Using PAPI to create instance on Enterpise

I have deployed my process on Enterprise edition with weblogic and oracle.
I need to know all the libraries required for writing PAPI program to create instance.
Also anything i should take care of while writing the java program to create instance using PAPI.
Like. do i need to have weblogic.jar in the classpath. or any other jars.
Right Chord

Maybe I didn't explain exactly what I was expecting with the standby database, these steps are what I did, to resolve the issue
Step 1: create a newly spfile from the current pfile
Step 3: delete the former sid created
C:\ORADIM -delete -sid orcl
Instance deleted.
Step 3: Change the Oracle service to start when the OS start
C:\ ORADIM -new -sid ORCL -SRVC OracleServiceORCL -STARTMODE auto -SRVCSTART system -SPFILE
Instance created.
Now When I shutdown the whole system and start it up, the standby database startup. the only thing is that the standby database startup a read-only mode, defautl with oracle 10g this is fine for me, because the MRP is stopped but the log shipping is not stopped.
So eventhough the system admin shutdown the database server at OS level without letting me know, tha standby should continue receiving archived log files.
I'll just need to monitore the lop apply process and start it to apply archived log files received

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    I would like to be able to use reflection to instantiate an instance of a generic type, but can't seem to avoid getting type safety warnings from the compiler. (I'm using Eclipse 3.1.1) Here is a trivial example: suppose I want to create an instance of a list of strings using reflection.
    My first guess was to write the following:
    Class cls = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList<String>");
    List<String> myList = cls.newInstance();The call to Class.forName throws a ClassNotFoundException. OK, fine, so I tried this:
    Class cls = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList");
    List<String> myList = cls.newInstance();Now the second line generates the warning "Type safety: The expression of type List needs unchecked conversion to conform to List<String>".
    If I change the second line to
    List<String> myList = (List<String>)cls.newInstance();then I get the compiler warning "Type safety: The cast from Object to List<String> is actually checking against the erased type List".
    This is a trivial example that illustrates my problem. What I am trying to do is to persist type-safe lists to an XML file, and then read them back in from XML into type-safe lists. When reading them back in, I don't know the type of the elements in the list until run time, so I need to use reflection to create an instance of a type-safe list.
    Is this erasure business prohibiting me from doing this? Or does the reflection API provide a way for me to specify at run time the type of the elements in the list? If so, I don't see it. Is my only recourse to simply ignore the type safety warnings?

    I appreciate all your help on this topic. I think we are close to putting this thing to rest, but I'd like to run one more thing by you.
    I tried something similar to your suggestion:public static <T> List<T> loadFromStorage(Class<T> clazz) {
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
        for ( ...whatever ...) {
           T obj = clazz.newInstance();
           // code to load from storage ...
        return list;
    }And everything is fine except for one small gotcha. The argument to this method is a Class<T>, and what I read from my XML storage is the fully qualified name of my class(es). As you pointed out earlier, the Class.forName("Foo") method will return a Class<?> rather than a Class<Foo>. Therefore, I am still getting a compiler warning when attempting to produce the argument to pass to the loadFromStorage method.
    I was able to get around this problem and eliminate the compiler warning, but I'm not sure I like the way I did it. All of my persistent classes extend a common base class. So, I added a static Map to my base class:class Base
       private static Map<String, Class<? extends Base>> classMap = null;
          Map<String, Class<? extends Base>> map = new TreeMap<String, Class<? extends Base>>();
          classMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(map);
       public static Class<? extends Base> getClass(String name)
          return classMap.get(name);
       protected static void putClass(Class<? extends Base> cls)
          classMap.put(cls.getName(), cls);
    }And added a static initializer to each of my persistent classes:class Foo extends Base
    }So now my persistence code can replace Class.forName("my.package.Foo") with Base.getClass("my.package.Foo"). Since Foo.class is of type Class<Foo>, this will give me the Class<Foo> I want instead of a Class<?>.
    Basically, it works and I have no compiler warnings, but it is unfortunate that I had to come up with my own mechanism to obtain a Class<Foo> object when my starting point was the string "my.package.Foo". I think that the JDK, in order to fully support reflection with generic types, should provide a standard API for doing this. I should not have to invent my own.
    Maybe it is there and I'm just not seeing it. Do you know of another way, using reflection, to get from a string "my.package.Foo" to a Class<Foo> object?
    Thanks again for your help,

