Utilização de dois servidores PI

Boa Tarde a todos,
Na empresa que estou trabalhando, já existia um servidor PI 7.0 para sistemas legados e no projeto de implementação do GRC NFe, a consultoria optou por efetuar a instalação em um outro servidor PI dedicado para o GRC.
Por política da empresa, os servidores serão migrados de datacenter, e surgiu uma dúvida na preparação dessa migração. Já verifiquei em outros posts, ser possível a instalação em somente 1 servidor, mas a pergunta é:
Existe uma "recomendação" formal da SAP para que sejam utilizados 2 servidores?

Sao duas discussoes:
1. usar o PI corporativo ou um PI exclusivo pra NFE:
O ponto aqui é o impacto de negocio. Interfaces de NFE, caso falhem, impedem a empresa de faturar. Em muitas empresas, o PI é um sistema nao estabilizado ainda com diversos erros de interface ao longo do tempo, e devido às filas das msgs assincronas, se parar uma interface, para "tudo". Tendo PIs separados, vc evita q problemas de interfaces menos prioritarias impactem em processos mais criticos como NFE; provavelmente foi essa a visao da sua consultoria. Claro que isso tem um lado negativo, que é aumentar a complexidade do seu landscape, aumentando o custo de manutencao.
2. Instalar os 3 componentes (SLL-NFE, SLL-NFE-JWS e XI Content) em uma unica instancia ou usar instancias separadas.
Existe uma recomendacao formal de nao se instalar outro aplicativo junto com o PI (verifique isso no master guide do Netweaver). Mas isso nao tem nada a ver com NFE, eh uma recomendacao padrao devido ao alto consumo de recursos pelo PI.
Claro que se a empresa faz um sizing capaz de suportar a demanda de recursos, nada impede tecnicamente de instalar tudo junto.
Note que sao 2 pontos distintos.
Mesmo usando 1 PI pra NFE separado do PI corporativo, vc pode ainda ter tudo nessa mesma instancia de PI NFE ou instalar os componentes ABAP e Java em outras instancias, assim como se vc usa o PI corporativo tb pra NFE, vc poderia tb instalar os componentes ABAP e Java juntos ou em outra instancia.

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    Na thread Contingencia SCAN automatizado? o Henrique mencionou que:
    1) Pra cada nota que ele vai numerar, o ERP "pergunta" ao GRC qual sistema está ativo no momento, e baseado nesta informação ele escolhe qual form utilizar para numerar.
    2) Se ambos estao fora, a nota nao é numerada, fica parada no monitor, e daí vc pode optar por ativar a contingencia em formulario de seguranca ("central contingency", aquelas views que tem no menu da J1BNFE), e fazer o switch dessa pra contingencia.
    Eu entendí que no casos dos dois servidores estarem inativos, podemos optar pela contingência no formulário, mas reparei que o ECC também valida os casos em que os servidores SCAN e SEFAZ estão ativos simultaneamente, não numerando a Notas nestes casos também.
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    no codigo atual da RFC /XNFE/RFC_SRVSTA_READ, é impossível vc ter uma resposta ativa pros 2, devido ao seguinte trecho:
    * If SCAN and SEFAZ is active SEFAZ has priotity so only
    * sefazactive = X is sent to ERP. Scanactive is set to blank.
      LOOP AT et_status INTO es_status.
        IF es_status-sefazactive = 'X'.
          CLEAR es_status-scanactive.
          MODIFY et_status FROM es_status.
    Se vc nao tem esse codigo na sua versao, sugiro atualizar asap seu sistema.


