Utterly confused....

Hey there!
I have a Blackberry Bold 9900 through T-Mobile. I have been w/BB for a while but have yet to really understand this whole wireless sync stuff. I want my contacts to be updated on my phone, as I make changes to them in my Yahoo. How do I do this? Do I turn off the wireless sync on both my phone and BB Desktop? I consider myself a bit tech-savvy but for some reason this concept just doesn't compute in my head! LOL
Please help!
Also: I did just update my desktop software to the 7.0 bundle and I have the lastet BB softward update on my phone as well. I believe it is the 7.1.

Hi and Welcome to the Community!
Depending on your server-side environment, the capabilities are different...see this to start:
KB03652 Comparing BlackBerry Internet Service and BlackBerry Enterprise Server features
If you are on BES (e.g., corporate-owned BB), then you have full OTA (Over The Air) sync as described. But, if you are BIS (e.g., consumer level), then things are different...and some services provide for OTA sync while others do not.
So, with Yahoo, according to that KB, OTA sync is indeed possible for both calendar and contacts. Here's some more reading material for you:
KB25853 How to enable Yahoo! Contact Synchronization
Oh, and since you were unsure, here's some more:
KB23393 How to check the model number and version of installed BlackBerry device software on a BlackBerry smartphone
Good luck! Any questions, please be specific about (e.g.,) the KB, the step within the KB, etc.
Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    You will have to enter it in the Accounts section of the Preferences.
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    height = 273.8 (m); velocity = -62.8 (m/s); burn (m/s/s): 10
    height = 215.2 (m); velocity = -54.4 (m/s); burn (m/s/s): 10
    height = 165.0 (m); velocity = -46.0 (m/s); burn (m/s/s): 10
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    height = 87.3 (m); velocity = -34.2 (m/s); burn (m/s/s): 10
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    public class Lander{
       KeyboardReader reader = new KeyboardReader
       SreenWriter writer = new ScreenWriter
       int h;
       int v;
       double g;
       int b;
       public void run(){
          int h = reader.readInt("Please enter height: ");
          int v = reader.readInt("Please enter velocity: ");
          double g = reader.readDouble("Please enter gravity ");
          int b = 0;
          while (h > 0){
             int h = writer.println("Height" + (h + v + (g+b)/2));
             int b = reader.readInt ("Enter burn: ");
             int v = writer.println ("Velocity" + (v+(g+b)));
          while (h == 0){
             int h = 0;
             int v = writer.println (-Math.sqrt(2(g+b)h + (v^2))));
             //int h = h<=0;
          public static void main (String [] args) {
             Lander tpo = new Lander();

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    It's generally a good idea to build and run your first Java program without benefit of an IDE using any convenient source editor and the java command line utilities. You should generally add your java bin directory to the PATH for a start to make this possible. It's helpful to know these basics of compiling and running Java.
    Java source files are typically stored in a hierarchy of directories which reflect the package structure of a Java program. Java classes should be placed in packages, e.g. com.acme.timeserver which will be reflected in a file path com/acme/timeserver/TimeServer.java.
    When you compile them they generate corresponding .class files, which are also arranged in a directory tree (which could be the same one, or a separate "build" directory).
    When using an IDE first create a project, which involves a project directory in which your source tree, build directory etc. live. Then create a package and do an "add class" to place a template Java file appropriately. If it's a complete program then you also need to designate a main class (the one with the public static void main(String[] args) {).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    This link may help.
    Why is my broadband usage so high?
    See http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/104​95/~/broadband-usage-policy
    You may be better going onto an unlimited package.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    ways of handling security(allowScriptAccess,
    System.security.allowDomain, ExternalInterface, superdomain
    matching rules, creating serverside permission files, creating
    local registration files, different behavior in different SWF
    versions AND different behavior in different SWF Players! And much,
    much more!) And can't figure out what I need to do.
    (Sorry, got a bit ranty there... not blaming MM, it's not
    their fault they had to incorperate security measure)
    All I know is my SWF is not working. I want to be able to
    send some POST data to a remote server, compatable with Flash
    Player 6,7,and 8; I do not need to load any data. What must I do to
    allow this?
    Thanks for any guidence, it is much needed!