  • Using ORADIM to create instance on Oracle 10g R2, windows platform

    Please I used the below command to create database instance to startup at the same time as of the OS is starting up.
    But When I shutdown the all system at OS level, and restart it, the OracleServiceORCL shows up as Started Automatic in the services tool, but when trying to connect ot the database, the following message appears Connected to an Idle instance So I have to startup manually the database.
    It's any thing wrong with my ORADIM command?
    Thanks for your cooperation

    Maybe I didn't explain exactly what I was expecting with the standby database, these steps are what I did, to resolve the issue
    Step 1: create a newly spfile from the current pfile
    Example: the C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\INITORCL.ORA became
    Step 3: delete the former sid created
    C:\ORADIM -delete -sid orcl
    Instance deleted.
    Step 3: Change the Oracle service to start when the OS start
    C:\ ORADIM -new -sid ORCL -SRVC OracleServiceORCL -STARTMODE auto -SRVCSTART system -SPFILE
    Instance created.
    Now When I shutdown the whole system and start it up, the standby database startup. the only thing is that the standby database startup a read-only mode, defautl with oracle 10g this is fine for me, because the MRP is stopped but the log shipping is not stopped.
    So eventhough the system admin shutdown the database server at OS level without letting me know, tha standby should continue receiving archived log files.
    I'll just need to monitore the lop apply process and start it to apply archived log files received

  • Creating a new work item instance in a process using PAPI

    I'm seeing that there are a lot of questions on this forum about using Oracle BPM 10g's Java API called PAPI.
    I just uploaded a step by step document on how you could do this using JDeveloper 11. Here's the link to this document: The Oracle BPM project I used for this step-by-step document is also in this zip file. If you're curious, this also describes how to download, install and start JDeveloper 11.
    This is not formal Oracle documentation, but I know from teaching our Oracle BPM Bootcamp class that getting PAPI to work is sometimes a challenge and thought this might help. I tried to write it with the "Java Newbie" in mind so do not panic if you aren't an expert in Java (I'm sure not ?:| ).
    This is a simple example that uses most of the logic found in the PAPI documentation on in the "Writing Your First Java PAPI Program" section of this document.
    The document provides a step-by-step description on how how to use PAPI to:
    <li> interface to processes running on an Oracle BPM Enterprise Engine using the same logic that is in the Oracle BPM PAPI documentation
    <li> interface to processes running on an Oracle BPM Studio Engine
    <li> list processes currently running on the Engine using the same logic that is in the Oracle BPM PAPI documentation
    <li> list the work item instances running on the Engine using the same logic that is in the Oracle BPM PAPI documentation
    <li> create a new work item instance in a process and pass in input argument variables to the new instance as it is created.
    Hope you find this useful,

