Using perl scripts in OWB

Dear all,
Is is possible to cal perl scripts from OWB?.
Thanks in advance

... nichts zu danken, ich wünsche Dir eine sichere und erfolgreiche Zeit. Bei Problemen einfach hier melden.

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    Can anyone provide some pointers to look into this issue ?
    Prashant Jain
    software developer

    This forum is mailly talk about the product use related issue and not the best place to talk about the develop issue, for the develop issue we can post in MSDN forum for the further help.
    MSDN forum
    Thanks for your understanding and support.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Perl script to extract SAP table

    Hi everyone,
    Is that possible to use Perl script to access and extract SAP table ? Is there any documentation for this ?

    Here's a bit of script using SAP::Rfc to read the table TBTCO, which stores background job information.  You can find the whole script here:  I've removed most of it so that the following is just an example of reading the table and printing the results to stdout:
    (note, this was written on a 4.6B system)
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use SAP::Rfc;
    ### Variable Declarations
    $DEBUG = 0;
    $OUTPUT = "sm37.csv";
    $JOBCOUNT = 0;
    @ICONFIG = ();
    $CFGCTR = 0;
    ### End of variable declarations
    open(OUTFILE, ">>$OUTPUT") || die ("cannot open output file ", $OUTPUT, "\n");
    my $RFC = new SAP::Rfc(
                 ASHOST   => 'servername',
                 USER     => 'username',
                 PASSWD   => 'password',
                 LANG     => 'EN',
                 CLIENT   => '010',
                 SYSNR    => '01',
                 TRACE    => '0' );
    my $IT = $RFC->discover("RFC_READ_TABLE");
    $RFC->callrfc( $IT );
    print "Num Rows in PRD matching selection criteria: ".$IT->tab('DATA')->rowCount()." \n";
    for my $ROW ( $IT->DATA ) {
            print "\n\nRaw row: $ROW";
            $JOBNAME = trim(substr($ROW, 0, 32));
            $JOBID = substr($ROW, 32, 8);
            $JOBCLASS = substr($ROW, 40, 1);
            if (substr($ROW, 41, 1)) {
                    $PERIODIC = 1;
            } else {
                    $PERIODIC = 0;
            $SERVER = trim(substr($ROW, 42, 20));
            $CREATOR = trim(substr($ROW, 62, 12));
            $USERNAME = trim(substr($ROW, 74, 12));
            $MANDT = substr($ROW, 86, 3);
            $EVENT = trim(substr($ROW, 89, 32));
            $SCHDATE = substr($ROW, 121, 8);
                    $SYEAR = trim(substr($SCHDATE, 0, 4));
                    $SMONTH = trim(substr($SCHDATE, 4, 2));
                    $SDAY = trim(substr($SCHDATE, 6, 2));
            $SCHTIME = substr($ROW, 129, 6);
                    $SHOUR = trim(substr($SCHTIME, 0, 2));
                    if ($SHOUR == 24) {
                            $SHOUR = "00";
                    $SMINUTE = trim(substr($SCHTIME, 2, 2));
                    $SSECOND = trim(substr($SCHTIME, 4, 2));
            $STRDATE = substr($ROW, 135, 8);
                    $BYEAR = trim(substr($STRDATE, 0, 4));
                    $BMONTH = trim(substr($STRDATE, 4, 2));
                    $BDAY = trim(substr($STRDATE, 6, 2));
            $STRTIME = substr($ROW, 143, 6);
                    $BHOUR = trim(substr($STRTIME, 0, 2));
                    if ($BHOUR == 24) {
                            $BHOUR = "00";
                    $BMINUTE = trim(substr($STRTIME, 2, 2));
                    $BSECOND = trim(substr($STRTIME, 4, 2));
            $ENDDATE = substr($ROW, 149, 8);
                    $EYEAR = trim(substr($ENDDATE, 0, 4));
                    $EMONTH = trim(substr($ENDDATE, 4, 2));
                    $EDAY = trim(substr($ENDDATE, 6, 2));
            $ENDTIME = substr($ROW, 157, 6);
                    $EHOUR = trim(substr($ENDTIME, 0, 2));
                    if ($EHOUR == 24) {
                            $EHOUR = "00";
                    $EMINUTE = trim(substr($ENDTIME, 2, 2));
                    $ESECOND = trim(substr($ENDTIME, 4, 2));
            $STATUS = substr($ROW, 163, 1);
            if ($SCHTIME && $STRTIME && $SYEAR && $BYEAR) {
                    ($LY,$LM,$LD, $Lh,$Lm,$Ls) = Delta_YMDHMS($SYEAR,$SMONTH,$SDAY, $SHOUR,$SMINUTE,$SSECOND,
                                                              $BYEAR,$BMONTH,$BDAY, $BHOUR,$BMINUTE,$BSECOND);
                    $DELAY = ($Ls + ($Lm * 60) + ($Lh * 3600) + ($LD * 86400));
                    $LY = ""; $LM = "";
            if ($ENDTIME && ($ENDDATE >= $STRDATE) && $BYEAR && $EYEAR) {
                    ($DY,$DM,$DD, $Dh,$Dm,$Ds) = Delta_YMDHMS($BYEAR,$BMONTH,$BDAY, $BHOUR,$BMINUTE,$BSECOND,
                                                              $EYEAR,$EMONTH,$EDAY, $EHOUR,$EMINUTE,$ESECOND);
                    $DURATION = ($Ds + ($Dm * 60) + ($Dh * 3600) + ($DD * 86400));
                    if ($DURATION < 0) {
                            $DURATION = 0;
                            print "Duration less than zero, set to zero\n";
                    $DY = ""; $DM = "";
            } else {
                    $DURATION = 0;
           $JOBCOUNT ++;
    close OUTFILE;

