Using Airtunes after extending my network

I have bought an AX to extend my network also using my Airport Extreme base station. I have connected my Powerbook G4 and my iBook G4 using a Netgear DG834 v2 modem. My problem is that when I try to set the AX to use airtunes it won't connect. I can get airtunes to work if I set up the AX separately from my original wireless network. How can I have both the AX extending my original network AND so that it enables airtunes to work. I just can't do it.

It really makes no sense to upgrade to the AirPort Extreme "n" version and keep the older "g" version AirPort Express because you will still have to configure the new AirPort Extreme to work in a WDS setup.
WDS operates only at "g" wireless speeds, so you will lose any advantage of having a newer AirPort Extreme. It will perform the same as your old AirPort Extreme in this regard.
If you upgrade to new "n" versions of both the Extreme and Express, you can use Apple's "Extend a wireless network" feature....Not WDS....and you will have much faster speeds and much higher performance on the network.

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    eMac   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    1. If it is at all possible to make a roaming network with my current equipment.
    You need to connect the graphite AirPort base station (ABS) to the D-Link via Ethernet. Then configure the graphite ABS so that it:
    is not distributing IP addresses
    bridges to Ethernet
    uses the same network name (SSID), encryption level, and encryption password
    uses a different channel than the D-Link. Try to set them 3 or more apart.

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    I would recommend that you configure your extended network by first placing the Express in the same room as the Extreme. Once the extended configuration is verified, you can take the Express to the desired location.
    The key to extending a wireless network with decent overall bandwidth performance is the proper placement of the extending base station. Please check out the following AirPort User Tip for details.

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    I wasn't able to figure out how to set up the roaming network.
    It is the same thing that you have set up now except you use the same wireless network name, same security settings and password as the "main" router and make sure that Bridge Mode is being used.
    We can easily troubleshoot this if you want.
    Now I'm just wondering if I could have done the same thing with the cheaper express base station?
    You could, but it would not be dual band operation like you have now, and no more than 10 wireless clients would be able to connect to the AirPort Express. You also have available Ethernet ports on the AirPort Extreme in case you need to connect a device that way. In addition, the Extreme has a much better Wi-Fi antenna than the Express.

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    I am using a PowerBook G4 Titanium with the original airport card (i.e., b, not Airport Extreme). Everything else on my WDS is Airport Extreme, including my main base station and one remote base station.
    I initially could not get the drop outs to go away. But now have it working as follows:
    All base stations set to b only.
    Interference robustness turned on (all).
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    128 bit WEP (all).
    Multicast rate 1 (I have tried to set it to 2, the default, but seems to slip back to 1 without my doing anything).
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    I am going to tinker with trying to use the AX to extend my network and add it as a remote, but for now Airtunes works GREAT, with no dropouts at all.

  • Extending wireless networks

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    Can i extend the bt network with the airport and then extend it again with the express?
    If so please tell me what settings because I have a brian ache.
    Thanks so much in advance.

    Not wirelessly.
    Since the BT router isn't compatible with Apple's WDS you can't use the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) nor the AirPort Express (AX) to wirelessly extend the BT router's network.
    You could connect the AEBS (or AX) via Ethernet to the BT router and then wirelessly use WDS to extend that network with the AX (or AEBS).

  • Extend this network

    How many devices can I use under the extend this network?
    I understand that the base station (Airport Extreme) connected to the modem should we under “Create of a Wireless Network” and “allow this connection to be extended”. The extension device ( Airport Express 1) should be under “extend a wireless network”.
    Can I extend from the extension device? i.e. Can I place another Airport Express (2) that connects to Airport Express 1?
    How many devices could I extend?
    Currently I have a WDS network, but I believe I’m loosing bandwidth.