    In my case, there was no receiving SWF, only a sending SWF to
    a serverside page(.php or .asp or something, I don't remember).
    I don't even remember what I did to get it to work(my OP was
    5 months ago... clearly someone has been searching for answers on
    Flash security, and, like me 5 months ago, have mostly found
    unsolved/unhelpful questions :-) )... I think I created a
    crossdomain.xml file. In the end, everything was deployed on the
    same domain, I believe the same subdomain as well.
    That is still a helpful tip, though... I'll try my best to
    remember allowDomain() if I ever need cross-domain SWF-to-SWF

  • Frustrated & confused!

    Getting very frustrated with BT at the moment. Aside from problems with my broadband speed, I'm wondering if we'll ever see Infinity around here. I've been interested in it since it was first launched, but everytime I checked the website it just said that it wasn't available in my area. So you can imagine how pleased I was at the beginning of the year when I learnt that my exchange (Claughton) was being upgraded to FTTC.
    Have been checking regularly since I found out. The Openreach site says my exchange is accepting orders, yet the BT website still says it's not available in my area. However a relative of mine who lives less than a mile down the road has an estimated live date of May-June 2013.
    So  I went a little nuts today and did some investigating.
    This is cabinet 8, that serves my relative. Clearly not a new one, yet it's going live with FTTC in the next few weeks....
    My cabinet is no.14 and is literally just around the corner from my house. I was very disappointed to see that it's still just an old style cabinet, with no new one in place fot the FTTC. The pic doesn't show it that well but there is plenty of space for a new one!!
    Now literally over the road from my house is cabinet 15. This serves the houses in the road opposite me and is FTTC enabled, same estimated go live date as cab 8. As you can see, it has a shiny new cabinet sitting next to it.
    I haven't worked out where cabinet 13 is yet, if there even is one.
    I've done all the post code checkers and they say there's no info for my cabinet. But they also say that about cabs 8 &15, which are soon to go live.....
    So I'm utterly confused. Will my cabinet be upgraded, wont it? Will I ever see Infinity?
    Go to Solution.

    Within an exchange area there will be some customers who can't get BT Infinity. There are several reasons why this could be the case:
    Your phone line may be connected directly to the telephone exchange and not to a local street cabinet.
    Your line may be too far from the local street cabinet to have a stable BT Infinity service.
    Your local street cabinet may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
    We haven't yet got the council's planning permission to do the necessary work at your local street cabinet.
    So, even though you may be within an enabled exchange area, it's possible that your particular line may not be able to have BT Infinity yet.
    The availability checker at www.bt.com/infinity has the latest detail about what speed your line can provide.
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • WHAT is an event? Really, it's totally confusing.

    Seriously, what IS an EVENT? Is it a new thing made up by Apple to utterly confuse, depress and finally totally squash a users creative flow? I have events which lead to nowhere, or lead to pictures of the same scan series but in an organizational pattern utterly unusable to a working photographer. When I tried to import a DV file into iMovie it came in as over 200 "EVENTS"... what the heck am I supposed to do with those???? It's ONE DV FILE not a bunch of events for Gods sake!!
    My vote: Remove iLive '08, stick with previous versions and just let the whole thing die a natural death. It seems Apple has a new software manager who is from the PC camp. Too Bad...iLife WAS one of the premier reasons I sell macs. Sigh.... Now THAT is WAS event!

    Did you want cheese with that whine? Was there a serious question in there?