    Senhores, bom dia!
    Tenho um cenário em meu cliente, onde eu recebo a Folha de Serviço que foi gerada pela VI01 (LES-TRA) para posteriormente efetuar a MIRO e efetuar o pagamento/escrituração do CTe.
    Na criação do DC (VI01) foi efetuado um desenvolvimento para determinar o IVA de forma automática lendo o CFOP das Notas das Remessas que foram atreladas do Documento de Transporte (VT01N).
    Após a leitura do CFOP identificou-se a necessidade de utilização de dois códigos de IVA, pois em uma das remessas o cliente tem direito a credito de icms e a outra não.
    DT - tenho 2 Remessas
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    O grande problema é que o documento de Frete é gerado apenas com 01 item e uma Folha Serviço.
    Porém no momento da MIRO preciso utilizar os dois códigos de Impostos para efetuar a escrituração/tomada de credito corretamente.
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    O ideal seria criar o DC com um item de custo de frete por remessa, desta forma na outra ponta do processo (MIRO) não teria esse tipo de problema.
    Agradeço por qualquer ajuda.
    Lincoln Malzone
    SAP MM

    Olá Lincoln.
    Eu acho que existe uma questão funcional para ser esclarecida nesse post.
    Em muitos casos quando existe uma situação tributária que modifica a escrituração do CTe é necessária a emissão de mais de um CTe então para que ele siga a tributação da NFe.
    Mas acho que esse não é o seu caso.
    Independentemente de você estar mencionando embalagem retornável ou não, seu produto predominante aqui gera crédito, então acredito que você tenha crédito do valor nominal do frete.
    Por favor valide com o fiscal o requerimento primeiro.

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    Um grande help de vcs ...
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    Desde já agradeço toda e qualquer ajuda.
    Grande abraço a todos.

    Ola, acho que vc já deve ter conseguido resolver esse problema, mas vamos lá, quanto a interface RFC estar ok no monitor de msgs do PI e com erro no RWB isso ocorre devido ao processo ter transcorrido ok durante toda a msgeria, ou seja, o processo recebeu a msg, fez o mapping transformation, chamou a rfc e finalizou o processo, no RWB porem, que mostra o resultado da chamada desse processo final, retorna o erro que a RFC ou conexao nao foi encontrada, podem ser dois fatores ai, o RFC Destinations (SM59) entre seus ambientes foram criados corretamente e os testes deles estao ok? A RFC realmente existe no ambiente que esta tendo que enviar? O comunication channel esta criado no local correto apontando para o ambiente correto?
    Quando ao WSDL, para poder dar uma analisada nele coloque ele aqui no forum por favor, porem vc poderia fazer um testes com o SOAP UI ( aplicativo para testes de webservices ) que é disponivel gratuitamente para verificar se a assinatura do servico esta correta.

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    Je regrette beaucoup vos problèmes. Toutefois je ne comprends pas pourquoi avoir attendu des mois et des mois! A votre place j'aurais demandé un appareil de remplacement car vos problèmes doivent venir d'un défaut de ce MacPro. J'ai un MacPro 2013 depuis avril et il fonctionne toujours correctement. C'est le cas certainement des milliers de usagers des nouveaux MacPro 2013. Votre patience d'attendre aussi long temps sans demander un remplacement je ne la comprends pas.
    Appareil avec défaut veut pour moi dire remplacement !!! et ceci sans attendre, déjà dans les premiers jours, une fois constaté 1) qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un péripherique (en déconnectant tout sauf clavier, souris et écran(1 seul!))  et  2) que vous n'avez pas des problèmes de vos logiciels, (en vous connectant dans le mode dit "sûr"). Si c'est 2 choses ne corrigent pas le(s) défaut(s)... alors l'appareil a des problèmes de hardware. Il doit donc être remplacé par Apple.
    D'ailleurs pour un appareil si cher le Apple Care doit être acheté immédiatement avec l'ordinateur. Pourquoi on ne l'a pas fait lors de l'achât m'échappe également, surtout pour une utilization professionnelle. J'espère que vous prendrez le toreau par les cornes. Bonne chance!

  • TCP/IP servidor

    Buen día,
    Construí un servidor que envía datos de tamaño 8,7 y 6 Bytes; y tengo un cliente que recibe tramas de 8 Bytes solamente (No puedo cambiar el tamaño del buffer del cliente). Como puedo lograr que mi servidor envié siempre tramas de 8 Bytes, esto es por que en algunos momentos mis datos tiene valores inferiores al valor que mi cliente recibe, lo cual provoca un error en los datos recibidos.
    Muchas gracias..Saludos cordiales
    Adjunto imagen del servidor TCP
    Go to Solution.
    Server_TCP_labview.png ‏25 KB

