
    Database Preparation Guidelines for an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Upgrade
    Patch E
    B) For users on
    7111245 - 7684818 also includes 7111245 but this is a later version of the patch. Disregard errors related to 7111245 being installed when applying 7684818.
    (I have compared the above patches with my db(ebs 12.1.1 ) and some patches have already been applied based on EBS 12.1.1), and the following patches were not included on the db, so I applied the following patches one by one
    Modify Initialization Parameters
    Can anyone help me on this issue? thanks!
    Open AR forms such as transaction, receipt, etc, and always encountered the same issues as below
    ORA-01403: no data found
    FRM-40735: PRE-FORM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04062.
    The AR forms opened failed. thanks!
    Chuan Ling

    Hi, Helios,
    Thanks for your great help on this issues.
    Here is my verification result for your reference as below
    1.Known errors generated on the People form (PERWSHRG) [ID 206584.1]
    10 -      Error: FRM-40735:PRE-FORM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04062.
    ORA-01403:no data found
    APP-FND-01242:cannot read value from field: GLOBAL.G_NAV_NODE_USAGE_ID
    Cause: The field: Global.G_NAV_NODE_USAGE_ID couldn't be located or read.
         Resolution: This is an issue associated with multiple APPL_TOPS. Ensure
    that references to the APPL_TOP are pointing to correct one.
    I don't know how to fix this? do you know?
    2.After Upgrade From R12.0.4 To 12.1.1 Property Manager Forms Give Error FRM-40735 [ID 1092394.1]
    [r12app@infsgvm14 forms]$ strings -a $PN_TOP/patch/115/sql/PNPFUNCB.pls | grep '$Header:'
    -- $Header: PNPFUNCB.pls 120.19.12010000.12 2010/03/26 10:43:10 rthumma ship $
    my file's version is 120.19.12010000.12, so ignore this step
    3.Property Manager Forms Error FRM-40735 After Upgrade From 12.0.6 to 12.1.2 [ID 1091124.1]
    did you know how to set this 1) Please set Property Manager status to "Installed" via License Manager.
    I don't find this on license manager.
    4.Frm-40735 Ora-04062 When Trying To Open Transactions Form [ID 1363671.1]
    just checked the custom.pll and custom.plx and they are existed in AU_TOP/resource, I want to re-generated this custom.plx using this
    frmcmp module=CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/apps@hostname module_type=LIBRARY
    but have some issues.
    [r12app@infsgvm14 resource]$ frmcmp module=CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/[email protected] module_type=LIBRARY
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler): Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
    so, it's strange.
    Chuan Ling

  • Problems with charts after upgrading APEX from 3.2 to 4.1

    After upgrading apex from 3.2 to 4.1 the combination stacked bar/Stepline charts no longer works. Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi "904055",
    I believe the reason your chart is no longer working is because you are attempting to generate a chart type that is not covered by our AnyChart Flash charts license i.e. Stepline charts are not one of our support chart types. We only support the chart types exposed via the Application Express UI i.e. the chart types listed in the Create wizards. If you wish to create other AnyChart chart types, you will need to contact AnyChart directly, in order to obtain a separate license and swf file.
    If you believe that your chart is only using chart types covered by our license, but are still experiencing issues, then please place a testcase on apex.oracle.com, post some login credentials, and I'd be happy to take a look.

  • Flash builder 4.7 upgrade issue from Flash builder 4.5 (key is not valid)

          We (Company) are buying Adobe products more than 6-7 years now. We bought the Flash builder premium 4.5 and Flash builder premium 4.5 for PHP volume licence. Now flash builder 4.7 should be complementary upgrade for us. But when we are using Flash builder 4.7 trial version and adding serial number (Flash builder 4.5 serial number), it's just not working and showing a error "key is not valid".
    I chat with Adobe customer care 4 different people, they end up saying that let us transfer you to volume licence department and then chat ended. No more chat messages, I checked more than one hour and still no message.
    Then I called they, it took 15 mins to connect with customer care. I picked the "upgrade" option from phone menu and then connected with a guy. After listening complete case he forwarded my call to Volume licence executive and the volume licence executive transferred it to some other guy and the other guy redirect it to some specialized person. So total 4 guys. The last guy (specialized) name was Rohit.
    This guy Rohit asked me, did I buy a customer support programme (some product about $2.nn.00 )? I said no, we bought volume licenses for Flash builder premium 4.5 ( about $4000.00 ****). He said, sorry sir I can not help you in this, but I can provide you an e-mail address and you can report your concern there. I already passed my 1.5 hour in this conversation. I said okie. He gave me a case number and told me that he will send a email mentioning that email address as per my request I disconnect the phone.
    I never get that email address.
    Can some one suggest me what to do next. My case number is : 209-788-274.
    My email is: [email protected]
    Amitabh Arya

    I have the same problem, and i have send request complementary upgrade (Adobe® Flash® Builder® 4.7 Complimentary Upgrade), and only received a Acrobat change licensed...
    I´m working with 4.7 Beta the last mounths, and now all the days have to see "please enter your license". So one problem that you can jump with money (if you have that money..), isn´t a problem. Like a i have license from flex 3, upgrade to flex 4, and upgrade to flex 4.5, i´m going to take de upgrade from 4 standard to 4.7 standard (47,97 euros), and not waste my time and money on calls. So yes, I'll see adobe with another eyes...
    Best regards,
    José Ramón León

