Using Haxe with Flash Builder

Has anyone tried this?

You probably created a Flex project - the ActionScript Compiler section will only be there for ActionScript projects. If you want to enable Telemetry for a Flex project, or for an existing swf (without recompiling), see here: nt-enabler/

Similar Messages

  • Apache flex 4.8.0 with flash builder 4.7 beta 1

    Just downloaded the Apache Flex 4.8.0 with their installer application and tried to use it with flash builder 4.7 beta 1.
    I created a new flex project and configured it to use the apache flex 4.8.0.
    Then try to run the project but hundreds of actionscript errors occur.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::UIComponent could not be found.
      at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
              at mx.managers::SystemManager/deferredNextFrame()[/Users/cframpto/dev/master/frameworks/proj ects/framework/src/mx/managers/]
              at mx.managers::SystemManager/preloader_preloaderDocFrameReadyHandler()[/Users/cframpto/dev/ master/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/managers/]
              at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()[/Users/cframpto/dev/master/frameworks/projects/fr amework/src/mx/preloaders/]
              at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
              at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class spark.components.supportClasses::SkinnableComponent could not be found.
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class spark.components::Application could not be found.
    Does anyone had the same issue?

    Hi Crill,
    I don't see any error on creating new projects and running the same.
    Where did you get the installer from?
    What is the framework linkage type? You can check this in project properties -> flex build path. It should be Merged into code for Apache SDK.

  • Workaround for using the latest nightly SDK 4.0 builds with Flash Builder Beta 2

    The latest builds of SDK 4.0 have been updated in preparation for including playerglobal.swc for Flash Player 10.1. Flash Builder Beta 2 can not find playerglobal.swc due to the addition of the {targetPlayerMinorVersion} variable found in the flex-config.xml file.
    When using recent nightly SDKs with Flash Builder Beta 2, please modify them as follows:
    1) Rename the folder <nightly sdk location>/frameworks/libs/player/10.0 to "10"
    2) Edit the file <nightly sdk location>/frameworks/flex-config.xml and remove ".{targetPlayerMinorVersion}" and save
    When you restart Flash Builder, we will now find a correct location for playerglobal.swc, allowing for code hints and many other features to work properly.
    Jason San Jose
    Quality Engineer, Flash Builder

    As people continue to have problems with the nightly SDK 4 builds and Flash Builder Beta 2, please remember to use the workaround described at the top of this thread. Also see ds_with_flash_builder_beta_2.html.
    Jason San Jose
    Quality Engineer, Flash Builder

  • Using flex4.1, Flash Builder giving error "flash.filesystem::StorageVolume could not be found."

    Hi there,
              I'm trying to copy some files to Storage Card on a AIR application. Is this possible with the latest version of the AIR SDK (2.0)?
              I am developing in Flash Builder. I have downloaded the lastest flex sdk(4.1)  and used it.
              Flash Builder then recognises the StorageVolume and StorageVolumeInfo classes. However when I then run the app the debugger throws an error on the following line:
    var volumes:Vector.<StorageVolume> = StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo.getStorageVolumes();
    Note: I have imported both classes as well.