    Que tal ivan_1982;
    Una manera sencilla de hacer lo que quieres sería rellenar los Bytes faltantes con un espacio, para hacerlo puedes utilizar un código como el que te muestro a continuación.
    Si después de leer el número utilizas una función Fractional String to Number no deberían de darte problema los espacios, pero si necesitas quitárselos puedes utilizar la siguiente función
    Espero que la información te sea de ayuda
    Francisco Arellano
    National Instruments Mexico
    Field Systems Engineer - Energy Segment

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    hola a todos
    Necesito comunicar con labview un plc s7 400h  de siemens, utiliza industrial ethernet tcp/ip  me gustarìas saber de que forma lo puedo comunicar, si es necesario utilizar algùn opc o si solamente con los vi's de tcp puedo comunicarlos

    Hola elias 2231, para comunicarte con un PLC a través de Labview básicamente tienes 3 opciones I/O digital, estándares de red, y OPC.
    Utilizar las salidas digitales de tu PLC, y conectaras a una tarjeta DAQ, o a un PAC.
    Para la parte de estándares de red como mencionas tcp/ip, puedes generar una arquitectura cliente servidor, y enviar los datos por tcp/ip, para implementar el cliente o servidor en labview puedes encontrar un ejemplo en find examples.
    Finalmente, y muchas veces la opción mas sencilla es el uso de un OPC Server, para conectarte con este las dos opciones principales son utilizar el modulo de DSC (data and supervisor y control) que es la mas sencilla o por medio de Datasocket en el cual realizarías una conexión a cada elemento de tu OPC
    Por facilidad y para reducir el tiempo de desarrollo yo te recomendaría utilizar el modulo de DSC
    Los siguientes links pueden ser de interés
    Benjamin C
    Senior Systems Engineer // CLA // CLED // CTD

  • Report for calculating capacity utilization and Efficency

    We are following REM in our company. The production line is defined in the production version. While backflushing the production line is called automatically and hence backflushing is done.
    We calculate the capacity utilization by using the formulae.
    Capacity Utilization = (Backflushed Qty/ Available capacity)*100.
    My queries are:
    1. Is there any standard report to determine the capacity utilization of a production line.
    2. Is there any standard report to calcualte the efficency of a production line.
    waiting for reply.
    With regards,

    Hi afzal
    1. you have mentioned ; Available capacity = Std.time per piece * no. of working hrs
    Let me explain with example
    suppose per piece if it takes 10 mins, now according to your formula
    A.C = 10* 24 * 60 = 14400 per day, but which is not correct
    normally if 10 mins/ peice means 6 peices/hr and for 24 hrs 24*6 = 144.
    so it must be A.C =  no. of working hrs / Std.time per piece.
    2. You have mentioned = capacity utlilised = total Backflushed qty per day., which means you are caluculating capacity utilization based on input material.
    3. Utilization = (Avaliable capacity/ Capacity utilised) * 100
    suppose let  us consider Available capacity per day =100
    capacity utilized = 50
    Utilization = (100/50) * 100 = 200%, which is not correct it should be only 50%
    Here my main doubt is why You are caluculating capacity based on input material.
    Please explanin  me you business process and whats the exact requirement so that I can help you out.
    Please check the formulae

