Upgrading blackberry software

i recently got a notification to update my blackerry curve 8350 software from the version to the version. i was wondering if i should go through with the update and if it would wipe out everything i currently have on my phone - contacts etc. does anyone know what such an upgrade entails?
thanks for the help !

Hey wildcats12,
Welcome to the forums.
It is always a good idea to have the most up to date software for your device. You can backup your data and then restore your data once the update is complete. These articles will help you out. 
How to back up the data on a BlackBerry smartphone
How to use BlackBerry Desktop Manager to restore data to a BlackBerry smartphone from a backup file
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    I really wish RIM would come out with a real BlackBerry Desktop equivalent for Mac, but right now I don't think there's any way you can do upgrades directly from your Mac without using Windows via emulation or BootCamp. Unfortunately, RIM's only official word about this that I can find is that upgrades are not supported on Mac (http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/search.do?cmd=displ​ayKC&docType=kc&externalId=KB13963). I use VMware for this.
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    Hello Jim,
    I suggest plugging it in on another system with Desktop Software installed to see if the issue is with the device or specific to your computer.
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    Hello AvinashMAR
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    If you are  having problem in updating your device software through web then try a manul update , just follow those simple steps :
    1.Locate your Carrier and Download the OS you desire from here  BlackBerry Software Download Site
    (make sure you are downloading for the same model as you have )
    2. Now Double Click  on the file that you Downloaded to Install it on your PC
    3. Download and install the latest BlackBerry desktop software from here BlackBerry desktop software
    Then using desktop software perform your full backup of your device.
    4.Search your C: Drive for any Vendor.xml files and delete them, there may be one or two vendor.xml ( On your PC change your folders option to show hidden files / folders  :
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
    C:\Users\Windows UserName\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Loader XML
    5. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader. (For 64-bit Vista or Windows 7, the path       will be C: > Program Files x86 > Common Files > Research In Motion > AppLoader) double click Loader.exe. 
          Upgrade will continue then After Installation of New OS restore your backup using BlackBerry desktop
    Try it and let us know if you feel any problem while doing so.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • Where can I download Blackberry software for Mac OS 10.5.8

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    Hello Professoracex and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    In order to use the BlackBerry Desktop Software on a Mac computer,  you need OSX 10.6 or later. 
    As for the latest software version, your mobile carrier decides what versions they will release to support. You can check your mobile carrier's download site here for the latest available version.
    Hope this answers your question.
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  • Blackberry Software Consistently Causes Latest MacBook Pro to Crash

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    '''''[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/troubleshoot-firefox-issues-using-safe-mode Start Firefox in Safe Mode]''''' {web link}
    While you are in safe mode;
    Press the '''<Alt>''' or '''<F10>''' key to bring up the tool bar.
    Followed by; Windows; '''Tools > Options''' Linux; '''Edit > Preferences'''
    Mac; ''application name'' '''> Preferences'''
    Then '''Advanced > General.'''
    Look for and turn off '''Use Hardware Acceleration'''.
    Poke around safe web sites and see if there is still a problem. Then restart.

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    Blackberry Curve 8520

    Hi zulmajfeliciano,
    Can you please provide more information?
    What happens when you try to send a picture via BBM?
    Do you receive an error message or a red clock?
    Are you missing the send option in the Menu?
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  • Blackberry software 7.1 Bundle 2039

