Upgrading to Photoshop CS4

When I went to my local computer retail store to purchase the upgrade version of Photoshop CS4, I read on the side of the box that I  need any previous version of a qualifying Adobe or Macromedia product.  I showed the box to the salesman in the store and asked him if I can upgrade from Photoshop CS2 even if it came as part of a suite and not as standalone. The Photoshop I have is part of suite, not a standalone.   The salesman said that the upgrade to CS4 will install regardless of wether the prior version was part of a suite or a standalone.  The sales people on the phone at Adobe told me differently.  They said that it will only install if the prior version is a standalone.   I do not want to buy it and find out it will not install.  Please advise.

alacker1 wrote:
The salesman said that the upgrade to CS4 will install regardless of wether the prior version was part of a suite or a standalone.
The salesman is an idiot and does not know what he is talking about.
If you buy the suite you can only upgrade the suite.
Since the idiot was wrong he should have no problem giving you back your money.

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    Well CS5's ship has sailed.
    CS6 can still be purchased on Perpetual License but it's not going to have all the bells & whistles that the current versions have.  Just as long as you understand what you're getting.
    Creative Suite 6
    Nancy O.

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    It is true. But there is no "price lock" guarantee past one year.
    From Adobe:
    To be clear, $9.99 is not an introductory price. It is the price for those of you who sign up by December 31, 2013.
    Reading more of the fine print, I see that this offer only applies to owners of commercial license of stand-alone PS CS3 or higher. If you own Photoshop  as part of a Creative Suite or an academic version, you are SOL.
    Bad Adobe, bad. You almost had me  signing up to your Cloud....

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    you can upgrade from cs5 to cs6, but not from cs4 to cs6. 
    you can join cc to access ps cs6 and ps cc:  http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/buying-guide.html
    in particular, note the 9.99/mo Creative Cloud — Photoshop Photography Program

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    Glad I could be of service.
    Speaking of services, if you are running Vista or Windows 7 (not XP) you should turn off tablet services too. They automatically start if you install a Wacom driver on these Os'es, and they can also cause hiccups and lag in Photoshop CS4.
    You have to be logged in with admin privleges.
    Go to Control Panel->System and Security->Administrative Tools->Services
    Open 'Tablet PC Input Service'
    Stop the service and select 'Disabled' as the startup type.
    You'll know you got it because the annoying 'ripple' effect will go away when you touch the pen to the tablet, and the pop-up keyboard will go away. Of course, if you actually are running on a tablet PC then don't do this.

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    If you recently purchased CS6 as an upgrade then the versions that qualify for the upgrade were reduced a couple years ago to only include CS5 and CS5.5.  If you purchased CS6 a couple years ago while CS4 was still in the upgrade path then you should contact Adobe support using chat and see if they can help you get thru the activation.
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC)
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/service1.html ( http://adobe.ly/1aYjbSC )

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    The short answer is yes and no.
    Some plugins must be reinstalled, and those may not know about CS5 without an update from their manufacturer.  SOMETIMES you can identify all the supporting files and copy them as well, but this gets tricky.
    Others - those that are self-contained and don't install any supporting DLLs, need registry entries, etc. - can be copied.
    A rule of thumb is that if you copied a file into the plug-ins folder to start with, you can probably copy it to the new version of Photoshop.  From what I can see CS5 is very compatible with older plug-ins (keeping in mind that 32 bit plug-ins work only with 32 bit Photoshop CS5, and 64 bit plug-ins work only with 64 bit Photoshop).
    Never, but never point the Additional Plug-ins Folder setting at the old Photoshop installation, because there are Adobe-provided plug-ins that will conflict.

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    All major versions of Adobe software install into their own folders on your hard drive. So you can always use earlier versions at any time.
    It's just best not to use them at the same time due to shared files etc.
    Many people have several versions installed and available at a mouseclick e.g. CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4 ... through to CC 2014 and everything in between.

  • Make Photoshop CS4 (normal) to Photoshop CS4 extended

    Hi people,
    I tried the whole day upgrading from Photoshop CS4 to Photoshop CS4 extended.
    The situation is:
    a few months ago, I had installed and activated Photoshop CS4 (normal) at a workstation.
    Now we need at this Workstation Photoshop CS4 extended.
    What have i done yet:
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    reboot again,
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    Next step:
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    Uninstall everything that begans with an "A" and ended with "dobe" from the workstation.
    Than I ran RegCleaner, cleaned everything that began with an "A" and ended with "dobe".
    Checked again with RegCleaner if anything was left, but RegCleaner did not recognize any more Adobe things.
    Startet Photoshop CS4 and recognized also, that it was not extended.
    What can/should I do, to be able to install Photoshop CS4 extended?
    I have no more ideas.
    regards Kai

