USB 3.0 port speeds not much faster?

Is it just me or is the USB 3.0 speeds really not that much faster than the regular USB 2.0? I tried transferring about 9 gigs of music using a USB 3.0 flash drive via my USB 3.0 port on my ThinkPad vs the 2.0 USB port and I didn't notice that much of a difference in download/upload speeds. I thought USB 3.0 was supposed to be soOo much faster?? What gives?

- Ensure that you have all the drivers installed.
- Try a different USB 3.0 flashdrive or HDD on both the ports
I previously had the Y500 transferring about 20GB worth of data on the USB 3.0 external HDD, its blazing fast.
*Non Lenovo employee*
I have a Y2P (i5) ... Feel free to ping me if you want me to test some applications with your Y2P if you have the same model. I don't mind keep doing recovery on it if needed .... =)

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    Try this:
    Wish you luck,
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  • New Mac Pro 8-core / D700 not much faster than an iMac... in PPro CC.

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    That statement about 4k/5k in Premiere CC with the nMP is false, insofar as performance goes.
    I just tested 5K Red raw files just dragged into Premiere Pro CC (latest version). I expected this to be slow, given my HD experience. However, on my 8 core/D700, I can play 1/2 just fine, full speed. And I even can also do that with a very streneous plugin/filter attached - FilmConvert (in OpenCL mode), also at 1/2 which is quite impressive. I can even add a bunch of other Premiere filters and SG looks and it still stays at full speed at 1/2.
    Ironically, this is quite faster than FCPX which can't seem to play back 5K at all with that filter attached (it doesn't stutter, but it's not smooth... low resolution at "best performace" and reduced frame rate). Even if I remove all filters FCPX plays back Red 4k (again not transcoded) about the same as CC at 1/2, but with a seemingly lower resolution to keep it smooth.  It's a head scratcher. It's like Adobe's Red handling is much better coded than Apple's in this case.
    Or... it has to be attrituable to that particular plugin (other FCPX motion-based plugins don't suffer the same fate and are fast). But either way, filter or no, Premiere Pro CC is definitely and sharper looking at 1/2 when cutting Red 4k/5k with no transcode, playback in real time, than FCPX which needs to bump it down to what looks like a 1/4 or less rez to keep it smooth. So I have no idea what is going on.
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    Thank you in advance.
    Have a good night.
    Best regards

    MathScript is implemented on top of LabVIEW.  MathScript is also a typeless language while LabVIEW is strictly-typed.  The combination of these two factors make MathScript run slower than native LabVIEW code.  However, there are some steps to take in order to improve the speed of MathScript.  You mentioned two of them: Moving calculations outside of MathScript and breaking larger scripts into multiple smaller ones.  Another thing to look for is if the MathScript node is inside a for or while loop.  Passing variables into and out of the MathScript node during each iteration of a loop is very expensive.  It is better to use a MathScript global variable to store variables that are only updated in the MathScript node.  But perhaps the best method to improve the speed of the MathScript node is to vectorize your code.  This means taking operations that are performed in a loop and instead performing them on the entire matrix at once.  For example, if you want to implement a clipping algorithm that clips values of a matrix greater than one, the following code will work:
    for i=1:length(A)
        if (A(i) > 1)
            A(i) = 1;
    However, an approach that will run substantially faster is to use matrix indexing to do the work for you.  The same operation can be performed in one line:
    A(A > 1) = 1;
    Any time you see code that is iterating over elements of a matrix, ask yourself if it's possible to vectorize the code.
    The speed of MathScript has been improved in LabVIEW 8.2.  The most notable difference is in the compile speed.  This means the MathScript Window is more responsive and that your wait is shorter when running a VI after changing the MathScript node.  A run-time speed improvement was made for matrix indexing (hence another reason to try to vectorize your code).  These two speed improvements can be quantified as follows:
    Up to 300% compile time speedup
    Average of 500% speedup for indexing with vectorized operations
    The indexing operations that realize the greatest improvement:
    Writing operations such as
    A(:, 1:3) = B;        % Replacing consecutive (or nonconsecutive) columns with a matrix
    A(1:3, : ) = B;       % Replacing consecutive (or nonconsecutive) rows with a matrix
    A([1 3], [2 4]) = B;  % Replacing elements (nonconsecutive rows and columns) with a matrix
    Reading operations such as
    B = A(1:2:end);       % Reading elements (consecutive or nonconsecutive)
    Grant M.
    Staff Software Engineer | LabVIEW Math & Signal Processing | National Instruments

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    The speed is a function of all the devices on the bus. Each port starts out as a high speed bus when it is empty. If you plug in any device which is USB 1.1, it will slow down the rest of the bus. Check what's plugged in where, and who has the high speed bus, by selecting USB in the System Profiler foun in Apple menu -> About This Mac -> More Info.

