Value set during onload() method not reflected on page

I am using JDeveloper 11.1 release on a project that was migrated from 10g. The original project used ADF and JSF to build the application. Now since I have to continue the original framework, I cannot use taskflow for this project. Like a previous module I used onLoad() method to preset some of the form values which are bound to the backing bean bean1. However the page only picks the default values of the instance variables.Here is the code.The scope is request.
public class Bean1 extends OnPageLoadBackingBeanBase{
private int value1;
private String value2;
// getter setter for these two.
public void onPageLoad() {
     // based on some condition
JSF page uses trinidad tags
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0"
<trh:cellFormat ><tr:outputText value="#{backing_Bean1.value1}"/></trh:cellFormat>
<trh:cellFormat ><tr:outputText value="#{backing_Bean1.value2}"/></trh:cellFormat>
Both the values in the form show their default states.
I don't want to make the page sessionScope since I have seen issues with performance in the past. Please help.

Hi Frank,
Thanks for replying. Yes. I have followed step 1 and 2.
Step1 : public class Bean1 extends OnPageLoadBackingBeanBase{
// where OnPageLoadBackingBeanBase implements PagePhaseListener
Step 2:
<pageDefinition xmlns=""
                version="" id="Bean1PageDef"
I can see that it runs through onPageLoad method, because Sops get printed here.
public void onPageLoad() {
     // based on some condition
What I have seen in my old code is we used to put something like this in the onPageLoad method.
                FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                ValueBinding vb = context .getApplication().createValueBinding("#{backing_Bean1}");
                ((Bean1) vb.getValue(context )).setValue1(25);
Is this correct?
Can you explain this :
"       Also, since this class has been written for 10.1.3, there is a new property on the f:view tag: afterMethod, beforeMethod which      could also be used for a page to listen for the before render phase. Just create a managed bean reference for the before method     and look for RenderResponse to execute your code     "
Do you have a sample I can follow?

Similar Messages

  • Page item value set in app process not maintained after page submit

    Hi -- I have a sequence of events that goes like this:
    1) Page 0 region REG_1 is rendered before footer
    - Region REG_1 uses javascript / AJAX to call App process PROC_1
    - PROC_1 sets Page1 item PAGE1_MESSAGE to X
    - After PROC_1 executes successfully, REG_1 does doSubmit()
    2) Page 0 region REG_2 is rendered before footer; this happens
    after the page submit done by REG_1. (Conditions ensure that
    REG_1 is not rendered again)
    - Region REG_2 displays PAGE1_MESSAGE (=X) in an alert.
    - Region REG_2 uses javascript / AJAX to call App process PROC_2
    - PROC_2 sets Page1 item PAGE1_MESSAGE to Y
    - PROC_2 sets Application item DEBUG to PAGE1_MESSAGE (this is for debugging)
    - PROC_2 sets Application item APP_MESSAGE to Y (this is also for debugging)
    - After PROC_2 executes successfully, REG_2 does doSubmit()
    3) After REG_2 submits the page, here's what I have:
    - Application item APP_MESSAGE = Y. Good. This is what it was set to in PROC_2.
    - Page 1 item PAGE1_MESSAGE = X. Bad. This is what it was set to in PROC_1.
    - Application item DEBUG = Y. Good. This at least shows that PAGE1_MESSAGE was
    set to Y within PROC_2... but for some reason that value is not being preserved
    after the app process is done executing.
    - There are several other application items set in PROC_2, and they're all correct.
    Any ideas as to why this is happening? It seems like this should be
    pretty straightforward: set the value, submit the page, the value should be what
    I set it to.

