Upgrading mesa with Catalyst drivers installed

With the recent changed to the mesa drivers (the drivers have been combined into one package called "mesa-dri"), "mesa-dri" is now a dependency of the "mesa" package. This is a problem for me because I do not want the mesa drivers since I am using the Catalyst proprietary drivers. I cannot simply remove the "mesa" package either because it is a dependency for some other packages on my system that I need. I am using the Catalyst drivers from the unofficial repo. Here is the output when I try to upgrade:
:: Synchronizing package databases...
xorg112 is up to date
catalyst-hd234k is up to date
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: lib32-mesa-dri and lib32-catalyst-utils are in conflict (lib32-ati-dri). Remove lib32-catalyst-utils? [y/N]
Is there a way to resolve this conflict while keeping both "lib32-mesa" and "lib32-catalyst-utils"?

bboy716 wrote:I see from the wiki that the maintainer of the Catalyst unofficial repositories is Vi0L0. How do I go about contacting him about this issue?
You can contact him directly at the website of the AUR package. I already did and I'm waiting for his answer (I'm using the catalyst-total-hd234k package).

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    Cdh wrote:
    You could try setting it to low power mode with the open source driver.
    First, look if  /sys/kernel/debug is empty.
    If it is, then as root:
    mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
    Then as root again:
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    But when it is while kernel install it sounds more to me as if the CPU was too hot since building the initramfs is only CPU intensive...
    Thanks. I will try these soon. I think GPU overheats then CPU makes the final straw during kernel install.

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    Never mind see the beta bios release notes:
    01.Fix VTX3D Radeon HD 7850 1GB X-Edition not display issue.
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    You have setup everything correct, but for your desired result you need to use "Apply Driver Package" Task rather than "Auto Apply Drivers".
    Auto Apply drivers will install the best matched/compatible drivers for only the PNP devices.For more info on this:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680990.aspx
    Whereas "Apply Driver Package" would install all drivers you have in the package and hence you don't see the unknown drivers in device manager. For more info on this: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680403.aspx
    If you have multiple models, create this task for each model individually and then associate with a WMI query condition under Options tab to check the manufacturer/model
    Example: Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where Manufacturer = "HP" and Model Like "6000%"
    Manohar Pusala

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    There is a discussion group for Boot Camp. Search in that group for answers, this has been covered before.
    Remember you are not only using beta software you are using it to install Windows.
    Before heading off in a great search in the Boot Camp discussions... Be absolutely certain that you have WinXP (Pro or Home) with Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed. While in WinXP right click on "My Computer" and select "Properties", it will tell you if this is true.
    Some folks have resorted to unpacking the driver file & installing each one at a time. The drivers can be unpacked using a command line switch. I don't remember the exact syntax - but a quick search in the Boot Camp discussion group should bring you the answer.
    Good luck! And remember... BACK UP your OSX data!

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    fast write is on
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    Any help appreciated.

    Well I hope it works for you engrrowl!  I was installing a slipstreamed version of XP with SP2.  But that sure didn't help me.  I would randomly have my screen corrupt with my 9700.  And that stupid card has given me headaches since I got an LCD.  So driver incompatibility used to make my screen go black all the time.  It would then revert to normal (maybe!).  But there were many times I had to shutdown by the keyboard and disconnect the DVI cable to get it to work again.  And the LCD is a Samsung so it's not cheap.
    I broke down the other night and when I had to reinstall WinXP from scratch I reverted to an older GF4.  This morning I ordered a Geforce 6800, and it will "upgrade" fine.  But if I tried to go from an ATI to an Nvidia I would have had to reload my OS again.    So it worked out for me.
    But it's strange that switching video cards solved all my "issues".  That and the fact that I've never really like ATI's drivers means I will never get another of their cards.  