    I'v read the article,
    and checked my application.xml, The content of the first two lines is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <application xmlns="">
    Error message from flash builder debug:
    typecheck Player/getLocalVideo()
      outer-scope = [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ mx.core::FlexSprite$ mx.core::UIComponent$ spark.components.supportClasses::SkinnableComponent$ spark.components.supportClasses::SkinnableContainerBase$ spark.components::SkinnableContainer$ spark.components::Application$ spark.components::WindowedApplication$ Player$]
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} ()
      0:debugfile "D:\My Documents\Adobe Flash Builder 4\LiveVideoClient\OnSiteEnforceLawPublish\src;;Player.mxml"
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} ()
      2:debugline 20
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} (Player[O])
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (null[O])
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (String?[S])
      8:setlocal 5
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (null[O])
      11:coerce mx.collections::ArrayCollection
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O])
      13:setlocal 6
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (null[O])
      16:coerce flash.filesystem::File
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (flash.filesystem::File?[O])
      18:setlocal 7
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (null[O])
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (String?[S])
      22:setlocal 8
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (null[O])
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] *[A] *[A]] {Player[O]} (String?[S])
      26:setlocal 9
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
      78:debugline 23
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} ()
      80:findpropstrict flash.filesystem::StorageVolumeInfo
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} (Object[A])
      82:getproperty flash.filesystem::StorageVolumeInfo
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} (*[A])
      84:getproperty storageVolumeInfo
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} (*[A])
      86:callproperty getStorageVolumes 0
                           [Player[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] String?[S] mx.collections::ArrayCollection?[O] flash.filesystem::File?[O] String?[S] String?[S] *[A]] {Player[O]} (*[A])
      89:coerce __AS3__.vec::Vector
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class flash.filesystem::StorageVolume could not be found.
    at Player/___Player_WindowedApplication1_windowComplete()[D:\My Documents\Adobe Flash Builder 4\LiveVideoClient\OnSiteEnforceLawPublish\src\Player.mxml:4]
    at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core \]
    at spark.components::WindowedApplication/enterFrameHandler()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\ airspark\src\spark\components\]

  • Using papervision in flash builder and getting TypeError: Error #1009: when using object.pitch(5)

    When i use papervision in flash builder and i am doing a test, when i render a sphere using papervision with the following code it renders me the sphere.
    When i add a line sphere.pitch(2);      ||
    i get the following error,
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at PvTest/onRenderTick()[D:\Android 3D\PvTest\src\]
    Can anyone help me figure out the error
    For additional Info, these are the imports i am doing:
    import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Sphere;
    import org.papervision3d.view.BasicView;

    I followed the steps and read some of your comments on the same top topic in another thread. When I put it on the first frame it was okay but the next button on that page had the same problem.  So what I am guessing is that I have to either create a document class or put the actions where the buttons are.  Am I understanding that correctly?  In the other thread in which you helped someone else; there was so comments about document class.  I found a tutorial on it and the way I understand it is that it you can put you actions in an external document.  But you have to include in the event listener the frame in which you want that action to happen.
    Thaks for your help.  And patience.

  • Creating Portfolios with Flash Builder 4.6 and the 4.1a SDK

    I've been following the instructions and tutorials on the creation of Navigators for Acrobat with Flash Builder but it seems to be missing a few steps along the way.
    - When I run the navigator (run as navigator) I get an error "Error: Error #2067: The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime."
    - Once dismissed the "for the best experience" message is displayed with a prompt to download the latest Reader.
    Correct SDK's are being used.

    Solved it.  Just added the following in the <InfoAdditions> tag for iPhone in my app descriptor XML file:

  • Trouble with Flash Builder 4.6?

    I’ve tried every version from 4.5 to 4.7 premium edition of Flash Builder in order to get past this bug that I can’t seem to move past in order to continue with the design process.  The problem I’m having is this:
    I’ve setup a new project and everything works great.  The problem occurs when I try to access the Data/Services I’ve created for my project.  When I right click on the created service in order to access “Configure Return Type” nothing happens, I tried this at least 10 different times using all the various versions.  I have since deactivated 4.5 and installed and activated 4.6 and tried it with that version with no success.  All of the other contextual features of that menu respond to the right click, just not the Configure Return Type…
    I’m running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 with Flash Builder 4.6 at the present time.
    I need to know how to get this feature to work so that I can continue on with the project I'm wanting to work on...

    Thanks for your post. You may want to post this in the developers forum. You will proably get a faster answer.
    Be a Shepard and not an iSheep.

  • Project built with Flash Builder 4.6_Flex SDK, didn't work on Flash Builder 4.7_AIR SDK

    I have developed a project on flash builder 4.6 as a new action script project and I chose web & Flex SDK 4.6 (default), and now with Flash Builder 4.7, the project won't run, and the package available is AIR SDK only.. no flex!!