    Hi all, 
    I recently updated my Curve 9360 to 7.1 Bundle 2039 through my desktop manager, and ever since the battery has become just awful. I've noticed that near the halfway mark it turns my signal and wifi off stating I have low battery, the bb light flashes yellow once and then does nothing. Allowing me to turn them both back and and continue as normal. Then at around 20-30% of battery life, it then repeats only when I turn the signal/wifi back on the battery does then actually show its low then just turning off without warning.
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    Hello 212time
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    There are two methods you can try :
    You can perform a Clean Reload of your device Software, while doing so When you run Desktop Software Click the Device menu and select Update > click On View other versions > On that list if you're able to view the required Version that you're looking for Click on it to Install that specific Version But first do a backup of your device.
    KB11320 : How to perform a clean reload of the BlackBerry Device software using BlackBerry desktop software for windows
    Or you can  manually  Downgrade your device Software as you want , for that follow those instructions :
    1.Locate your Carrier and Download the OS you desire from here  BlackBerry Software Download Site
    (make sure you are downloading for the same model as you have )
     2. Now Double the file that you Downloaded to Install it on your PC
    3. Download and install the latest BlackBerry desktop software from here BlackBerry desktop software
    Then using desktop software perform your full backup of your device.
     4.Search your C: drive for Vendor.xml and delete them, there may be one or two vendor.xml , On your Pc change your folders option to show hidden files/folders ( You can skip this step if you're usng your Carrier OS ) :
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
    C:\Users\Windows UserName\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Loader XML
    5. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader. (For 64-bit Vista or Windows 7, the path       will be C: > Program Files x86 > Common Files > Research In Motion > AppLoader) double click Loader.exe. 
          Just follow the Onscreen directions and Upgrade / Downgrade  will continue then After Installation of New OS restore your backup using  BlackBerry desktop Software.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • Updating Blackberry Software

    The physical keyboard on my Blackberry Torch totally killed out and an ATT employee recommended that I reinstall my Blackberry software. Instead of reinstalling it, the Desktop Software recommended that I UPGRADE the software to a newer version. Which I'm doing now. It's been on 506 out of 572 modules downloaded for the last hour and a half now. Is this an issue?

    There are several methods of upgrading BlackBerry device operating systems, using your BlackBerry Desktop Software, wireless upgrades from your service provider and manually using loader.exe
    1. KB03621How to reload the software on the BlackBerry smartphone using BlackBerry Desktop Software
     2. KB15633How to request a wireless BlackBerry Device Software update using a BlackBerry smartphone
    3. Manually using loader.exe
    See the link below, for the download and simple installation instructions.
    First locate your carrier and the OS file you wish to use.
    Do a backup of your device first, using Desktop Manager > Backup. Close Desktop Manager upon completion.
    1. Download the OS file to the PC then install it to the PC by running (double clicking) the file you downloaded.
    2. Go to c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader and delete the file named "vendor.xml."
    3. Plug in BB and double click on "Loader.exe." It's located in the same place as the above vendor.xml file.
    Device operating system releases are "released" by specific carriers
    once they have certified and trained their support techs, but still, you
    are able to load to any carrier's same model by following the
    instructions below.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • I phone not working after upgrading the software

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    I'm sorry but no one here can help you. The TOU of these forums does not allow discussion of fixes for hacked phones. You'll either need to contact whoever did the hack or use Google to find alternate help.

  • Blackberry software has stopped working

    I have a Pearl 8120 with software version v4.5.0.182 platform with Blackberry Software on a Vista laptop.
    I have been syncing my Pearl with Outlook for a long time.  Earlier this week, I received an error right at the end of the sync (as it is moving data to the device) which said "Blackberry Desktop Software has stopped working".  I have been troubleshooting every since.  I can get it to successfully sync if I delete the intellisync folder or reinstall the software.  However, the problem returns on the next sync.  So, now, unless I delete the intellisync folder, it errors out before the sync completes (this is always happening after it reconciles and asks if I want the changes to occur.  Here are the things I have tried:
    1) did a hard restart on the blackberry (removing battery)
    2) freed up memory on the Blackberry - moving media files to the memory card
    3) repaired the Blackberry software
    4) did a complete uninstall of the software and reinstalled
    5) ran a log and tried editing the last outlook appointment
    6) ran scanpst.exe and scanost.exe
    7) did a one-way sync from outlook to the device
    8) deleted the intellisync folder (multiple times - works the first sync, fails after that)
    I have not changed anything on the Blackberry or the Blackberry software that I know of.  The pc is a work pc, and so there could have been an update to the o/s or other program that could have been applied (they would not be applying any blackberry updates).  I am getting very frustrated trying to figure out what is going on.  Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Please thank those who help you by clicking the "Like" button at the bottom of the post that helped you.
    2. If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!

