USB 6259 support?

Is the USB version of the M series 6259 supported by the MH DDK?  The FAQ says that the PCI ansd PXI versions of M series boards are supported, but gives no information regarding the USB version.
Steve C.

USB communication is not currently supported by the MHDDK.  The method of communication is completely different than PCI/PXI.  Can you tell me more about your application and why you want to use USB?  Why are you wanting to use the MHDDK?

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  • Using USB-6259 with LABVIEW 8.0

    I currently have Labview 8.0 and am trying to use the USB-6259 DAQ device.  When trying to install the device I am told that the driver cannot be found.  I have looked through the knowledge base, forums, and reference this document: Device Drivers
    I have downloaded DAQ-MX 8.8 has shown by the previous link, but that version of DAQ-MX does not support Labview 8.0.  I am hoping someone knows a way I can make my version of Labview and this device work together.
    Thank you in advance...

    This is the document you are looking for:
    NI-DAQ & LabVIEW Version Compatibility (for Windows)
    And, you will find the drivers over here:
    Drivers and Updates
    Adnan Zafar
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Coleman Technologies

  • Generate pulse frequency with usb-6259 on matlab

    I would like to create a pulse with the ni usb-6259 counter via Matlab (R2007b). As Matlab Data Acquisition Toolbox dosen't support the access to the counter/timer of the 6259, I call 'DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanFreq' from the library. However, it returns a negative status indicating that the channel was not created. Can someone tell me why I have a negative status?
    Here is the code:
    % %load libraries nicaiu.dll,nidaqmx.h if not loaded
    if ~libisloaded('myni')
    disp('Matlab: Load nicaiu.dll')
    funclist = loadlibrary('nicaiu.dll', ...
    'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include\nidaqmx.h', ...
    'alias', ...
    'myni' );
    disp('Matlab: dll loaded')
    % Counter must be driven and read through 'c' function calls
    % Define variable for taskhandle
    taskh1 = uint32(1);
    % Create task
    [a,b,taskh1] = calllib('myni', 'DAQmxCreateTask', 'master', taskh1);
    % Create channel name for counter input edge count
    taskchans1 = ['Dev1/ctr0'];
    %define required properties for pattern generation
    DAQmx_Val_Hz = 10373; % a pre-scaled unit (aka DEFINE)
    DAQmx_Val_Low = 10214; % resting state, pre-define unit
    initialDelay = 0; % sec
    freq = 16000; % Hz
    dutyCycle = 0.5; % width / period. This ratio, combined with frequency, determines pulse width and intervals
    % Create channel: specify duty cycle and frequency
    nStatus = calllib('myni', 'DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanFreq',...
    uint32(taskh1), taskchans1, '', DAQmx_Val_Hz, DAQmx_Val_Low, initialDelay, freq, dutyCycle);
    if nStatus == 0 % channel created successfully
    elseif nStatus < 0 % error: channel not created
    elseif nStatus > 0 % channel created with warning

    Thanks Peter!
    It indeed proved useful, thanks to the last comment (slastuka p.10).
    It seems that the input and output type depend on NIDAQmx version.
    Here is the code (that works for me), in case help someone else:
    clear all, close all
    if ~libisloaded('myni')
    disp('Matlab: Load nicaiu.dll')
    loadlibrary('nicaiu.dll', ...
    'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include\nidaqmx.h', ...
    'alias', ...
    disp('Matlab: dll loaded')
    % libfunctionsview('myni')
    % Counter must be driven and read through 'c' function calls
    % Define variable for taskhandle
    Taskh1 = [];
    % Create task
    [a,b,Taskh1] = calllib('myni', 'DAQmxCreateTask', 'Counter', Taskh1);
    Taskh1 = libpointer('voidPtrPtr',Taskh1);
    % Create channel name for counter input edge count
    Taskchans1 = libpointer('cstring','Dev1/ctr0');%Counter name
    NameChan = libpointer('cstring','');%Channel name
    %define required properties for pattern generation
    DAQmx_Val_Hz = int32(10373); % Units: Hz <-> 10373
    DAQmx_Val_Low = int32(10214); % Resting state: Low <-> Terminal is at a low state at rest. Pulses move the terminal to a high state.
    InitialDelay = 0; % Delay (sec) from the start call to the beginning of the pulse train ; this is currently set to 0.0 by default.
    Freq = 16000; % Hz
    DutyCycle = 0.5; % width / period. This ratio, combined with frequency, determines pulse width and intervals
    % Create channel: specify duty cycle and frequency
    nStatus = calllib('myni', 'DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanFreq',...
    Taskh1, Taskchans1, NameChan, DAQmx_Val_Hz, DAQmx_Val_Low, InitialDelay, Freq, DutyCycle);
    if nStatus == 0 % channel created successfully
    elseif nStatus < 0 % error: channel not created
    elseif nStatus > 0 % channel created with warning
     I don't know for the following, but at least I can create the channel.