  • Thoroughly Confused

    Here's the deal. I'm going on the trip of a lifetime to Italy next month and I want to get the best video quality possible from my Canon HF100 and either iMovie 08 or FCE 4.0.1. I've read through these forums as well as forums dealing with my model camcorder and now of course I am utterly confused. The number of frame rate options on my camcorder as well as importing and exporting options on my Mac are overwhelming, and I consider myself to be fairly knowledgeable about AV stuff on the Mac and PC.
    I'm looking for direction in two areas I guess. One is what modes/frame rates work best with iMovie 08 and FCE, and once my footage is on my mac what app/export option will yield the best results, and stay as close as possible to the quality of the source material?
    The Canon HF100 has options for 24p which they recommend using in tandem with Cinema Mode, but it doesn't say what Cinema Mode does. It also has 60i and 30p. I've heard all kinds of conflicting info about how these frame rates work in my two apps, so many that I'm not even going to start to get into them all. Does iMovie 08 or FCE read all these frame rates? Does it recognize them and then convert them to something else? Which ones work best in the two apps?
    As far as exporting goes, do I even know where to start? This is one area where I believe even Apple could not truly simplify things. I eventually want to watch what I shoot on my HDTV of course either streaming it over the network to my XBOX 360 using Connect 360 or burn it on a DVD which I really don't want to because of it's a physical media and It's going to be downgraded to MPEG2. In the past I've used the Apple TV preset in iMovie 08 to stream standard def stuff to my 360 without any issues. That will lower the resolution on the HD video I shoot so thats not the most appealing option. Anyone have any idea of what might be a good export option to accomplish this?
    Also depending on what frame rate I shoot in do I need to pay attention to what export option I use as they also have options for frame rates and resolutions?
    Can anyone help bring a little clarity to my situation?
    Thank You

