Using NetBeans + JasperReports + iReports

Hi All,
I�m trying iReports + Jasper, and i have a doubt
How can i pass a parameter that's a collection or an ArrayList?
I want to do something like this:
Qty Desc. Price
5 Blue Prints 15.6
6 Bond Papercups 17.5
This collection o arraylist contains objects (beans)
How CAn i do That?

Try posting this question on

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    I am referring to and I'm sorry but I can't follow any of this!
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    Load the JAR file. Use the NetBeans IDE GUI Builder to load the jar file as follows:
    1. Start NetBeans.
    2. From the File menu select "New Project" to create a new application for your bean. You can use "Open Project" to add your bean to an existing application.
    3. Create a new application using the New Project Wizard.
    4. Select a newly created project in the List of Projects, expand the Source Packages node, and select the Default Package element.
    5. Click the right mouse button and select New|JFrameForm from the pop-up menu.
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    7. Open the Palette Manager for Swing/AWT components by selecting Palette Manager in the Tools menu.
    8. In the Palette Manager window select the beans components in the Palette tree and press the "Add from JAR" button.
    9. Specify a location for your SimpleBean JAR file and follow the Add from JAR Wizard instructions.
    10. Select the Palette and Properties options from the Windows menu.
    11. Expand the beans group in the Palette window. The SimpleBean object appears. Drag the SimpleBean object to the GUI Builder panel.
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    Before you embark on another very frustrating advanture using NetBeans, please go t hrough the NetBeans tutorial. The "New Project Wizard" is just select from the menu options -- "New Project". The "Hungarian" as you put it will not get better until you spend some time learning NetBeans. Learning something new, like beans, is frustrating enough, but to try to do it and use a tool that is not familiar may be beyond many individuals frustration level.

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    JFileChooser openfile = new JFileChooser();
    int returnVal = openfile.showOpenDialog(RegexParser.this);
    if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
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    The tutorial is located:
    Below is what is being returned in the Output window upon Run:
    Created dir: /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/classes
    Created dir: /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/META-INF
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/META-INF
    Copying 4 files to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Copying 1 file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/lib
    Compiling 1 source file to /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/web/WEB-INF/classes
    Created dir: /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/build/generated/wsgen/service
    Problem encountered during annotation processing;
    see stacktrace below for more information.
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel._class(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/sun/codemodel/ClassType;)Lcom/sun/codemodel/JDefinedClass;
    at com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessors$CompositeAnnotationProcessor.process(
    error: compilation failed, errors should have been reported
    Created dir: /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/dist
    Building jar: /Users/bob/Programming/CalculatorWSApplication/dist/CalculatorWSApplication.war
    Incrementally deploying http://localhost:8084/CalculatorWSApplication
    Completed incremental distribution of http://localhost:8084/CalculatorWSApplication
    Incrementally redeploying http://localhost:8084/CalculatorWSApplication
    OK - Deployed application at context path /CalculatorWSApplication
    Browsing: http://localhost:8084/CalculatorWSApplication/CalculatorWS?Tester
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)

    This problem gets solved if you do NOT provide the Java path to the installer.
    if you have Java in /usr//bin/java
    make sure your PATH does not have /usr/bin....
    so basically which java throw error....Then provide the JRE PATH in oraparam.ini for the installer to start ...
    Give it a try...

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    Even this is also not possible because, the code in that package is developed by DWR and i am just adding it to my lib folder and importing the respective classes. In the same manner i need to include the *.js* file in the JSP.It took me about 3 minutes reading through the [DWR Getting Started|] page to learn that you don't have to do any of that. Perhaps you should read that page?

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    961389 wrote:
    I have been fortunateNot really, that is not rare information.
    Does anyone know of tutorials on creating database schemas from POJOs -- preferable using netbeans? Even the very smallest tutorial with one table or two related tables will do.Netbeans has little to do with the creation of the schema, it's the container that's usually configured to do it. You can use the "" property to control whether the DDL is created from the entities automatically.

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    <webuijsf:listbox binding="#{Bean.lstTest1}" id="lstTest1"
                            items="#{Bean.lstAvailableDefaultOptions.options}" rows="8"
                                 <a4j:support action="#{Bean.lstTest1_action}" event="onchange" 
            </webuijsf:listbox>I have also tried it with a textbox:
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                               <a4j:support action="#{Bean.lstTest1_action}" event="onkeyup"
             </webuijsf:textField>Thank you for the help!

    I followed exactly the instructions but still cannot get it to work.
    The WEB-INF does not contain a lib directory, I created over there and copied the JAR files.
    Then I tried by creating a LIBRARY in tools and then adding it but still no luck.
    I am using NETBEANS 6 VISUAL JSF
    compiling I get
    D:\Profiles\bgk007\RichFaces3\src\java\richfaces3\ package javax.faces does not exist

  • How can i create splash screen using netbean?

    how can i create splash screen using netbean?

    Welcome to the Sun forums.
    gabbyndu wrote:
    how can i create splash screen..Java 6 offers a splashscreen functionality. See [New Splash-Screen Functionality in Java SE 6|] *(<- link)* for details.
    [Java Web Start|] has offered splash screens to applications since Java 1.2. See [How can I provide my own splash screen?|] in the JWS FAQ for more details.
    .. using netbean?We don't support Netbeans here. Ask that on a [Netbeans forum|].

  • Adding jar file in my gerareted jar file using netbean 4.0

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    Thanks for any help to fix the problem.

