Validation Challenge - PHP code?

I was helped out with this piece of code that pops up a message when someone clicks on my form submit button but having validated the rest of my site it is the only error that prevents 100% validation.
The site is
<div id="confirmation"<?php echo (isset($success))?" style=\"display:block\"":""; ?>"><?php echo (isset($success) && $success)?"We've got your enquiry and will be back to you soon!":"Sorry - there was a problem with sending the email, please try again."; ?></div>
I'd really appreciate some assistance in resolving.
Many thanks

rob_hawk wrote:
I was helped out with this piece of code that pops up a message when someone clicks on my form submit button but having validated the rest of my site it is the only error that prevents 100% validation.
The site is
<div id="confirmation"<?php echo (isset($success))?" style=\"display:block\"":""; ?>"><?php echo (isset($success) && $success)?"We've got your enquiry and will be back to you soon!":"Sorry - there was a problem with sending the email, please try again."; ?></div>
I'd really appreciate some assistance in resolving.
Many thanks
Well the double quote is certainly not correct.
What happens if you change to this:
<div id="confirmation"><?php echo (isset($success))?" style=\"display:block\"":""; ?>
<?php echo (isset($success) && $success)?"We've got your enquiry and will be back to you soon!":"Sorry - there was a problem with sending the email, please try again."; ?></div>

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    Hi Bahare,  
    The <script> tag is used to define a client-side script, such as a JavaScript.
    The <script> element either contains scripting statements or it points to an external script file through the src attribute.Common
    uses for JavaScript are image manipulation, form validation, and dynamic changes of content.
    You should write C# code inside (C#)(.cs).page. For more infomation,Please check
    In addition,
    This forum is to discuss problems of C# development.
    You'll need to post it in
    ASP.NET forum for more efficient responses, where you can contact ASP.NET experts.
    Best Regards,

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    Ness_quick wrote:
    Great thats good enough for me. In that case, would you please be able to help me create the javascript for the above validation?? If you could just help me create it for this page i can amend it for all the other pages. I'd really really appreciate it!!!
    Can you follow the below example?? Obviously AFTER validation has been successful you need to collect the information from the form and send it to the recipient email address...that's where you can use php. I'll check back tomorrow and see how you are doing.
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Form validation</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function RequiredFormFields() {
        // inform customer to provide figurine choice
    var figurine = document.forms.product.figurine.value;
    if (figurine == "-- Select figurine --")
    alert("Please provide figurine choice");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide engraving choice
    var engraving = document.forms.product.engraving.value;
    if (engraving == "-- Select engraving --")
    alert("Please provide engraving choice");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide font choice
        var font = document.forms.product.font.value;
    if (font == "-- Select style --")
    alert("Please select font style");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide their name
    var Name = document.forms.product.Name.value;
    if (Name == null || Name == "")
    alert("Please provide your name");
    return false;
    // inform customer to provide their house number/name
    var house =;
    if (house == null || house == "")
    alert("Please provide your house number/name");
    return false;
    } // end function
    <form name="product" form action="processForm.php" method="post" class="product_form" onsubmit="return RequiredFormFields()">
    <p class="product_form_options">Choice of Figurine<br>
    <select name="figurine" class="productButton" id="figurine" onChange="Recalculate()">
    <option selected>-- Select figurine --</option>
    <option value="7031">Tropical Green Granite with bronze sacred heart figurine as pictured(&pound;7031)</option>
    <option value="5216">Tropical Green Granite with bronze effect sacred heart figurine (&pound;5216)</option>
    <option value="5216">Tropical Green Granite with reconstituded figurine MF122(&pound;5216)</option>
    <p class="product_form_options">Engraved Lettering<br>
    <select name="engraving" class="productButton" id="engraving" onChange="Recalculate()">
            <option selected>-- Select engraving --</option>
            <option value="2.30">Sandblast and enamel painted (&pound;2.30/letter)</option>
            <option value="2.80">Sandblast and guilded (&pound;2.80/letter)</option>
            <option value="2.20">Maintenance free (&pound;2.20/letter)</option>
            <option value="3.73">Traditionally hand cut and enamel painted (&pound;3.73/letter)</option>
            <option value="3.98">Traditionally hand cut and gilded (&pound;3.98/letter)</option>
            <option value="4.34">Raised lead and enamel painted (&pound;4.34/letter)</option>
            <option value="4.59">Raised lead and gilded (&pound;4.59/letter)</option>
    <p class="product_form_options">Letter/Font Style<br>    
          <select name="font" class="productButton" id="font" >
               <option selected>-- Select style --</option>
               <option value="Maintenance free">Maintenance free </option>
               <option value="White painted block">White painted block</option>
               <option value="White painted roman">White painted roman</option>
               <option value="White painted Script">White painted Script</option>
               <option value="White painted Celtic">White painted Celtic</option>
               <option value="White painted Nova">White painted Nova</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted block">Sliver painted block</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted roman">Sliver painted roman</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted Script">Sliver painted Script</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted Celtic">Sliver painted Celtic</option>
               <option value="Sliver painted Nova">Sliver painted Nova</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted block">Gold leaf painted block</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted roman">Gold leaf painted roman</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Script">Gold leaf painted Script</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Celtic">Gold leaf painted Celtic</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Nova">Gold leaf painted Nova</option>
               <option value="Gold leaf painted Old English">Gold leaf painted Old English</option>
    <input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" value="">
    <p>House name or number:<br>
    <input name="house" type="text" id="house" size="67">
    <input name="submit" type="submit" class="place_order" id="submit" value="Place order">

