Urxvt bug when calling old commands

Hi, I use urxvt patched version from AUR.
My problem is : let's say I wrote a command that is a bit long and I make a mistake, when I use the top arrow to recopy the command to modify my mistake the lines overlap or get cut and everything becomes impossible to see...Is there a way to fix that? When I resize my terminal it doesn't fix it, it get fixed when I go full screen but my command is not long enough to take 2 lines on the terminal so I don't understand why it does that..
Is there anyway to fix this annoying bug?

yes it happens with the official package too.
my PS1 : PS1='\e[0;36m\][\[\e[1;36m\]\u\[\e[m\]\e[0;36m\]@\[\e[1;36m\]\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;32m\]\w\[\e[m\]\e[0;36m\]]\[\e[1;39m\]\$ \[\e[m\]\[\e[0;37m\] '
For exemple I was just moving a text file called : blablabla-text-files001.txt
mv ~/Desktop/blablabla-text-files001.txt ~/Documents/blablabla-text-files001.txt
and when I was doing the auto completion for the second path it overlap my PS1...
Sometimes it happens when I forgot sudo so i click "arrow-up" to bring back my last command and it overlaps...I would understand if the termimal wasn't large enough but resizing just makes things worst...you just don't see what you are doing anymore. Going fullscreen fix it but it's annoying.

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    Sounds strange - and does not sound like a SQL*Plus problem. SQL*Plus uses the CreateProcess() Win32 API call to create the editor process. Then it waits for this process' process handle to cease to exist before it continues. SQL*Plus does not "hang" - it simply waits for the spawned process to terminate before it continues.
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    SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com

    Take a look at the method that is causing the NullPointerException:
    public void clearItem(int i)
    if (!m_dynamic && m_vector == null && i < m_vector.size())
    if (m_items != null && i >= m_items.length)
    m_items[i] = null;
    A NullPointerException will be thrown whenever clearParameters() is called when no parameters have yet been bound.
    The first IF statement should read:
    if (!m_dynamic && m_vector != null && i < m_vector.size())
    A simple workaround would be to make sure that your parameter list is never empty before calling clearParameters(). Is there a patch for this anywhere?

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    Has there been any progress on this? Suspend when called is almost unusable with this issue.
    It would appear that the problem is due to inappropriate optimization by the compiler during a suspend-when-called.
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    The attached example shows the problem.  The subVI is designed make the optimizer extremely happy: it has the same data types at output as input, and the array doesn't change size. "Show buffer allocations" shows that compiler thinks it can re-use all the buffers. Run "RunMe.vi"; when the subVI suspends, keep hitting the run arrow: each time the VI is run, the values of the input array gets bigger and bigger!
    There is a partial workaround, which is to place a "Always Copy" compiler hint (the "*" node) on the input wire; this will prevent the output-to-input corruption.  You still cannot edit the input control on affected VIs.
    (On the feature request side, it would be great if Suspend When Called would have some kind of indication as to whether it has been run or not. When you have half a dozen suspends on, it is hard to remember whether you have run it or not.)
    BadBufferReuse.PNG ‏20 KB
    BadBufferReuse(192207).zip ‏13 KB

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    Thanks for any advice!

    Thanks John, I did search but somehow missed that thread.
    However it did not help. With or without the "-p printername" argument lpoptions does make a persistent change to its own data:
    +$ lpoptions+
    +media=Letter sides=one-sided finishings=3 copies=1 job-hold-until=no-hold job-priority=50 number-up=2 auth-info-required=none job-sheets=none,none printer-info=Barrow printer-is-accepting-jobs=1 printer-is-shared=0 printer-location='Local Zone' printer-make-and-model='HP LaserJet 4000 Series' printer-state=3 printer-state-change-time=1209495301 printer-state-reasons=none printer-type=2134228 page-border=double+
    You can see that the printer "Barrow" has remembered "number-up=2" and "page-border=double". Regardless if I give any of these commands:
    +lpr <filename>+
    +lpr -P Barrow <filename>+
    +lp <filename>+
    +lp -d Barrow <filename>+
    none of them show the results of these option settings (and somewhere in the forest another tree is cut down).

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    Can any one with clustering experience please help.
    Calling out NPC, As his sql installation and upgrade manual has helped me with stand alone installs, Hoping he has some thing for clustering as well.