  • Upgrade paths from cs5 to cs5.5

    I just got off the phone with customer service. I upgraded from CS4 to CS5 in late December. I would like to upgrade InDesign from CS5 to the 5.5 version. I was told this isn't an option because I own the suite.
    This perplexes me since I have purchased many, many single items from Adobe in the past--from Pagemaker 3 pretty much on. Is it really true that once I went to CS2 I abandoned my rights to upgrade individual products?
    It seems a bit unreasonable, after spending $600 at the end of last year, that now, three months later, I need to spend another $400 just to update one program. Am I missing something?
    I am posting here because the representative I spoke with had a really, really hard time understanding English and I'm not sure he even got my question. It took him over a half hour just to find my account and verify that I had a registered version of Design Premium. He told me that part of the problem was that I have purchased so many Adobe (and Macromedia) products over the past 15 years that I now have four accounts and that it was not possible to consolidate all my software under one single account. This also sounds very odd. HELP!

    I looked into crossgrading. The whole thing was a comedy of errors. My new custom built super-charged PC developed an un-diagnoasable software error, and then got stolen after being sent in for repaired. At the time, it seemed like my best option was to start the migration from Windows, buy a Mac laptop, get software to run on it, yet still keep my Windows options open in case the PC was found. I was using a backup PC to keep work on schedule.
    I used one of my Macromedia cross-platform suite products to upgrade to the Mac CS3 suite. So it wasn't as expensive as it could have been. In hindsight, yes, I should have just abandoned the PC and crossgraded. But I was very fearful after all the computer issues I had encountered that I would have problems with one or the other of the two computers and I felt I needed some redundancy just to ensure I didn't have more downtime.
    I'll look through the Adobe site for a license transfer form. When I called several months ago, the agent, made it sound like these were very difficult to come by. Or perhaps, the agent just didn't know. I've ran into this several times with Adobe. One agent tells you one thing, another says something entirely different. Customer service is lacking in my opinion.

  • Error while upgrading Portal from 10.1.2 to 10.1.4

    This is the error message I am getting when I try to upgrade portal from 10.1.2 to 10.1.4 by applying the patch.
    NOTIFICATION:1 Framework: Error: Component upgrade failed PORTAL
    NOTIFICATION:1 Framework: Error: PORTAL component version is: INVALID.
    Please let me know if any has has a solution?
    D:\Software\Oracle\IDM\as_windows_x86_portal_1014\mrua_051020\mrua>mrua.bat -ora
    cle_home D:\Software_Installations\OraHome_Infra_01 -oid_host <hostname> -oid_ssl_port 636
    Executing mrua.pl
    Running on Windows
    OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant
    Enter the password for SYS:
    Enter the password for cn=orcladmin:
    Enter the password for cn=orcladmin:
    Upgrading the OracleAS Metadata Repository to release
    Calling upgrade plugin for MRUA
    Component has already been upgraded MRUA
    Calling upgrade plugin for PORTAL
    Error: Component upgrade failed PORTAL
    Error: PORTAL component version is: INVALID
    Calling upgrade plugin for MRC
    Component has already been upgraded MRC
    FAILURE: Some OracleAS plug-ins report failure during upgrade.
    Log file: D:\Software_Installations\OraHome_Infra_01\upgrade\logs\mrua2007-07-1
    Finished mrua.pl

    That didn't help for me....
    I have those things shut down already and you can see below what I'm getting on the re-run:
    -bash-3.00$ /app/oracleas/as1012portal/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Release Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control ...
    Cannot determine Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control process; /app/oracleas/as1012portal/bin/emctl.pid does not exist.
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control may not be running.
    -bash-3.00$ /app/oracleas/as1012portal/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    opmnctl: opmn is not running
    -bash-3.00$ mrua/mrua.sh -oracle_home /app/oracleas/as1014metadatarepository -oid_host asdev -oid_ssl_port 636
    Executing mrua.pl
    Running on UNIX
    OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant
    Enter the password for SYS:
    Enter the password for cn=orcladmin:
    Upgrading the OracleAS Metadata Repository to release
    Calling upgrade plugin for MRUA
    Component has already been upgraded MRUA
    Calling upgrade plugin for PORTAL
    Error: Component upgrade failed PORTAL
    Error: PORTAL component version is: INVALID
    Calling upgrade plugin for MRC
    Component has already been upgraded MRC
    FAILURE: Some OracleAS plug-ins report failure during upgrade.
    Log file: /app/oracleas/as1014metadatarepository/upgrade/logs/mrua2007-10-23_00-42-55PM.log
    Finished mrua.pl
    -bash-3.00$ grep PORTAL /app/oracleas/as1014metadatarepository/upgrade/logs/mrua2007-10-23_00-42-55PM.log
    2007/10/23 12:43:06.236 CST NOTIFICATION:1 Framework: Calling upgrade plugin for PORTAL
    2007/10/23 12:43:28.203 CST NOTIFICATION:1 Framework: Error: Component upgrade failed PORTAL
    2007/10/23 12:43:28.209 CST NOTIFICATION:1 Framework: Error: PORTAL component version is: INVALID
    There is another oracle instance we have, the one that is hosting the LDAP server, and after the above I also tried doing a stopall there, then bringing up only the ldap server which is required for the upgrade, and then shutting down the iasconsole for that instance too so that only the ldap server remained, then re-running the portal upgrade. It didn't help.
    Any ideas?

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