User Responsible Field when saving PM Notification

I'm trying to use exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_020 contained in enhancement QQMA0014 to perform some checks upon saving a PM Notification.
Does anyone know what field is passed into this exit for the "User Responsible" (RQM02-PARNR_VERA)? I need to check this field has been filled in the Notification Header upon saving.
I can't see the value in this field in any of the tables/structures passed into the exit.
Help is appreciated!

Thank you!!!! That solved the problem, the "User Responsible" is returned from that function even when the Notification has not yet been saved to the database.
Thanks! I have awarded points.

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    Hi Catherine,
    In KOK5 transaction (Master Data List for Orders), you can create a selection variant (with a chosen name of yourself) and define the User Responsible there.
    Let me know if this tip helps you.
    Kind Regards,

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    Regards Andy

    Hi Paul,
    you got the point - as long as you have always the udf screens open the count is the same !
    no need to say sorry
    iam relaxed - i have a EURO 08 livestream open
    lg David

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    I know but you can try to use the field-symbols
    WI_AUFK-FIELD1 = ....
    WI_AUFK-FIELD2 = ....
    So you're looking for the name of the program and the structure.
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    WI_AUFK-FIELD2 = ....

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    Thanks, everyone for your replies. Perhaps I did not explain this clearly.
    This change I experienced has nothing to do with Windows Explorer settings.
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    i_vrgng    = 'PMM2',
    i_spras    = 'FR',
    i_commit = 'X'
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    the problem with your issue is that none of use can reproduce that phenomenon, since none of use has that combination of primal release/support package level at hand any longer (at least i think so). so there's only two options left to you:
    first: update this special application until the problem goes away - do so by adding note after note on the very subject, like the one i mentioned plus [905924|] plus [662484|] and stop only when you hit one that is not implementable using SNOTE but only by implementing a support-package -> this will obviously be the point where you're stuck then.
    (and yes - for the sake of rob burbank: there are several other ways to implement corrections aside from SNOTE).
    second: open a call with SAP. mind you, this might become a lenghty one since they will also give you note after note ...
    as i said, i'm pretty sure no one in here can help you doing a proper analysis anymore (but maybe i'm wrong).
    anyone - any other (better) suggestions?

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               Check the below :
    QQMA0001 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Notification Header
    QQMA0008 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Notif. Item
    QQMA0010 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Cause
    QQMA0011 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Task
    QQMA0012 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Activity
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    Yes your are looking at the correct sap note.
    Things look pretty straight forward in the notes documentation.
    1)Extend the VBKRED structure with the fields you want.
    2)Populate thse values in the user exit in program DBKMVF02 in FORM routine USER_EXIT_FUELLEN_XVBKRED.
    For extending a standard structure you need to create a zstructuree in se11 first and then append it to the standard structure.
    In your case you need to  extend VBKRED_EX1 structure rather than VBKRED.

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    could you help me .

    Hi Ravi
    if it is a document header  level
    oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm
                oItem = oForm.Items.Item("uf_id")
                oEdit = oItem.Specific
                oEdit.Value = "value"
    it is a document row level
    oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm
            oItem = oForm.Items.Item("38")
            POMat = oItem.Specific
    POMat.Columns.Item("UF_id").Cells.Item(i).Specific.value ="value"
    try this it will workout

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    ex. Incident Report
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    So let's say you have the following fields in your file:
    You can then add this code to the file's WillSave action (under Tools - JavaScript - Set Document Actions):
    var newFileName = this.getField("Incident_Report").valueAsString + "_" + this.getField("ClientsName").valueAsString + "_" + this.getField("Date").valueAsString + ".pdf";
    app.response("Please copy the text below and use it as the new file-name:","", newFileName)
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    If I could force the action of printing as a pdf (rather than saving as a pdf) on submission I think that would solve the issue. The script for most of the forms in the library is, "0", ( -1).toString(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); and I am not aware of a way to force the print to only be to the pdf print driver.

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