  • PHP Shoutbox : stop users posting php code

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    can anyone give me an easy way to stop users on my site
    posting php code into a shoutbox.
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    their shouts to a mysql database using php.
    at the moment the only validation i have in place is the
    built in form validation dreamweaver8 has which stops
    users posting a blank post. however a user can post php code
    if they know how, which could cause problems.

    tedrodgers wrote:
    > i dont see how the highlight file function helps me in
    this case? please explain alittle more.
    That suggestion came from "Pro PHP Security". However,
    looking at the
    PHP manual, it should be highlight_string(), not
    How would it help? highlight_string() converts PHP code to
    HTML for
    display purposes. Once converted to HTML, it cannot be
    executed or do
    any harm to your website.
    > and what other validation do you suggest?
    Without knowing the details of your application, it's hard to
    say; but
    just checking that the text area isn't blank is no protection
    at all.
    Attackers could post spam or hot link to pornographic images.
    Two simple
    measures would be to pass the content to strip_tags() and/or
    David Powers
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "Foundation PHP 5 for Flash" (friends of ED)

  • Php code is not working as intended in a simple spam block solution

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    Just for information, this is what the page is really meant to look like - minus the php code: That is the original page that I copied and tried to modify with the new code. So, any ideas will be appreciated, thanks!

    Just for information, this is what the page is really meant to look like - minus the php code: That is the original page that I copied and tried to modify with the new code. So, any ideas will be appreciated, thanks!
    The page that you have quoted contains an infection as the following warns.
    As far as your problem is concerned, you need to know how a from works. Have a look at this video.

  • PHP Code & PDF Forms

    First if this has been answered already I'm sorry as I have not yet located this answer to these questions (or they are half answered)
    1)  Can I build a PDF form that on submit it will upload to a server (the entire pdf file) using PHP code?  If so please tell me the best way to accomplish this as I want any user to fill out the pdf and then submit to a specific location of a folder on my site.
    2) I know that Adobe Reader v. 6 will not allow people to submit electronically - but am I correct that version 7 to the lastest will allow them to submit the form (via email or FTP if possible)?  I keep finding yes/no. I am aware of Adobe Reader Usage Rights that has to be assigned.
    Thanks in Advance

    The answer to question 1 is yes, assuming the form is Reader Extended by a LiveCycle Reader Extensions Server (the Extended Usage Rights in Acrobat are not sufficient).
    The answer to 2 is yes and no.  By e-mail, as long as the user has a client configured through MAPI (such as Outlook on Windows) you can automate the attaching to an e-mail (but not sending - the user still needs to click send).  If the user uses a web client like GMail, then no, that can't be automated.  And Acrobat does not have built-in FTP functionality.

  • Firefox 3 displays the php code when pages launched from dreamweaver 8

    The problem seems to relate to files opening as —
    file:///C:/localweb/ .... when sent from Dreamweaver 8.0 to Firefox
    The first html/php page loads correctly from dreamweaver as
    processed HTML, a second page linked from either an HTML or php
    page also loads correctly, but selecting any link from that or
    subsequent pages displays the full php code instead of processed
    html layout - so this appears to be a third level or greater
    If I manually substitute -
    http://localhost/ — the problem
    does not arise.
    This is a problem with version 3 of firefox, all previous
    versions I used worked fine with both — file:///C:/localweb/
    Both prefixes also appear with pure HTML sites, but they load
    and function correctly.
    Not every php site I have loads with file:///C:/localweb/, so
    I am wondering if this relates to something in the php code or
    Dreamweaver - I have conn.php set to:
    mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());
    I use winxp and have xampp installed - everything worked fine
    until I installed Firefox 3