  • Follow up on an old thread about memory utilization

    This thread was active a few months ago, unfortunately its taken me until now
    for me to have enough spare time to craft a response.
    From: SMTP%"[email protected]" 3-SEP-1996 16:52:00.72
    To: [email protected]
    Subj: Re: memory utilization
    As a general rule, I would agree that memory utilzation problems tend to be
    developer-induced. I believe that is generally true for most development
    environments. However, this developer was having a little trouble finding
    out how NOT to induce them. After scouring the documentation for any
    references to object destructors, or clearing memory, or garbage collection,
    or freeing objects, or anything else we could think of, all we found was how
    to clear the rows from an Array object. We did find some reference to
    setting the object to NIL, but no indication that this was necessary for the
    memory to be freed.
    I believe the documentation, and probably some Tech-Notes, address the issue of
    freeing memory.
    Automatic memory management frees a memory object when no references to the
    object exist. Since references are the reason that a memory object lives,
    the references is the only way that memory objects can be freed. This is why the
    manuals and Tech-Notes talk about setting references to NIL (I.E. freeing memory
    in an automatic system is done by NILing references and not by calling freeing
    routines.) This is not an absolute requirement (as you have probably noticed
    most things are freed even without setting references to NIL) but it accelerates
    the freeing of 'dead' objects and reduces the memory utilization because it
    to carry around less 'dead' objects.
    It is my understanding that in this environment, the development tool
    (Forte') claims to handle memory utilization and garbage collection for you.
    If that is the case, then it is my opinion that it shoud be nearly
    impossible for the developer to create memory-leakage problems without going
    outside the tool and allocating the memory directly. If that is not the
    case, then we should have destructor methods available to us so that we can
    handle them correctly. I know when I am finished with an object, and I
    would have no problem calling a "destroy" or "cleanup" method. In fact, I
    would prefer that to just wondering if Forte' will take care of it for me.
    It is actually quite easy to create memory leaks. Here are some examples:
    Have a heap attribute in a service object. Keep inserting things into
    the heap and never take them out (I.E. forgot to take them out). Since
    service objects are always live, everything in the heap is also live.
    Have an exception handler that catches exceptions and doesn't do
    with the error manager stack (I.E. it doesn't call task.ErrMgr.Clear).
    If the handler is activated repeatedly in the same task, the stack of
    exceptions will grow until you run out of memory or the task terminates
    (task termination empties the error manager stack.)
    It seems to me that this is a weakness in the tool that should be addressed.
    Does anyone else have any opinions on this subject?
    Actually, the implementation of the advanced features supported by the Forte
    results in some complications in areas that can be hard to explain. Memory
    happens to be one of the areas most effected. A precise explanation to a
    non-deterministic process is not possible, but the following attempts to
    explain the
    source of the non-determinism.
    o The ability to call from compiled C++ to interpreted TOOL and back
    to compiled C++.
    This single ability causes most of the strange effects mentioned in
    this thread.
    For C++ code the location of all variables local to a method is not
    (I.E. C++ compilers can't tell you at run-time what is a variable
    and what
    isn't.) We use the pessimistic assumption that anything that looks
    like a
    reference to a memory object is a reference to a memory object. For
    TOOL code the interpreter has exact knowledge of what is a reference
    and what
    isn't. But the TOOL interpreter is itself a C++ method. This means
    that any
    any memory objects referenced by the interpreter during the
    execution of TOOL
    code could be stored in local variables in the interpreter. The TOOL
    runs until the TOOL code returns or the TOOL code calls into C++.
    This means
    that many levels of nested TOOL code can be the source of values
    assigned to
    local variables in the TOOL interpreter.
    This is the complicated reason that answers the question: Why doesn't a
    variable that is created and only used in a TOOL method that has
    get freed? It is likely that the variable is referenced by local
    in the TOOL interpreter method. This is also why setting the
    variable to NIL
    before returning doesn't seem to help. If the variable in question is a
    Array than invoke Clear() on the Array seems to help, because even
    though the
    Array is still live the objects referenced by the Array have less
    The other common occurrence of this effect is in a TextData that
    contains a
    large string. In this case, invoking SetAllocatedSize(0) can be used
    to NIL
    the reference to the memory object that actually holds the sequence of
    characters. Compositions of Arrays and TextData's (I.E. a Array of
    that all have large TextDatas.) can lead to even more problems.
    When the TOOL code is turned into a compiled partition this effect
    is not
    noticed because the TOOL interpreter doesn't come into play and
    things execute
    the way most people expect. This is one area that we try to improve
    upon, but it is complicated by the 15 different platforms, and thus
    C++ compilers,
    that we support. Changes that work on some machines behave
    differently on other
    machines. At this point in time, it occasionally still requires that
    a TOOL
    programmer actively address problems. Obviously we try to reduce
    this need over
    o Automatic memory management for C++ with support for multi-processor
    Supporting automatic memory management for C++ is something that is
    not a very
    common feature. It requires a coding standard that defines what is
    acceptable and
    what isn't. Additionally, supporting multi-processor threads adds
    its own set of
    complications. Luckily TOOL users are insulated from this because
    the TOOL to C++
    code generator knows the coding standard. In the end you are
    impacted by the C++
    compiler and possibly the differences that occur between different
    compilers and/or
    different processors (I.E. Intel X86 versus Alpha.) We have seen
    applications that
    had memory utilization differences of up to 2:1.
    There are two primary sources of differences.
    The first source is how compilers deal with dead assignments. The
    typical TOOL
    fragment that is being memory manager friendly might perform the
    temp : SomeObject = new;
    ... // Use someObject
    temp = NIL;
    When this is translated to C++ it looks very similar in that temp
    will be assigned the
    value NULL. Most compilers are smart enough to notice that 'temp' is
    never used again
    because the method is going to return immediately. So they skip