    Open your .actionScriptProperties file and set useFlashSDK to false.  This will allow you to use your older SDKs.  They are managed in the same way as Flash Builder 4.6 when this option is changed.

  • Adobe AIR 2 Beta with Flash Builder 4 Beta 2

    I'm trying to figure out how to use AIR 2 with Flash Builder 4.  I was initially under the impression that FB4 has AIR2... but the when I create a File object and try to call the function openWithDefaultApplication().  An error occurs saying the function doesn't exist.  This is the AIR application I created in FB4.  Am I doing something wrong or do I need to install AIR 2 somehow -- and if so, how do I do so?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                   private function launch():void{
                        var myfile = new File("C:\Windows\notepad.exe");
         <s:Button x="439" y="155" label="Button" mouseDown="launch()"/>
    Thanks in advance.

    Download the AIR 2 SDK, make a new copy of the Flex4 SDK (or whichever Flex SDK you want to use) and copy the AIR SDK over it. (If you are on the Mac, you have to be careful that the directories themselves aren't overwritten -- just the files inside them.) You then add the combined SDK to the list in the Flash Builder project properties dialogs.

  • Starting iOS development with Flash Builder 4.6

    Hi guys,
    I want to start iOS development with Flash Builder 4.6. I have iPad 2 with iOS 6 installed (latest version available).
    I was following this tutorial step by step: #WSe4e4b720da9dedb5-27e02e9a12ee20e4a60-7fff
    As a part of it I also did this:
    Convert a developer certificate into a P12 file -
    Installed AIR SDK version as for 4.5 (I have 4.6) -
    I try Now I am getting the follwoing errors:
    Error occurred while packaging the application:
    SDK is missing file /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/AIRInterpreter
    Error occurred while packaging the application:
    SDK is missing file /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/bin/ld64/i686-apple-darwin9-ld64
    Required files are missing indeed. But where can I find them if AIR SDK doesn't have them? What should I do now?

    All the files in lib/aot/ are part of the AIR sdk.
    You'll have to overlay the AIR sdk on top of the Flex SDK (which comes with FlashBuilder).
    On windows, simply copy-paste the AIR folder on the Flex SDK folder. (merge the two folders)
    On mac, use a command line and ditto the AIR sdk folder on Flex SDK folder.

  • IOS/AIR Running and Debugging Issues with Flash Builder

    I'm having very frustrating intermittent issues running and debugging Flex applications on an iPad 3rd generation retina with Flash Builder 4.7.
    Until this morning, launching on device using both standard and fast packaging worked pretty well. Every now and again, I'd get a dialog saying the packaging had completed successfully, but it hadn't. A quick change of the USB cable to another port on my iMac and it started working again. I'd also randomly get a "Error occurred while installing the application: Invalid <device> specified" error, which quickly went away.
    This morning, with the same code base, the same certificate and provisioning profiles, Flash Builder has only managed to successfully package and run my application on my iPad twice and I must have attempted to launch fifty or so times. Standard packaging, fast packaging and with and without the useLegacyAOT.
    Does this sound like a Flash Builder issue? Is my iMac USB driver dodgy? Has anybody else experienced this?
    Any help greatly welcomed!

    Hi I have had this problem sometimes. With my Mac Book Pro.
    Try making a new flex application and see if you have the same result.
    When I had this problem I created a new Application and copied every thing from my other application.
    This my be a hard solution but I don't no any others.