    > but selecting any link from that or subsequent pages
    You are being confused by a) not understanding root relative
    vs document
    relative links, and b) not understanding how DW previews
    If I have a document with a link to an image that looks like
    this -
    <img src="/images/foo.gif"...
    That's what's called a root relative link.
    If I preview that document in DW, then the browser gets the
    document, sees
    the leading "/" and reads that as the root of the hard drive,
    since the
    browser has no idea where the root of the site is. Thus, the
    image is
    broken in the preview.
    If I have temp files enabled, then DW will secretly convert
    the file being
    previewed into a temporary file, and hand that to the
    browser. This temp
    file has had all root relative links converted to document
    relative links
    (as you will see by looking at the code in the browser), and
    has had all
    include files actually embedded in the page, and has had all
    external CSS
    and js markup embedded in the page. In other words, DW has
    made the
    document into a stand-alone page.
    If you do not have temp files enabled, all of these links
    would be broken on
    Now - if you are using root relative links, AND you have temp
    files enabled,
    AND you click away from the previewed document, then all of
    your links will
    be broken, since DW has not made that linked file into a temp
    file. This is
    what you are seeing.
    So - if you want to click away on preview, then you must use
    relative links for the site -
    <img src="../images/foo.gif"... (for example)
    These will still work on preview since the browser knows how
    to determine
    the current file's location and how to follow that path.
    Make sense?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "gbiras" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > The problem seems to relate to files opening as ?
    > ....
    > when sent from Dreamweaver 8.0 to Firefox
    > The first html/php page loads correctly from dreamweaver
    as processed
    > HTML, a
    > second page linked from either an HTML or php page also
    loads correctly,
    > but
    > selecting any link from that or subsequent pages
    displays the full php
    > code
    > instead of processed html layout - so this appears to be
    a third level or
    > greater problem.
    > If I manually substitute -
    http://localhost/ ? the problem does
    not arise.
    > This is a problem with version 3 of firefox, all
    previous versions I used
    > worked fine with both ? file:///C:/localweb/ and
    > Both prefixes also appear with pure HTML sites, but they
    load and function
    > correctly.
    > Not every php site I have loads with
    file:///C:/localweb/, so I am
    > wondering
    > if this relates to something in the php code or
    Dreamweaver - I have
    > conn.php
    > set to:
    > mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or
    > I use winxp and have xampp installed - everything worked
    fine until I
    > installed Firefox 3

  • A difficult problem with php code and sql code

    it's good place to visit(Paged Result Sets with PHP and Oracle)
    maybe below part php code could not be used in above address's php code.
    if((isset($l_company) and $l_company != $rows['COMPANY']) or empty($stmt) and empty($total_pages) ) {
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#CCFFCC'>";
    echo "<td colspan= 3 align='center'>".$l_company."</td>";
    echo "<td >".$totalcomany." </td>";
    $totalcomany = 0;
    echo "<td > </td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    $l_company = $rows['COMPANY'];
    because the same company in one page could calculate sum while if
    the same company in two pages could not do that.
    and what do you think of ?
    thanks !

    this is because your sql-statement selects only the rows, you need to build this one page.
    Neither php nor the given result from your query knows about data wich will be part of the result of another page.
    Greetings from Hamburg
    Thorsten Körner

  • Validation in T Code F-02 in which Bank outgoing GL A/c should be restricte

    Dear All,
    Please advice me regarding the following:
    User is posting the payment to vendor through T Code F-02, resulting in the not creation of the liability.
    Client wants to stop it by validation in T Code F-02 in which Bank outgoing GL A/c should be restricted, so that user would not be able to post the payment with this T Code.
    But this Bank GL should not be restricted in BDC for upload to F-02.
    What should be the Prerequisites, Checks and messages for that?

    Hi Biju
    Lot of companies just dont give the auth of F-02 to the employees... Because you have T codes like F-43, FB60/70, F-48, F-53 etc which serve the defined purpose, where as In F-02, the employee can do any thing and every thing....
    If you write a validation, it would apply for F-02 (Manual as well as BDC)... you cant restrict it partially, as far as I know
    In my opinion, you should control it by authorization and only one or key people should be allowed F-02
    Br, Ajay M

  • I need php code for copy paste our all histroy of browser in a text page.

    I need php code for copy paste our all histroy of browser in a text page can any one send me the code please.

    You can use an application like GarageSale for doing this....

  • Having trouble with my PHP code. Appers to get stuck on a white page.

