Using Amazon S3 with an rsync script

here is what i want to accomplish.
- use carboncopycloner to make backups to local hard disk (one remote located)
- in between my backups to the remote located hard disk, i want to back incremental content from my mac to S3 using a WebDAV client for Amazon S3 (client such as sdDAV)
now what i don't know how to do, is how to write an rsync script which will work off the date carboncopycloner was last run successfully.
i am guessing there are experts here who can write such a script in their sleep. anybody?
thanks in advance!
Message was edited by: msim20

Using rsync to S3 WebDAV disk is not a good idea!
Given that S3 is all or nothing, i.e. if you want to change a file you have to PUT the whole thing again.
Every time a local file has been changed it will uploads the hole new file, not just what has changed. That means that if you are using rsync for doing regular backups you are wasting unnecessary bandwidth.
You can bypass this limitation using 3rd party gateway like:

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    -- Code ends here.
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    Created dir: /Users/chris/**JavaProjects/Netbeans_ImageJ/source/build
    Compiling 292 source files to /Users/chris/**JavaProjects/Netbeans_ImageJ/source/build
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    org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
    /Users/chris/**JavaProjects/Netbeans_ImageJ/source/plugins/ package org.jdesktop.layout does not exist
    org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
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    /Users/chris/**JavaProjects/Netbeans_ImageJ/source/plugins/ package org.jdesktop.layout does not exist
    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    4 errors
    /Users/chris/**JavaProjects/Netbeans_ImageJ/source/build.xml:11: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 6 seconds)
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    <project name="ImageJ" default="run">
      <target name="compile" description="Compile everything.">
          <!-- Copy the swing layout library into dist.lib -->
        <copy file="dist/lib/swing-layout-1.0.3.jar" todir=".." />
        <!-- First, ensure the build directory exists. -->
        <mkdir dir="build" />
        <!-- Build everything; add debug="on" to debug -->
        <javac srcdir="." destdir="build" optimize="on" source="1.4" target="1.4" debug="on">
          <!-- The plugins directory only needs to be
                 present at runtime, not at build time. -->
          <!-- exclude name="plugins/**"/-->
      <target name="build" depends="compile" description="Build ij.jar.">
        <!-- Copy needed files into the build directory. -->
        <copy file="IJ_Props.txt" todir="build" />
        <copy file="images/microscope.gif" tofile="build/microscope.gif" />
        <copy file="images/about.jpg" tofile="build/about.jpg" />
         <copy file="plugins/MacAdapter.class" tofile="build/MacAdapter.class" />
        <copy todir="build/macros"><fileset dir="macros"/></copy>
        <!-- Build ij.jar. -->
        <jar jarfile="ij.jar" basedir="build"
             manifest="MANIFEST.MF" />
      <target name="clean" description="Delete the build files.">
        <delete dir="build" />
        <delete file="ij.jar" />
      <target name="run" depends="build" description="Build and run ImageJ.">
        <copy file="ij.jar" toDir=".." />
        <java maxmemory="640m" jar="ij.jar" fork="yes" />
      <target name="run2" depends="build" description="Build and run ImageJ.">
        <!-- Run in ImageJ directory -->
        <copy file="ij.jar" toDir=".." />
        <java maxmemory="640m" dir=".." jar="ij.jar" fork="yes" />
      <target name="zip" depends="clean" description="Build">
        <zip zipfile="../"
      <target name="javadocs" description="Build the JavaDocs.">
        <delete dir="../api" />
        <mkdir dir="../api" />
               windowtitle="ImageJ API">
       </project>notice I added this line: <copy file="dist/lib/swing-layout-1.0.3.jar" todir=".." />
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    PolarDisplay          ij.jar               swing-layout-1.0.3.jar
    TestFrames          myApp
    api               source
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    I can't imagine how.
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    2. You can schedule Disco workbooks to run and output in different file formats automatically via batch scheduler in Windows running Disco Desktop directly (or can user VBasic).
    3. You can schedule Disco workbooks to run and output in different file formats automatically via a Java program running the Java Command Line interface.
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    If I understand correctly, you're synchronizing two iTunes libraries with rsync, while iTunes is running on the receiver, and it doesn't immediately register the changes. That's the expected behavior. iTunes loads its library file when it starts up, and it doesn't expect the library to change during the session unless it makes the change itself. Copying unchanged files will have no effect on that behavior. rsync has no way of notifying iTunes that the library has changed.
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    hi ,
    i am using h:outputLink Tag to open child window , i am unable to pass parent window text box value to child window with out java script , Here i am using two different backing beans for parent and child windows . Plz help me .