    Sorry if am not realy precise and correct enough, I try to explain it more exactly:
    My Company has purchased Photoshop CS4 (normal) and Photoshop CS4 extended.
    For both versions, do I have a separate key; one for the normal, and one for the extended version.
    I have the Situation, with one workstation, that there is Photoshop CS4 (normal) installed and activated with a (normal) key, since a half year and it works propperly.
    Now we need at this workstation Photoshop CS4 extended. But I can't "upgrade" my PhotoshopCS4 (normal) to Photoshop CS4 extended.
    I know that the extended key works for the extended Version, because we also have workstations that needs PhotoshopCS4 extended since Photoshop was installed there.
    My "upgrade"-way was:
    - uninstalled, PhotoShop CS4 (normal) from this workstation
    - Installed it again from the DVD
    - entered the key from the extended Version
    - waited half an hour, since the installation finished
    - rebootet the workstation
    - startet PhotoshopCS4 an then I recognized, that this is not the extended Version
    - and now, I do not know, what I can do
    Now after reading the other posts, there could be one mistake that I could had made.
    And its, that I did not have deactivated PhotoShopCS4, but logicaly will it not be deactiveted during the uninstallation?
    sorry if my english is too bad, if this is the case let me know, and I try to explain it more exactly.
    regards and thanks

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    Hi, the Adobe forums are full of help on your issue...

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    karen2179 wrote:
    If you are able to use adobe products on two computer do I really need to deactivate or uninstall CS4?
    No, but it may help the chances of a successful installation.
    karen2179 wrote:
      Just as an aside - I have been getting messages on here from Adobe Admin saying that CS5 cannot be reinstalled because everything is now in the cloud and that for $350 I can buy CS6 to install on my new computer.  What?  Am I getting spammed on Adobe's site here?
    Where did you see that?

  • Photoshop CS4 will not launch after upgrade to 10.6

    I just upgraded to Snow Leopard and found that Adobe Photoshop CS4 crashes every time during launch, moments after the splash screen disappears. I ran the Adobe Updater to see if there was a patch for this, but no go. I've already upgraded to 10.6.1 to no avail.
    Photoshop is my livelihood and I'd sure appreciate some help getting this fixed before it starts to cost me! Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot,

    Here's the fix I found, by way of an explanation...
    Snow Leopard prompted me on my first startup with the following error:
    "There is a conflict with the _______ font file. This font file contains a font name that conflicts with a system font required by Mac OS X to display onscreen text. You should move this font file to the Trash."
    The fonts it said were conflicting: Helvetica, HelveticaNeue.dfont, Lucida Grande, and Monaco. I figured Snow Leopard probably wanted to replace these fonts with newer versions, and so I clicked "Move to Trash" on all four.
    Apparently 10.6 trashed these fonts but didn't replace them. This was causing Photoshop to crash on load.
    So I restored my ~/Library/Fonts folder from a backup made just before upgrading and this time after a reboot I said "Allow Conflict" on all four dialog boxes and launched Photoshop... everything is back to normal!
    Not sure what kind of "conflict" it's referring to, but apparently moving these font files to the trash as OS X prompted me to do broke a number of apps. Should I report this as a bug?
    Thanks for the ideas!

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    I'd already fixed the issue of not even being able to launch Photoshop by installing Apple's Java applet, but this doesn't seem to have helped with the Camera RAW situation.
    I've tried invoking "Update" in both Bridge and Photoshop, and both indicate there are no updates.
    I even went to Adobe's Camera RAW area, and downloaded and installed the Camera RAW plugin specifically for my cameras (Canon 5D Mk ii) and Photoshop CS4, and that hasn't helped at all!
    I feel that it's just another silly Java applet, but I haven't any idea how to proceed from here!
    Thank you,

    Did you download and install the camera raw 5.7 update?
    Adobe - Photoshop : For Macintosh : Camera Raw 5.7 update
    There are also other updates you should install, such as 11.0.2 for photoshop and the bridge output module update, if you need them.
    Product updates
    Adobe - Bridge : For Macintosh
    Adobe - Creative Suite : For Macintosh
    Adobe - Photoshop : For Macintosh

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    When you purchase a Creative Suite collection, you can't run an upgrade on an individual product within the Suite. You have to upgrade the entire collection.
    You could purchase a copy of Photoshop CS6, or a subscription to Photoshop which can be as little as $9.99 with the Photography plan to the Creative Suite.
    Adobe no longer sells upgrades to CS3 or CS4.

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