  • Using databases with Flash and PHP

    Hi, everyone!
    I`m a PHP newbie. I just learned PHP so that I can use
    databases with Flash.
    I`ve got a .php script that contains html that loads up my
    .swf file. The .swf file is the core of my site. What I want to
    know is if I can call some PHP functions (that I have wrote in the
    .php script) from within the .swf file... This functions would
    perform the reading and updating of my database.
    The only way I know of to modify a database from Flash is
    using the POST and GET methods. But that opens up a new browser
    window in which the PHP script is called. And that only handles
    writing in the database. So, what if I just want to read from the
    database some values and insert them into a TextField in Flash? How
    do I do that?
    Thanks! Ardy

    1. Goggle "Flash and mySQL" and you'll get a listing of alot
    2. I'm also just learning. Here's a great URL to start:
    Building with Flash and MySQL
    That's right, a Flash-based blog — it sounds a little
    loony, but this blog pulls content from a MySQL database and feeds
    it into the dynamic Flash frontend ... -
    20k - Cached -

  • AIR 2.6 SDK incompatible with Flash Builder 4?

    I just installed the new AIR 2.6 SDK but FB4 complains that every swc file in the libs folder is "incompatible with this SDK" when I switch to design view. The application compiles and runs fine, I just can't see it in design view in FB4.
    Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I tried deleting my Flash Builder 4 folder from C:\Users\<username>\ and restarting FB4 in case it was a dodgy profile, but it made no difference.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    from tml:
    Right-click on your project and choose "Properties".
    Select the "Flex Compiler" section.
    In the "Additional compiler arguments" field, add -target-player=11.
    Click "OK".

  • Can't get Extension Builder 2.0 with Flash Builder 2.6 to run

    Can't get Extension Builder 2.0 with Flash Builder 2.6 to run. I installed Flash Builder 4.6 premium then install CSExtensionBuilder_2_Retail_LS1.
    When I create a new hello world project and run it I get a CSIDE1 Sign In for my Adobe ID. I sign in I get operation in progress and then back to the previous screen. It just continues to ask for a sign in.
    Anyone else have this problem or any advice to get this working?

    There was a bug found in the Adobe Store version of CS Extension Builder 2.0 which prevented users being able to log in. We have, with the help of our customers, been able to identify and resolve the bug. The affected customers have been sent a fix. CS Extension Builder 2.0 will be temporarily unavailable to buy from the Adobe Store until a new build of CS Extension Builder 2.0 containing the fix is posted. This is estimated to be within the next few days.
    A trial version of the software is available for any user wishing to use CS Extension Builder.
    We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to affected customers.

  • HttpServices not working Online but working with Flash Builder

    I am using Flash Builder and worked on different modules. it works perfectly
    when am testing with Flash Builder
    but once i close it, the httpservices stop working. I search and now got
    error message i.e.
    Can't load data: (mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#0
      body = ""
      clientId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"
      correlationId = "A10EF203-C28B-A5C6-73D6-1C765EAA0714"
      destination = ""
      extendedData = (null)
      faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"
      faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false
    cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:
    http://localhost:37813/1/users/show.xml?screen_name=charagh? =N&id=A10EF203-C28B-A5C6-73D6-1C765EAA0714"].
      faultString = "HTTP request error"
      headers = (Object)#1
        DSStatusCode = 0
      messageId = "542DB993-AA3F-7E05-636C-1C7662BB7FFF"
      rootCause = (
        bubbles = false
        cancelable = false
        currentTarget = (
          bytesLoaded = 0
          bytesTotal = 0
          data = ""
          dataFormat = "text"
        errorID = 0
        eventPhase = 2
        target = (
        text = "Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:
    http://localhost:37813/1/users/show.xml?screen_name=charagh? =N&id=A10EF203-C28B-A5C6-73D6-1C765EAA0714
        type = "ioError"
      timestamp = 0
      timeToLive = 0
    my code i.e.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Module xmlns:fx=""
                           width="550" height="58" backgroundAlpha="1.0"
                           borderVisible="false" creationComplete="init(event)"
                                  import mx.controls.Alert;
                                  import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
                                  private var twitterText:String;
                                  private var twitterCount:String;
                                  private var tweetdate:String;
                                  private var twitterImage:String;
                                  protected function
                                            navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");
                                  protected function init(event:FlexEvent):void
                                            twitterText = "charagh";
                                  protected function
                                            tweetdate =
                                            twitterCount =
    event.result.user.status.text "  "tweetdate;
                                            twitterImage =
                                  protected function
                                  "Can't load data: " +
                        <s:HTTPService id="tweetUser" method="GET"
              <s:Image  buttonMode="true" width="48" height="48" x="5" y="5"
    click="image1_clickHandler(event)" source=""/>
              <s:Label id="twitterNumber" x="56" y="5" width="488" height="47"
                                   fontFamily="Georgia" fontSize="12"
    fontWeight="normal" text=""
                                   textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
    Asim Ahmed
    ~ ~