    Hi -- I pass details between pages regularly. The following has worked for me:
    ApplicationFactory factory = (ApplicationFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.APPLICATION_FACTORY);
    ValueBinding binding = factory.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{beanName}");
    BeanName beanProperty = (BeanName) binding.getValue(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
    ... then set the you can set the values. Can't recall if I need to use SaveStates for the items. Probably if you use request scope beans.

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    I'm using a prompt of type "COPYMOVE" or "COPYMOVEINPUT". In this type of prompt, there are 2 columns of dimension members list, one for defining the "source zone" and one for defining the "target zone" of logics.
    The left colum of the prompt (for source zone) feeds the variables %DIMENSION_SET% : %ACCOUNT_SET%, %ENTITY_SET%, %CATEGORY_SET%, etc...and these variables can be used in the logic scripts in *XDIM_MEMBERSET instructions for example.
    The right colum of the prompt feeds the variables %DIMENSION_TO_SET% : %ACCOUNT_TO_SET%, %ENTITY_TO_SET%, %CATEGORY_TO_SET%, etc...and I don't know how to SIMPLY use these variables in the logic scripts.
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    - it is complicated
    - the multi-info instruction (BEGININFO/ENDINFO) seems to be bugged as blank lines are added all the time in the code and sometimes I have to wait for minutes when I try to modifiy the package code through BPC for excel eData/modify package menu.
    So the question is how to SIMPLY get the %DIMENSION_TO_SET% variables into logic scripts and use them ? Thanks, R.
    Here is the tricky package code I use at this time (I build one function for each %DIMENSION_TO_SET% variable and I pass these functions to the logic) :
    TASK(Execute formulas,USER,WS-WW\PlauchuR)
    TASK(Execute formulas,APPSET,US)
    TASK(Execute formulas,APP,SV)
    TASK(Execute formulas,SELECTION,D:\BPC\Data\WebFolders\US\SV\PrivatePublications\PlauchuR\TempFiles\FROM_1561_.TMP)
    TASK(Execute formulas,TOSELECTION,D:\BPC\Data\WebFolders\US\SV\PrivatePublications\PlauchuR\TempFiles\TO_1561_.TMP)
    TASK(Execute formulas,FORMULASCRIPT,%FSS%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,LOGICFILE,D:\BPC\Data\WebFolders\US\SV
    TASK(Execute formulas,RUNMODE,1)
    TASK(Execute formulas,LOGICMODE,1)
    Edited by: ALEXANDRE BEDIER on Jun 16, 2010 3:15 PM

    finally I've discovered that there is no need of BEGININFO instruction.
    One can pass several functions to a logic with one FORMULASCRIPT task. The functions definitions have to be separated by instructions. See below :
    PROMPT(COPYMOVEINPUT,%FTARGETS%,,"select source and target zone for category and datasource.","ACCDETAIL,ACCOUNT,CATEGORY,DATASRC,ENTITY,TIME,YEARS")
    TASK(Execute formulas,USER,%USER%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,APPSET,%APPSET%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,APP,%APP%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,LOGICFILE,%APPPATH%\..\AdminApp\%APP%\_TEST.LGF)
    TASK(Execute formulas,RUNMODE,1)
    TASK(Execute formulas,LOGICMODE,1)
    Then one will be able to use the functions TACCDETAIL, TCATEGORY, TACCOUNT,... in the logic script.
    Edited by: ALEXANDRE BEDIER on Jun 24, 2010 10:31 AM
    Edited by: ALEXANDRE BEDIER on Jun 24, 2010 10:33 AM

