Urgent pls!!!!   is it possiable to include a livechat and mail in my portal

I would like to include a chat function and an email function in
a portal site im developing.I would like to know wether its
possiable using portal or plsql packages,If yes then pls give a
way to do it . If its not possiable then pls mention it.
Thanks in advance....

Hi Mac,
   Can't seem to get the syntax to cooperate. I copied and pasted your syntax as is and created a mailto: link in Muse, uploaded and...nothing. Then I studied it a bit more and changed the editable fields (below), uploaded and...nothing. Again! So far after several rearranges, adding and deleting a space between fields and entering/re-entering an email address, I'm officially stumped. After all of that, the only thing that happens after I tap the 'Mail this app to a friend' button on my webapp is I get a blank email screen. Clearly I've caused the syntax to not want to come out to play.
Please help!?!?
Thanks, Mac, again.
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Here's your link! &body=ZamZam.Scan4Dealz.com

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    0xffffff80ef3d3a50 : 0xffffff8000220792
    0xffffff80ef3d3ad0 : 0xffffff80002c4794
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    Have you tried to enable trace on this form to find out how this column gets populated?
    FAQ: Common Tracing Techniques within the Oracle Applications 11i/R12 [ID 296559.1] -- 3. How does one enable trace in the Oracle Application screens / forms?
    Can you reproduce the issue with other invoices?
    Do you have any other instance where you can try the same and see if the issue is reproducible?

  • Routine in Bex - urgent pls.

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    A     B     C
    1234     1234     1234     
    5903     0     5903
    0     3287     3287
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    else if A==0 then B
    else if B==0 then A
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    This is urgent pls.

    No need to write coding.....directly u can get these by unsing formula as told in the above forum....there u get all these conditions in Boolean operators. so just make use of them..
    Thanks & Regards

  • Depreciation Posting in AFAB (urgent Pls)

    Hi All,
    pls let me know y the depreciation posting is not hapenning when it is showing Document created in Test run. It is not showing any errors nor is it posting. urgent pls.

    Thanks for replying. It did not create any RABUSH Session .
    1) I created an Asset and gave the Depreciation Start date as     01.09.07.
    2) then i posted an entry in F-90 with transaction type 100, on     01.09.07.
    3) The periods are kept open only.
    4) The number Ranges for AF Document exists.
    5)i did an unplanned posting run for 1 to 8 periods. for 9th period i did the Repeat run . It generated an accounting entry with AF document type.
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    I need one recurcive (unended loop) pl/sql example, its very urgent pls

    I suppose you'll want to know how to get out of your undended loop too (although that does stop it being unended).
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  DECLARE
      2    v_cnt NUMBER := 0;
      3  BEGIN
      4    LOOP
      5      EXIT WHEN v_cnt = 1000;
      6      v_cnt := v_cnt + 1;
      7    END LOOP;
      8* END;
    SQL> /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Its urgent pls help me .

    how can i call a portal from webdynpro application
    my requirment is
    i was created webdynpro application.
    in that i was created one view . in that i was created one button (go).
    if i click that button i want move some other portal.
    how can i acchive pls help me.
    its urgent.
    pls send any example programe
    Message was edited by:
            madipadiga nagaraju
    Message was edited by:
            madipadiga nagaraju

    there is no direct tcode for going to webdynpro component/interfaces in ecc 6.0.
    but u have se58 in ecc 5.0,as webdynpro convertor.u give ur program name and click web dynpro convertor button then it takes u to se80 .but this wda(webdynpro abap) component comes as in application tree hierarchy .
    i can say in wda component refers a class .if u select webdynpro component/interface,it ask u to create a class or interface.
    after that it automatically generate component controller(it is also a class),
    interface view and windows.all these 3 are classes.for every window one interface view will be created.ie.. window is internal visible where as interface view is external visible.
    u create view and embed these views in windows.by going to the window layout,right click on the window name and click embed view.u can enbed as many view as u wish.in order to navigate from one view to other view ,click  "create navigation" by right clicking the view plugs.
    by default windows and view have inbound plugs.this is literally a event of that class.
    if u want to navigate from view1 to view2 ,create outbound plug for view1,the click outbound plug of view1 and right click the click create navigation the select inbound plug of view2.
    then create a application .this is simillar of creating an object.
    click on this object and test .this will open in browser.
    for deploying u have use "sap webdynpro iview".

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    each time i try to telnet using my LAPTOP.I get command not recognised.can somebody help me out now.Other PC works except mine.This is very urgent pls.