    i have gone through your example. It gives good information how to connect to BPM engine through java papi client. I have followed exactly the same steps given in the PDF document. But it throws the exception on both java client side and BPM Suite.
    Steps followed :
    1. Import sampleproject.exp into Oracle BPM studio and start the BPM engine.
    2. Imported the fuegopapi-client.jar and Write the JAVA PIPA client to connect Oracle BPM Engine.
    complete example code:_
    import fuego.papi.CommunicationException;
    import fuego.papi.InstanceInfo;
    import fuego.papi.ProcessService;
    import fuego.papi.ProcessServiceSession;
    import fuego.papi.OperationException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class ProcessAPIClient {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    /////////////////// API Initialization ///////////////////
    Properties configuration = new Properties();
    configuration.setProperty(ProcessService.DIRECTORY_ID, "default");
    configuration.setProperty(ProcessService.DIRECTORY_PROPERTIES_FILE, "directory.xml");
    configuration.setProperty(ProcessService.PROJECT_PATH, "C:\\Oracle\\OracleBPMWorkspace\\SampleProject" );
    configuration.setProperty(ProcessService.WORKING_FOLDER, "/tmp");
    try {
    ProcessService processService = ProcessService.create(configuration);
    /////////////////// Establish a session ///////////////////
    ProcessServiceSession session = processService.createSession("test", "test", null);
    /////////////////// Operate with PAPI ///////////////////
    for (String processId : session.processesGetIds()) {
    System.out.println("\n Process: " + processId);
    for (InstanceInfo instance : session.processGetInstances(processId)) {
    System.out.println(" -> " + instance.getId());
    /////////////////// Close the session ///////////////////
    /////////////////// Release API Resources ///////////////////
    } catch (CommunicationException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not connect to Directory Service");
    } catch (OperationException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not perform the requested operation");
    It throws the following exception and output on java client._
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Could not enhance type with bytecode info: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method.getArgumentTypes()[Lorg/apache/bcel/generic/Type;
    Creating ProcessService with id 'SampleProject'.
    Local folder /tmp\system\Schema33871921573571055\catalogs found.
    Loading catalogs from local folder: /tmp\system\Schema33871921573571055\catalogs
    0 jars found locally.
    [CatalogMgrCache] =======================
    Registering CatalogMgr [SampleProject] ...CatalogManagerCache 23240993:
    [CatalogMgrCache] =======================
    CatalogMgr [SampleProject] REGISTERED!CatalogManagerCache 23240993:
    ProcessService 'SampleProject' created successfully.
    Process: /SampleProcess#Default-1.0
    Unreachable Engine Tolerance (seconds):
    by default: 0
    to be used: 0
    This papi client will not cache exceptions which imply that an engine could not be reached.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/MessageEOFException
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at $Proxy24.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
         at fuego.papi.impl.AbstractProcessControlHandler.newProxyInstance(
         at fuego.papi.impl.rmi.RMIProcessControlHandler.createProxy(
         at fuego.papi.impl.rmi.RMIEngineAccessImpl.createProcessControl(
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceImpl.createProcessControl(
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceSessionImpl$
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceImpl.executeEngineOp(
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceSessionImpl.getProcessControl(
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceSessionImpl.processGetInstances(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.jms.MessageEOFException
         at Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         ... 16 more
    It throws the following exception and output on Oracle BPM Suite._
    Client 'Id=test, Name=test, In=1, Session=564242434' was not found in lists ', PARTICIPANTS' while disconnecting it.
    Please help me to resolve this. I noticed it is able to connect BPM engine and retrieve process list. But while getting instances, it throws the exceptions on both Java Client and BPM engine side.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Retrieving user created variables from multiple instances using PAPI-WS

    I'm using PAPI-WS to retrieve a list of instances from Oracle BPM using ProcessGetInstance. These are modeled as external tasks. ProcessGetInstance returns an InstanceInfoBean which has no place for user defined variables that were set when the instances were started.
    The only way to get user defined variables seems to be to iterate through the entire list and send an InstanceGetVariable request for each one. InstanceGetVariable does not seem allow more than one instance id to be specified in a call from my testing. This is very inefficient since we could easily have hundreds of instances that we're trying to display. Is there some way to get the list of instances to include the user defined variables, or to get the user defined variables for more than one instance in a single call?