  • Runtime-Error after deploying a mapping with the generated script

    For example a very easy scenario:
    1. Create a table and a view in a DB-schema, witch ist registered as WB-target-schema with the following scripts:
    create view v1(c1) as select 'a' c1 from dual;
    create table t1(c1 varchar2(1));
    2. Import the table and the view into a OWB-module
    3. Create a mapping ‘m1’
    4. Drag and drop view and table into the mapping
    5. Draw an arrow from the view-column to the table-column
    6. Save and close the mapping
    7. Mark the mapping in the ‘Design Center’ and klick the ‘Generate’-Button
    8. Save the generated script ‘M1.pls’ to file
    9. Run the script in SQL*Plus, connected with the target-schema (without using the Control Center Manager)
    => very easy right now ;-)
    10. Start the mapping with the following script will produce the following error
    SQL> declare
    2 v_status varchar2(100);
    3 begin
    4 m1.main(v_status);
    5 end;
    6 /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-06512: at "OWB_OWN.WB_RT_MAPAUDIT_UTIL", line 1027
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.M1", line 2048
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    If i delete or comment the four WB_RT_MAPAUDIT_UTIL-calls - it work´s fine!
    But is this a good advise?
    What exactly does the wrapped package ‘WB_RT_MAPAUDIT_UTIL do?

    I just ran into the same problem myself. I used the same technique of saving the generated OWB script to file and then compiling it through sqlplus. When I used the "Deploy" option for the mapping, then the problem went away. So when OWB is deploying the code it seems to be setting something internally that doesn't get set when you simple compile the PL/SQL. I don't know of any workaround to this. I will need it eventually, since I don't want to use the UI to deploy to various test environments and production. Maybe the built-in scripting language is the way to go.

  • My 'run with administrative privileges' script no longer works - help

    Hey all. I have an applescript that shuts down the computer that I made a while back. I pulled it out today to use it and it no longer works. Here's part of the code I'm having trouble with:
    do shell script ¬
    "sudo shutdown -h now" password "myadminpassword" with administrator privileges
    On old machines this worked great, I would just put the admin password where myadminpassword is and it would work perfectly. Now though, I run it on my machine and I get the prompt to enter my admin username and password before it will shutdown.
    Now this is going on a remote install so I need it to work. Any ideas? The machine is running snow leopard, but it seems to still work on an old leopard macbook pro.

    Well, for one, do not use sudo in do shell script.
    The whole 'with administrator privileges' part takes care of elevating your privileges. sudo has no place in do shell script.
    Don't know if that's your issue, but it's the first thing I'd fix.
    If that doesn't help, are you running the script as your admin user?
    Nowhere in your script are you defining the username to run the command as, therefore it will attempt to run as the current user who may not be the same as your admin user, nor have the same password. You might need to include the username:
    do shell script "shutdown -h now" user name "admin" password "myadminpassword" with administrator privileges

