Using JavaScript & Dynamic Lists - ?? need help

Hello all! Sorry to post this under an unrelated topic (JSP & JSTL), but there wasn't a JavaScript forum.
Anyway, before I ask my the following:
You'll find the code for my example at the end of this post. Also, I've posted my code as html pages in here...but my original code was in the form of servlets.
Here's what I wanted to accomplish:
1) html page has a form with two select lists
2) select one option from the first select
3) javascript code takes care of populating the 2nd list with options stored in an array, based on the first selection made in the 1st list.
4) each <option>'s value is set to the page hello.html
Piece of cake! That all works, but here's the real issue:
Let's say you click on an option from the 1st <select> list, which populates the 2nd <select> list with some options. You then click on the 2nd box, select an option, and it jumps to hello.html.
Now you press the back button - here are some things I observed:
First, let me note, that for my example, I'm using car makes for the 1st list, and car models for the 2nd.
* notice that only the 1st select list is still showing the selection you made, but the 2nd one shows nothing. Plus, when you click on the 2nd list, all that is shown is, in my example, "Then a Model". Not the original options that populated this list, when you had selected a car make from the first.
*also, if you select "Then a Model" in the 2nd, it will error out, because there isn't a link set for that option. I would actually prefer that the page doesn't jump anywhere if "Then a Model" was to be selected. But I can probably fix that later.
* If you try to select the car make you had previously selected again in the 1st menu, it still shows the same thing in the 2nd. Not the car models that it showed you when you had first run the example.
*) You can get the model options for, just for example, "Acura" back into the 2nd, but you would have to select Audi or BMW and then select Acura again.
*) if you select the "Select a Make" option in the 1st, it doesn't display "Then a Model" in the second as I would like. But I can probably fix that later.
Now, here are my questions:
1) Does anybody know how I can keep the selections "selected" in the page, when a user comes back to it when they press the "back" button?
2) Do I have to store the options selected somewhere, so the page "remembers" what was selected?
3) Would it help if I used session tracking?
I was told that the problems I've described are because I've implemented a dynamic listbox.
The value is supposed to be lost if I move to the next page and then click back. Would any of you agree?
Any ideas/suggestions at all would be very much appreciated!
************************ HERE'S THE CODE **********************************
This is dynamiclists.html I've commented it probably more than necessary for all you skilled JavaScript programmers, but I thought it would help to have an explanation for each piece of code.
<script language=javascript>
//here I create the multi-dimensional array to hold my
//values for each make and model to be put into the
var cars = new Array();
cars['Acura'] = new Array('Legend');
cars['BMW'] = new Array('740i');
cars['Audi'] = new Array('A4');
//method used for my onChange event in the first select list (Make)
//method accepts the value of the selected index
function createModel(makeName) {
//variables used for short-cutting to form elements
//references the form
var myform = document.selections;
//Make selection list
var Make = myform.Make;
//Model selection list
var Model = myform.Model;
//holds the item selected in the first list -- ex. Acura or Audi
var makeName = myform.Make.options[myform.Make.selectedIndex].value;
//to be set to a new Option
var theOption;
//if Select a Make is selected, clear the Model select list, and just put
// Then a Model in it
if(Make.selectedIndex == 0) {
Model.length = 0;
Model.length = 1;
Model.options[0].text = "Then a Model";
Model.options[0].value="Then a Model";
// if you select Acura from Make
if(makeName == "Acura") {
// fill first position in Model select list with the Then a Model, so the
// user knows to select a Model after a Make
Model.options[0].text = "Then a Model";
Model.options[0].value = "Then a Model";
// loop through the array elements that match makeName (which for example
// could be Acura
for(var i=0; i<cars[makeName].length; i++) {
// create a new Option for each Model available
theOption = new Option(cars[makeName], i);
// put the Model into the Model select list starting at position 1, not 0 because
// position 0 is taken up by Then a Model that was set above.
// Thus why I put (i+1)
Model.options[(i+1)] = theOption;
// set each Model options link to hello.html, just for now.
}//end for
}//end if
// repeat for BMW and Audi
if(makeName == "BMW") {
Model.options[0].text = "Then a Model";
Model.options[0].value = "Then a Model";
for(var i=0; i<cars[makeName].length; i++) {
theOption = new Option(cars[makeName][i], i);
Model.options[(i+1)] = theOption;
}//end for
}//end if
if(makeName == "Audi") {
Model.options[0].text = "Then a Model";
Model.options[0].value = "Then a Model";
for(var i=0; i<cars[makeName].length; i++) {
theOption = new Option(cars[makeName][i], i);
Model.options[(i+1)] = theOption;
}//end for
}//end if
}//end createModel
// this is for the onChange event in the Model selection list.
// this takes care of the jump when you click on a Model.
// you will be taken to hello.html, which has been set in each option above
function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){
if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
<form name="selections">
<select name="Make" onChange="createModel(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
<option value="Select Make" selected>Select Make
<option value="Acura">Acura
<option value="BMW">BMW
<option value="Audi">Audi
<select name="Model" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
<option value="Then a Model" selected>Then a Model
***************************** END OF DYNAMICLISTS.HTML ***********************************
Here's my simple hello.html
Hello to all!