    setting 'temp' to NULL.
    In this case it should be harmless that the statement was ignored
    (see next example for a different variation.) In more
    complicated examples that involve loops (especially long
    lived event loops) a missed NIL assignment can lead to leaking the
    memory object whose
    reference didn't get set to NIL (incidentally this is the type of
    problem that causes
    the TOOL interpreter to leak references.)
    The second source is a complicated interaction caused by history of
    method invocations.
    Consider the following:
    Method A() invokes method B() which invokes method C().
    Method C() allocates a temporary TextData, invokes
    does some more work and then returns.
    Method B() returns.
    Method A() now invokes method D().
    Method D() allocates something that cause the memory manager to look
    for memory objects to free.
    Now, even though we have returned out of method C() we have starting
    methods. This causes us to use re-use portions of the C++ stack used to
    maintain the history of method invocation and space for local variables.
    There is some probability that the reference to the 'temporary' TextData
    will now be visible to the memory manager because it was not overwritten
    by the invocation of D() or anything invoked by method D().
    This example answers questions of the form: Why does setting a local
    variable to
    NIL and returning and then invoking task.Part.Os.RecoverMemory not
    cause the
    object referenced by the local variable to be freed?
    In most cases these effects cause memory utilization to be slightly
    than expected (in well behaved cases it's less than 5%.) This is a small
    price to pay for the advantages of automatic memory management.
    An object-oriented programming style supported by automatic memory
    management makes it
    easy to extended existing objects or sets of objects by composition.
    For example:
    Method A() calls method B() to get the next record from the
    database. Method B()
    is used because we always get records, objects, of a certain
    type from
    method B() so that we can reuse code.
    Method A() enters each row into a hash table so that it can
    implement a cache
    of the last N records seen.
    Method A() returns the record to its caller.
    With manual memory management there would have to be some interface
    that allows
    Method A() and/or the caller of A() to free the record. This
    that the programmer have a lot more knowledge about the
    various projects
    and classes that make up the application. If freeing doesn'
    happen you
    have a memory leak, if you free something while its still
    being used the
    results are unpredictable and most often fatal.
    With automatic memory management, method A() can 'free' its
    reference by removing
    the reference from the hash table. The caller can 'free' its
    reference by
    either setting the reference to NIL or getting another
    record and referring
    to the new record instead of the old record.
    Unfortunately, this convenience and power doesn't come for free. Consider
    the following,
    which comes from the Forte' run-time system:
    A Window-class object is a very complex beast. It is composed of two
    primary parts:
    the UserWindow object which contains the variables declared by the
    user, and the
    Window object which contains the object representation of the window
    created in
    the window workshop. The UserWindow and the Window reference each
    other. The Window
    references the Menu and each Widget placed on the Window directly. A
    compound Window
    object, like a Panel, can also have objects place in itself. These
    are typically
    called the children. Each of the children also has to know the
    identity of it's
    Mom so they refer to there parent object. It should be reasonably
    obvious that
    starting from any object that make up the window any other object
    can be found.
    This means that if the memory manager finds a reference to any
    object in the Window
    it can also find all other objects in the window. Now if a reference
    to any object
    in the Window can be found on the program stack, all objects in the
    window can
    also be found. Since there are so many objects and the work involved
    in displaying
    a window can be very complicated (I.E. the automatic geometry
    management that
    layouts the window when it is first opened or resized.) there are
    potentially many
    different reference that would cause the same problem. This leads to
    a higher than
    normal probability that a reference exists that can cause the whole
    set of Window
    objects to not be freed.
    We solved this problem in the following fashion:
    Added a new Method called RecycleMemory() on UserWindow.
    Documented that when a window is not going to be used again
    that it is
    preferably that RecycleMemory() is invoked instead
    of Close().
    The RecycleMemory() method basically sets all references
    from parent to
    child to NIL and sets all references from child to
    parent to NIL.
    Thus all objects are isolated from other objects
    that make up
    the window.
    Changed a few methods on UserWindow, like Open(), to check
    if the caller
    is trying to open a recycled window and throw an
    This was feasible because the code to traverse the parent/child
    ready existed and was being used at close time to perform other
    operations on each of the Widgets.
    To summarize:
    Automatic memory management is less error prone and more productive but
    doesn't come totally for free.
    There are things that the programmer can do that assists the memory
    o Set object reference to NIL when known to be correct (this
    is the
    way the memory is deallocated in an automatic system.)
    o Use methods like Clear() on Array and SetAllocatedSize()
    on TextData to
    that allow these objects to set their internal
    references to NIL
    when known to be correct.
    o Use the RecycleMemory() method on windows, especially very
    o Build similar type of methods into your own objects when
    o If you build highly connected structures that are very
    large in the
    number of object involved think that how it might be
    apart gracefully (it defeats some of the purpose of
    management to go to great lengths to deal with the
    o Since program stacks are the source of the 'noise'
    references, try
    and do things with less tasks (this was one of the
    reasons that
    we implemented event handlers so that a single task
    can control
    many different windows.)
    Even after doing all this its easy to still have a problem.
    Internally we have
    access to special tools that can help point at the problem so that
    it can be
    solved. We are attempting to give users UNSUPPORTED access to these
    tools for
    Release 3. This should allow users to more easily diagnose problems.
    It also
    tends to enlighten one about how things are structured and/or point out
    inconsistencies that are the source of known/unknown bugs.
    Derek Frankforth [email protected]
    Forte Software Inc. [email protected]
    1800 Harrison St. +510.869.3407
    Oakland CA, 94612

