Using links in flash interactions

I am using the Flash Interaction "Process Tabs" that came with 8.0 to explain a series of online tools. I would like to include a link to each tool in the content of each tab. I cannot seem to input anything but text. Is there a way to do this?

No. We do not have a way to achieve this as of now.

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    Hi All,
    Working on a new site for the company i've recently started
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    of work still to do! feel free to post constructive criticism)
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <heading>Interested in selling our health
    <text>Click here to learn more...</text>
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    public function onComplete(event:Event):void {
    var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
    if (loader != null) {
    externalXML = new XML(;
    mover_mc.heading_txt.htmlText =
    mover_mc.myText_txt.htmlText = externalXML.dialogue[0].text;
    var url:URLRequest = new
    } else {
    trace("loader is not a URLLoader!");
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    link to
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    What is the exact error you get (what db version also), could you post a simplified version of the SQL which fails also? I have splitter based maps that successfully read from file via the XMLType(bfilename....) style code and insert into multiple targets, I did this on 11g though.

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    type array_t is varray(100) of number;
    array array_t;
    l_sql varchar2(4000);
    l_sql := 'SELECT credit_card_trxn_id FROM EXM_CREDIT_CARD_TRXNS@'||:P4_DBLINK;
    execute immediate l_sql BULK COLLECT INTO array;
    for i IN 1..array.count
    HTP.p (array(i));;

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    Good! Add more tricky tutorials

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    Linking to a web page and linking to another section of the same Flash file involves different code.  I'll show you examples of both wrt using a button for the interactive control.
    In this case the button is assigned an instance name of linkBtn (it's assign in the properties panel).  The code I show is placed on a frame that is the same as the button (different layers for good housekeeping).
    Link to web page:
    linkButton.onRelease = function(){
    Link to section (section starts on a frame having a label... "section1"):
    linkButton.onRelease = function(){
    linkButton.onRelease = function(){
    The difference between the two for the section link would depend on whether section1 is an animated timeline piece that would play when you get there or a self-contained movieclip that has controls of its own.

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    Thanks for your response, the thing is I don't want the end user to have to go through these steps in order to be able to see my pdf file as it renders in older versions of Firefox.
    What I've noticed is the use of buttons and interactivity is not been rendered, so it doesn't even show up in the page. The drop shadows applied within InDesign are also not been properly render by the browser, making the background of the image surrounded by dark background.
    I have temporarily fixed the problem by getting rid of my drop shadows and using regular hyperlinks on text instead of interactive buttons.
    Hope this issue gets fixed, since interactive pdfs is widely used today.

  • AW keyboard focus after Flash interaction

    Hi all and happy new year!
    I am using AW7.02, Windows XP, Flash v8 (loaded using
    I have the following setup:
    In a pageturner made in AW I have an interaction icon placed
    inside a
    Framework. On the interaction icon I have several perpetual
    buttons, one in
    particular to flip to the next page (next icon on framework).
    This button
    interaction has RightArrow and PageDown keys assigned to it.
    So, while
    running, if I hit right arrow or page down I will flip to
    next page. This
    works fine.
    I also load and display Flash on the pages using ActiveX
    (Shockwave Flash
    Object). The Flash are animations, so the user can click on
    controllers to play/pause etc.
    The problem:
    So, user can flip to next page with keyboard just fine, as
    long as the user
    does not hit anything in the Flash ActiveX first. So for
    example, if the
    user pauses the movie clicking the pause button in the Flash
    ActiveX and
    then hit the right arrow key, then nothing happens. (I want
    page to be
    turned). The user must first hit somewhere outside the Flash
    ActiveX in the
    AW window before the keyboard triggers the buttons again.
    All my attempts have only been in author mode and not
    packaged mode.
    I've done some attempts sending event from Flash after button
    in Flash has
    been pressed. This is picked up by AW (confirmed with trace)
    and then I've
    tried to:
    - set focus to interaction icon that holds the button using
    SetKeyboardFocus(InteractionIconID). Did not work.
    - set window focus using baActivateWindow(baWinHandle) (from
    Buddy API). Did
    not work, and as far as I could see the active window
    remained the same (=
    AW window) during Flash interaction, so probably not so
    strange it didn't
    So, does anyone have any idea on how I can fix the focus
    problem? The only
    workaround that I am left with right now is to set up the
    same keyboard
    interaction in the Flash as in the AW and send this info back
    to AW as
    events. This is not ideal due to update issues and unclear