    From Apple's 'Designing AirPort Extreme Networks' pdf:
    A main base station is connected to the Internet and shares its connection with remote
    and relay base stations. A remote base station shares the main base station’s Internet
    connection. A relay base station shares the main base station’s Internet connection and
    transfers the connection to other remote or relay base stations.
    All three base station configurations (main, remote, and relay) can also share the main
    base station’s Internet connection with client computers wirelessly, or with Ethernet if
    the client computers are connected to the base station or Ethernet.
    I do not know the number of relay base stations that may exist in a chain but since a Relay base station can transfer its connection to other relay base stations, then you do know that at least 2 relay base stations can be involved which would then allow you the distance of 4 base stations in your network.

  • Extending a network - "Join network" or "participate in WDS"?

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    Or is it? Which is the best approach for extending a network using a 2nd APE - join existing network, or become a WDS remote station?

    To extend the range of your wifi, set up WDS or set it up to 'extend the wireless network'. Setting it to "join a network" just lets the APE join the network like any other wireless device (laptop, phone etc) it doesn't actually extend anything. It does let you use it to stream tunes to it, but it doesn't boost the range. If you set it to 'extend the wireless network' you can get it to boost the signal AND stream music to it. If you use WDS it extends your network by adding a second hotspot to your network. (So say your network name is "network", and you add a WDS point in another room, you'll see "network" and "network 2" as access points)

  • Do i need to use airport express to extend my network to use AirTunes?

    I use an AEBS connected to my cable modem and just bought the Airport Express just to be able to stream my iTunes music to a set of powered speakers conncted to it.
    When I got into Airport Utility, the only options it provides is to Set up a new network, add to an existing network or replace an existing network.
    I just to add to an existing network and it says Airport Express will be used to extend my network.
    Now - is that how it's supposed to work? Does it have to extend my network in order to use Air Tunes? The reason I ask is that I remember reading on the forums that extended your network can slow it down....

    Bob Timmons wrote:
    Version 6.0 will not allow you to configure the Express to "Join a wireless network" if you have another AirPort providing the wireless signal.
    If you want the Express to "join" the network, you will need to download and install the much more functional AirPort Utility 5.6 for Mac OS X Lion , which was available on the same day as AirPort Utility 6.0.
    Apparently, a number of users missed this.
    Suggest that you keep both 5.6 and 6.0 on your Mac and use the one that is most useful.
    That is NOT correct.
    Version 6.0 will allow you to "Join a wireless network" if you have another Airport providing the wireless signal.
    I have an Extreme provinding the wireless network and have 2 Express units Joining the network.
    Here is a screen shot of version 6.0 and the Express settings.
    You must have missed this in your settings.

  • How do I know "Roaming Network" is working with Airport Express and Airport Extreme and should I use extended wireless network for third Express?

    Attempting to eliminate a dead spot in Wifi coverage [and implement AirPlay] have one Airport Extreme 802.11n and two Airport Express 802.11n's.
    The Airport Extreme is of course connected to cable modem and Ethernet switch, and one Airport Express is connected to the Ethernet network. As per instructions for creating a "Roaming Network", Airport Express is set to same SSID, security type, and Password.
    1. How does the client device know which Airport to connect to? In other words, will it switch to the closer WiFi transmitter automatically? The WiFi reception problem is intermittent in the fringe areas so what I do not want it for it to stick with the more distant Airport Extreme in the basement when the Airport Express which is closer will work better.
    2. How can I tell which of the Airports the attached client device is using?
    The third Airport Express will be in a third location - I was planning on using it also for expanding coverage but after reading the warnings about performance suffering when purely using WiFi for the expansion in this location ("Wireless Extended Network" without an ethernet connection) I have figured that the single wired Airport Express will be adequate and will use the third Express to do Airplay only.
    Question: Can I use this second Airport Express to extend the wireless network via "Extended Wireless Network" while the other two are in "Roaming Netowrk" configuration? Without bogging down??