  • Using directory alias with a wanboot installation

    I have setup a Jumpstart server and have been using it for a while without issues. Now I want to incorporate wanboot into the process so that I do not need boot servers in each of our subnets. Since the jumpstart directory structure is already in place and I have apache running on the same server, I did not want to have to recreate the whole jumpstart directory structure. So I decided to create an alias in the apache configuration for the jumpstart directory:
    root@swamphenxb:/usr/local/apache2/conf> cat httpd.conf
    # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
    # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
    # documents in the target directory are treated as applications and
    # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the
    # client. The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias
    # directives as to Alias.
    Alias /jumpstart /export/jumpstart
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/"
    <IfModule cgid_module>
    # ScriptSock: On threaded servers, designate the path to the UNIX
    # socket used to communicate with the CGI daemon of mod_cgid.
    #Scriptsock logs/cgisock
    # "/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
    # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
    <Directory "/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    *<Directory /export/jumpstart>*
    AllowOverride None
    Options All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    The wanboot.conf file is located in /etc/netboot and looks with the following information:
    root@swamphenxb:/usr/local/apache2/conf> cat /etc/netboot/wanboot.conf
    # Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Use is subject to license terms.
    # ident "@(#)wanboot.conf.sample 1.2 04/01/30 SMI"
    # wanboot.conf(4): boot configuration file.
    # Please consult wanboot.conf(4) for further information. Note that
    # this interface is "Evolving" as defined by attributes(5).
    # Anything after a '#' is comment. Values may be quoted (e.g. "val").
    # <empty> means there is no value, i.e. null. The absence of any
    # parameter implies that it takes a default value (<empty> unless
    # otherwise specified).
    # <url> is of the form http://... or https://...
    # The path of the bootstrap file (within htdocs) which is served up
    # by wanboot-cgi(bootfile).
    boot_file=/jumpstart/wanboot/wanboot.s10_sparc # <absolute pathname>
    # These are used by wanboot-cgi(bootfile|bootfs|rootfs) to determine
    # whether boot_file or the bootfs is to be sent encrypted/signed, or
    # root_file is to be sent signed; the client must be setup with the
    # corresponding encryption/signature key(s) (which cannot be auto-
    # matically verified).
    # If an encryption_type is specified then a signature_type must also
    # be specified.
    encryption_type= # 3des | aes | <empty>
    signature_type= # sha1 | <empty>
    # This is used by wanboot-cgi(bootfs) and wanboot to determine whether
    # server authentication should be requested during SSL connection
    # setup.
    server_authentication=no # yes | no
    # This is used by wanboot-cgi(bootfs) and wanboot to determine whether
    # client authentication should be requested during SSL connection
    # setup. If client_authentication is "yes", then server_authentication
    # must also be "yes".
    client_authentication=no # yes | no
    # wanboot-cgi(bootfs) will construct a hosts file which resolves any
    # hostnames specified in any of the URLs in the wanboot.conf file,
    # plus those found in certificates, etc. The following parameter
    # may be used to add additional mappings to the hosts file.
    resolve_hosts= # <hostname>[,<hostname>*] | <empty>
    # This is used to specify the URL of wanboot-cgi on the server on which
    # the root_file exists, and used by wanboot to obtain the root server's
    # URL; wanboot substitutes root_file for the pathname part of the URL.
    # If the schema is http://... then the root_file will be signed if there
    # is a non-empty signature_type. If server_authentication is "yes", the
    # schema must be https://...; otherwise it must be http://...
    root_server= # <url> | <empty>
    # This is used by wanboot-cgi(rootfs) to locate the path of the
    # rootfs image (within htdocs) on the root_server.
    root_file=/jumpstart/miniroot/miniroot # <absolute pathname> | <empty>
    # This is used by wanboot to determine the URL of the bootserver
    # (and whether bootlog traffic should be sent using http or https),
    # or whether it should simply be sent to the console.
    boot_logger= # <url> | <empty>
    # This is used by the system startup scripts. If set, it should
    # point to a file that contains name value pairs to be used at
    # start up time. For example, this file may be used to provide
    # install the values for sysidcfg and jumpscfg.
    I have the client configured to boot from the web server and when I attempt to boot, I get the following message:
    {2} ok boot net - install
    Boot device: /pci@9,700000/pci@2/network@0 File and args: - install
    /pci@9,700000/pci@2/network@0: 1000 Mbps full duplex link up
    HTTP: Bad Response: 500 Internal Server Error (boot_file missing)
    Boot load failed
    I am able to see a listing of all the directories and files including the boot_file in my browser. The permissions for the /etc/netboot directory is:
    root@swamphenxb:/etc/netboot> ls -al
    total 26
    drwx------ 3 daemon other 512 Nov 20 13:09 .
    drwxr-xr-x 63 root sys 6144 Nov 2 11:43 ..
    drwx------ 3 daemon other 512 Nov 20 13:10
    -rw------- 1 daemon other 80 Nov 5 17:02 system.conf
    -rw------- 1 daemon other 3331 Nov 2 14:07 wanboot.conf
    It looks like maybe wanboot does not like the alias I am using, but I want to verify that before I move on to plan B. Thanks.
    Chuck Briggs