    Hi -- Thanks for the suggestions. First and 3rd (default value, or being overwritten by process or computation) aren't happening. The source for PAGE1_MESSAGE having is Always, Using app item PAGE1_MESSAGE... but I don't see what else could work here. Not sure if that's the problem.
    I've put an example on Workspace is dew_mir_tor. Username is [email protected]. Password is Mir97Dew77!Tor. Application is 22679, RefreshAllTest.
    To reiterate the description in my original posting, but using the real application item/region/process names:
    0) Press Button REFRESH_ALL on Page 1. This branches back to Page 1.
    1) Page 0 region Refresh_All is rendered before footer
    - Region sends up an alert to show you it's working
    - Region Refresh_All uses javascript / AJAX to call App process REFRESH_CZAR (You'll see a "wait" window flash up briefly while the app process is running)
    - REFRESH_CZAR sets Page1 item P1_MESSAGE_1 to X (The text here indicates where
    the value is being set and when it should be displayed)
    - After REFRESH_CZAR executes successfully, region Refresh_All does doSubmit()
    2) Page 0 region Refresh_Non_Czar is rendered before footer; this happens
    after the page submit done by Refresh_Czar. (Conditions ensure that
    Refresh_Czar is not rendered again)
    - Region sends up an alert to show you it's working
    - Region Refresh_Non_Czar displays P1_MESSAGE_1 in an alert.
    - Region Refresh_Non_Czar uses javascript / AJAX to call App process REFRESH_NON_CZAR (You'll see a "wait" window flash up briefly while the app process is running)
    - REFRESH_NON_CZAR sets Page1 item P1_MESSAGE_1 to Y (The text here indicates where
    the value is being set and when it should be displayed
    - REFRESH_NON_CZAR sets Application item TEST_VALUE2 to P1_MESSAGE_1 (this just shows that P1_MESSAGE_1 was indeed set to Y in this process...)
    - After process REFRESH_NON_CZAR executes successfully, region Refresh_Non_Czar does doSubmit()
    3) After Refresh_Non_Czar submits the page, Page 0 region Display_Messages is rendered.
    It sends up an alert so you can see it's working, and then it displays the value in P1_MESSAGE_1.
    The value is still the one that was set in REFRESH_CZAR, not the one set in REFRESH_NON_CZAR.
    Note that Display_Messages sets P1_MESSAGE_1 back to null, so you won't see it in session state after it's displayed in the alert. But you can see that TEST_VALUE2 is set to the message from REFRESH_NON_CZAR.
    Hope this helps solve the problem!

  • Value  set in constructor is not getting saved in button  Action method

    Hi All,
    I am not understanding why the value set ( On Condition )in constructor is not hold in the button actoin method.
    Could any body explain me on that
    for this I will try to explain with sample example
    I have taken a button and add a integer property in session bean.
    now if session bean's property is even then I am trying to set the button value to bidNow other wise Accept Invitation.
    Till this opstion everything is OK
    but once I click on Button,
    Constructor is doing the right job only. But I do not understand why in button action I am getting the First Value only.
    public Page1() {
            // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
            try {
                if (getSessionBean1().getIntValue()%2==0)
                    button1.setValue("Accept Invitation");
                log("In Constructor Button Value : "+button1.getValue());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log("Page1 Initialization Failure", e);
                throw e instanceof javax.faces.FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e);
            // </editor-fold>
            // Additional user provided initialization code
        public String button1_action() {
            // TODO Replace with your code
            log("In Action Button Value : "+button1.getValue());
            return null;
        }and here is the log
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:17.859+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:17.859+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.359+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.359+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.843+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.843+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.312+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.312+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.234+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.250+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:21.328+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:21.328+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.437+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.437+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.906+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.921+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.265+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.265+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.890+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.890+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.171+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.171+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.468+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.468+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]As per this log every time I am getting Bid Now only in action, though the value is changed in Construtcor
    Can u explain the reason for this

    Hi Sudhakar,
    Please try the following and you will get an idea as to what is happening:
    1. Drag and drop a button, 2 outputText components
    2. Add a property to the session bean called intValue of type int. Customize it to set it's initial value to 0
    3. Add the following lines of code to the constructor
    outputText1.setValue("" + getSessionBean1().getIntValue());
    4. Double click on the button component to go to the button action method.
    5. Add the following line of code
    outputText2.setValue("" + etSessionBean1().getIntValue());
    6. Save and run the application
    7. Watch the values of outputText1 and outputText2 with each click of the button
    Also, try the application with the following code block in the button action method:
    button1.setValue("Bid Now");
    } else{
    button1.setValue("Accept Invitation");
    outputText2.setValue("" + getSessionBean1().getIntValue());
    When the above code block is in the button action method the values set to button are as expected.
    Hope that helps
    Giri :-)