  • Connect usb 6259

    i need to connect ni usb 6259 with the network analyzer and i don't even know what are the programs i need for this. is there any way i can test if the niusb 6259 is working or not.  your comment will be highly appreciated.
     thank you

    I wish you were consistent. Now you are saying that you have a signal generator and not a network analyzer. Are you really sure of what instruments you have?
    For the 33250A, there is an instrument driver here. You will obviously need to connect the instrument to the pc in some manner. The instrument supports GPIB, Ethernet, USB, and RS-232. You need to find out what interface the actual instrument has. If it's only GPIB, you would need a GPIB controller for the pc. For information on what a driver is and how to use one, check the links on the Instrument Driver Network page.
    I already mentioned that you use DAQmx functions to control/read the DAQ card. See the DAQmx Getting Started page for explanations of waht DAQmx is and how you use it for NI DAQ cards.
    For learning LabVIEW basics, see these tutorials. There other training resources available.
    You have not mentioned the type of analysis you need to do. If you have trouble, you need to provide these details. And why do you continue to not provide the details that have been constantly asked for? Whether or not you understand LabVIEW, you need to be able to do a technical description of your task. That's a basic skill that you need to have.

  • SignalExpress and the usb-6259

    We are trying to use SignalExpress and the USB-6259 to generate digital outputs without success. Do all the digital I/O lines on this module require an external sample clock to work correctly. Any information would be appreciated

    Hello Greenies
    Thank you for your posts, as I have said on your other message, I hope it is ok for me to contact you on just the one page as it saves repeating ourselves. I would also like to mention that in future it is better to post on one board so that other users can search discussions with more ease.
    As I understand you have queries regarding the digital I/O of the USB 6259, I firstly recommend looking in the manual for your device to see if this is already documented.
    "Each DIO and PFI signal is protected against overvoltage, undervoltage, and overcurrent conditions as well as ESD events. However, you should avoid these fault conditions by following these guidelines:
    • If you configure a PFI or DIO line as an output, do not connect it to any external signal source, ground, or power supply.
    • If you configure a PFI or DIO line as an output, understand the current requirements of the load connected to these signals. Do not exceed the specified current output limits of the DAQ device. NI has several signal conditioning solutions for digital applications requiring high current drive.
    • If you configure a PFI or DIO line as an input, do not drive the line with voltages outside of its normal operating range. The PFI or DIO lines have a smaller operating range than the AI signals.
    • Treat the DAQ device as you would treat any static sensitive device. Always properly ground yourself and the equipment when handling the DAQ device or connecting to it."
    This information was taken from chapter 6 of the manual, there is also information about connecting signals for DIO on page 10 of chapter 6.
    Here are some articles which discuss DIO functionality, these may also help you with your development.
    DIO benchmarks
    Please let me know if your questions are answered in these documents, if you still have outstanding queries, please reply so I can continue to offer you support.
    Stephanie L
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK and Ireland

  • 16 channels of data at 30kHz on the NI USB-6259 - is it possible?