    Long but this is a copy of my lab configuration files for WAN boot
    0:3:ba:16:99:f5 wgls01
    0:3:ba:14:b9:71 wgls02
    0:3:ba:16:a5:bf wgls03
    0:3:ba:5b:c7:5b wgls04
    0:3:ba:16:9d:31 wgls05
    0:3:ba:e8:65:9 wgls07
    0:3:ba:e8:92:a9 wgls08
    0:3:ba:16:6b:27 wgls09
    0:3:ba:2b:35:c2 wgls10
    0:3:ba:5c:b0:5 wgls11*/etc/bootparams*
    wgls01 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10 boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls02 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_9_2005-09/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot   install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_9_2005-09  boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls03 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10 boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls04 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10 boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls05 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_9_2005-09/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot   install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_9_2005-09  boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls06 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10 boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls07 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10 boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls08 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10 boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls09 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_8_2004-02/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot   install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_8_2004-02  boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192
    wgls10 root=wgls06:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=wgtsinf01:/js/sparc/Solaris_10_2009-10 boottype=:in   rootopts=:rsize=8192*/etc/hosts*
    # Fake prod subnet
    # wgls01
    # wgls02 wgls03 wgls04 wgls05 wgls06 wgls07
    # wgls08
    # wgls09 wgls10Under wgls06:/js/sparc I have many small (~85MB) directories just to load the boot code
    # find /js/sparc/Solaris_10_2008-10
    /js/sparc/Solaris_10_2008-10/Solaris_10/Tools/dialAll OS files are located at wgtsinf01:/js/sparc
    Firewalls should allow the traffic (TFTP)

  • Help with a startup script for monitorix

    How can I deal with a perl script that doesn't acknowledge a query for pidof?
    $ ps aux | grep monitorix
    root 1089 0.0 1.2 16280 6556 ? Ss 09:54 0:00 /usr/bin/monitorix -c /etc/monitorix.conf
    So it's running... but I can't find it with pidof:
    $ pidof /usr/bin/monitorix
    Here is the /etc/rc.d/monitorix I've been using but that doesn't stop the program (since it has no PID).
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    PID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/bin/monitorix`
    MARGS="-c /etc/monitorix.conf"
    case "$1" in
    stat_busy "Starting Monitorix"
    if [ -z "$PID" ]; then
    /usr/bin/monitorix $MARGS
    if [ ! -z "$PID" -o $? -gt 0 ]; then
    PID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/bin/monitorix`
    echo $PID > /var/run/
    add_daemon monitorix
    stat_busy "Stopping Monitorix"
    [ ! -z "$PID" ] && kill $PID &> /dev/null
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
    rm_daemon monitorix
    rm_daemon monitorix
    $0 stop
    sleep 1
    $0 start
    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"

    According to the man page, the -p flag will let you generate a PID file.
    You have a few logical errors in your rc.d script and a syntax error (double else in stop). I've been using a template similar to the below in cleaning up a few of the packages I maintain...
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    if [[ -r $pidfile ]]; then
    read -r PID < "$pidfile"
    if [[ ! -d /proc/$PID ]]; then
    # stale pidfile
    unset PID
    rm -f "$pidfile"
    args=(-c /etc/monitorix.conf -p "$pidfile")
    case "$1" in
    stat_busy "Starting Monitorix"
    if [[ -z $PID ]] && /usr/bin/monitorix "${args[@]}"; then
    add_daemon monitorix
    exit 1
    stat_busy "Stopping Monitorix"
    if [[ $PID ]] && kill $PID &> /dev/null; then
    rm_daemon monitorix
    exit 1
    $0 stop
    sleep 1
    $0 start
    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
    please also fix the PKGBUILD:
    This is not valid, and pacman 4 will not let you declare install as an array.
    Last edited by falconindy (2011-09-25 15:05:02)

  • Text Messaging in Japanese (or other language with non-Roman script)