  • Windows hangs boot after upgrading any software

    My Windows 8 Pro x64 Dell XPS8500 machine developed a really weird problem.  (The problem actually began a while back - first noticed maybe 4-6 month ago - but only now trying to fix it.)  It re/boots fine so long as I don't try to install anything. 
    However, installing any software upgrades causes Windows to hang on boot.  The software upgrades that I tried are Evernote, iTunes, Java VM, and all of them are triggering the same behavior.  All this aforementioned software seeming doesn't have
    anything in common.  The only known upgrades that do not appear to trigger the issue are Firefox and Chrome (where upgrades happen more or less in passive fashion)  There is no clear event that I can recall in the past that I can attribute this happening
    to (i.e. I can't pin point to something like installing a driving and it failing immediately afterwards) - just one day a message popped up to upgrade iTunes, which I did, and then rebooted to experience the issue.
    Here are the steps to describe what happens with a bit more detail and troubleshooting steps tried:
    Manually launch upgrade of an existing software. (Tried Evernote, iTunes, Java VM)
    Successfully go through the install/upgrade.  Seems irrelevant if software asks for reboot or not.  Machine works fine until rebooted.
    Reboot the machine.  Machine shuts down without any issues.
    BIOS POST is successful, and Dell logo with jumping/circulating dots comes up.
    There is a normal flurry of hard-disk activity for a few seconds, which after a few seconds reduces to none or sometimes/occasionally to very brief flashing a few seconds apart.  This is where the problem is noticed.  It can stay like that for
    hours if not days (normal boot takes about 20-30 seconds).
    Typically, if there is no hard-disk activity at all, pressing the power button causes one brief flash, followed by one more about 1-3 seconds later, and no change.
    The only recourse is to force turn off by holding power button for few seconds.
    Letting it try to boot again leads to the same behavior.
    Repeating attempts to boot 3-4 times causes Automatic Recovery to kick in.
    The only way to get the machine to boot again is to use Recovery to restore to a previous state.  This sometimes requires to be done more than once and doesn't fix on the first try. 
    (Also, I enabled Win boot menu, and couple of times instead of waiting for Automatic Recovery to kick in, tried to use recovery through the menu - in that case it's more likely to require the procedure to be done more than once).
    I tried to do a logged boot to capture log file in one of the cases where it boots - it appears to never produce \Windows\ntbtlog.txt file (possible I didn't do something right for this one, though I thought that file is never deleted and only grows)
    Additional Info:  SysRestore currently displays only two available points:
    6/13/14 - Installed Evernote v. 5.4 - Type Install
    6/9/14 - Automatic Restore Point - Type System
    All other previous restore points (from having installed a few more updates and software in the 1.5 years I had the machine) are gone somewhere.
    Choosing to revert to the second restore point (when selecting restore point from boot menu) as opposed to the first one and later booting successfully, for some reason the same restore points are listed again (so it doesn't seem to be truly reverting)
    Nothing fruitful appears in the EventLog.  The only critical messages that i see there are both from SCM and one reads "The Dell Digital Delivery Service service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s)." and the other "The
    system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly." (which is expected).  And there is a warn level entry about some Bluetooth device not being
    able to enter power save mode.  That's it for system event logs.
    At this point I'm totally stuck trying to figure this one out, or even trying to figure out how to obtain information on where it gets stuck.  This is worse than having a BSOD as with BSOD at least there is some info on what's happening.  Here
    I don't even see where it gets stuck or what's preventing from booting successfully.
    Please help!!!