    1. How does the client device know which Airport to connect to?
    The Mac computer will automatically connect to the wireless access point with the strongest signal...which is probably the closest AirPort. An iPhone or iPad may not do this and will tend to stay connected to one AirPort.
    2. How can I tell which of the Airports the attached client device is using?
    On a Mac, open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility. Click on one of AirPorts. In the area to the right, locate the AirPort ID and jot that down. Then do the same for your other AirPort.
    Move your Mac near one of the AirPorts and log on to the wireless. Hold down the option key on the Mac while you click the fan shaped AirPort icon at the top of the screen. Look for the BSSID. That is the AirPort ID of the device to which you are connected.
    If you are close to the "remote" AirPort, and you see the AIrPort ID of the "main" router when you are testing, then you know that the network is not configured correctly.
    Can I use this second Airport Express to extend the wireless network via "Extended Wireless Network" while the other two are in "Roaming Netowrk" configuration? Without bogging down??
    There will be a modest 10-15% bandwidth loss with the "extend" setup, assuming that the Express is located where it can receive a strong wireless signal from the AirPort to which it is associated. You can avoid the bandwidth loss if the Express is also connected via Ethernet as part of the roaming configuration.

  • I was using time capsule to extend a network.  now i want it to be the primary base station.  how do i convert this?

    i was using time capsule to extend a network.  now i want it to be the primary base station.  how do i convert this?

    Thanks for the info. Since this is a cable modem, you will need to fully reset it so that it will associate correctly with the Time Capsule when it is reconnected.
    I don't have the manual for your Ubee model handy, but most modems will reset if you power them down completely. That means pulling the power cord from the back of the device or unplugging from the wall. Leave the modem powered off at least 30 minutes...longer will not hurt a bit.
    Next, perform a Factory Default Reset on the Time Capsule per this document:
    Resetting an AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule FAQ
    After the modem has been powered down and Time Capsule has been reset, connect an Ethernet cable from the modem to the WAN port (circle icon) on the Time Capsule.
    Power up the modem and let it run for 2-3 minutes by itself
    Then power up the Time Capsule and let it run a minute or two
    Next, open AirPort Utility and configure the Time Capsule to "Create a wireless network". Let us know what operating system you are using on your Mac or PC if you have additional questions or need more details on this.

  • Help!  Trying to use Airport Express to extend existing network

    Computer Illiterate here. I have an Airport Extreme base station and am connected to the internet. I have been trying to extend my network using an Airport Extreme.
    I previously had the network set up like this, but after my DSL line was cut, and going through several decades of customer service **** with Verizon to get everything back again, I can't get it all to work together (friend did it for me the first time and is now unavailable).
    The problem is that when I open Airport Setup Assistant, it doesn't recognize either the Airport Express or even the Airport Extreme (which is working and I can connect to the internet). In fact there is nothing in the list at all. Reluctant to reset the Airport Extreme because I will then lose my settings I presume. Will I have to create a new network and password and all the rest of it? Barely managed to do that the first time. Anyone have any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? Would really appreciate any help.

    Here is a way to set up a network with more than one router.

  • Using AE to extend network range

    I'm sure this has been asked but since the search is turned off I can't find it.
    I have an Airport Express (older G) that I use for Airtunes. I have a AEBS (n) and a G5 iMac desktop and and a 14" iBook and a black MacBook. Lately the black Macbook airport signal has become flacky at best often dropping off completely. I think the card might be going south as the other two computers work fine. I'm wondering if I could use the AE to extend the network and still allow to stream Airtunes. I can't seem to find anything that either forbids or allows this.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I just got off the phone with AppleCare. I've got a similar setup. iMac 24" serving as the iTunes Library hub, connected to the Airport Extreme. I've got a MacBook AppleTV and an iPodTouch. I have PC speakers hooked up to the AppleTV and can choose to turn these speakers on through iTunes. Recently upgraded to the 2.0 software for my iPodTouch and downloaded the Remote app.
    So, now I purchased an Airport Express to put upstairs in the bedroom to connect with my Altec Lansing inMotion iM600 speakers. I setup the Airport Express and the light is green. I've connected my speakers and switched the source to Aux....all I get is static.
    Apple Care told gave me three things to try.
    Click the extend this network on you AEBS.
    Make sure Airport is on for my main iMac (this part doesn't make sense since because you would think the signal from my iMac is being transmitted via the Ethernet cable connected to the AEBS and then broadcast to the AE.
    Bottom line, I think it will support both. Streaming music and extending your range.
    Good luck,