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    if you're using parallels and full bootcamp then you're making it 100% more troublesome for youself then it needs to be
    bootcamp is running windows directly on the hardware this give full memory and cpu and 3d video game power
    running windows in parallels is running a virtual machine where one can't run powerful games and the like but one can have it in a window and change fast between osx and windows
    parallels as the only virutal machine (as far as I know) support not have the operating system as a file on the osx harddisk but can access a bootcamp parition as virtual machine but without the benefits bootcamps provides
    it's a service parallels provide for those who want both to play games in normal bootcamp and sometimes use windows in a virutal machine
    just install it like a normal virtual machine and you need not worry about bootcamp drivers and the likes
    plus it would mean that the windows part would be a part of the timemachine bacup of osx
    which it is not when it's in bootcamp

  • HOW TO: Install LATEST ATI CATALYST drivers

    So ATI/AMD doesn't consistently update the "BootCamp" drivers and as a gamer I want utmost performance out of what I have (of course without OCing). Therefore, I went searching for a solution and found it and I will explain it here, step by step. Forgive me if this has already been posted. Note that I did this in XP and NOT Vista.
    1. Download the latest CATALYST drivers from here:
    2. Open the driver software as if you were going to install it and let it extract to its default directory. Take note of what that directory is as you will need to know that file path for later. Once it extracts it will move on to an installation. Stop/cancel the installation the first chance you get.
    3. REMOVE your currently installed ATI drivers. There are two ways to do this:
    -1. If you downloaded the actually CATALYST Software Suite, there will be a program in the folder to where it extracted called "AtiCimUn" that will remove your drivers.
    -2. Google "remove ATI drivers" and I think it's the first link that tells you a detailed step by step method of removing the drivers.
    4. Restart after successfully removing the drivers.
    5. Download MobilityModder here: http://www.driverheaven.net/modtool.php
    -If you scroll closer to the bottom of that page, there will be a download link AND instructions for the PROPER method of installing MobilityModder.
    6. Run MobilityModder
    7. Browse to the directory where the drivers are installed.
    8. Click "Modify"
    9. When the modification is complete, close MobilityModder and Right Click on "My Computer" then click on Properties
    10. Click the "Hardware" tab
    11. Click on Device Manager
    12. At least one device should have a yellow circle with a black question mark in it. For me, Windows saw it as a "VGA Controller". Right click it and click "Update Drivers"
    13. It will ask you some stuff about if you want Windows Update to look for drivers, say "No not this time" and click next
    14. Select "Install from a list or specific location{Advanced) and click next
    15. Select "Don't search, I will choose the driver to install"
    16. Click on the "Have Disk" button
    17. Browse to the folder where the ATI drivers were extracted to (MobilityModder will have rewritten the modified files to the same location)
    18. The specific file you are looking for is a Configuration file whose icon looks like a white notepad with a yellowish cog that has some metal rod going through it. Click on it and click "open"
    19. At this point Windows should recognize which card you have specifically, if not, it will have the entire list of cards that driver can update. If you run into that, just find it in the list.
    20. Let windows copy the files, if it tells you that the drivers are not digitally signed, say "continue anyway". It's just an effect of the MobilityModder modifying the files and since it doesn't have a certificate, it's not considered signed.
    21. When it's done click finish.
    22. Restart
    23. Happy new drivers
    I'm thinking you might be able to skip the MobilityModder part and just skip straight to directing Windows right to where the drivers are instead of having to mod the files. I'm not sure if it works because I haven't done it but you're welcome to try. If it doesn't work it just means you have to use MobilityModder.
    I hope this helps.

    Update: After using the method described above the drivers did install successfully however, when I loaded some games I noticed that they did not take up the whole screen. No amount of changing the resolution solved the problem.
    So I completely removed the drivers and loaded unmodified drivers. I had to find my x1600 from the list and there were actually two but I just took the first one. I let Windows copy the files after warning that it can't confirm they were for my hardware. After a restart I tried my games again and they were taking up the whole screen as they did when I had BootCamps outdated drivers.
    So I can say that you CAN skip steps 5-9 (the steps for the mobility modding). You'll just have to find your drivers and some of them do show up multiple times. I'm probably going to try the other x1600 listing just to see what happens. I'm not sure if there's a difference between the same listings (mine was Radeon x1600 followed by another Radeon x1600) but I'm assuming there is or else ATI would put so many >.<

  • [Solved]Installed AMD Catalyst drivers. Are they activated?