    Here is the link to the SrtTrail.txt file: 
    Again, let me clarify the situation as well as provide some additional information that I discovered since original post.  Per original post - I can boot into the system up and  until installer gets activated either by trying to uninstall or upgrade
    existing software or install new one.  At the time, the only way I could get the system to boot again was to let it fail boot twice and on the third attempt let it perform system restore from a restore point, and then it would boot again (with all the
    installed/updated/uninstall changes wiped out)
    Since then I discovered the following additional behavior points:
    I managed to get it to accept couple of software upgrades by using roughly the following steps: let it fail boot twice.  On the third attempt instead of choosing system restore I instead cancel or choose advanced options (depending on what it offers). 
    Typically it goes either through some system analysis or disk check for errors - wait and it doesn't find anything.  When presented with a menu of other recovery options (like changing UEFI, command prompt, etc), I simply choose to exit and continue loading
    windows.  At this point it sometimes (I'd say 1 out of 3 times) manages to boot successfully, retaining all the changes (i.e. retaining software updates and the like).  If it doesn't succeed booting, repeat until it does.  Using these steps
    I managed to update most of software so far, including windows update.  But each time it's a struggle to get it to boot again.
    Simply rebooting the system without any changes succeeds most of the time.  However, today I noticed that a plain reboot (without any installer/uninstaller/update or any other system/soft/config changes) doesn't always succeed, requiring the same process
    as in previous bullet point to get it to boot again.
    I also noticed an additional behavior - my keyboard an mouse have some buttons that are illuminated (on dell keyboard those are media buttons, and on the dell mouse it is mouse sensitivity indicator). I noticed that when windows boot up, the keyboard and
    mouse lights go out simultaneously.  If they come back about a second or two later (with one flicker in between), then system boots up fine (the moment they come back, the system displays the logon screen with the seatle space needle).  However,
    if they don't come back, then the boot will hang there for ever.  Is it possible that some driver sometimes succeeds to be loaded correctly, and sometimes fails to load causing Windows to perpetually wait for that driver to finish loading (which it never
    does)?  If that sounds like a possibility, how can I find out what is it that windows is doing when it starts to perpetually wait for whatever it is waiting for?  Tell me what logs would help to understand that and how to capture those!
    Also note that I run Avira Antivir antivirus (ever since I got this PC), and it doesn't flag anything suspicious on the system.  I also ran MalwareBytes scan which found no suspects, as well as GMER rootkit scanner (which as far as i can tell, also
    did not find anything suspicious).
    There is another oddity that is going on with the system - may or may not be related, so mentioning just in case it is - which is that I'm using Dropbox, and it keeps creating "My Videos" folder on the Desktop, even though it is way outside of my dropbox
    root.  Deleting the folder doesn't help as the moment I right-click on the Desktop, it re-appears.  It, oddly enough, also appears in C:\Users\{profile} folder right along side real "My Videos" folder.  Looking properties of both in explore
    shows in the property pages that one is located in C:\Users\{profile} and another in C:\Users\{profile}\Desktop (and again, yet both of those explore shows in C:\Users\{profile}).  Like I said, not sure if these are related (I suspect not, but who knows),
    so mentioning just in case.
    Note that I'm trying to fix it without going through refresh or reset since the first one would cause the pain to reinstall of all the software on the system (without any indication that this would solve the issue), and the later option would just completely
    wipe out everything off of the system, which is even more painful, and again would not guarantee solution (e.g. if it is a bad driver that would get reinstalled anyway after wipe. Yes, I technically do have backups, but those are more for drastic case if my
    harddrive crashes, and wouldn't want to rely on those to voluntarily wipe the system due to odd behaviors - too painful and time-consuming.  I'm looking for a solution to problem rather than just-start-from-the-beginning-because-it-is-easier approach.
    Thanks, let me know how to get the troubleshooting info to get to root cause.

  • Hi i have an ipod 4th gen. the problem is when ever i try to sync my iPod to my computer a mesage comes up and says that the ipod can't be backed up. There wasn't a problem until I upgraded the software. How do I fix this??

    Hi i have an ipod 4th gen. the problem is when ever i try to sync my iPod to my computer a mesage comes up and says that the ipod can't be backed up. There wasn't a problem until I upgraded the software. How do I fix this??

    Try here:
    iOS: Troubleshooting backup issues in iTunes

  • I am getting error message while attempting to upgrade the software to iOS 6.1.3

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    The Current iOS for the iPhone 4s is iOS 7
    How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

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