  • Adding a 2nd Airport Express to extend the network using WDS

    I am a bit of a novice, but after I installed an airport express with my d-link wireless router to play itunes on my home stero, the music kept breaking up and stopping. I tried to change the channel, but it said mine was set on automatic and I cannot figure out how to change manually.
    So reading apple's suggestions, they said to get another aiport express and extend the network with WDS. I purchased my 2nd express today and have been trying to install it using the airport express assistant. I have had to reset the 2nd express and the original several times. However, what i keep running into is after it gets through all the steps, it asks me for a password for "this basestation". I have read several help topics and it looks like i need to use "public" for this new airport express. I get through that step and then it gives me an unknown error (-6753). Does anyone know what this is? Or is there a way to set-up the 2nd airport express manually? Do I even need a 2nd one? Should I just get an airport extreme? Will that extend the range of my wireless network? Any help is greatly appreciated. I have been at this for about 6 hours now. My wife is going to kill me.

    Will the manual for D-Link describe how to set up the
    first airport express as a roaming network
    do that via the apple settings once its connected via
    ethernet cable?
    Different channel.
    Same network name, same security.
    Ensure that distribute IP addresses (under Network) is unchecked.
    When this is done, will I still be able to play
    itunes through the first airport express?
    Also, then once I do that with the first, then do I
    just do the regular set-up for the second as a
    network extender via the airport express assistant?

  • Extending an Network Using Powerlines & Airport Express

    Apologies for the rather long winded question - however I am hoping that there is a fairly simple response.
    I have just moved into a new house with very thick walls. The wifi signal (from a BT HomeHub (2??)) router makes it around the majority of the house - except the dining room where we plan on using the macbook the most.
    I thought i could solve this problem by buying a Belkin Powerline and an Airport Express. The ultimate aim is to use the Airport Express both as Airtunes device and also as a device to extend the wireless network in the dining room.
    My current set up therefore is the phone line connected to the BT router; router connected to the powerline socket via an ethernet cable. In my dining room (where there is no wireless signal) I have the other powerline socket connected to my Airport Express. Having gone through the set up process, Airtunes works well, broadcasting from the mac to my stereo via Airtunes. However it is clear that i am unable to connect to the internet using the mac in my dining room - suggesting that the Airport express is not extending the wifi signal (if i plug the macbook into the powerline socket directly using the ethernet cable then the internet works fine).
    My question therefore is, given the above device set up, how can do i set up my Airport Express so that I can connect to the internet AND use Airtunes in a room that is outside the range of the BT base station, but is connected to the internet via a Powerline?? Ideally the wi-fi signal provided by the Airport Express would be the same as provided by the BT Box so that I can wander round the house picking up whichever source is the strongest. Is this possible??
    thanks in advance and apologies again for the long winded question!
    many thanks

    Hi can someone help me please....... I am new to this and as such couldnt even find out how to post a new thread..... sorry i am not into IT thats why I buy apple cos I dont normally have to think : )
    Here is my issue. I ahve just moved back to the UK and into my old house, I have a BT homehub installed as they were easiest and fastest to get online with, the airpot in my Imac works fine with it and within twenty feet everything esle connects fine too, my issue is my apple tv simply cannot find the network, I have tried extending the range with everything, Belkin etc and then someone suggested airport express. Nothing seems to work but at least airport express tells you why and apparently the why is because my homehub will not let its network be extended ? BT now tell me that this is true !!!! now I am stuck in a contract with BT with a homehub that doesnt reach my apple tv that cannot be extended by airport express ? is this really true or can someone help me please, please . I have read the post above and just want to know if the airport express needs to remain pluggedinto the router via ethernet ?? if so it is unlikely I can have the airport express unit much more than a few feet away from the homehub and if so how will this increase the overall range of the network ? over the existing home hub ? frustratingly my apple tv etc is the furthest possible point away from the hub and with several thick stone walls in the way which is obviously why I am having issues ? making the airport express a repeater in a mid point would be ideal but apparently this is not possible ?

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