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    Quote from: Prohor on 25-August-13, 22:18:32
    Finally I resolve this problem. After huge search on the net I found that the older firmware versions of many USB 3 storage devices have compatibility issues with the Haswell chipset USB 3 controlers. I updated the firmwares of my W.D. external drives and the laptop recognized immediately the drives and used them with USB 3 speeds. After one month with this problem I am very dissapointed with MSI support. It isn't possible that I am only one customer with this problem. This informations and solution It should be suggested from the support MSI team on our first contact. The fact that they didn't shows that the MSI support team don't knowing the compatibility issues of their machines hardware. I hope that in the next time will do their job.
    To start off, you're a bit mis-informed.
    This is a users to users forum. We are not paid by MSI. We do this in our free time because we enjoy it.
    Second, did you actually contact MSI support? *WE* here on the forums are not MSI support. I re-read the thread and you have not mentioned anywhere in it that you contacted the actual MSI support team.
    On the rest, thanks for atleast clarifying how you resolved the problem. I did not know this, and I'll do my best to inform other users that have this problem about it as well.

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    I've got an MS-6398E motherboard and in Win2K the Device Manager lists one USB 2.0 root hub and 3 USB root hubs (no numeric designation).
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    Patently something is not right because it seems that I have 12 ports in total on a motherboard that only has 6 to begin with.
    Ideally I would like the 2 devices I currently have plus any future devices to run off the USB 2.0 ports because they're faster.
    So I'm open to suggestions.
    Thanks in advance.

    I just installed my new GNB Max a few hours ago and it uses the same ICH4 southbridge as your board so therfor all the peripherals are the same.
    I also see 6 ports on the USB2.0 hub and 2 on each of the other ones.
    Looks normal to me since they all seem to work.

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  • I plugged in my ipod and now i get the error message: Because a USB device was drawing too much power from your computer, one or more of your USB devices have been disabled" - i have a MAcBook pro and now my USB ports do not work - can anyone help me ???

    i plugged in my ipod and now i get the error message: Because a USB device was drawing too much power from your computer, one or more of your USB devices have been disabled" - i have a MAcBook pro and now my USB ports do not work - can anyone help me ???

    Sometimes you have to reset the SMC two or three times for it to work, don't know why. I've seen that error message before and 100% of the time it was fixed with an SMC reset. I suppose it's possible that your keyboard or mouse IS drawing too much power, do you have access to another you could try?

  • 2nd generation ipod shuffle not recognized by usb 3.0 port, 2nd generation ipod shuffle not recognized by usb 3.0 port

    My 2nd generation ipod shuffle will not connect to any usb 3.0 port.  I've tried on to computers -- one Windows XP and the other Windows 7.  Any ideas?

    I had the same issue with my Late 2009 Mac mini running Mavericks and iTunes 12. When I connected my 2nd generation iPod shuffle it would blink amber once then do nothing. This seems to be a common problem with the iPod shuffle and newer versions of Mac OS X (10.6 and up) and iTunes albeit with somewhat varying symptoms but the same overall problem syncing the iPod with iTunes.
    The predominant go-to solution is to give the iPod more power by either connecting the iPod directly to a USB port on the Mac or by disconnecting all other USB devices. On paper this makes sense.
    What worked for me, however, was the opposite. After trying to solve this problem for hours (weeks, months), I had success ONLY after adding a low-powered 4-port USB hub to the chain between the iPod and the Mac. I suspect this had the effect of throttling the power supplied to the iPod from the Mac. I was able to perform a restore on the iPod then sync my music over.
    I can't tell you much about the USB hub except that it is running at USB 1.1 speeds (12 Mb/sec). In theory a USB 1.1 extension cable should also do the trick. You might even be able to use the USB hub in old wired Apple USB keyboard. I will attach a photo of the hub I used to this post for greater clarity.
    I really hope this helps.

  • How do I speed up my USB 3.0 port

    I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.  I am getting messages to the effect that my mass storage device will perform faster if I configure my USB 3.0 port.  How can I speed up my USB 3.0 port

    The picture is not visible yet, but do you have this driver installed?
    Install this driver and reboot. If that does not work try uninstalling drivers for each usb device and reboot to let the driver reinstall.

  • Z87-G45 and SOME USB 3.0 ports not appearing in tray/prompting to eject

    The 2 lowest USB 3.0 ports on the back panel (Nearest the sound connectors) of my G45 have a weird issue under Win 7 Ultimate. When I plug in a 2.0 drive into those ports, everything is normal i.e. the eject icon and eject warning appear in the tray as usual. However, when I plug in 3.0 drives, no icon or warning appear, but they're fully accessible through explorer etc. USBView reports they're running at full speed, so they're being identified correctly. These 3.0 drives have all the proper messages/icons in all the other ports, including the 2.0 ports where it even warns me that it can perform faster in a 3.0 port. I've tried all the older/latest drivers from Intel and MSI. And ideas or suggestions? Just trying to figure out if my board has a problem or not. Thanks!