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    Had to change
    #!/usr/bin/perl --

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    I am new to Oracle. I am trying to learn the basic concepts
    I read that PERL is a server side scripting language.
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    I understand PERL interpreter comes with UNIX.
    1. So, is scripting using PERL an alternative to shell scripting? or
    Does it have a different purpose?
    2. If an alternative, then when would PERL scripting be better than shell scripting or vice versa ?
    3. If an alternative, can PERL be exclusively used replacing shell scripting or as mentioned in my 2nd question used based on the application.
    Your reply will be truly appreciated.

    A hypothetical question: If a unix had PERL
    installation can I use it replacing the unix shell
    scripting for carrying out day to day DBA tasks? You
    mentioned it is not done that way but theoretically
    can it be done?
    Yes, if you are proficient with Perl, you can use perl to script DBA scripts. Perl is more powerful than shell script. So there's nothing Perl can't do that shell can, there are many things Perl can, regular shell can't.
    The limitation is some company has tight policy on installing non-default software on servers, especially production high security servers.
    If not for carrying out day to day DBA tasks using
    PERL scripting is there any other reason for why PERL
    may come installed or can be installed in a UNIX
    Like said, Perl has many useful functions and modules. With DBD/DBI module and string processing power (Regular Expression etc), Perl is very popular tool for dataloading scripts as well as phyton.
    Perl and Phyton are also heavy used for CGI application and much more.

  • Getting the output from a Perl script using Runtime.exec

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    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Perl\\bin\\Perl.exe ;
    InputSream in = p.getInputStream();
    while ((b = > 0)
    But there is no way that I get the output in the inputstream. If I use the command "cmd", the output is displayed in the Dos box, but also not in the inputstream.
    I will appreciate any help.

    Try this
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Perl\\bin\\Perl.exe ;
    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
    String str;

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    Go to Tools > Options > Advanced "Tab"(?) > Encryption Tab Click the "Validation" button, and uncheck the checkbox for checking validity.
    Is there any Perl or shell script that disables this certificate warning?

    There might be an add on to accomplish this:
    *[ Skip Cert Error]
    However if we cannot find a solution there might be another place for support:
    *[ Where to go for developer support]

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    My problem is that I don't know how long is that first delay exactly. So to solve this, I thought I could use date commands to time stamp all tasks.. or at least to timestamp first dela.
    Here is example of what I am doing:
    1st delay
    task 1
    task 2
    task 3..... etc
    What would be the best to use?

    It posts messages straight to the system log.  You can see the message, in all its glory using tools like journalctl.  You will see the message, the date, time, host name, user name, and the PID of logger when it ran.

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    Please help how to create a configuration pointing to another OWB Repository using OMB+ scripts.Also how to change the Active Deployment Location for a module using OMB+ Script.

    Here is how you can add a new location to a module and set its configuration setting to this location (ADC);
    Not sure if this is what you are after? To create a new configuration pointing to your own control center;

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    Building & deploying cubes in OWB (can we do these by using XML scripts).
    Is it possible in OWB?
    Please help me ASAP..

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    any ideas...

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    Do we need any prerequisites in order to utilze the command "use essbase"

    Successfully installed Runtime client (including ESSCMD and MaxL) on Win 2k machine and tested functionality using regular Perl script (/sample/ trying to "use Essbase;" in a Perl CGI script running under Apache generates following error:"Can't load 'c:/Perl/site/lib/auto/Essbase/Essbase.dll' for module Essbase: load_file:The specified module could not be found at c:/Perl/lib/ line 206."Any one found a way to "use Essbase;" in a Perl CGI script?

  • I have perl scripts that I want to be able to run with my iplanet web server 6.0. How can I make it work in Windows NT? (Because I have no problem when I use it with Linux).