    This must be a really stupid question.
    I have installed the Catalyst drivers from the repo, but in KinfoCenter I'm getting something else:
    It's not a VMware installation, it's alongside Windows.
    So, am I using the Catalyst drivers or not?
    Last edited by archie0 (2012-07-10 19:21:22)

    ewaller wrote:
    Those pictures are a little larger than permitted by our policy.  I usually only concern myself with the byte count, rather than the pixel count.  Don't worry about these, but, in the future, please use thumbnails.  You can embed image tags to the thumbnail inside of url tags to the full size image.  This will display the thumbnail and give the reader the option to click through to the larger image.
    Many of our members are on slow or metered links.  Thanks
    I'm sorry but the image is just 125KB, and that's not much at all, even for a slow connection.
    Anyways, is there a bug in KinfoCenter? How does it read those values? I would like to try them manually. Thanks
    Last edited by archie0 (2012-07-08 06:21:47)

  • Hi, I have a refurbished upgraded macbook with 320 GB Disk, 4GB Memory and running Lion OS v 10.7.5.  This satisfies the second part of the requirement for installing OS X Mavericks (10.9) but happens to be an early 2008 piece.  Can I somehow install 10.9

    Hi, I have a refurbished upgraded macbook with 320 GB Disk, 4GB Memory and running Lion OS v 10.7.5.  This satisfies the second part of the requirement for installing OS X Mavericks (10.9) but happens to be an early 2008 piece.  Can I somehow install 10.9?  And why is apple not allowing people like me to try out this installation?  Any reason that are too technical that people like me cannot upgrade and handle?
    This would solve many apps to run on this.

    It's mainly the video card. The Models 2,1 through 4,1 have video cards with non-upgradeable 32bit drivers. The model 5,1 Late 2008 and newer have at least the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M with 64bit drivers. Mountain Lion and Mavericks require 64bit native drivers. Mountain Lion and Mavericks no longer support Intel's GMA 950 or GMA X3100 graphics processors.
    While Lion used some 32 bit and a lot of 64 bit code, Mountain Lion and Mavericks are pure 64 bit, which excludes more systems than Lion did. It's not something you can add memory to, for example, as it involves the base architecture.
    http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-57470261-263/older-64-bit-macs-out-of-the-p icture-for-mountain-lion/?tag=mncol;txt
      http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-57387846-263/will-your-mac-run-mountain-lio n/   

  • X fails with new catalyst drivers

    I'm running 64bit arch and i just upgraded to the new catalyst drivers from AUR (9.4). When I try to run xorg now, it fails (screen just goes black and I can't switch to any of the vcs or kill X). The X log file says that it can't load the glx module because it doesn't exist. I'm not entirely clear on modules and how they work, but what should I do to try and get X working?
    Gratias vobi ago!
    Last edited by Qvintvs (2009-03-28 17:08:54)

    I'm running a Radeon HD 4870 x2. I've been trying some things, and now I dont get the missing glx error. I do get these errors:
    (EE) Failed to load module "dri2" (module does not exist, 0)
    (EE) Failed to load module "record" (module does not exist, 0)
    (EE) fglrx(0): Unknown EDID version 0
    Though it appears that X keeps going past all three of these. Here's my entire log: http://pastebin.com/f5153ff39 . Here's the xorg.conf file aticonfig generated with the unused device, monitor, and screen sections commented out: http://pastebin.com/f1e765d83 .
    Any help on where to go next would really be appreciated, I've been at this for over a day now.
    jun, I think the wiki discourages getting the drivers from the amd site directly, though given the success (or lack thereof) I'm having with the AUR drivers, I can't say (personally) that they're any better.
    Last edited by Qvintvs (2009-03-29 19:18:06)

  • I bought a mac mini with Lion pre-installed.  If I upgrade my mac mini to Mountain Lion, am I free to install Lion on my older macbook using the mini license?