    Hi again!
    Just a little update.
    I tried to package, but that didn't help.
    So I went for the the workaround where I pick up keyboard
    pressing in Flash
    and send this info back with fscommand:
    FSCommand("keypress", Key.getCode());
    I pick up the event in AW and filter it with keypress as
    #command. I then
    get the key code from the #arg list and have a property list
    where I link
    the key code with the keyname used in AW. I then use the
    KeyPress function
    as suggested by Erik. As a result, any updates I make to what
    the different
    keys do needs only be done in AW, so I guess it isn't too
    Thanks for help and tips!
    "Erik **AdobeCommunityExpert**"
    <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    >I hesitate to post this as it might be a pain, as you
    suggest, and others
    >may have a better suggestion...
    > But I think you'll have to setup a detection of the
    keypresses in Flash
    > and send those as Events to Authorware. When Authorware
    picksup those
    > events, have it do a 'press key' for the button to
    activate the
    > appropriate one (I generally us F1 keys or shift-number
    keys !@#$%^).
    > Erik
    > Jensen wrote:
    >> Hi all and happy new year!
    >> I am using AW7.02, Windows XP, Flash v8 (loaded
    using ActiveX).
    >> I have the following setup:
    >> In a pageturner made in AW I have an interaction
    icon placed inside a
    >> Framework. On the interaction icon I have several
    perpetual buttons, one
    >> in particular to flip to the next page (next icon on
    framework). This
    >> button interaction has RightArrow and PageDown keys
    assigned to it. So,
    >> while running, if I hit right arrow or page down I
    will flip to next
    >> page. This works fine.
    >> I also load and display Flash on the pages using
    ActiveX (Shockwave Flash
    >> Object). The Flash are animations, so the user can
    click on Flash
    >> controllers to play/pause etc.
    >> The problem:
    >> So, user can flip to next page with keyboard just
    fine, as long as the
    >> user does not hit anything in the Flash ActiveX
    first. So for example, if
    >> the user pauses the movie clicking the pause button
    in the Flash ActiveX
    >> and then hit the right arrow key, then nothing
    happens. (I want page to
    >> be turned). The user must first hit somewhere
    outside the Flash ActiveX
    >> in the AW window before the keyboard triggers the
    buttons again.
    >> Attempts:
    >> All my attempts have only been in author mode and
    not packaged mode.
    >> I've done some attempts sending event from Flash
    after button in Flash
    >> has been pressed. This is picked up by AW (confirmed
    with trace) and then
    >> I've tried to:
    >> - set focus to interaction icon that holds the
    button using
    >> SetKeyboardFocus(InteractionIconID). Did not work.
    >> - set window focus using
    baActivateWindow(baWinHandle) (from Buddy API).
    >> Did not work, and as far as I could see the active
    window remained the
    >> same (= AW window) during Flash interaction, so
    probably not so strange
    >> it didn't work.
    >> So, does anyone have any idea on how I can fix the
    focus problem? The
    >> only workaround that I am left with right now is to
    set up the same
    >> keyboard interaction in the Flash as in the AW and
    send this info back to
    >> AW as events. This is not ideal due to update issues
    and unclear
    >> codestructure.
    >> /Jensen/
    > --
    > Erik Lord
    > Adobe Community Expert - Authorware
    > -
    samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
    > *Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*

  • Using iPod as flash drive but deleted data space stays used up

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    Theres over 40GB of 'other' data that doesn't exist. How do I clear this? Thanks

    Even though I searched beforehand, I was redirected to this link <> AFTER I posted it. So problem solved! Hurrah!