    What installation CD/DVD are you using?
    Try look at SAP note [924288|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/924288],
    and note [969699|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/969699],
    and note [967124|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/967124],
    and note [106275|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/106275].
    In special the last note say at the end:
    "3. You must use the 51031444 CD to install Enterprise 4.7 on an x64 platform with SQL Server 2005. This CD installs the central instances and database instances. To convert the A and B nodes in MSCS, use the SAP NetWeaver 04 SR1 installation master CD or DVD."
    Hope this helps

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    The Appe Store will do this for you.
    You can call Apple Support and they will help you.
    You can type "move itunes library from pc to mac" or similar into the google search bar.
    All will get the same thing accomplished.

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    I would think that image size would always be available when there is an active document in Photoshop.  The only time I remember seeing messages like that where they should work was during the five month period when Adobe released CS6 with so many bugs which took Adobe five months to fix.  During those five month messages like that that should not have happen were common when action switch between documents.  Adobe would start processing the next Action step before the document switch completed, Any step that required an active document could fail with a mess stating the command is not available.
    Are you by some chance using CS6 version 13.0 CS6 without any updates.  Use Photoshop menu Help>About Photoshop.  If it shows CS6 version 13.0 you need to update CS6. .

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  • Use subflow or redirect step when calling another script

    I have a main AA script and it calls another script when caller press option 6.  When a caller presss 6 it is only transferring the call to the sub script.  it does not return any values to the main script.
    In this situation, is it better to use subflow or redirect step.  i am think redirect step but just want to check with the user community.
    thanks in advance.

    Either will work. Here are a few thoughts to consider in no particular order:
    Subflows count toward the originally triggered scripts' maximum step count. If you have a lot of steps, this may result in an exception. Redirecting the call restarts this counter since the newly triggered script will have its own counter.
    NOTE: You might think that this is exactly why the Trigger Application step in Synchronous mode was created for. Alas, there is a bug which renders this useless in 7.0(1): CSCtd72562
    Redirecting the call will result in the user hearing ringback. This would occur because of the recommended two-second delay step following the Accept step of a step to prevent a race condition. I find this to be irritating enough to shy away from it mid-way through an IVR if possible.
    Subflows are more difficult to debug. You need to have sufficient code embedded in them such that you can trigger and reactively debug them.
    Be sure that the redirect destination of an actual CCX Trigger (CTI Route Point). Do not set it to a value in UCM that is translated or forwarded back to CCX. This results in a race condition which CCX does not handle well.
    If you were asking me as an individual my answer would be this: Is the code small enough and not reused elsewhere? If yes, then put it in the first script and avoid this topic all together. If it's reused in a bunch of places from multiple scripts and does not represent a large quantity of steps: use a subflow. Otherwise use Trigger Application if you're on a new enough version or Call Redirect if you're not.

  • Entries removed from cache when calling get()

    Hi. Have a problem where entries seems to be removed from the cache when calling get(). The problem occurs after the cluster has been idle (no calls to get or put) for a while. When I then call get for an entry that I know should be in the cache i can see, via an listener, that an entry is removed from the cache and the get call returns null.
    My cache is wrapped in a class that does not expose any remove methods so I know that there is no calls to remove. Below is a log showing the debug print from when the removal is done and a thread dump on the thread that does the remove.
    Attached you will find both a cache configuration and the code that produces the log below. Note that there is some code missing from the example but the missing code is only interfaces or datawrappers.
    Hopefully someone can help me solve my problem.
    Best Regards
    12539019 [] INFO ClientConnectionPortCacheImpl$DebugCacheListener - Entry removed - [1, null (null)]
    java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
    at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(Unknown Source)
    at com.ongame.server.domain.casino.cluster.impl.ClientConnectionPortCacheImpl$DebugCacheListener.entryRemoved(ClientConnectionPortCacheImpl.java:121)
    at com.ongame.server.framework.cluster.cache.impl.coherence.CoherenceCacheFactory$CoherenceCacheDelegator$CacheEventAdapter.entryDeleted(CoherenceCacheFactory.java:212)
    at com.tangosol.util.MapEvent.dispatch(MapEvent.java:199)
    at com.tangosol.util.MapEvent.dispatch(MapEvent.java:164)
    at com.tangosol.util.MapListenerSupport.fireEvent(MapListenerSupport.java:550)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.SafeNamedCache.translateMapEvent(SafeNamedCache.CDB:7)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.SafeNamedCache.entryDeleted(SafeNamedCache.CDB:1)
    at com.tangosol.util.MapEvent.dispatch(MapEvent.java:199)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.DistributedCache$ViewMap$ProxyListener.dispatch(DistributedCache.CDB:22)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.DistributedCache$ViewMap$ProxyListener.entryDeleted(DistributedCache.CDB:1)
    at com.tangosol.util.MapEvent.dispatch(MapEvent.java:199)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.CacheEvent.run(CacheEvent.CDB:18)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.Service$EventDispatcher.onNotify(Service.CDB:14)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.Daemon.run(Daemon.CDB:34)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)<br><br> <b> Attachment: </b><br>coherence-java-example.txt <br> (*To use this attachment you will need to rename 455.bin to coherence-java-example.txt after the download is complete.)<br><br> <b> Attachment: </b><br>coherence-cfg-example.txt <br> (*To use this attachment you will need to rename 454.bin to coherence-cfg-example.txt after the download is complete.)