  • Changes are not reflecting in page

    Hi All,
    Thanks in Advance.
    I extend 2 controllers which has same functionality.
    My First controller is working fine but where as secound is not working, the changes are not reflecting in that.
    Any idea, please help me.

    take the apache bounce aftere changes in in CO

  • Visa resource control loses value set during config and saved to step properties in TestStand

    I'm using a Visa resource control to set the instrument handle in my VI (edit sub-step) and it gets saved into a step property of a custom step I've built at edit time. At run time the control value is intermittantly changed to "temp 0" value and I don't understand why. I have LabVIEW 7.1, TestStand 3.0

    Hi kphite,
    Are you using the Refnum to and Session to
    You would use the Refnum to to convert your Visa session value to a U32. Then you can pass this back to TestStand.
    Going back to LabView you use the Session to to convert a U32 back to the Visa session.
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

  • Pricing condtion value of sales order is not reflects in Delivery doc !!

    Hi SAPients,
    I have an issue like my client is maintained condition record for a certain material valid from eg: 01.06.08 to 03.06.08.
    Now he has done a sales order on 03.06.08 and required delivery date is 04.06.08 but pricing date is 03.06.08. In conditions tab pricing is picking from condition record maintained for PR00.
    While doing delivery on 04.06.08, the system throws a an error like pricing error mandatory PR00 is missing and in analysis we found like condition record is missing or field overflow and displays message no:V1801.
    And Delivery document is saved after PGI.
    In Invoice the system is picking the price as on 03.06.08 as per the client requirement.
    Note: In Copycontrols VTFL we have used pricing type 'C" and Pricing Source as "E"
    Kindly suggest genuine reason to get PR00 from sales order to delivery with effect to previous pricing condition record.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Dear Jyoti
    If you want the pricing procedure to be flown into your delivery, then you have to assign in IMG where you have indicated.  Other than this, there is no other place to define.
    Of course, in billing, based on sale order, it will flow.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Tax value not reflecting in Sales register

    Hi All,
    i created an order and Invoice is also generated for the same. but the TAX value for the order is not reflecting in sales report.
    i checked in V/08 the print option is ticked. what can be the problem what setting i should do to get that value in sales register?

    Hi Ashwini,
            You mean to say output (sales register) ? if yes please check you your output program with help of ABAPer,check the condition type and value whether its picking the condition value or not.

  • Values Set does not appear in Input Element Entry (Com. and benefits)

    Hi all
    I have created one values set, but it does not shown, wenn i selecting this values set in Element Entry. Pls. give me some advices.

    Please have a look at below SPRO paths and verify it...
    IMG menu path
    SPRO->Financial Accounting->Financial Accounting Global Setting->Tax on Sales/Purchase->Basic Setting->Define Tax Juridiction
    SPRO->Materials Management->Logistics Invoice Verification->Incoming Invoice->Maintain Default Values for Tax Codes.
    Also have a look on Documentation which is available at the above path of SPRO
    And also ask to BASIS and Functional Consultant if they can help you out for it.
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

  • Down payment not reflecting in report

    Dear All,
    I have created a project Budjeted it, made the PR PO GRN, MIRO  which all is reflection in budget/actual/commitment... report,
    but i also did DPR using F-47 and F-48 but the values from this transaction is not reflection in the report.
    Pls guide

    Hi Mandar,
    This is verymuch possible in single report, do the following steps you will see these all in Single report under Tcode: S_ALR_87013558.
    1. Go to T-ocde CJE5
    2. Select the form 12KST1A
    3. Ensure that the Form is in Change mode.
    4. On your right side you will see columns, after the last column on the blank space double click or click + icon on tool bar, a pop-up will come, in that pop-up select radio button Key figure with characteristics.
    5. A new window will open, here you enter the following
    Version : 0, valutype : 12,  object type: P.
    6. Click on change short text and right the text as Downpayment.
    7. Click conform.
    8. Now in menu> Extras> Drill down display --> select rows/columns, now select the new column also and save, so that this column will appear in the reports.
    This you can do yourself, just need to take authorisation for CJE5 T-code. once u do this your client managemnt can see the data in one report.