    I currently have two macs.  A 2008 macbook which is running Snow Leopard, can run Lion, and cannot run Mountain Lion.  I also have a mac mini which came with Lion pre-installed.  I plan on upgrading my mini to Mountain Lion when it's available.  After I upgrade, it seems like I should be able to install Lion on my macbook using the license that came with my mini.
    I have found many articles about making a DVD or bootable USB drive to recover, or install Lion onto other macs.  So, I am not tied to the mac app store.  And I am not worried about how to install Lion onto the macbook.
    I have also read a few discussions about upgrading using pre-installed Lion license.  From what I've read, if someone buys Lion through the app store, they can install it on all of their macs.  But, if they have a machine the came with Lion pre-installed they can only use Lion on one machine.  However it is unclear if that license can be transferred to another machine.
    Another common answer that I have seen is, "Don't be cheap!  Just buy Lion throught the app store."  This is not about money, I'm interested in the technical challange, and the leagal question.
    Does anyone have experience with this, or opinions?

    If your machine came with Lion preinstalled, you cannot use it on another machine. It is tied to the machine it came with. You are allowed to make a one time transfer of the OS when you sell the machine as long as it remains with that machine.
    If you purchase Lion from the app store, you are free to install it on as many Macs as you own - however, if/when you sell one of those Macs, you are required to uninstall Lion as the license is not transferable and you need to reinstall the original OS.
    You can read the SLA for yourself - the link to the downloads to all licenses is here:

  • Excel 2010 paper size issue with PCL6 drivers after KB2592687 installed on client

    When I connect to the RDS server and open Excel with the PCL6 printer and select File / Print the paper size says Custom Paper Size and I can not change the paper size here, in the Page Layout tab or in the drivers properties pages. Using the PS driver there
    is no issue. I've tried using several stock PCL6 drivers from Windows 7 and have the same issue such as the HP LaserJet P4014/4015 PCL6. Using the Lanier LP131n PCL6 or PS I had the issue with PS as well.
    I do not have the drivers loaded on the server so it is using Remote Desktop Easy Print. If I do load the drivers and allow it to use them then there is no issue but I cannot configure the printers options without taking ownership of the printer so that
    is not desirable.
    If I do not install KB2592687 then there is no issue, but that is not an option as I am dealing with a customer who's IT manager refuses to remove this, even to test it, and says our printer driver has the issue and is not compliant with MS TS. 
    Could I be missing any configuration, hotfix, policy that could explain this issue or any other workaround? Or is there a change required to our printer driver for this?
    Test setup:
    I created a new Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard server with SP1, Added the RDS Role, Installed Office 2010 Professional with SP1 using the Terminal Services product key. No updates were installed. I have tested installing every possible update as well for
    both Server and Office.
    I then created a new Windows 7 Professional x86 with SP1 client, installed PCL6 & PS printers, installed KB2574819 and KB2592687. No other updates were installed. I have tested installing every possible update as well.

    Did you find any particular Event ID for your issue?
    To troubleshoot this issue, have you tried changing the default printer and printing from other programs such as Word or any other?
    The issue which you are facing might occurs because the Microsoft XPS Document Converter (MXDC) determines the paper size by using the FormID value on the server. As you commented that you are using Easy print driver first you can find incorrect paper size
    if RD Easy Print printer driver first is enabled. 
    To work around this issue, use the forms that are defined by the system when you print. The paper sizes for these forms match on the server and on the client computer. Additionally, a printer driver can rename these forms. Please refer below article for more
    The client printer may print the documents by using an incorrect paper size if the "Use Remote Desktop Easy Print printer driver first" policy is enabled
    Apart from this providing link to understand RD Easy print in Windows 7 & Server 2008 R2.
    Hope it helps!

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