    Do you just mean they aren't treated as removable drives?
    There was an issue that was resolved via bios update similar to this.
    Might want to try upgrading to the latest.

  • USB 3.0 ports not working in Pavilion G6 2144tx

    I purchased my G6 in April of last year and connected up my external hard drive (which does have USB 3.0 support) to it. For the first couple of months, it worked perfectly. Though around September of last year it encountered a problem wherein the laptop itself wouldn't start. Upon handing it over to the HP service centre in my country, they said it was a motherboard issue.
    After getting it back, my hard drive no longer responds when connected to any one of the two USB 3.0 ports available, but works fine when connected to the USB 2.0 port and even when connected to the USB 2.0 hub that I have attached to that port.
    I have tried updating my USB drivers and after clicking "scan for hardware changes" it finds a device that needs a new driver. Upon trying to install the new driver, however, it encounters an error. It records the device as "Unknown Device" and places it under "Other Devices".
    Here is a screenshot of what I described above:
    I don't know what else I can do to resolve this. If it is a driver issue, I would appreciate it if you could direct me to the correct driver that I can use to fix this issue. I am currently experiencing very slow copy speeds between my computer and external drive (around 500KB/s to 2MB/s) and would very much like to go back to using my USB 3.0 port.
    Thanks in advance for all the help.

    Thank you for your response. I am tempted to believe a driver conflict is at fault, especially since Device Manager shows an unknown device. I believe you should commence troubleshooting by installing the correct drivers, based on the computer's current specifications. For more information on how to do this, please reference this HP document: Downloading or Updating Software and Drivers for HP Computers
    If you are unable to resolve the issue, I would personally contact HP Phone Support. Since this defect occurred after the computer returned from servicing, they are responsible for it, and they will address the issue. However, this is assuming you are in warranty. If you do not have this information, you can locate it at this website: HP Warranty Check
    You can utilize this website to learn how to contact HP appropriately, based on your region: Contact HP Worldwide
    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. I'm only here to help!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • Thinkpad 8 USB 3.0 port = getting USB 2.0 speeds

    I have (2) Thinkpad 8 devices (one for work and one for home) and both are NOT getting USB 3.0 connectivity when connected to a USB 3.0 device. 
    under device info (in the Charms menu), it says
    "device can perform faster when connected to USB 3.0". 
    That means for whatever reason, the system is NOT seeing a USB 3.0 connected and is dumbing the speed down to USB 2.0.  That is a big big big deal.  At least for me. 
    I'm not sure what the solve is here, but I have tried reinstalling windows (fail), downloading drivers from the Intel site (failed to work for me) and have tried uninstalling the USB drivers and having windows reinstall the drivers (failed for me). 
    I looked at the USB tree viewer and it shows my device's bus speed is USB 2.0 (the device itself is certified USB 3.0 and I have checked the device in another laptop with USB 3.0 and it works like it should). 
    I am UNABLE to get speeds about 30 - 35 mb/s which is the upper limit of the USB 2.0 spec. 
    Is this a warranty issue?  I think so. 
    Can anyone from Lenovo help???
    Go to Solution.

    Can you kindly take a look at my post here:
    This is a very big discovery and I think it affects ALL TP8 owners.  I have confirmed with at least ONE more person in another forum that they too are NOT seeing any USB 3.0 connectivity.  I own two of these TP8s and I am not happy that the tablets do not support USB 3.0 straight out of the box.  It appears to be a hardware issue (or maybe it's just firmware).  I have reinstalled the drivers multiple times but to no avail.  The drivers appear to be correct.  It just will NOT connect at USB 3.0 speeds due to the HOST (i.e. the tablet) not supporting USB 3.0

  • USB port does not work properly on Tecra M3

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    It has 2 USB ports. Awhile back the USB ports refused to recognise any non-driver USB memory sticks (I do not have any driver required sticks to try).
    Recently I've had to re-install my Siemens ADSL modem, driver etc. which runs via USB cable - LAN connection 2 then WAN miniport. And this is now causing a problem.
    1. the Modem LED tells me that it has power (it's a non-powered modem - Siemens C100-1)
    2. the link LED holds for about 10 minutes (whilst I'm online) then turns-off (although the properties of the connections tell me that they are still connected)
    3. other hardware - printer etc which is powered runs through the USBs OK.
    4. the modem seems to be working ok because I can use it with an iBook without problems.
    Could this be a USB driver problem? How do I find out? If so how can I fix it?

    Thanks for the notes - you're probably right with your suggestions, I've only just read your reply.
    In the meantime I didn't have the patience so after much blood, sweat and tears - I re-installed XP.
    The support team suggestion I updated my Wireless LAN driver, which seemed a little strange because I have never used any wireless device and didn't mention I ever had a problem with it in my initial problem!!
    I'm going to back to a Mac when this Tecra is outdated :)

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