    Hello -- I would like to use the NI USB-6259 for electrophysiology.  My application requires 16 channels of analog input digitized at 30kHz.  This should be possible, as the listed aggregate digitization rate is 1MS/s.  I've however run into several problems, all of which I believe may deal with how memory is handled in LabView (or maybe I'm just programming it wrong).
    First off, if I pull in continuous voltage input using the DAQ assistant (DAQA) from anywhere from 5k to 30k samples at a time -- without any visualization -- things run alright.  I record the data in binary format (TDMS) using the "Write to Measurement File (WTMF)" routine.  However, I notice that the RAM used by LabView creeps up at a steady pace, roughly a megabyte every several seconds.  This makes long-term recording unfeasible.  Is there any way to avoid this?  Basically I just have the DAQA and WTMF in a while loop that was automatically created when I set the acquisition mode to continuous.  
    Secondly, I would like to be able to visualize my data as I record it.  If I set up 16 graphs -- one for each signal -- I need to raise the "Samples to Read" (STR) to 30k to ensure that the "Attempted to read samples that are no longer available" error [-200279].  This is annoying, as it makes the display look jerky, but is probably livable. 
    Now if I choose to display data in 16 charts rather than graphs (charts, as defined in LabView, display a bit of cumulative data along with the real-time signal), the amount of RAM used by LabView increases by several megabytes a second, regardless of whether or not I'm saving the data.  After a short time, I get an "out of memory error".  
    Ideally I would like to be able to display 16 channels of 30kHz analog voltage data and save the data.  As you see I'm having some level of trouble doing either of these things.  Bare minimum requirements for my application would be to pull in the data with an STR of 30k, visualize the data in graphs, and save the data.  Should this be possible in LabView 8.6 or 2009 (I use 8.6, but have tried these steps on the trial version of 2009 as well)?  Even better, I would like to use an STR closer to 5k, and display the data in charts as it's saved.  Should this be possible?
    I'm using a reasonably powerful machine -- 32-bit Windows 7 with 3.24 gigs RAM,  2.4 GHz quad-core, etc.

    I will admit right now that I can't stand any of the "assistants" and never use them.  I don't like to have any part of my code invisible from me.  Therefore, looking at your code gave me a headache.  :-) 
    So, what I did is rewrite your code using the DAQ functions (basically what you'd see if you selected "Open Front Panel" on the DAQ assistant icon).  You can go in and put the DAQ assistant back in if you so desire.  This is just to give you an idea of the approach you should take.  I'm grabbing 15000 points per loop iteration, just because I happen to like 500msec loop rates.  You can tailor this number to your needs.
    I have two parallel loops -- one collects the data and the other displays it on the front panel and writes it to a file.  (I used the "Write waveform to file" function -- you can put your assistant back in there instead if you like.)  The data is passed from the DAQ loop to the display loop using a queue.  I use the "index array" function to select out the individual channels of data for display.  I show 3 channels here, but you can easily expand that to accommodate all 16.  You can also add your filtering, etc.
    I am using a notifier to stop the two loops with a single button, or in case of an error.  If "stop" is pressed, or an error occurs in the DAQ loop, a "T" value is sent to the notifier in the display loop (and that "T" value is used to stop the DAQ loop as well).  That will cause the display loop to receive a "T" value, which will cause it to stop.
    I don't have a 6259 on hand, so I simulated one in MAX.  I didn't have a problem with the processor running at 100% -- on my clunky old laptop here, the processor typically showed ~40-50% usage.
    I've added comments to the code to help you understand what I'm doing here.  I hope this helps!
    P.S.  I have a are you currently stopping your loop?  You have "continuous samples" selected, and no stop button.
    Message Edited by DianeS on 12-30-2009 07:28 PM
    16 channel waveform display and ‏31 KB

  • How do I connect my NI USB-6259 properly to SCXI?

    I have
    a NI USB-6259 DAQ Module
    a SCXI-1001 Chassis
    3 SCXI-1143 8 Channel Low Pass Filter Modules
    a SCXI-1180 Front End Plate
    I use a SH68-68-EPM Cable for Connecting the USB-6259(Connector 0) to a SCXI-1349.
    Is it wise to use another Cable to connect Connector 1 of the USB-6529 to a SCXI-1349 mounted on the same chassis to get parallel operation?
    Can I detect with my USB Module all 24(3x 8 Channel Lowpass) in Single Ended Operation with only one cable?
    Thank you,

    Hi Alex,
    I'm sorry you had to wait for an answer for quite a long time.
    To be honest, I don't really get your question.
    One AI Input for the Cable on the USB 6259 has the range for 16 Signals.
    So you can't send 24 Signals in one cable, as long as you don't add the signals in diferrent frequencies
    and seperate them afterwards programatically..
    But if you just want to get the Signal in the normal way you would need 2 cables for that.

