Upgrade in UK Apple shop?

Does anyone know if you can buy the 3G phone at an Apple shop and then either upgrade from the old iPhone there, or take it to an O2 shop to upgrade? Or do you have to do the whole thing in an O2 shop?
I've phoned O2 but even they don't seem to know for sure!

i spoke to the apple store in lakeside, Essex and the lady i spoke to said no, which to be honest is a pita,
and i feel that being a loyal apple customer and one of the people who stood in line last november to buy the orignal iPhone on day1 i am being punished and for said loyalty because i cannot get a white 16GB from o2 or CPW........whould it have been to hard to put an o2 representative in each apple store for 6 months to handle upgrades?
worse case, you buy the phone in the apple shop, they give you a certain receipt and you go down to the o2 shop to complete the upgrade, but no!
grumble grumble!
so there all theese iphones in all the apple stores and us LOYAL customers cannot upgrade.....disgraceful!

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