    Is it possible to send/receive text messages written in non-Roman characters with Verizon? 
    More specifically, I'm using a Droid 2 with Verizon, and I'm trying to text a friend in Japanese.  She has an iPhone (AT&T), and is physically in the U.S. (so I'm not asking about international text messaging).  I've already installed apps on my Droid (e.g. OpenWNN, or Simeji) to input Japanese, which work fine in and of themselves, and the Droid of course displays Japanese text or other languages just fine on the Browser or in E-mails.
    However, I'm having lots of trouble with Text Messaging.  When I send a message containing Japanese text (typed in perfectly fine with OpenWNN or whatever), she either never gets the message, or the text comes out unreadable (as ???????).  Messages with a mix of Roman and non-Roman characters typically show the Roman characters ok, but the non-Roman ones (i.e. Japanese) are garbled.  If she sends me a message containing any non-Roman characters, I generally don't get the message at all (i.e. not even garbled-- just no message at all).   This deficiency seems to be specific to Text Messaging, as far as I can tell.  I can send and receive e-mails containing Japanese just fine, read foreign language web pages, and type in Japanese into search boxes on those web pages and so on with the Droid.  However, sending an e-mail message to (myphone#), predictably, results in any Japanese text being garbled, though Roman characters come through just fine.
    Is this perhaps something specific to Verizon's network?  Or is text messaging in non-Roman scripts just inherently impossible?  My friend says she knows others who can successfully text in non-Roman scripts (e.g. Korean Hangul, Japanese Kana or Kanji), and claims some of these folks are Verizon customers too.  A search on yielded someone who supposedly could text in Korean within Verizon.  So, I'm hoping this is possible, and I'm just missing something. However, this is perhaps all secondhand information and rumor.
    (Incidentally, I know for certain that messaging with non-Roman scripts is possible in general.  During my last vacation in Japan, I rented a phone there, and could send messages in English or Japanese scripts.  However, I believe the phones there actually have their own e-mail addresses, and so the service there is more like regular e-mail-- my understanding is that text messaging as we know it in the U.S. is a distinct technology, though I could well be wrong.)
    So, to restate my question: is it possible to text message with non-Roman scripts with Verizon?  Has anyone out there done this successfully-- if so what did you do, or what app did you use?  Or is it in fact impossible? (e.g. Maybe text messaging here only uses 7 or 8 bits, instead of 14 or 16 needed to encode all the various Asian, European, and other scripts?)
    Thanks for any help available.

    I'm trying to figure this out as well, but my understanding on the matter is that Verizon's CDMA network uses unicode which will display, roman characters, loa, thai, and serveral other languages, but not hirigana, kanji, katakana, or simplified or traditional chinese.  The Romaji should work however.  It would be nice to hear some input from a Verizon rep on the subject, because like you my info is all second hand.
    If my understanding is correct, the simple answer is no, it's not possible.  

  • Can I use watch folders with my network drive in Photoshop elements 10

    Can I use watch folders with my network drive in Photoshop elements 10

    photodrawken a écrit:
    See the tips in this FAQ: ng_Network_Folders
    Beware the FAQ you are referring to is no longer relevant. It does not apply to PSE10
    Hereunder the warning issued by the author himself.
    Photoshop Elements 6/7/8 (Windows) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    John R. Ellis
    Last updated January 21, 2011
    Copyright 2008-10 by John R. Ellis
    As of June 2010 I no longer maintain this FAQ. I’ve migrated to Lightroom 3, which I use for all my organizing and most of my editing (I still use the Photoshop Elements Editor for more involved editing).  Adobe has clearly decided not to invest sufficient resources for properly maintaining the Photoshop Elements Organizer– see my Amazon review of PSE 8. Lightroom is marketed to professionals and prosumers with tens of thousands of photos who demand adequate organizational capabilities, whereas Photoshop Elements is marketed to consumers, most of whom do not want or use the Organizer.
    This page captures my answers to frequent questions about Photoshop Elements 6, 7, and 8 (Windows).  It’s mostly about the Organizer, since I know the Organizer much better than the Editor.
    The versions to which each FAQ applies are indicated with the notation [PSE 6, 7, 8]. If I’m not sure whether something applies to a version, it will be indicated with a question mark, e.g. [PSE 7, 8?].
    If you have corrections or suggestions, please email them to john at

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