    Hi Marcus,
    Your configs clearly show that you cannot have eviction.
    From what you have described, you are almost certainly seeing eviction.
    I conclude that the config that is being used is not the config that you intend to get used. To verify this, you can look at the logs to see what config is getting used. I believe you will see what configuration is being used when that config file is loaded. For example, in version 3.2:
    2006-11-22 19:32:13.068 Tangosol Coherence DGE 3.2/367 <Info> (thread=main,
    member=1): Loaded cache configuration from resource
    Having seen this same problem before (encountering it myself and seeing others encounter it), we added that logging to be clear which config file was being used. If you use the command line tool, it will additionally show you the cache config for the cache that is being accessed when you type the "cache xxx" command (xxx being the name of the cache).

  • Yosemite Finder: bug when dragging files in full screen

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    When I drag files through some folders, the entire content of the window moves up so that I cannot see the top files in any column anymore.
    The only solution to this bug is to end full screen and then start full screen again.
    Is this really a bug or a function I do not understand? And how can I prevent this from happening, because it is really annoying?
    I encountered this bug on my old iMac 27" and my new iMac 5K.
    Attached to this post is a screenshot what it looks like.

    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

  • BaseTableName blank when calling GetSchema on a query with multiple tables

    I am using ODP.NET and when calling GetSchemaTable on a DataReader that contains a join the returned SchemaTable has the BaseTableName and BaseColumnName fields blank - this is different than what I see with the Oracle OLE DB Provider and with how SQL Server's native provider works. I can't find any discussion of this - is this on purpose or is it a bug? why does the available schema information vary so drastically between a single table query and a query with multiple tables joined?
    Bryan Hinton

    Hi Bryan,
    I am also facing the same issue. Did u find any work around or any suggestions will be well appreciated.

  • Error BT616 when calling function module SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE in background

    Hi All,
    We use function module SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE with a custom command we defined in SM69 to move files in unix (mv command).
    The function module call has worked fine for almost a year and recently we have been seeing an error (BT616) in our job lob (SM37) when the program is run in background. We have not been able to reproduce the error in foreground mode and it seems to be occuring only periodically in the background. (The appropriate SAP authorization objects where assigned to the batch job ID and the steps on the batch job.) We are in the process of setting up the trace flag and performing analysis on the trace log via ST11 to help identify the issue.
    After perform analysis on SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE, the error is occurring when calling function module SAPXPG_END_XPG for exception 2, system failure, yet function module SAPXPG_END_XPG does not exist. I assume this is a program at the operating system level and is just a signature of the parameters to be passed to the operating system program.
    Below is part of the SAP function module SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE that is failing.
    * Now we have to wait for the termination of the external
    * command if the caller wants us to.
                        EXITCODE = EXITCODE
            TABLES      LOG      = LOG
                        SYSTEM_FAILURE        = 2 MESSAGE MSG.
    I performed a where used on function module SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE, and most of SAP programs call the function module with the parameter TERMINATIONWAIT = 'X', so I assume we should pass ‘X’ as well.
    Any ideas on what could be causing this issue?
    Mike Vondran

    I also remember I have this kind of issue, as I have some UNIX script at OS( UNIX) level . The problem was with the ID , as it don’t have proper authorization at OS level ( UNIX ) . Please check this ID authorization. This could be the one of reasons if you’re sure from SAP standpoint.
    Hope this’ll give you some guide line..

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