    HI all,
    I have just began having trouble with my PHP code. Was working before and haven't made any changes to the code since last time it worked.
    What happens is after the form is submitted it goes to a white page (no text just all white page) and in the address bar it has the path for my php page. what supposed to happen is either it goes to a success page or a error page.
    I've had a problem where the info entered is correct but was directed to the error page. i managed to fix that issue but i am puzzled what is happening to my php page now.
    Mind you that i didn't write this code i just took over the responsiblities of this website and i am hopping that its a quick fix.
    I appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you.
       $to = '[email protected]';
          $from = '[email protected]';
            //Make sure we have some info posted from the form...
            if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)){
                //Clear the body of the message to be sent
                $body = '';
                //go through all POSTed variables sent
                while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)){
        if($key <> "Submit" && $key <> "submit") {
         $body .= $key . ' = ' . $value . "\r\n"; 
                //Now building mail headers.....
                $headers = "From: ".$from."\r\n";
                //Mail message
                $success = mail($to, "Email Club" . date("m/d/Y"), $body, $headers);
       // CURL stuff.....
       $ch = curl_init();
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4); //times out after 4s
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
                 if ($success){
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"");
                 // readfile('');
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"");
       // Output
       //$result=curl_exec ($ch);
       //curl_close ($ch);
       //echo $result'";

    Insert the install disk and boot from it. Use disk utitlity to repair your drive and check for errors (report any errors back here) then reinstall the os. This should not erase your data.

  • Use PHP code coloring in HTML files

    In Dreamweaver CS3, what changes do I need to make to get PHP
    code coloring show up in .html files?

    First, copy this file from the app config folder:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver
    To the user config folder:
    C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application
    Then open PHP.xml in your favorite editor. You need to add
    HTML to all
    of the doctype lists Change every occurrence of this:
    to be:
    Save and close. If DW is running, close it. Now restart DW.
    > In Dreamweaver CS3, what changes do I need to make to
    get PHP code coloring show up in .html files?

  • How to write this sql query in php code ?

    for example:
    insert into temp
    select *
    from testtable;
    after this, i will query data from sql below:
    select *
    from temp;
    how to write this php code ?
    who can help me ?

    Have a look at the manual to find out how to issue queries.

  • How do I change the PHP code so that the name of the senders name appears in the email subject line?

    I need help please, altering the PHP code generated when exporting my Muse websites (to a host other than Business Catalyst). The emails generated from the forms need to have the sender's name in the subject line of the emails.

    This would require editing the published php page outside of Muse and would require the knowledge of PHP. You may get the required info at or some PHP specific forums.

  • Fluid grid for Wordpress: insert PHP code into DW or DW code into Wordpress?

    This may be a stupid question but it's a dilemma for me. Here's the problem. I want to create a mobile first, fluid grid Wordpress website in Dreamweaver CS6 based on an existing Wordpress theme. I can see two ways of doing that:
    1) Create a fluid grid layout in DW, then insert the Wordpress PHP code into the right places in DW
    Pro: the fluid grid layout is set up by DW and therefore can be easily edited with DW (I imagine)
    Con: It is beyond my coding skills to make a fully functional WP template
    2) Take an existing responsive Wordpress template with media queries and edit that in Dreamweaver
    Pro: I start with a fully functional WP template and only have to make changes (mostly in CSS) to customise it
    Con: When I start with an existing template (like Skeleton) I run into trouble using DW
    For example: I click a navigation button to get at the CSS but it's not clear to me from DW's interface in which media query I have to make changes. I did a tutorial on creating a fluid grid layout with DW so I can do that. But DW doesn't work the same way with an existing WP template like Skeleton. I searched the web but all I can find is help on creating a fluid layout with DW, not editing an existing one.
    By the way, I am experienced with HTML/CSS but not PHP and I have a local Wordpress server running on my Mac so I can work in Dreamweaver's Live View.
    The problem may be that I am only just starting with responsive web design and need some more experience with media queries, css rules and DW CS6. Could anyone comment on this problem or point me towards more information on the subject?

    You can certainly use DW to customize a 3rd party WP Theme.  However, you must be throughly familliar with how WordPress Themes work and have a good working knowledge of  HTML, CSS and PHP code.  Design View will not be much help to you. 
    WP Themes are a sum of their various parts:  header.php, footer,php, sidebar.php, page.php, index.php, archive.php, etc...  The web server parses code from the various parts and creates whole pages on the fly.  Once WP is deployed on your server, you cannot use DW to edit content.  You must use the WP Admin Panel (CMS) to manage content, Themes, plugins and backup data.
    For simple static sites, the FluidGrid Layout feature in DW is a nice starting point.  But these layouts have definite  limitations which, IMO would not be a good fit with WordPress.
    Nancy O.

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