    From Canon USA's website pages about the HF100: http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=177&mo delid=16187#ModelFeaturesAct
    "..24p Cinema Mode enables all aspiring moviemakers to achieve a professional "film-look." You can change the camcorder's frame capture rate to 24p (recorded at 60i), which provides the appearance of the same frame rate as movie film.." (..My italics..)
    I'm not going to respond to Steve, but I'll try to explain this, and to answer your question.
    The camera can record single, complete frames of video. These frames are normally - or until recently have been generally - composed of two separate "fields" of information, each comprising half the total number of lines down a video, or TV, screen. One field has odd-numbered lines, the other consists of even-numbered lines. When these two fields are shown rapidly one after the other as 60 "interlaced" fields per second, the fields blend into each other, and the effect is of 30 complete frames of video per second.
    The HF100 appears to record not separate half-a-full-frame-of-information fields, but complete, whole frames of info (..known as 'progressive' frames; progressing all the way down the screen, as lines 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc, instead of 1,3,5,7,9 followed by 2,4,6,8,10, etc..)
    But note that Canon's own description says that you can "..change the camcorder's frame capture rate to 24p (recorded at 60i).." which means that the 24 genuine full frames of info are then separated, split or duplicated so that 60 separate fields are produced from those full frames, to allow the video to be recorded - and replayed - in the normal 60-interlaced-fields-per second manner.
    Now, 24 doesn't divide exactly into 60. There are 60 fields to provide every second (..they could be identical fields; they don't necessarily need to be different from each other..) but to divide up 24 frames into 60 pieces means that each of those 60 fields may contain 0.4 of a original frame. Just using simple mathematics: 24/60=0.4.
    The frames may be assigned differently, as it's unlikely that any field will be assigned 0.4 (two fifths) of a frame. Let's say that every two of the 60 fields-each-second are the same. That gives us 30 full and complete frames to be manufactured out of the original 24. That would mean that each of the 30 frames per second is composed of 1.25 of the original 24fps frames. Now, one-and-a-quarter of the original 24 squeezed into each of the recorded-to-chip 30 frames would still not really be feasible. So there must be a method to -d-i-s-t-r-i-b-u-t-e- those 24 frames more-or-less equally between the final 30 per second frames (..or 60 interleaved fields per second..) which the camcorder records onto a chip.
    The way that it's usually done is - as Adam Wilt described - chopping things up so that half-frames, i.e; "fields" of video, get distributed between the resultant 30 frames ..or 60 fields.. per second - some of which may be identical to each other, and others not.
    Here's how he describes it, starting at 24p Standard about a fifth of the way down the page: it's "..the same 2:3 or 3:2 pulldown cadence long used to transfer 24fps film to NTSC video. The first 24p frame is written to two fields of 60i video, the next is written to three, the next to two, and the next to three again, as shown in the graphic."
    So the various chopped-up portions of the original 24-distinct-and-complete-frames-captured-each-second are "farmed out" between the resultant recorded-to-chip 30 frames per second ..which Canon acknowledges are actually recorded onto the chip as being "..recorded at 60i.."
    "24p Cinema Mode" (sic), as Canon describes it, above, is a mixture of shooting at 24 frames-per-second (though it appears to be then chopped-up and redistributed as 60 interlaced fields per second, like normal video, but jerkier) to look like the 'jerky' motion of film, with optional adjustments as well to the comparative brightness of regions of the picture, to make the video look more like the 'linear' (constant) brightness changes which film records. (Video is usually made brighter in 'mid-white' or mid brightness regions of the picture, because cathode ray tube picture screens traditionally didn't cope with brightness the same way in mid-tones as in dark or very bright regions.) ..That's the "gamma" which Steve referred to.
    On the "Auto/Manual Controls" page http://www.camcorderinfo.com/content/Canon-Vixia-HF100-Camcorder-Review-35094/Au to--Manual-Controls.htm of that Camcorderinfo review which I mentioned, their description of "Cine Mode" explains that: "..Cine Mode is an alternate gamma mode for how the camcorder processes colors, meant to make the HF100 match something closer to Canon's professional line rather than the oversaturated colors standard on most consumer camcorders. When active, the highlights and shadows are compressed and the midtones are expanded. Cine mode presumes, to some extent, that you've properly lit your scene. This is not the best run-and-gun setting, as you'll lose more details in the shadows and highlights. However, if the lighting is good, the image tends to have great looking colors.."
    So, I repeat what I explained earlier, in answer to your previous question; ".."..it doesn't say what Cinema Mode does.." It takes half of one frame, adds it to another frame, and tries to produce the effect of genuine cinema film. It just produces jerky video. Don't bother with it. Don't waste this "trip of a lifetime" by shooting unsatisfactory, jerky "pretend film".
    Now if you want your video to be "Fellini-esque" - as you're going to Italy - and want it to look like films made in Italy (..instead of looking like normal video..) you could use "24p Cinema Mode" - as Canon describes it - and switch to shooting at 24p, and adjust your "gamma" (the relative brightness of mid-tones) so that your "trip of a lifetime" looks like "Juliet of the Spirits" (..though that's rather super-bright!..) or Ginger and Fred ..but if you DO want to make your video look more like film, then - as I suggested - "..practise with the camera before you go, so that you know everything about how to use it before you even get there.."
    I don't recommend Canon's "24p Cinema Mode", though, as things will look rather jerkier than normal. (..Shooting at 24p frame rate is often - mistakenly, in my view - thought to make a video look like a film, but the rate at which films are shown on cinema screens is actually two brief views of each of those 24 frames each second ..so you actually see 48 images per second, each image being shown twice ..and so the effect is rather different from simply seeing 24 images per second, which would flicker terribly. The 60i, or 30fps, manner in which those 24 frames per second are shown on a video screen differs markedly different from the 48 images-per-second which you see in a cinema or theatre. The so-called "film look" which video shooters strive for involves a different "depth of field" (amount of the shot that's in focus) when shot with a video camera, than the depth of field which a larger-frame film camera provides, too. So it's really very simplistic to think that shooting in "24p Cinema Mode" will provide a movie which really does look genuinely like a film!..)
    Anyway, as I don't want to get into a discussion with Steve, I won't post any more comments or advice in this thread, because I think that his and my temperaments don't match, and I just don't enjoy the harangue.
    Enjoy your trip to Italy, and I hope that you get lots of great footage!