    Hi Melanie,
    In order to run a PERL script under Windows NT the iPlanet Web Server needs to know where to find the PERL interpreter.
    follow these steps :
    1) Make sure Windows NT knows what a .pl file is. In file Manager click on file and choose associate from the menu. Check the "files with extension" drop-down list for pl - if it exists verify that it is pathed to your perl.exe. If it is not already on the list click the "New Type" button. In the Filetype box put pl. Choose open from the Action drop-down list. In the Command box specify the full path to your perl.exe interpreter (Make sure to use short filenames, rather than long filenames.) Click the OK button. Then click the Close button in the main Associate dialog box. Double click a .pl file to test - it should automatically launch the PERL interpreter and feed it your .pl file.
    2) Create a directory to contain your .pl scripts.
    ~server_root\shell-cgi is a good choice.
    or \cgi-bin\
    NOTE: Make very sure that this directory is NOT part of the document root, it should have it's own directory (preferably at the same level of the docroot).
    3) In the Admin Server select Programs.
    4) Choose CGI directory (normally) or WinCGI directory or ShellCGI Directory depending on ur choice from the Programs menu.
    5) Put the URL Prefix you would like to map to your Shell-CGI directory into the URL Prefix field.
    6) Put the full path to your Shell-CGI directory in the Shell CGI directory field.
    7) Click OK.
    8) The save and apply changes page will display your changes and give you the opportunity to verify them. If they are correct click the Save and Apply button. If not Click the Undo button and go back to step 4.
    (9)You can then call your .pl scripts directly by referencing the directory mapping that you have just created. For example:
    this should work now.
    If not Pls Mail me.
    [email protected]

  • Running sql or perl script using DBMS_JOB

    Is there a way to run a sql or perl script using DBMS_JOB procedures? I have a perl script which checks out the table usage and emails the report to specific users. I want to run this script in a job scheduler, where I am using dbms_job to add the job. Please help. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    You cannot run sql or perl scrips using DBMS_JOBS. You can run only Oracle procedures, functions, packages with DBMS_JOBS. They have to be stored in the database. You will have to create a Pro*C program that is listening on the pipe and push data to that pipe by using dbms_pipe. Then you can execute anything you want.

  • Perl script using perldap under unix

    I've got a perl script (used by a UTC instance) which runs on windows NT and which use the perldap API.
    I'm trying to install it on Solaris with the Directory Server 5.1 SP2 and the Meta Directory 5.1 installed.
    When i use the nsperl located in ../iplanet/servers/lib/nsPerl5.005_03, the script works.
    But when i use it with the nsperl located in sunone/servers/bin/utc50/admin/bin (which is used by the UTC instance) it doesn't work.
    The error message is :
    Can't locate loadable object for module Mozilla::LDAP::API in @INC (@INC contains: /var/cyril/sunone/servers/lib/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/sun4-solaris /var/cyril/sunone/servers/lib/nsPerl5.004_04/lib /var/cyril/sunone/servers/lib/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/site_perl/sun4-solaris /var/cyril/sunone/servers/lib/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/site_perl . /LOCAL/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/sun4-solaris /LOCAL/nsPerl5.004_04/lib /LOCAL/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/site_perl/sun4-solaris /LOCAL/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/site_perl .) at /var/cyril/sunone/servers/lib/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/sun4-solaris/Mozilla/LDAP/ line 29
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/cyril/sunone/servers/lib/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/sun4-solaris/Mozilla/LDAP/ line 29, <GEN0> chunk 26.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/cyril/sunone/servers/lib/nsPerl5.004_04/lib/sun4-solaris/Mozilla/LDAP/ line 32, <GEN0> chunk 26.
    Does anybody know how to do to avoid this problem ?
    Thanks a lot.

    The message indicates PerLDAP is not installed into that Perl library. You could install, but do you need to really? If you need to run PerLDAP Metadirectory scripts, then maybe this would be the only way. But I would check with support - this may not be supported - changing the Perl install with Metadirectory. But they should be able to tell you how. If you don't need to run the PerLDAP Meta-scripts, then just use a seperate Perl install from the ones that come with the Sun servers. We use #!/usr/local/bin/perl.

  • Execute perl-script using java

    Hi All
    I would like to execute a perl script (inside a java app) and retrieve its output. This java program needs this output.
    Can someone give me information on how to do this ?
    Thanks a lot in advance

    Ok, solved it:
    import java.lang.Runtime ;
    import* ;
    public class Test {
         public static void main ( String ARGV[] ) {
              Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime() ;
              Process p = null ;
              DataInputStream dis = null ;
              String s ;
              try {
                   String cmd[] = new String[1] ;
                   cmd[0] = "./" ;
                   p = r.exec(cmd) ;
              dis = new DataInputStream(p.getInputStream());     // create file I/O
                   s = dis.readLine();     
                   System.out.println("|"+s+"|") ;
                   s = dis.readLine();     
                   System.out.println("|"+s+"|") ;
              catch(IOException e) {}

Maybe you are looking for