    Download Putty
    Search on google " Putty ".... using putty telnet.
    You can open Hyperterminal and choose TCP/IP option instead of COM1.
    Click on OK
    You will telnet into device.
    Putty use is very good very secure.
    Dharmesh Purohit

  • Navigation Problem in JSF - Urgent, pls help

    I have a problem while navigating into a popup using a custom commandLink which opens the popup.The problem is that when i close the popup and return to the parent JSF and click any button or link in the parent, the page navigates to the page that was shown in the popup. This is my custom component:
    <hl:helplink id="alternateIdHelpLink" rendered="true" actionListener="#{helpBean.handleEvent}" value="Help" action="helpNeeded" target="NewWin" onclick="javascript:openPopup();"></hl:helplink>I have specified the navigation 'helpNeeded' inside the faces-config file which navigates to the page that is shown in the popup. So the problem is that i am unable to navigate to any other page after i open the popup(even after closing it).Can anyone pls find a solution for this problem.
    thanks and regards

    Thanks Sergey.Smirnov for the code..but its not working :-(...
    This is my javascript for opening the popup in my help.js file:
    function openPopup() {
        var windowDefn = "width=800, height=400, location=no, menubar=no, status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes";
        win=window.open('',"NewWin", windowDefn);
    }On clicking the Custom Command Link the popup is opened. But then when i return back to the parent and click any other link or button the contents inside the popup is being displayed.
    <hl:helplink id="alternateIdHelpLink" rendered="true"  value="Help"  onclick="openPopup()" action="#{helpBean.execute}" target="NewWin" actionListener="#{helpBean.handleEvent}" ></hl:helplink>I tried to hard code the path of the jsf file into the popup but that gave an error that 'Page Cannot be Displayed'.
    I tried to get the path of the JSF using the contectPath as follows:
    var path= <%= renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath() + "/pages/epsHelp.jsp" %>;
    window.open('"+path+"','helpPopup','height=200,width=400,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes');",null);When i viewed the source of the parent page the javascript was showing the correct context path ie "/help/pages/myjsf.jsp". What might be the issue.Can you please help..

  • Query needed urgently.Pls help in this regard

    1.I need to display the details of employee no,name,image if at all an employee is having a photo attached with his profile and their count.
    I need to display the count and the same details for the employees having no photo too.
    I did with a query also.But I need some better Query for performance.I used per_images,per_all_people_f(per_people_f) for the above.Could u suggest me any query relating to this.And moreover,can u suggest any settings need to be done in rdf for the same image to display.
    2.I need to display the approved time sheets between 3 months period.But I used HXC_Timecard_Summary .But in that table thr is no date duration such as time period column.Its having only start time and stop time which will count only for one day and not for a particular duration.SO,could you suggest me the solution for the same.

    Sorry, all my crystal balls are on the blink.
    You couldn't have guarenteed that you won't get your questions answered any better than you have:
    1. Use of the word "Urgent" in your title. To us, your problems aren't any more urgent than anyone else's problems on the forum, and a great deal less urgent than our own problems are!
    2. You have provided zero information on your tables, data, etc in terms of what you're working with and what you want it to look like. You expect us to know your table and data structures in depth ... well, see my initial comment re. my crystal balls.
    3. You say you've come up with a solution for your first point, but haven't provided it, nor do you appear to have done any searching or anything else that makes me think that you're not expecting us to do your work for you.
    I suggest you edit your title to remove the word "urgent" and provide much more detail (table create statements, insert statements, etc) than you have.

  • How to include Freight charges and unloading charges in Material price.

    Hi All,
    Can you pls. advice how we can include freight charges & unloading charges in Material price (MAP) when receive in system.
    Current Situation :
    We buy Switchgears from vendor, which transported with special vehicle arrangement from different service provider and gets unloaded at warehouse by another service provider. Currently business create seperate PO for Material vendor, Freight Vendor and for unloading service provider. But MAP is only updated with Material cost only. How can I include delivery cost and unloading cost in MAP thro standard SAP process.
    Your solution will help business heaps.