    I find that you can not use command-line such as java -classpath add classpath
    it can not work, I use netBeans4.0 i don't whether because of netbeans or java itself.
    you can add classpath in jar's file
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.2
    Created-By: 1.5.0_01-b08 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Main-Class: chat.Main
    // add this line
    Class-Path: dir\*.jar //(jar file name)
    X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build

  • How to include others jar in my project use netbean

    Here i'm build my project in netbean, in compile source i add jdom.jar. Afer compile, run jar from terminal. But, application can't use and error :
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jpos/
    Now, i ask : How to include others lib or jar in my project use netbean
    Wira S

    Dear All,
    The code In, like :
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
    Main-Class: root/Phase3/TesterPhase3/IsolibTester/src/isolibtester/DynamicTreeTester
    Class-Path: root/Phase3/TesterPhase3/jpos/lib/jdom.jar
    When build jar, error :
    error while reading original manifest: error in opening zip file
    Building jar: /root/PHASE3/TesterPhase3/IsolibTester/dist/IsolibTester.jar
    Manifest is invalid: Manifest sections should start with a "Name" attribute and not "Main-Class"
    /root/PHASE3/TesterPhase3/IsolibTester/nbproject/build-impl.xml:273: Invalid Manifest: /root/PHASE3/TesterPhase3/IsolibTester/
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
    So, i tried add classpath in bash_profile and build.xml, unseccessful
    But, when runing my project from terminal can't found component jdom.jar

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    like forms and listboxes, textboxes etc ??

    And [this is a good place to start|]

  • Creating Web Services using Netbeans GUI only

    Hi all,
    Creating, deploying & testing simple web-services through Netbeans point-n-click interface is quite simple (demo at: The demo shows a very simple service creation scenario, accepting and returning String types only. The service can easily be tested using the GUI option 'Test Web Service', which simply test the service through a simple web page at http://localhost:8080/MyWebApplication/MyWebService?Tester
    In a similar manner, I am trying to implement a web service (a little complex one, accepting and returning custom types) using Netbeans GUI only. Versioning information I am using are as follows:
    NetBeans IDE 6.1
    Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_02 (build b04-fcs)
    Roughly speaking, the service's method signature I am using is shown below:
    public abstract myclass.X MyService.serviceMethod( myclass.X )
    Since it uses a custom type in parameter and return-types, the web-based test doesn't work any more. I wrote a separate client class to invoke the service using client-side stub classes (suppose to be generated by JAX-WS generated classes). The client code looks like as follows:
    public class ServiceClient {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              MyService srv = new MyService ().getMyServicePort();
              X xin= new X();
              X xout= srv.serviceMethod( xin );
              System.out.println( "Result: "+ xout.toString());
    Netbeans shows a compiler error on "MyService srv = new MyService ().getMyServicePort();
    Is it possible to get it resolved without making use of ant scripts for generating client-side artifacts (stubs etc.)?

    Hello Sandy,
    Have you installed the Sun Java System App Server or JWSDP? If so, please make sure that one of the libraries in your Netbeans project contains the jaxrpc-api and jaxrpc-impl jars (which seem to be necessary to run wscompile).
    Netbeans ("standalone") doesn't seem to install the jaxrpx libraries and other jars required to compile and run webservices.

  • Trouble Using Netbeans and XML Schema

    I am currently experimenting on using XML files to store data for a game that I am developing. I had been using NetBeans 5.5 to validate my XML Schema (I am still new to XSD); however, now I am getting errors and have been trying for the better part of the week but am still unable to resolve them. Here is a clip from one of the schemas:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
               targetNamespace="" >
        <!-- Document to Define Character Attributes and their current Constraints -->
        <!-- Character Name -->
        <xs:simpleType name="name">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                <xs:maxLength value="15"    />
    ... When I validate the XML (the two down arrows) I get the following errors for every restriction I have declared:
    s4s-att-invalid-value: Invalid attribute value for 'base' in element 'restriction'. Recorded reason: UndeclaredPrefix: Cannot resolve 'xs:NMTOKEN' as a QName: the prefix 'xs' is not declared.After retyping the file three times I tried one of the stock NetBeans schemas, which will produce the same error whenever I add a restriction through the UI.
    Any advice will be greatly appreciated :P

    I think this is a dirty great bug in the Sun version of the apache Xerces classes that were bundled with jdk1.5.
    I've had similar problems, and it seems to boil down to the fact that the NamespaceSupport class's getURI method does == instead of .equals when looking up the uri for a particular prefix. I'm told that this is a deliberate feature for the Apache stuff, and that the class assumes interned strings or strings that have gone through their internal SymbolTable mechanism, and that I can work around it by using interned strings. However, it is one of their classes that fails to intern the string (or put it through the symbol table etc.), so that doesn't really make sense as there are no hooks into this stuff.
    They have even marked the bug as closed/fixed, and I'm attempting to re-raise it at present (so it'll be fixed in about ten years then).

  • How to set domain name to a site that was developed using netbeans

    I developed a website using netbeans.I want to give some DNS like to it.Where can i set that ?
    Thanks in advance

    1) You post questions in the wrong forum. (As you title says this is a Swing question).
    2) Not once in your last 10 postings have you ever bothered to reply to a posting to thank people for the help you have received.
    I seriously doubt you well ever get answers in the future.

  • How to display multiple tables from database using netbeans swing gui

    plz reply asap on how to display multiple tables from database using netbeans swing gui into the same project

    Layered Pane with JTables or you can easily to it with a little scripting and HTML.
    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, do not use SMS speak when posting.

Maybe you are looking for