    updated code: with cross domain policy! but still getting error
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Module xmlns:fx=""
                           width="550" height="58" backgroundAlpha="1.0" backgroundColor="#000000"
                           borderVisible="false" creationComplete="init(event)" layout="absolute">
                        @namespace s "library://";
                        @namespace mx "library://";
                                  src: url("./module/font/fonts/DroidSans.ttf");
                                  fontFamily: "Base02";
                        mx|Alert {
                                  titleStyleName: "alertTitle";
                                  messageStyleName: "alertMessage";
                                  buttonStyleName: "alertButton";
                                  cornerRadius: 0;
                                  embedFonts: true;
                                  fontFamily: Base02;
                        .alertButton {
                                  letterSpacing: 0;
                                  fontSize: 11;
                                  cornerRadius: 10;
                                  fontWeight: normal;
                                  textRollOverColor: white;
                                  color: red;
                                  skin: ClassReference(null);
                        .alertTitle {
                                  letterSpacing: 0;
                                  fontSize: 14;
                                  color: red;
                        .alertMessage {
                                  letterSpacing: 0;
                                  fontSize: 10;
                                  fontWeight: normal;
                                  color: black;
                                  import module.user_logged;
                                  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                  import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                                  import mx.controls.Alert;
                                  import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
                                  private var twitterText:String;
                                  private var twitterCount:String;
                                  private var tweetdate:String;
                                  private var twitterImage:String;
                                  private var tweetArray:ArrayCollection;
                                  private var datalist:XMLListCollection;
                                  private var a:Alert;
                                  protected function image1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                                            navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");
                                  protected function init(event:FlexEvent):void
                                            Security.allowDomain( "" );
                                            Security.loadPolicyFile( "./module/crossdomain.xml" );
                                            var request:URLRequest =
                                            new URLRequest( "./module/crossdomain.xml" );
                                            var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                                            twitterText = "charagh";
                                            tweetUser.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,tweetUser_resultHandler );
                                  protected function tweetUser_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                                            Alert.buttonWidth = 120;
                                            var x:XML = event.result as XML;
                                            var childName:String = "status";
                                            yourmessage = x.profile_image_url;
                                            a = yourmessage,title);
                                            a.mx_internal::alertForm.mx_internal::textField.selectable = false;
                                            twitterImage = x.profile_image_url;
                                            twitterText = x.status.text;
                                            tweetdate = x.status.created_at;
                                            twitterCount = twitterText+"  "+tweetdate;
                                  protected function tweetUser_faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
                                            var faultstring:String = event.fault.faultString;
                                            a =;
                        <fx:String id="title">Error Message</fx:String>
                        <fx:String id="yourmessage"></fx:String>
                        <s:HTTPService id="tweetUser" useProxy="false" method="GET" fault="tweetUser_faultHandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x">
              <s:Image  buttonMode="true" width="48" height="48" x="5" y="5" click="image1_clickHandler(event)" source="{twitterImage}"/>
              <s:Label id="twitterNumber" x="56" y="5" width="488" height="47" color="#EDEDED"
                                   fontFamily="Georgia" fontSize="12" fontWeight="normal" text="{twitterCount}"
                                   textAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>

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