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    Hi All,
    How to get the context data using java script in interactive forms by adobe,  am using web dynpro java

    Hi venkat,
    Please Refer this link.
      Populating one Drop-Down list from the selection of another Drop-down list

  • Security Sandbox violation, opening links in Flash player

    I have a swf content and its content served from a content management server say for eg, into the html file which is served from The links embedded in the flash were not working, when these links are clicked I get this error when tried with Flash debugger player.
    *** Security Sandbox Violation ***SecurityDomain '' tried to access incompatible context ''
    I had set a crossdomain policy file in a custom location in the content management server for this issue, but with the Flash player 9,0,115,0 this stopped working due to default policy change to "master-only". I will not be able to have this policy file in the root folder of the content management server or have the policy set in the HTTP response header.
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    Thanks in advance...

    How do I set Security.sandboxType related to flash player? When I try to see it in my application through debugger it says "remote". I think I need to set it to one of the following from the adobe manual pages...
    Security.sandboxType has one of the following values:
    remote (Security.REMOTE)—This file is from an Internet URL and operates under domain-based sandbox rules.
    localWithFile (Security.LOCAL_WITH_FILE)—This file is a local file, has not been trusted by the user, and it is not a SWF file that was published with a networking designation. The file may read from local data sources but may not communicate with the Internet.
    localWithNetwork (Security.LOCAL_WITH_NETWORK)—This SWF file is a local file, has not been trusted by the user, and was published with a networking designation. The SWF file can communicate with the Internet but cannot read from local data sources.
    localTrusted (Security.LOCAL_TRUSTED)—This file is a local file and has been trusted by the user, using either the Flash Player Settings Manager or a FlashPlayerTrust configuration file. The file can read from local data sources and communicate with the Internet.
    application (Security.APPLICATION)—This file is running in an AIR application, and it was installed with the package (AIR file) for that application. By default, files in the AIR application sandbox can cross-script any file from any domain (although files outside the AIR application sandbox may not be permitted to cross-script the AIR file). By default, files in the AIR application sandbox can load content and data from any domain.
    Any input on how to set it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • Linking between Flash, pdf and html

    How to link from Flash to certain page in pdf document
    displaying in web browser?
    this is not working:
    on (release) {
    getURL("interfaces.pdf#example", "_self");
    neither: #nameddest=example, #page=2
    This works though from html, but only first time. If you surf
    beck and then go to the same link it doesnt navigate to that page!
    Any idea very appreciated!

    Hi Raymond,
    To respond to your question:
    Would I have to create two regions with each region the same chart one in Flash and one in HTML and Hide/Show the region depending on the platform I am running eg iPAD or Desktop?
    No, this isn't necessary at all. One chart region with a "Chart Rendering" setting of "Flash Chart" on the Chart Attributes page will do the trick. With APEX 4.2, we introduced HTML5 chart support using AnyChart, our existing supplier of Flash charts in APEX. One of the great features of their new HTML5 charting support is how they handle the rendering of a chart. If you take a look at AnyChart's documentation on the rendering options available as part of their HTML5 support,, there are 4 possible rendering options available. We declaratively support two of those options in APEX:
    AnyChart Rendering Option       Associated APEX "Chart Rendering" setting
    FLASH_PREFERRED                 Flash Chart
    SVG_ONLY                        HTML5 ChartSo if you choose to generate a "Flash Chart" in APEX 4.2, AnyChart will handle the rendering of that chart for you, depending upon whether Flash is found on the device or not. Where Flash is detected, a Flash chart is rendered, however if Flash isn't detected (e.g. on devices such as an iPad), then a HTML5 chart will be rendered. So there's nothing additional for you to do - no need for two regions on your page with two different charts. If you choose to generate a "HTML5 Chart", then a HTML5 chart will always be rendered - this is no fallback to Flash with this option.
    I hope this helps to clarify things for you.