    I can't reproduce the problem. This is what I see:C:\temp>javac -cp .
    C:\temp>java -version
    java version "1.6.0"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)
    C:\temp>java -cp . Ttest

  • Using Class and Constructor to create instances on the fly

    i want to be able to create instances of classes as specified by the user of my application. i hold the class names as String objects in a LinkedList, check to see if the named class exists and then try and create an instance of it as follows.
    the problem im having is that the classes i want to create are held in a directory lower down the directory hierarchy than where the i called this code from.
    ie. the classes are held in "eccs/model/behaviours" but the VM looks for them in the eccs directory.
    i cannot move the desired classes to this folder for other reasons and if i try to give the Path name to Class.forName() it will not find them. instead i think it looks for a class called "eccs/model/behaviours/x" in the eccs dir and not navigate to the eccs/model/behaviours dir for the class x.
    any ideas please? heres my code for ye to look at in case im not making any sense:)
    //iterator is the Iterator of the LinkedList that holds all the names of the
    //classes we want to create.
    //while there is another element in the list.
    //get the name of the class to create from the list.
    String className = (String);
    //check to see if the file exists.
    System.out.println("File cannot be found!");
    //breake the loop and move onto the next element in the list.
    //create an empty class.
    Class dynamicClass = Class.forName(className);
    //get the default constructor of the class.
    Constructor constructor = dynamicClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {});
    //create an instance of the desired class.
    Behaviour beh = (Behaviour) constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {});
    private boolean doesFileExist(String fileName)
    //append .class to the file name.
    fileName += ".class";
    //get the file.
    File file = new File(fileName);
    //check if it exists.
    return true;
    return false;

    ok ive changed it now to "eccs.model.behaviours" and it seems to work:) many thanks!!!
    by the following you mean that instead of using the method "doesFileExist(fileName)" i just catch the exception and throw it to something like the System.out.println() ?
    Why don't you simply try to call Class.forName() and catch the exception if it doesn't exist? Because as soon as you package up your class files in a jar file (which you should) your approach won't work at all.i dont think il be creating a JAR file as i want the user to be able to create his/her own classes and add them to the directory to be used in the application. is this the correct way to do this??
    again many thanks for ye're help:)

  • How to Increase the retreving size of instances using PAPI filters.

    How to Increase the retreving size of instances using PAPI filters.
    In my engine database instance size exceeds 2500 then we are getting following exception.
    If we login in to user workspace able to see the instances but while trying to retrieve from PAPI getting below exception and showing the user's inbox aize as 0.
    In Process Admin console we set all the required parameters.
    Still I m getting the same problem.
    Can you please lgive mev the solution.
    <Mar 23, 2010 8:58:24 PM SGT> <Warning> <RMI> <BEA-080003> <RuntimeException thrown by rmi server: fuego.ejbengine.EJBProcessControl_1zamnl_EOImpl.getInstancesByFilter(Lfuego.papi.impl.j2ee.EJBSecureEngineInfo;Ljava.lang.String;Lfuego.papi.Filter;)
    java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of java.util.HashSet to field fuego.view.FilterImpl.attributes of type java.util.List in instance of fuego.view.FilterImpl.
    java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of java.util.HashSet to field fuego.view.FilterImpl.attributes of type java.util.List in instance of fuego.view.FilterImpl
    Edited by: bg57295 on Mar 24, 2010 6:45 PM

    Hi Bharath,
    Believe me, you have an incompatibility between different build#.
    PAPI has an instance cache. When certain process has more instances than the maximum specified, the cache is switch to status OPEN. That means, that PAPI will not be able to resolve some instance queries using the information in the cache. When that occurs, PAPI forward all those queries to the engine.
    The incompatibility introduced is in the communication between PAPI and Engine. So, you only get the exception when you have more instances than the maximum cache size.

  • Creating instances in Java Papi

    Hi all,
    Actually,I am a newbie to aqualogic bpm.I have written a papi code in java to get process instances directly from studio workspace.Now, I want to crate process instances in java papi code itself and then getting those instances.I don't know how to do that.Can anybody help please?