  • Update values set values

    Dear Users,
    I am facing one issue in HRMS:
    i have a list of jobs defined in a translated value set.
    whenever i am updating one value in the value set  the changes are not affecting the job list.
    Please advice.

    Hi Wmaarbani,
    What is the validation type on your value_set. Is it translatable Dependent ?
    You can search for the values from -
    Navigate to Application Developer --> Flexfield --> Key --> Values
    On this form, you will see a small Globe on the menu bar.. make sure all the translatable values are updated.

  • Table Value Set.

    Hi All,
    I created a Table type value set for concurrent program.
    and i want a add one more value to value set, for that im using union clause in Where/order by Field..
    ex code:
    Where/order by:
    where 1=1
    select 'ALL' name from per_all_positions;
    here name is alias. In lov it is not showing any value.
    2) For this i created a custom view .
    ex code:
    create or replace view XXCS_POPUP_VAL_V as
    (select 'ALL' fsm from per_all_positions
    select name fsm from per_all_positions)
    order by fsm
    I created value set based on custom view , but it is not showing 'ALL' in LOV.
    I want include 'ALL' value in LOV.
    How can i achieve this..
    Thanx in advance..

    I'm not sure how come first one with union in where clause is working for you.
    Check the link ORA-00907 Missing Right Parenthesis in Value Set
    Also I'm not sure why you want to select entire table just to add 'ALL'.
    Try the followingCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW xxcs_popup_val_v AS
    SELECT 'ALL' fsm FROM dual
    SELECT name fsm FROM per_all_positions;No need of order by when you are using union, as you want to order on first column.
    What is the ID and value column you have selected in the Value Set?

  • Balancing Segement Value set we can use it as Intercompany value set?

    Hi Gurus,
    We have requirement as follow.
    We have company values "001, 002, 003" which is balancing segment values
    we need to use the same Values for Intercompany transactions, can i use company value set as Intercompany or not.
    1) If yes do we need to create Values for intercompany one more time or values will be default from company
    2) If not please tell me exact reason and how to setup Dependent segement.
    Hi waiting for your reply
    Edited by: prasanthbabu on Mar 15, 2010 2:39 AM

    The same value set can be used for Intercompany but it is recommended to use a separate value set for the Intercompany if ever (in the future) u need to add additional information regarding the Intercompany value.
    Having a value set only for Intercompany, you can add DFF on it.
    Hope this helps..

  • LOV in Picklist is not reflected with Value Set maintained.

    Value set A is contained the latest/updated list of Responsibility Center. Wheres one of the Picklist in Employee Self Service(OTL) which showing the lists of Responsiblity Center which query/calling the values maintained in Value Set A. However, the list of values does not contain the latest information which being maintained in Value Set A. On the other hand, when query from backend table for the Picklist function, the updated value in Value Set A is there.
    Additional Infomation: Apache and application was bounced but the result still the same.
    Please advice. Thanks.

    Hi Hussien,
    For your information, it is Release 12.1.1, db version is and platform version is Oracle Solaris on SPARC (32-bit).
    The article that you have provided does not applicable. This is only happen to the Cost Center LOV in the picklist which does not reflected even there is no end date in Value Set maintained.
    Please advice. Thanks.