I have a html:
var store = new Array();
store[0] = new Array(
store[1] = new Array(
// Funkcija skirta dedant naujienu
// irasa formuoti sarasa kuriems vartotojams bus siunciama zinute
function populate()
     var box = document.forms[0].first;
     var number = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value;
     if (!number) return;
     var list = store[box.selectedIndex];
     if (list.length==null) return;
     var box2 = document.forms[0].second;
     box2.options.length = 0;
          box2.options[i] = new Option(list,list[i]);
function addGroup()
var box = document.forms[0].first;
     var number = box.selectedIndex;
     if (number>-1)
document.forms[0].third.options[document.forms[0].third.options.length]=new Option('[G] '+box.value,document.forms[0].third);
function addUser()
var box = document.forms[0].second;
     var number = box.selectedIndex;
     if (number>-1)
document.forms[0].third.options[document.forms[0].third.options.length]=new Option('[V] '+box.value,document.forms[0].third);
function removeOne()
var box = document.forms[0].third;
     var number = box.selectedIndex;
     if (number>-1)
function removeAll()
// alert(document.forms[0].third.options[0].text);
var box = document.forms[0].third;
function selectToList()
//this code selects all the elements in the select field
for(var i=0;i<document.forms[0].third.length;i++)
<form action='servlet/List' method=Post>
<select size=4 name="first" style="width:200px" onchange="populate()">
     <option value="0">html</option>
     <option value="1">css</option>
<select size=4 name="second" style="width:200px">
<select size=4 name="third" style="width:200px" multiple>
<input type=submit value=spausk onClick="selectToList();" />
<tr><td><button onclick="addGroup()"> &#302;d&#279;ti grup&#281; </button></td></tr>
<tr><td><button onclick="addUser()"> &#302;d&#279;ti vartotoj&#261;</button></td></tr>
<tr><td><button onclick="removeOne()"> �alinti </button></td></tr>
<tr><td><button onclick="removeAll()"> I�valyti </button></td></tr>
and servlet:
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class List extends HttpServlet
     public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
     throws ServletException, IOException
     { doAction(request,response);}
     public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
     throws ServletException, IOException
     { doAction(request,response);}
     public void doAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
     throws ServletException, IOException
          PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
     String[] strArray=request.getParameterValues("third");
          out.print("Value: "+strArray[0]);
So what is wrong because servlet prints bad value [object]

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    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/common/KT_common.asp" -->
    <br />
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    <br /><%<br />Dim qry_contactinfo__MMColParam<br />qry_contactinfo__MMColParam = "1"<br />If (Session("kt_login_id") <> "") Then <br />  qry_contactinfo__MMColParam = Session("kt_login_id")<br />End If<br />%>
    <br />

    Use the session variable from the log in method (MM_Username as I recall) to create a recordset that you then use in the dynamic list versus using the whole table.