  • Flash Interaction Influencing Score in Captivate

    Hi everyone,
    I've created a couple of questions in Flash CS5 that I want to use in a Captivate 5 project and have the outcome of the flash interaction influence the score in captivate. I've got the Flash movie incrementing the cpQuizInfoTotalCorrectAnswers (upon success) and cpQuizInfoTotalQuestionsPerProject and that works fine. But, when I get to the scoring page, it's not counting the added flash question even though the variable incrementing works. The flash movie is embedded on a regular slide as I couldn't see how to embed it on a Question slide.
    Am I using the wrong variables? How can I get captivate to include the score from the Flash movie? Do I need to score the quiz differently/manually?
    Thanks in advance!

    I would suggest you investigate building your Flash interactions as either interactive widgets or question widgets for Captivate.  That way, Captivate will allow you to specify scoring and integrating them into a project will be much easier.
    You can learn a lot about building Captivate widgets from the Widget King blog:

  • How do I add a pre-existing flash, interactive quiz to presenter 9.0

    currently, we are reviewing Presenter 9.0 as it appears to be the only option to move existing flash CBTS into SCORM for loading into our LMS. The content is not the issue.  The "quizzes", for each lesson, are pre-created flash interactive videos(files, whatever...).
    I want to incorporate the quiz into the existing Presenter 9.0 imported SWF content before I package everything in Scorm 1.2   I am hoping that I do not have to hop into yet 1,2,3 or more other applications to solve what would be a  very easy problem, albeit flash being involved.
    1) Start Powerpoint.. Import SWF content (existing, interactive) using Presenter plugins..
    2) add a SWF quiz that relates to Step 1 content
    3) pre-set for SCORM 1.2
    4) Package SCORM Content..
    Exist Presenter use...
    Thank you for any assistance..

    My biggest concern here would be the effectiveness of the Flash Quiz content you are embedding in the presentation. Presenter has its own reporting that will take precedence over an embedded SWF file. For example, if you created a Captivate project with reporting, and then embedded it into a Presenter presentation, the only report you would see would be that the viewer(s) viewed the slide with the Captivate SWF in it. None of the Captivate reporting would be recorded.
    For this reason, I suspect that Presenter won't report your quiz content as expected, but hey, you can get a 30-day free trial of Presenter 9, so it is easy to test and validate. Presenter could prove me wrong (it has happened before)!

  • Link INTO Flash Site?

    My photographer wife just posted her brand new Flash site.
    And it's great.
    But, we just noticed that other specialist sites linked to
    the relevant page of her old site. Is there a way to create links
    into Flash sites without creating separate HTML pages? The idea
    would be to go to a specific navigation point.

    You can use a javascript code within the .html file pointing
    to your exact section on the flash movie. I just forget what's the
    term of that. I'll look at it and get back to you
    Spain Travel - one
    of my inspirations in using flash

  • Link ancher  flash-html

    im building a website in HTML but i made the menu in Flash.
    I would like to know what is the code to ancher link the
    flash menu to different parts of the page.
    The site it has to be mainly made in html.
    I wrote this in the html code: <a name="print">
    and this in the button flash menu : on (release) {
    With no luck

    Yes, use on getURL me,data. Attach a behavior to the Flash
    sprite that looks something like this:
    property thisSprite
    on beginSprite me
    thisSprite = me.spriteNum
    on getURL me,data
    gotoNetPage data
    Flash expects to be wrapped in a browser window. When that
    same Flash swf is inside a Director movie, there is no browser to
    communicate with, so the getURL method fails. Director can take the
    string that you send from Flash and use it in a gotoNetPage method.
    Be sure to include the network xtras with your

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