    Hi Dan,
    That's pretty good but it is exposing all methods and that's a WSDL file.. Here is some PAPI-WS code that somebody on some other thread put up.. But it does not work properly.. Do you know what files to import to the JAVA project to make it to work?
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
    import com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.OperationException;
    public class CreateInstances {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, ServiceException, OperationException, RemoteException { url = null;
    org.apache.axis.EngineConfiguration config = null;
    com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.PapiWebServicePortBindingStub binding = null;
    com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.InstanceInfoBean value = null;
    //String processId = "/Proceso1";
    //String processId = "/ActividadesExternas";
    String processId = "/PAPIWS";
    String argumentsSetName = "BeginIn";
    //url = new"http", "localhost", 8686, "/papiws/PapiWebServiceEndpoint");
    url = new"http", "localhost", 8585, "/papiws/PapiWebServiceEndpoint");
    config = new org.apache.axis.configuration.FileProvider("client_deploy.wsdd");
    binding = (com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.PapiWebServicePortBindingStub) new com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.PapiWebService_ServiceLocator(config).getPapiWebServicePort(url);
    com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.ArgumentsBeanArgumentsEntry argumentsBeanArgumentsEntry[] = new com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.ArgumentsBeanArgumentsEntry[1];
    argumentsBeanArgumentsEntry[0] = new com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.ArgumentsBeanArgumentsEntry();
    argumentsBeanArgumentsEntry[0].setValue("Instancia creada de forma externa mediante PAPI-WS 2.0");
    com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.ArgumentsBean argumentsBean = new com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.ArgumentsBean(argumentsBeanArgumentsEntry);
    com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.holders.ArgumentsBeanHolder argumentsBeanHolder = new com.bea.albpm.PapiWebService.holders.ArgumentsBeanHolder(argumentsBean);
    //Create instance
    value = binding.processCreateInstance(processId, argumentsSetName, argumentsBeanHolder);
    System.out.println("Created instance -> = " + value.getId());
    Edited by: user8752903 on Oct 28, 2009 8:49 AM

  • Process Diagram of an instance using PAPI

    I`m trying to get que Process Diagram of an instance with PAPI using processGetDiagram but it doesn`t work, any ideas or examples?
    Thanks a lot

    I dont think there is any way to update the value of any instance variable directly by PAPI.
    What you can do is have a Global Activity with instance access from where you can access all the instance/ external variables.
    You can call this activity using PAPI and can send arguments telling it what to do.
    Let me know if this helps.

  • Creating instances using a string identifier

    Is there a way to create an instance of a class given it's
    class name as a string( for example). I know I could do it simply
    by using conditional logic, but I'd like this to be extensible and
    don't want to have to keep adding conditions as the system grows.
    In other languages I've used, this is possible in many ways
    and was wondering if there is a way to do this in AS 3.0

    Thanks for the heads up Ed!
    One way to be ableto get around your issue (not that this
    exists in AS 3.0) is to be able to "register" a class so the
    compiler/linker can link it into the swf and you get compile time
    This is the way Delphi allows for this. The C# complier is
    kind of in between in that you are still liable to get a runtime
    error in the case that you creat an instance of a class using (say)
    Activator.CreateInstance() which is the equivalent.
    One way to get around this in AS 3.0 (I think) would be to
    simply declare a variables of the types you intend to create
    instances of dynamically. This should force the linker to link in
    the class definition.
    Of course in both C# and Delphi you can create instances of
    classes unknown to you at complie time. From the looks of it, AS
    3.0 can't do this.

  • Update Instance Variables using PAPI

    I have a need to update Instance Variables for a bunch of instances. Can this be done using PAPI? I am writing a global function that can search the instances and update. How can I update these variables...thank you

    I think that the best way of changing instance variables using papi is by adding a global activity (with instance access) and pass the new variable values as arguments. Pay attention that you have to define those arguments in the activity.
    Then, you can assign those values to the instance using PBL.,%20fuego.papi.InstanceInfo,%20fuego.papi.Arguments)
    I do suggest avoiding sending interruptions to instances, because once the notification is sent (and the papi method returns successfully), the notifications will be processed in another transaction.
    Hope this helps,
    Ariel A.

  • Got compilation error about 'create instance activity' using file adapter

    I am creating a very simple bpel process using file adapter. in my 'Receive' activity, I selected 'create instance' , as the tutorial says.
    I got this compilation error during deploying.
    'Error(31): [Error ORABPEL-10051]: multiple create instance activity [Description]: in line 31 of "D:\OraBPELPM_1\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\BPELPractices\FileAdapterTest2\FileAdapterTest2.bpel", Conflicting createInstacne="yes". Instance is already created by another activity. [Potential fix]: Remove createInstance="yes" attribute from this activity. '
    Several people had the same problem in my team. I wonder if this is a common issue. how to fix it?