    I beleive he means to reformat it like a floppy disk.
    Go into My Computer, Locate the drive letter associated with your iPod(normally says iPod in it, and shows under removable storage).
    Right click on it and choose format - make sure to not have the "quick format" option checked. Then let it format.
    If that doesnt work, There are steps somewhere in the 5th gen forum( dont have the link off hand) to try to use the usbstor.sys to update the USB drivers for the Nano/5th gen.

  • How to set up notification email for Full CPU utilization on OEM12c?

    I have found a Oracle Doc,Is that's the way email notifications are setup?How can i check that after setting the notifications? Subscribe to Receive E-mail for Incident Rules
    An incident rule is a user-defined rule that specifies the criteria by which notifications should be sent for specific events that make up the incident. An incident rule set, as the name implies, consists of one or more rules associated with the same incident.
    When creating an incident rule, you specify criteria such as the targets you are interested in, the types of events to which you want the rule to apply. Specifically, for a given rule, you can specify the criteria you are interested in and the notification methods (such as e-mail) that should be used for sending these notifications. For example, you can set up a rule that when any database goes down or any database backup job fails, e-mail should be sent and the "log trouble ticket" notification method should be called. Or you can define another rule such that when the CPU or Memory Utilization of any host reach critical severities, SNMP traps should be sent to another management console. Notification flexibility is further enhanced by the fact that with a single rule, you can perform multiple actions based on specific conditions. Example: When monitoring a condition such as machine memory utilization, for an incident severity of 'warning' (memory utilization at 80%), send the administrator an e-mail, if the severity is 'critical' (memory utilization at 99%), page the administrator immediately.
    You can subscribe to a rule you have already created.
    From the Setup menu, select Incidents, then select Incident Rules.
    On the Incident Rules - All Enterprise Rules page, click on the rule set containing incident escalation rule in question and click Edit... Rules are created in the context of a rule set.
    Note: In the case where there is no existing rule set, create a rule set by clicking Create Rule Set... You then create the rule as part of creating the rule set.
    In the Rules section of the Edit Rule Set page, highlight the escalation rule and click Edit....
    Navigate to the Add Actions page.
    Select the action that escalates the incident and click Edit...