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    In my macbookpro airport showing as uninstalled.  How do I install and will belkin wireless USB adaptor support in macbokpro software version 10.6.8. Where do I download driver for the same

    jeanfromisle-arné wrote:
    I'm new to MacBook Pro.
    My system is Mac OS X v.10.6.8.
    I used to work on my 3000 photos with GIMP on a P.C, but since I had a breakdown, I would like to carry on on my Mac as soon as possible.
    Figuring out unaided a new OS after a breakdown is the best prescription for another breakdown.
    Before going back to editing your photos, I suggest you need to familiarise yourself with your new OS. Get a book (eg, David Pogue's "Missing Manual…") -- now, that Lion's been out and about for some time, you can probably get the Snow Leopard (aka Mac OS X v10.6) edition at a discount. Take the time to read it and understand it, and you'll spare yourself a mountain of frustration. There are enough similarities between Mac OS X and Windows to fool you into believing almost everything works the same way, when, of course, it doesn't -- many similarities are only skin-deep.
    Once you've done that, you'll be in a better position to install and use GIMP or look for alternatives.
    where do I find the exact version (in french)
    For French issues, you are probably better off checking the forums on MacBidouille or MacGeneration.

  • Questions around calibration for USB-6259

    would like to do current measurements  with the NI USB-6289 and NI USB-6259. I have several different boards to measure with low resistance resistors on them.
    In my
    understanding there are three calibration processes:
    1) One done
    by NI every two year
    2) The automated
    self calibration process done in the measurement and automation explorer.
    3) And the
    setup calibration done in the DAQ assistant where you must specify the
    range used and calibrate the setup at several operating points.
    Can we
    record the current calibration 3) into a file and reload it afterward by selecting the file with labview? (The
    goal is to have one calibration file per device I want to measure)
    Do we/can we
    calibrate 3) for every range?
    I am
    not clear how to link the product specification accuracy with the DAQ
    assistant calibration process: For instance what is the current drain
    accuracy when using the 0.1V -01.V range and using a 1% 0.1ohm resistor
    before and after DAQ assistant calibration? (same question for both NI USB-6289 and NI USB-6259).
    Thanks in advance for your help
    Best regards,

    I'm not an expert in calibration, but in regard to what you are trying to do I think you should take a look at this soft : Claibration Executive which allows you to manage calibration files.
    Richard Keromen
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Découvrez, en vidéo, les innovations technologiques réalisées en éco-conception

  • Error - 200609 USB 6259

    Hola estoy construyendo un VI para probar una planta lo importante es que yo necesito hacer un control PID para ello utilizo la DAQ USB-6259 en Labview 8.2 para Windows XP pero no me sale siempre me manda error 200609 o otros tengo el problema con tamaños de bufer que segun eso es pero no entiendo nada ya me arte, bueno  yo quiero usar la DAQ en modo Continuo y tengo usando dos asistentes para in y out como le puedo hacer para que ya pueda ver mis datos.y que tantas muestras y frecuencia debo de poner por que ya probe con muchos valores y nada
    Attachments: ‏158 KB

    Que tal Daniel;
    El error 200609 normalmente sucede cuando el tamaño del buffer creado es muy pequeño, puedes realizar cambios programáticos en el buffer con los VIs avanzados de DAQ, te envío la liga a un documento que explica más a fondo como utilizarlo.
    Espero que la información te sea de ayuda.
    Francisco Arellano
    National Instruments Mexico
    Field Systems Engineer - Energy Segment

  • Data aqusition of Vac with usb-6259

    1.I am having problems with meaqsuring AC signal 400 hz. THe reading is juping all the time. When I conect a normal voltmeter every thing is ok.
    2. I am having problem with reading of data flow from rvdt again the same problem. How can I buld a software signal conditioner or I need hardware one
    our device is usb-6259.
    Attachments: ‏2995 KB

    Comparing DAQ readings with a meter can be tricky for a lot of reasons. To begin with, what is your sample rate and period? Because the signal you're reading is an AC source it's level is constantly varying (at a 400 Hz rate ).  Hence, you need to sample enough of a waveform that you can calculate the appropriate AC parameter (peak-to-peak, RMS, or what have you).
    Also remember that meters always have a certain amount of built-in hysteresis or dampening to make the output easier to read.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • USB Boot support for K7N420 Pro???