  • Iterator not reflected on entering new values for the row

    I am having an editable table coming from an EJB Stateless Session Bean. I created a data control out of the session bean and dragged and dropped the output
    of the method in the session bean as a table in the jspx page. On click of the "Create" link, I have an action listener that creates a new row in the top of
    the table.
    DCIteratorBinding iter = DFUtils.findIterator("getMultSortReportListIterator");
    RowSetIterator rowSetIter = iter.getRowSetIterator();
    Row row = rowSetIter.createRow();
    row.setAttribute("reportName", "");
    row.setAttribute("sectionName", "");
    row.setAttribute("userId", "");
    row.setAttribute("viewCriteria", "");
    rowSetIter.insertRowAtRangeIndex(0, row);
    After the row is created, I enter values into the row and click on "Save" link. The action Listener for the save link is:
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    DCIteratorBinding iter = (DCIteratorBinding) bindings.get("getMultSortReportListIterator");
    //Read the entered values from the iterator
    Row currentRow = iter.getRowAtRangeIndex(0);
    String reportName = currentRow.getAttribute("reportName").toString();
    String sectionName = currentRow.getAttribute("sectionName").toString();
    Long userId = Long.parseLong(currentRow.getAttribute("userId").toString());
    String viewCriteria = currentRow.getAttribute("viewCriteria").toString();
    //Store to database
    MultipleSortReport multipleSortReportBean = new MultipleSortReport(reportName, sectionName, userId, viewCriteria);
    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("persistMultipleSortReportTest");
    Map params = operationBinding.getParamsMap();
    params.put("multipleSortReportObj", multipleSortReportBean);
    IMultipleSortReport multipleSortReportInfo = (IMultipleSortReport)operationBinding.execute();
    The problem is that after entering the values into the newly created row, I have to tab out of the row and click with the mouse to place the cursor in the
    end of the next row's first field for the iterator to reflect the entered values. If i enter the last column in the new row and after entering it I directly
    click on "Save", the newly entered values are not reflected in the iterator. The iterator is still reflecting the old values of the row i.e. "" empty fields
    as it was initialized during Create Row.
    Can you help me fix this problem. I want the iterator to reflect the newly entered values without having to tab out of the row.

    I would suggest starting to debug your new CT in the following order
    1) ABAP - run directly in SAP to confirm you are getting the data you expect
    2) Set breakpoints in ABAP and confirm your transmit is calling into your ABAP as expected
    3) Java - Add breakpoints and step through your Java class to confirm it is getting back the data as expected
    4) ATE - Look at the CT in the ATE to view the contents

  • Check Box values not reflecting in the pageflow instace variable

    Hello BEA Experts,
    I am binding a checkBox group to an instance variable of a Pageflow , it seems that the array inside the pageflow is null no matter what can you please let me know why.
    Is it possible to bind the checkbox group tag to an array in Pageflow or is there anything wrong with the way I am using the checkbox group with in a data- repeater table.
    Here are the code snippets..
    <tr class="tablebody">
    <netui:checkBoxGroup dataSource="{pageFlow.nodeIds}">
    <netui:checkBoxOption value="{container.item.nodeId}">&nbsp
    Has a private instance varible named nodeIds with getter and setter methods..
    Please let me know why the checked values are not reflecting in the pageFlow attribute.

    Hi Bob
    I didn't understand fully what you are trying here. Could you please clarify?
    I assume that you have a Array of NodeId objects.
    Lets say:
    Public NodeId[] nodeids = new NodeIds[10];
    and you want a checkBoxGroup mapped to NodeId[]
    and have as many checkBoxOption as number of elements in array with value as NodeId(i).nodeId
    Is this assumption correct?
    If the above is correct then the code snippet you have pasted is wrong in the sense that checkBoxGroup datasource is the array but the Option value is the main repeater item's nodeId which is wrong.
    The container.item would not access anything within the pageflow variable.
    I will post a sample in the next one

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  • E-Recruiting generated user names

    We want to change the format of generated user names (for internal candidates). By default, if they don't already have a user name in IT0105 a user name gets generated in the format of EEXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is their personnel number. The data is

  • Server could not find any Meta-Data devices!

    Our MDC dropped out and the backups did not engage. On a reboot of the MDC we were able to mount the volume, but all files (QuickTme movies, FCP projct files) could not be opened with an "unknown file type error". We shut all the clients down we chec

  • Document date for PO..?

    Hi all I was using IDES, here i have done configuration . while creating the PO , the document date in PO is showing 1 year before ,,i.e for example today if i create a po document in po is 1.10.2007.. Please guide me were to do the setting for docum

  • Editing pics in IPhoto

    This just started happening - When I try to edit a photo in IPhoto and select that photo it enlarges but the edit button is grayed out.  Why? Previously I have had no issues and editing (enhancing) was easy.  I can go to View - full screen ......and

  • Blackberry, Exchange 2003 and Macbook - best solution

    I am interested to hear how other people manage in a windows work environment while using a macbook and running a blackbery on a BES server. I have considered bootcamp with windows 7, parallels, fusion etc. Do most pople workin in osx and use paralle