UPMDbEngine getting greedy on memory. Is this normal?

I see that after a while the UPMDbEngine is taking up to a 1.5 Gig of memory.
Only the autopollers are running here !!
That is 3 time more memory than what RMEDbEngine takes.
Is this an issue or a feature? Does this happen for all of us?
tasklist /v | find "124864"
dbsrv10.exe                124864 Services                   0  1.209.724 K Unknown         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
pdshow -brief | find "124864"
UPMDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    124864
pdterm UPMDbEngine
pdexec UPMDbEngine UPMDbMonitor UPMProcess
pdshow -brief | find "UPM"
  UPMDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    34024
  UPMDbMonitor          Running normally                          17212
  UPMProcess            Program started - No mgt msgs received    19900
tasklist /v | find "34024"
dbsrv10.exe                  34024 Services                   0     49.124 K Unknown         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
  UPMDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    124864

I'm only seeing it using about 500 k on a Windows server managing ~300 devices:
>tasklist /v | find "2036"
dbsrv10.exe  2036 Services 0    509,696 K Unknown NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM     1:00:05 N/A
>pdshow -brief | find "2036"
  UPMDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    2036

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    Do you have a 24" iMac with an ATI 4850? A recent firmware update became available for it, which may solve problems with that GPU:
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    VZW Support
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    Depends on how much installed RAM you have, number of open applications, and the sort of work you are doing. By itself Pageouts is not an indicator of anything special other than over the course of time the computer has accumulated that total as a result of various applications having to page out data to the hard drive. A more significant indicator is the value in parentheses shown by 'top' in the Terminal. If that number is positive and increasing then it means you do not have sufficient RAM to accommodate all the applications you are running concurrently. See:
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    Reading system memory usage in Activity Monitor
    Memory Management in Mac OS X
    Performance Guidelines- Memory Management in Mac OS X
    A detailed look at memory usage in OS X
    Understanding top output in the Terminal
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    Message was edited by: Kappy

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    Glauco Neves wrote:
    Where can I find this new version?  Thank you
    10.7.4 is the latest update of MacOS X Lion. Run Software Update in System Preferences.
    Since you state to run 10.7.2, Software Update will have to use the combo updater to bring it up to 10.7.4. This will entail a large download that will take some time so have patience. I suggest the following steps:
    Restart the Mac, press and hold Command-R to start up in Recovery Mode (More info: http://www.apple.com/macosx/recovery/ ).
    If needed, select the desired language to move to the next screen (only if it is the first time in Recovery Mode).
    Select Disk Utility in the bottom of the list, Continue...
    Choose the hard disk drive device on the list ( xxx.xx GB APPLE HDD ...) by clicking on it.
    Click on Repair Disk button, wait for it to finish.
    Choose the Lion boot volume, Macintosh HD, by clicking on it.
    Click the Repair Disk button, wait for it to finish. If any errors are found and the process does not end with a "The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK." message, click on Repair Disk again.
    Click on the Repair Disk Permissions button. This will take awhile to finish.
    Quit Disk Utilities, choose Restart from the menu.
    Now run Software Update in System Preferences, choose to apply all missing updates. This will take quite awhile, depending on how fast your Internet connection is. The Mac will need to be restarted when the updating is done.
    Run Software Update again to have Safari updated to the latest version. This is necessary since Safari 5.1.7 needs OS X 10.7.4 to be running already.

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    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings

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    The Apple server a likely overloaded with the IOS 8.3 update.
    You can try using these instructions but select iOS 6.1.6 for the 4G iPod. If yo select any other file you will get errors:
    How to Install iOS 8.1.3 Update on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
    Use the Step 5 update using iTunes instructions but download the iOS 6.1.6 firmware for the 4G iPod. Note that if you try to restore to earlier than 6.1.6 you will only get errors

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