    Would it be possible for the BIOS release to include USB Boot support?
    This way you could use a lot of bootable USB peripherals (USB Flash DIsk for example) and you wouldn't need your FDD anymore.
    Can this be done?
    Best regards,

    newer boards have begun to incorporate this bios feature.

  • Le nom des ports de Ni USB-6259 afin de les implémenter en Cpp

    bonjour je veux bien savoir le nom des Port Ni USB-6259 afin de parvenir à manipuler le materiel à l'aide de  Programme en Langage C++. Merci de me répondre dans le plus bref des délais.

    Alors déjà moi je n'ai mis aucun exemple, donc peux-tu me donner un lien, ou un fichier de l'exemple dont tu parles?
    Ensuite, si ton exemple est fait pour du GPIB comme ton commentaire semble l'indiquer, tu es mal parti car l'USB-6259 est une carte d'acquisition DAQmx, elle n'utilise donc pas la communicaion GPIB, mais directement l'accès aux voies par les fonctionnalités du driver DAQmx.
    Dis-nous quel est ton exemple, où le trouver, ou ce que tu cherches à faire et on pourra peut-être t'aider.
    Sinon, tu vas dans le menu démarrer>>Tous les programmes>>National Instruments>>NI-DAQ. Tu y trouveras des guides d'utilisation du matériel USB, des guides pour comprendre ce qu'est le DAQ, et un guide pour le DAQ en langage textuel. Bonne lecture.
    Olivier L. | Certified LabVIEW Developer

  • Audio / Sound Card not working after Soundblaster.USB.Audio.Support.pkg

    Ok, first - confess - it was stupid. I installed the Soundblaster.USB.Audio.Support.pkg package, which i downloaded from the internet, to make the harman Kardon Soundsticks (USB-Version) working, as nothing happened when plugging them in.
    First, it ruined the mouse working after reboot and also disabled the internal sound card, not even as device available anymore. I fixed the mouse problem by installing IOUSBFamily-281.4.0-log(PPC).dmg
    How can I make the sound card be available and working again ? I also updated to 10.4.11. Did not help ! Can you ? Thanks !

    Welcome to the Apple discussions.
    First, look in system preferences, accounts, and for your login account look at login items to see if there is a Soundblaster USB module that is loaded when you reboot your system. Delete it if there is one.
    If you updated to 10.4.11 by software update, download the combo update from eppc.html . The combo update is a complete update for all updates to 10.4, and installing the combo sometimes fixes odd things.

  • Download usb printing support

    OK I have unfortunatly have windows 8.1 only because my old computer crashed and was forced to buy it. I hate it for my desktop. Aside from it having to restart IE all the time I am suddenly having problems with my printer. I have a HP Laserjet 1100.  Yes its old but it prints wonderfully. People think I must own an expensive printer when they see the copies. Anyway, the last time I printed on my computer was in October of 2014 and it printed fine. Suddenly it won't print now. I tried removing and reinstalling to no avail. I Dled the HP print and scan doctor. It said the drivers were installed but that I needed to click the Get Installer button to DLed the USB printing support.  I was expecting it to take me to a page where I could read a disclaimer and click a DL button but instead it to me to the main DL center page. So I did a search for USB printing support and tried DLing a couple different things but DR still says I need to DL the USB printing support. Can someone please get me off this ride.  Thank you!

    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    I am not a Laser Printer Expert;  I could possibly be wrong about this:
    I do not see an answer that contradicts that you have already found:  There is not a solution for Windows 8.1 for this vintage Printer.
    I spent some time looking at the Windows 7 solution and even for that OS the possibilities are severely limited -- the scan features are stripped and much of the printer's functionality are no longer available.  I would not recommend something so radical as downgrading to Windows 7 as a means to save the Printer.  You could print, maybe, after a bit of work -- but the functionality is gone.
    It might be time to consider an printer upgrade.   Sigh.  There are some good choices in new Laser Printers if you decide to give one of them a chance.
    Good Luck.
    HP LaserJet 1100 Printer
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to show you appreciate the help.
    Click Accept as Solution when the Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

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