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    You cannot use or upgrade anything that is registered with his Apple ID. You must re-purchase it all using your Apple ID and your iTunes account. This includes the operating system as well. Essentially, you erase the drive and start from scratch. Here's how to get started:
    Install OS X Using Internet Recovery
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Internet Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-OPTION- R keys until a globe appears on the screen. Wait patiently - 15-20 minutes - until the Recovery main menu appears.
    Partition and Format the hard drive:
    Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
    After DU loads select your newly installed hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
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    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Install button. Be sure to select the correct drive to use if you have more than one.
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    Best if you try and explain what you are trying to acheive.
    Iphoto is a different paradigm than you're used to. I don't understand why you are trying to transfer your edited photos back to an external disk.
    There are tutorials here

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    now, since the upgrade to 3.9, the DOT always stays at 9%? when booting up, when idling, always...? Is there a setting that I missed? or is it a bug in 3.9?
    --> after the upgraded I loaded the optimized defaults.
    thanx for any help.

    hi guys,
    thnx all for the updates. I'm currently using DOT on 9%. It runs rock stable. IIf I set it on 11%, no problems.
    C&Q is off, always was.
    The problem with DOT is, that it doesn't do what it should do. (in 3.9 bios). nl, when the CPU runs on 0% load, no Over-clocking is need.
    Any other settings that I should check?
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  • Use a dynamic list of email addresses to email a report via Business Objects Server 11

    Post Author: wolfgang666
    CA Forum: General
    I use Business Objects Server version 11 to distribute reports via email but was asked if there was a way to only send the reports to those people listed in the report (which changes daily) instead of the entire distribution list. I can create a list of email addresses as a variable within the report but can't find any way to pass it to the Business Objects server "To:" field located in the destination screen. I would expect to see some option for sending to some value located in the report but alas no such option is evident. This seems like a feature the product should be capable of doing as it is so basic. Any other way to do this that anybody can think of? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Matt Frazier

    Hi Alan,
    The simplest thing would be to simply use the Import Wizard to create a BIAR file and then back up the required CR's and instances to the BIAR file. So for instance you would use the "Import Folders and Objects" option. So the source system would be the system you are decomissioning and the Destination would be the BIAR file. Once that is done you can use the BIAR file to import the report content into another system in the future.
    <<Text removed>>
    Kind regards,
    Edited by: Matt on Oct 10, 2011 10:20 AM

  • Static ip in workplace and dynamic otherwise need help

    Hi! I Have static ip address in my workplace and all other areas i use laptop is having dynamic ip address.
    I have tried configuring my static ip address in alternative configurations  option still doesnt help
    i have windows 7 
    please guide

    So the situation is your workplace has a static IP address and the other places are using dynamic IP address?
    What do you want to achive here? Are we in a domain environment?
    Could you please tell more information for the network environment and your PC( Laptop ?) IP settings?
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using Switch With Double(Need Help)

    I want to write a program which says grades from numbers.For example;
    When i write 87,it has to say that 87=BB
    Grade system;
    AA =94 - 100
    BA =89 - 93
    BB =84 - 88
    CB =79 - 83
    CC =74 - 78
    FF =0-73
    and i wrote this;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
              public class GradeCalculate {
                 public static void main(String[] args) {
              double value = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter value\n"));
                        switch (value/10.0) {
                        case 10.0:  System.out.println("AA"); break;
                     case 9.9:  System.out.println("AA"); break;
                     case 9.8:  System.out.println("AA"); break;
                     //it is going like that 9.7, 9.6, 9.5... etc               
    }But i cant compile it.Where am i making mistake?How can i use double command with this program?I have to do this with using double and switch commands.
    Thanks for helping.
    Edited by: SuMMerMaN on Mar 10, 2010 12:14 PM
    Edited by: SuMMerMaN on Mar 10, 2010 12:14 PM

    SuMMerMaN wrote:
    Well,it says;
    possible loss of precision
    switch (value/10.0)
    ^but i couldn't solve my problem,i have to use double command and it says "required:int"This is telling you that what goes inside the parentheses in switch(...) must be an int. So you need to either supply an int value, or cast the value that you do supply.

  • Extracting Attrubutes using DOM API (I need help!!!!)