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    Any ideas?

    "1) Do I need a separate App store id for each Apple device I own? If so, how would I now separate both devices? Perhaps erase all the downloaded programs and start again with a new id?"
    You can sync as many ipods/iphones as you like to one itunes account/library/computer. There is no need to have different accounts/libraries/etc, unless you would prefer to do this. Here are several ways to use multiple ipods/iphones with one computer:
    "2) If one id can handle multiple devices, how do I ensure that downloaded apps, photos, music, etc, are synched properly within each device and do not overlap and merge with each other? Currently, it appears that iTunes is treating the iPod and iPhone as one device."
    It does not treat each device as the same. Each is different an itunes knows this. You set each device however you like ( they should both be named differently - you can click the name and change). Once you have the setting for each device wet, then this is how they will be synced.
    "3) If I want to charge my iPhone or iPod on another computer that I did not originally synch with, how do I ensure everything doesn't get erased again?"
    In regards to pics and itunes content, he ipod touch and iphone will sync with ONE computer and ONE computer only. When you sync to another it will indeed erase the current content and replace with content from the new computer. This is by design.

  • Confusion on Java heap memory and WLS_FORMS

    Hello all,
    Background first:
    Oracle Forms/Reports 11.1.2 64-bit
    WebLogic Server 10.3.6
    JDK 1.6 update 37 64-bit
    Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
    Using nodemanager to start/stop managed servers
    After having read all of the documentation and searched both this forum and the Internet for advice, I'm still utterly confused about the best way to make use of memory on the server (the server I'm working on now has 8GB). The two trains of thought that I have discovered in my search:
    1). Don't change the Javaheap size at all (stick with the defaults) and just create additional managed servers on the same machine.
    2). Increase the Java heap size for WLS_FORMS
    Having said that, here are my questions:
    A). What is the best-practices approach (#1 or #2)?
    B). If it's #2, what's the approved way to increase the heap size? I have tried adding -Xms and -Xmx arguments to the WLS server start arguments in the WLS console. These are applied when the managed server is started (confirmed in the log file), but because of the way WLS_FORMS is started, there are more -Xms and -Xmx arguments applied after mine, and Java picks the last one mentioned if there are duplicates.
    First update: Question #2 seems to be answered by support note 1260074.1 (the one place I hadn't yet looked)
    Thanks for any insight you can provide. If there's a document I've missed somewhere, I'm happy to be told where it is and will read and summarize findings here.