    Make sure you have correct thresholds...
    from target home>monitoring>"Metric and Collection Settings"
    Check the incident rule for warning and critical events for host targets
    Setup>Incident>Incident Rules

  • No puedo conectar iCloud desde Windows vista, me marca error de servidor. Que hago para poder acceder iCloud desde vista?

    No puedo conectar iCloud desde Windows vista, me marca error de servidor. Que hago para poder acceder iCloud desde vista?

    The neighbor discovery on mac and PCs is based on broadcast.
    I think it's the same for yoru SQL application.
    Broadcast are blocked by default on the controller. You can enable "broadcast forwarding" in the controller menu

  • ITunes is unable to connect the server " iTunes não conecta com o servidor"

    Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
    Sony Corporation VPCEH30EB
    O QuickTime não está disponível
    FairPlay 1.14.37
    Apple Application Support 2.1.7
    Biblioteca do Atualizador do iPod 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Dispositivo Móvel Apple
    Driver do Dispositivo Móvel da Apple
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    Número de Série do iTunes 0036AE440EF3BFB0
    O usuário atual é um administrador.
    A data e a hora do local atual é 2012-05-31 15:55:20.
    O iTunes não está sendo executado no modo de segurança.
    A composição acelerada do WebKit está ativada.
    HDCP é compatível.
    Core Media é compatível.
    Informações da Exibição de Vídeo
    Intel Corporation, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
    **** Informações de Plug-ins Externos ****
    Não há nenhum plug-in externo instalado.
    iPodService (x64) está atualmente sendo executado.
    iTunesHelper está atualmente sendo executado.
    Apple Mobile Device service está atualmente sendo executado.
    **** Testes de Conectividade de Rede ****
    Informações do Adaptador de Rede
    Nome do Adaptador:              {50AABBFE-3154-4EAF-B85E-17BDFE017E80}
    Descrição:             Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter
    Endereço IP:
    Máscara da Sub-rede: 
    Gateway Padrão:
    DHCP Ativado:       Sim
    Servidor DHCP:    
    Cessão Obtida:      Wed Dec 31 22:00:00 1969
    A Cessão Expira:   Wed Dec 31 22:00:00 1969
    Servidores DNS:   
    Nome do Adaptador:              {D179EF93-23E1-45F1-82FF-967B61C46D00}
    Descrição:             Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
    Endereço IP:
    Máscara da Sub-rede: 
    Gateway Padrão:
    DHCP Ativado:       Não
    Servidor DHCP:    
    Cessão Obtida:      Wed Dec 31 22:00:00 1969
    A Cessão Expira:   Wed Dec 31 22:00:00 1969
    Servidores DNS:
    Nome do Adaptador:              {8CE4C975-44D1-40F6-B07A-F91A95955EF9}
    Descrição:             Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
    Endereço IP:
    Máscara da Sub-rede: 
    Gateway Padrão:
    DHCP Ativado:       Sim
    Servidor DHCP:    
    Cessão Obtida:      Wed Dec 31 22:00:00 1969
    A Cessão Expira:   Wed Dec 31 22:00:00 1969
    Servidores DNS:   
    Conexão Ativa:      Conexão de rede local
    Conectado:             Sim
    On-line:                  Sim
    Usando Modem:     Não
    Usando LAN:          Sim
    Usando Proxy:       Não
    Informações do Firewall
    O Firewall do Windows está inativo.
    A tentativa de conexão ao site da Apple falhou.
    Esgotou-se o tempo de conexão de rede.
    A conexão básica com a loja falhou.
    Esgotou-se o tempo de conexão de rede.
    A tentativa de conexão com o servidor da Gracenote foi bem-sucedida.
    Esgotou-se o tempo de conexão de rede.
    O iTunes nunca teve acesso à iTunes Store com êxito.

    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 & above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
    Now launch your iTunes, Sync and see if it is working now.
    If you are still having these type of problems after trying the winsock reset, refer to this article to identify which software in your system is inserting LSP:
    iTunes 10.5 for Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

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