    I need some help on how to extract (or parse) the Attributes value in the XML using the DBMS_XMLDOM package.
    Here is the XML sample.
    <EMP ID="123" NAME="JOHN" />
    <EMP ID="456" NAME="PETER" />
    <EMP ID="789" NAME="PAUL" />
    <EMP ID="987" NAME="SIMON" />
    <EMP ID="654" NAME="JAMES" />
    <EMP ID="321" NAME="ANDREW" />
    <EMP ID="129" NAME="JOHN" />
    <EMP ID="348" NAME="PETER" />
    <EMP ID="567" NAME="PAUL" />
    BTW, we are using Oracle v9.
    Thanks in advance

    The following procedure may help...
    procedure uploadFiles(FILE_LIST varchar2 default 'ls.xml', UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_NAME varchar2 default USER, REPOSITORY_FOLDER_PATH varchar2 default '/home/' || USER , BATCH_SIZE number default 1)
    pathSeperator varchar2(1) := '/';
    DIRECTORY_PATH varchar2(256);
    SUBDIRECTORY_PATH varchar2(256);
    TARGET_FOLDER_PATH varchar2(256);
    TARGET_FILE_PATH varchar2(256);
    TARGET_FILE_NAME varchar2(256);
    RESOURCE_PATH varchar2(256);
    LAST_FOLDER_PATH varchar2(256) := ' ';
    sqlStatement varchar2(256);
    result boolean;
    filecount binary_integer := 0;
    PATH VARCHAR2(256);
    -- Create the set of Folders in the XDB Repository
    -- Find the Local File System Path to the target Directory.
    -- dbms_output.put_line('OS Root = ' || DIRECTORY_PATH);
    -- Load the Resources into the XML DB Repository
    REPLACE_DEFAULT := xdb_dom_helper.varchar_to_boolean(DBMS_XMLDOM.getVALUE(REPLACE_ATTR));
    end if;
    -- dbms_output.put_line('Source = ' || TARGET_FILE_PATH);
    TARGET_FILE_NAME := substr(TARGET_FILE_PATH,instr(TARGET_FILE_PATH,pathSeperator,-1)+1);
    -- dbms_output.put_line('File = ' || TARGET_FILE_NAME);
    TARGET_FOLDER_PATH := substr(TARGET_FILE_PATH,1,instr(TARGET_FILE_PATH,pathSeperator,-1));
    dbms_output.put_line('Encoding for ' || TARGET_FILE_NAME || ' = ' || ENCODING_TEXT);
    end if;
    REPLACE_OPTION := xdb_dom_helper.varchar_to_boolean(DBMS_XMLDOM.getValue(REPLACE_ATTR));
    end if;
    -- dbms_output.put_line('Directory = ' || SUBDIRECTORY_PATH);
    sqlStatement := 'create or replace directory SUBDIR as ''' || SUBDIRECTORY_PATH || '''';
    execute immediate sqlStatement;
    end if;
    CONTENT_XML := xmltype(bfilename('SUBDIR',TARGET_FILE_NAME),nls_charset_id(ENCODING_TEXT));
    -- dbms_output.put_line('Target = ' || RESOURCE_PATH);
    if (REPLACE_OPTION and dbms_xdb.existsResource(RESOURCE_PATH)) then
    end if;
    result := dbms_xdb.createResource(RESOURCE_PATH,CONTENT_XML);
    filecount := filecount + 1;
    if (filecount = BATCH_SIZE) then
    filecount := 0;
    end if;
    For instance code to get an 'encoding' attribute from a 'file' element

  • Using own domain - newbie needs help!

    I've never created a webpage before, so bear with me! I've started one in iWeb and purchased my own domain from I changed the CNAME per the directions of iWeb/ However, my page is not being published under the personal domain name I purchased. The domain name is showing up on under my webpages. I've "Published All to .Mac" and when it asks me to go to my site after it's published, I get the generic GoDaddy parked site for my personal domain. What else do I need to do to get this working? Sorry to be so ignorant, but any help would be appreciated!
    Message was edited by: hokie1998

    What you need to do to set-up CNAME is to firstly enter your domain name into the personal domain name option of MobileMe. If you look, you will see that www is already there, so you don't need to enter this, just or whatever and then confirm it in the second box and click on done and it will be set.
    You then need to go to your control panel settings at GoDaddy, where you got your domain name from. What you need is the DNS settings and your domain name should already show there. All are slightly different, but what you then need to do is enter www, then pick CNAME from a drop down menu or complete it and then either or to redirect your domain name. This then means that you domain name will be forwarded to your iWeb site at
    If you want a simpler way to do it, you can just use web forwarding instead, which means that you don't need to complete the personal domain in your MobileMe account. All you need do is go to the web forwarding section of your control panel at GoDaddy and enter your domain name and then forward it to or
    Remember that for CNAME forwarding you always forward to and for just forwarding you would enter
    CNAME forwarding can take up to 24 hours to take effect, so you could have a wait, although most hosting companies are a lot quicker than this.