    Let me try to comment on each of yours:
    1). We had been getting some "Apache unable to contact the forms server" type errors (the users were seeing the "Failure of server APACHE bridge" error). The log files showed nothing of interest. I increased the memory allocated using setDomainEnv.cmd, and the error seems to have gone away. Yes, I know that it was a shotgun approach, trying something without really having a reason to do so, but it seems to have helped Edit: Now that I review the OHS logs instead of the WLS_FORMS logs, I have found log messages, which leads me to Doc 1380762.1, which tells me I need a patch. DOH. And, oh crikey, Forms is out, it came out shortly after we downloaded to create these environments. Good news/bad news kind of thing... <blockquote>The Apache Bridge error is fairly straight forward if you understand what it is telling you. It is an error generated by mod_wl_ohs who is owned by OHS (Apache). This module is responsible for the connection between OHS and WLS. The Apache Bridge error means that OHS (mod_wls) was unable to get a response from the WLS managed server it was calling. Basically it was unable to cross the bridge ;) The cause could be anything from the managed server is not running, to the managed server is over tasked, or there is a network configuration issue and the managed server simply didn't hear OHS calling.
    This is all discussed in MOS note 1304095.1
    As for, this can be installed fresh or as a patch over So for machines that don't currently have anything installed, you can go directly to without having to install first.</blockquote>
    2). As tony.g suggested, we are looking for what we should do to solve the "I have n servers with x GB of RAM, what should I do to the out-of-the-box configuration of Forms for stability" question. <blockquote>As I mentioned, there really are no "Forms" specific tweaks related to how much RAM your machine has. The only exception to this is (although somewhat indirect) to use JVM Pooling. JVM Pooling can reduce the size of each runtime process's memory footprint by moving its java calls to the jvm pool then sharing common requests with other running runtimes. Memory usage by OHS or the WLS managed server really has little to do directly with Forms. Specifically to the managed server, from a Forms point of view, I would not expect the memory cost of WLS_FORMS to increase much because of load. I expect it to increase as concurrent load increases, but I would not expect it to be significant. If I had to guess, seeing an increase of 1m or less per user would not surprise me (this is just a guess - I don't know what the expected values would be). If we were to use our (Oracle) older scalability guidelines, typically we would have suggested that you should consider about 100 sessions per 1 jvm for best performance. Given that v11 uses a newer java version and scalability is better today, I suspect you can easily scale to a few hundred (e.g. 300) or so before performance drops off. Beyond that, the need to add more managed servers would likely be necessary.
    This is discussed in MOS note 989118.1</blockquote>
    3). HA is important to us, so we are implementing a cluster of Forms/Reports servers with an LBR in front of it. I have read in the docs on clustering, cloning a managed server, and via Support, how to increase the heap memory for the WLS_FORMS server. My thought process was "if Oracle gives me instructions on how to increase heap memory and how to clone managed servers, there must be a scenario in which doing so provides benefit." I'm trying to understand the scenarios in which we would do either of those activities. <blockquote>Refer to the note I mentioned above. Generally, if you limit the number of concurrent sessions to less than around 300-400, I would think the default settings should be fine. If you think you would like to go beyond 300 or 400 per managed server then likely you will need to increase the max heap for the managed server. Again, refer to the note I mentioned previously.
    Also see MOS note 1260074.1</blockquote>
    I am aware of the JVM pooling (yes we do call out to Reports) - I've yet to implement this, but it's on my to-do list.
    <blockquote>This is discussed in the [url http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E38115_01/doc.111210/e24477/jvm.htm]Forms Deployment Guide</blockquote>
    Hope that helps ;)

  • Firefox Plugins lists Shockwave Flash but Adobe lists this as Adobe Flash Player, and Version as Adobe Shockwave Player, so wtf is going on

    Flash causes us all immense confusion, and Firefox is adding to the problem.
    My Firefox Add-ons page lists (under Plugins -- isn't there a difference?) that I have:
    Shockwave Flash which is set to "Always Activate".
    Adobe websites list:
    Adobe Flash Player
    Adobe Shockwave Player
    -- so what on earth is the Firefox-listed "Shockwave Flash"?
    This simply adds to the utter confusion already surrounding Flash Player -- which I cannot find anywhere amongst my Programs -- but which I can find under "Uninstall or change a Program" where it is listed as "Adobe Flash Player 12 Plugin".
    There is also the thorny issue of FlashPlayer vs. FlashPlayerDownloader......
    I need a flash of inspiration to get me out of shock -- I'm not waving, I'm drowning!

    In the internals of the plugin it is still referenced as Shockwave Flash. That hasn't changed as it would break websites that check for a specific plugin name. You can see that on the about:plugins page and in the properties of the Flash plugins file.
    You can open the Web Console (Firefox/Tools > Web Developer) and paste this JavaScript code in the command line to see how the Adobe Flash Player plugin identifies itself:
    <pre><nowiki>console.log(navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].name);
    console.log(navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description);
    On disk you will also see Macromedia for folder names used by the plugin.
    *32 bit Windows: C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\
    *64 bit Windows: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\
    * C:\Users\&lt;user&gt;\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\

Maybe you are looking for

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