    Create three condition types namely basic material price, freight charges & unloading charges.
    For  basic material price , you can copy PB00 and rename your basic material price condition type.Now freight charges & unloading charges condition type in M/06 , do not maintain condition category ( keep it blank ), so that it will added to inventory cost .For freight charges & unloading charges do not maintain account key & accrual key in Pricing procedure.
    Cretae PO , now you will see all cost added to NET price in PO and you can for doing GR where all cost are inventoried as materisl cost.
    Biju K

  • I encountered an error in the Payment Wizard screen as I was creating an Outgoing Payment for petty cash expenses. On the "Recommendation Report" screen, I clicked "Non-Included Trans." and saw that one of the vendors (Vendor Code: WILCO) has the followi

    I encountered an error in the Payment Wizard screen as I was creating an Outgoing Payment for petty cash expenses. On the “Recommendation Report” screen, I clicked “Non-Included Trans.” and saw that one of the vendors (Vendor Code: WILCO) has the following error:
    “The document amount is greater than the max. amount allowed in the payment methods linked to the BP”
    Upon checking, the “PCF-W” Payment Method linked to WILCO does not have any restrictions, nor does WILCO have any credit/commitment limit set. I have also appropriately defined the Dummy Business Partner Bank (under Payment Terms) as well as checked the “Included” box for PCF-W on the Payment Run-Payment Methods screen.
    Could anyone please help me on this?

    PS - have found other posts indicating that clips smaller than 2s or sometimes 5s, or "short files" can cause this. Modern style editing often uses short takes ! Good grief I cannot believe Apple. Well I deleted a half a dozen short sections and can export, but now of course the video is a ruined piiece of junk and I need to re-do the whole thing, the sound etc. which is basically taking as much time as the original. And each time I re-do it I risk again this lovely error -50 and again trying to figure out what thing bugs it via trial and error instead of a REASONABLE ERROR MESSAGE POINTING TO THE CLIP IT CAN'T PROCESS. What a mess. I HATE this iMovie application - full of BUGS BUGS BUGS which Apple will not fix obviously, since I had this product for a few years and see just hundreds of hits on Google about this error with disappointed users. Such junk I cannot believe I paid money for it and Apple does not support it with fixes !!!
    If anyone knows of a GOOD reasonably priced video editing program NOT from APPLE I am still looking for suggestions. I want to do more video in future, but obviously NOT with iMovie !!!

  • Firefox will open 4 or 5 tabs fine, but then will not load any further websites after those first 4 or 5, or allow you to refresh one of those first tabs -- including about:config and the addon page

    Firefox 5 worked fine. I installed Firefox 7, and when I ran it, tabs would just say "connecting to..." and hang. Restarting did not help. Websites open fine in IE and Chrome. Disabled all firewalls and antivirus, did not help. Uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox 5, everything worked fine again. This was using Vista 64-bit.
    Upgraded to Windows 7, uninstalled Firefox 5, installed Firefox 7, had same problem. Uninstalled Firefox 7 completely (including the profile information, I saved that information in another folder), restarted computer, and installed Firefox 7 using a completely clean profile. Did not install any add-ons, checked to make sure all plug-ins were up-to-date, and updated plugins.
    Now when I start Firefox, I can load 3 or 4 or 5 tabs fine -- after those first few tabs are open, I cannot open or refresh any other tabs -- including about:config and the add-on manager -- I have to restart Firefox. The hangup doesn't appear to be related to what websites I am attempting to open, but it looks like the number is the problem. I have run through all of the FAQ procedures, including changing the max number of network connections to 48, and the problem does not seem to go away.
    As a side note, I had this same problem when I tried to go from version 5 to version 6 as well. Version 5 is the most recent version that worked on my system.

    Can you try Aurora - download it from http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/
    And let us know how it works.

  • Since i have updated my iphone everytime i open an app it comes up with a message 'connect to itunes to use push notifications, may include alerts, sounds and icon badges, i have backed up my phone on itunes and restored phone but its still doing it, :(

    since i have updated my iphone everytime i open an app it comes up with a message 'connect to itunes to use push notifications, may include alerts, sounds and icon badges, i have backed up my phone on itunes and restored phone but its still doing it  can anyone help?

    Return the iPhone and get your money back. It has been
    hacked/modified/jailbroken and likely cannot be made

  • Push Notifications. The Message "Connect to iTunes to Use Push Notifications "BBC History Magazine" notifications may include alerts, sounds and icon badges" keeps coming up in Newstand, also happens with National Geographic Magazine. HELP!

    The Message "Connect to iTunes to Use Push Notifications "BBC History Magazine" notifications may include alerts, sounds and icon badges" keeps coming up in Newstand, also happens with National Geographic Magazine. HELP!
    I have now followed multiple instructions from this and other forums. have turned push notifications off. Turned them on. Have updated to IOS 6. Have signed out and signed back in, have uninstalled all magazines and reinstalled. Have synced, and updated everything in iTunes.
    Nothing works,. Also cannot use youtube.

    Basic troubleshooting from the User's Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).  Try each of these in order until the issue is resolved.
    It might also be a good idea to contact Square for assistance.

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