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    Since 2 weeks I encountered Javascript errors when starting Dreamweaver CS6.
    1st one - While Executing onLoad in BusinessCatalyst.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occured: In file "BusinessCatalyst": bcinit is not defined.
    2nd one - The following JavaScript error(s) occured: At line 17 of file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6\Configuration\Shared\BC\JS\bc_ui_utils.js": MM.BC has no properties.
    I don't know what this means and how to solve it. I've tried deleting the cache file and re-installing the software, but that didn't help. So can anyone guide me through the steps I need to take?
    Thanks in advance!

    Try #4 here Troubleshoot JavaScript errors | Dreamweaver CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6
    Otherwise #12 may be the go.

  • Problem - Define Forms for Check Deposit List - Need Help

    Hello Experts,
    I want to extend the logic of T Code FP20 (Prog RFKKCK01),
    Hence, I have created a 'Z' prog with the appropriate extension in the logic.
    Now to take these change effectively, i have made corrensponding changes in the attached SAP Script (FKK_CHECKDEPOS) also.
    Now, when I go to
    Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Business Transactions -> Payments -> Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments ->Define Forms for Check Deposit List.
    In this, I create a new Entry after removing the existing Entry of the same Company Code [1000     | ZRFKKCK01 | SapScript | ZFKK_CHECKDEPOS ]
    it gives me an Error "Specify the key within the work area".
    Specify the key within the work area
    Message no. SV033
    You have attempted to create an entry whose key is not in the range defined for this area.
    System Response
    The entry cannot be created.
    Please check your entry.
    Please Help me solving this problem.

    Thanks sbaranga. This code won't work for me.
    <option value="P"if (statusIndicator.equals("Pending")){    selected}>
    <option value="A"if (statusIndicator.equals("Approved")){    selected}>
    In above code statusIndicator is ID I believe. I need to show selected item based on statusIndicator in database. Also it has to pass updated status to database incase if user changes status thru form.
    If they select Pending then "P" will be passed to servlet and if they select Approved then it will pass "A" to servlet.
    I will be receiving "A" or "P" from database when I am trying to retrive status value from database. Based on value "A" or "P" I need to change selected information on form.
    Update and Retive form are same. this one form does everything display and update.
    I hope this help to understand my question.
    If you have any question then email me at [email protected]
    Thank you.

  • ITunes .dll error.  I can't use, uninstall, install iTunes - NEED HELP!

    I can't even start up iTunes anymore. I get "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I can get details on the error but it's all Greek to me. Any insights/thoughts? Your help would be most appreciated!
    ibm t40   Windows XP Pro  

    If iTunes is crashing, why don't you send a crash log to those lazy Apple engineers.
    Typically, you'll need to configure Dr. Watson on your PC in order to generate crash logs. Windows start menu -> Run. Type in "cmd". Hit return. At the prompt in the command line window that comes up, type in
    drwtsn32 -i
    And hit return.
    This will create crash logs in Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\. There'll usually be a file in here called "drwtsn32.log" If there's already a file there, it most likely has multiple crash logs in it (new crash logs are just appended to the end of the file). So, delete this file. This will make sure you're not sending extra information I don't need. These crash logs are text files, so you can open them in notepad or whatever to see what information you're sending.
    So, get the machine setup to collect crash logs, do the thing that makes iTunes crash. You need to send that file to our buddy Roy. Make sure that you include:
    (1) the drwtsn32.log file.
    (2) the link to this thread.
    (3) a one line description of your problem, i.e. "iTunes crashes on launch".
    (4) the username that you're using here in the discussion boards.
    Roy is getting a little swamped with messages and needs to make sure he gets all the information. And if he doesn't get that information, the message is just going to get dropped on the floor.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Is there a standard way to insert rows into a table and get the last inserted value for the identity column back ? e.g. Oracle does'nt support IDENTITY or AUTONUMBER on insert as a sequence is desired. This creates a huge problem for writing cross da