    You must be having another receive/pick activity within the same process that has "createInstance" set to yes.
    Thats why its complaining.

  • Can 10G express be used to create an application for use with a 10G instanc

    Can 10G express be used to create an application for use with a 10G instance? I am new to Oracle 10G. I like the interface for creating applications, maintaining users, etc. Can this tool be pointed at a regular instance of 10G so that applications can be created against a regular 10G database not the express database?
    Can PL/SQL proceedures that are created in 10G express also be migrated to a 10G database?
    Thanks in advance

    Can 10G express be used to create an application for use with a 10G instance?Yeah, that's the whole point from a marketing perspective ;)
    Can this tool be pointed at a regular instance of 10G so that applications can be
    created against a regular 10G database not the express database?Yes but it's a different version. Check out:
    Can PL/SQL proceedures that are created in 10G express also be migrated to a 10G database?Yes they can!

  • Using RMAN to create single instance standby from 2 node rac

    Any advice on the RMAN command to take a non catalog full rman backup from a two node 11gr2 rac node and use it to create the STANDBY single instance.
    The RAC two node instance is in ASM (Linux)
    The Physical Standby is Normal File System (Linux)
    The command that I get from Metalink suggests:
    rman target sys/passwd@primary catalog RMAN/RMAN@RMAN auxiliary sys/passwd
    RMAN> run {
    allocate auxiliary channel C1 device type disk;
    duplicate target database for standby;
    When I took the rman backup I did not use catalog. Please suggest how to accomplish the same task without catalog. Thanks

    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = /u02/standby/
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /u02/standby/
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    ADR_BASE_STANDBY = /u02/standby/
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 2012))
    ...... Tnsnames.ora
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 2012))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 2012))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 2012))
    # TAF 2 Node RAC, KEMETRAC =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 2012))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 2012))
    (RETRIES = 180)
    (DELAY = 5)
    The Standby has been started up with nomount.
    standby> rman target sys/[email protected] auxiliary sys/pw
    Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jan 18 18:16:46 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    connected to target database: KEMETRAC (DBID=1448030790)
    connected to auxiliary database: KEMETRAC (not mounted)
    RMAN> run {
    2> duplicate target database for standby from active database dorecover nofilenamecheck;}
    Starting Duplicate Db at 18-JAN-12
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 01/18/2012 18:23:06
    RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database
    RMAN-06217: not connected to auxiliary database with a net service name

  • Error creating instances in Business Process Workspace

    i have the following error:
    oracle.bpm.web.exception.WapiOperationException: Error creating instance for target process Serv_M/Proj_V!76.0*/EV.
    Caused by: BPM-70204
    exception.70204.type: error
    exception.70204.severity: 2 Error creating process instance.
    exception.70204.description: Error creating instance for target process Serv_M/Proj_V!76.0*/EV.
    exception.70204.fix: Verify server log to find the problem cause.
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(
    at $Proxy413.createProcessInstanceTask(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.bpm.papi.ora.util.ApplicationExecution11G.beginExecution(
    ... 101 more
    Caused by: ORABPEL-02023
    Cannot activate block.
    failure to activate the block "EV" for the instance "30037"; exception reported is: .
    This error contained the exceptions thrown by the underlying routing system.
    Contact Oracle Support Services. Provide the error message, the composite source and the exception trace in the log files (with logging level set to debug mode).
    Help me please!

    Hi Chris
    If you are trying to create a LOV and use that as a parameter, then you need to create LOV as Dynamic Cascading values. Once created then you can use that LOV in the Crystal Reports.    
    This is the best way to get dynamic cascading prompts in Crystal reports.
    Please refer to Business View Admin guide for more information.
    Hope this helps!!

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