Variable .wim file (BackupFile) using %TaskSequence% not working for reference image

I am trying to make a semi-automated solution for building reference image. The goal is to just select a task sequence and based on only that input create a reference image and store it on the MDT server as a unique named .wim file. I'm doing almost exactly
the same as all the pro's (Johan, Mikael, etc.). What I do is in the CustomSettings.ini I specify BackupFile to be %TaskSequenceID%.wim. My goal with that is to get a .wim file that is called REFWIN81CORENLX64.wim. Instead of that I get %TaskSequenceID%.wim.
I'm banging my head against the wall all day now and I have even build another environment to see if the problem occurs there too. It does.. 
I'm hoping that someone can tell me what Ido wrong.

Short Answer:
You have programmed a race condition into your system.
Long answer:
MDT will fill out the TaskSequenceID variable during the MDT LiteTouch Wizard.
You put the BackupShare variable in your CS.ini file:
However, the CS.ini was ALREADY processed *BEFORE* the MDT LiteTouch Wizard. and since TaskSequenceID was set to <BLANK> then Backupshare becomes the value above. ANy attempt to re-parse the cs.ini file will not process BackupShare because ZTIGather.wsf
will only pick up the value the first time.
Instead you should set the BackupShare variable *AFTER* the MDT Litetouch Wizard, if you want to leave it in your CS.ini file, then use Johan's method to re-parse the CS.ini file during the Task Sequence.
Keith Garner - Principal Consultant [owner] -

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              setLocation(10,200); // default is 0,0 (top left corner)
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    It works for me. Are you wanting "delete" or "control+delete"? Cuz you said delete, but your code says control+delete
    input.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, 0), "HandleDelete");

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    Ready for Action

    Did you perform IISreset on all sharepoint server after enabling cache
    To use the page output cache and the associated cache profile settings, you must be using the Publishing feature on your site.
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    and then reloaded the image, re-published and re-approved the actual article page, and even got the administrators to flush the SharePoint BLOB Cache. None of the actions made a difference.
    The Coyote Never Wins
    Why didn’t any of Wiley’s efforts make a difference? Because what Wiley didn’t understand was that there was nothing he could do short of flushing his cache that would prompt the browser to re-request the updated image. The browser started using the cached
    copy of the image after the first request Wiley made in the morning; i.e., the request to verify that the image on the page was incorrect as Fulfillment indicated. For another 24 hours (86400 seconds), the browser would continue to use the cached image.
    Wiley’s image problem was just one of the potential issues that might surface as a result of the BLOB Cache change. It was also one of the more visible problems. In looking at the
    path attribute of the BlobCache element, you might have noticed some of the other file types that got cached by default – file types with
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    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    /* [RecolorImage(themeColor:"ContentAccent7",method:"Tinting")] */
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    Environment will now switch to UTF-8 code-set.
    Parts of this log file may not display correctly
    as a result. This is an expected behavior.
    XENVIRONMENT is set to /apps/applmgr/product/OFDEV/ofdevora/806/guicommon6/tk60/admin/Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgb
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    stat_low = 8B
    stat_high = 0
    emsg:was terminated by signal 11
    Appreciated for your earlier support.
    Kindly suggest .
    Many Thanks,

    Thanks ALex,
    your are true it is concurrent program error ,
    but it is working for small amount of data and generating the output and it is not working for larger data.
    i have placed the code which i have used kindly suggest where i am going wrong.
    i am calling the .rdf through the concurrent program, i've used the below query in RDF
    from table(CL_CXFRFXFH_PKG.rcacknowledgments(:P_dir_name,:P_file_name));
    kindly find the below code for the package CL_CXFRFXFH_PKG.
    function rcacknowledgments (p_directory in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2)
    return TRecordTable pipelined
    nb_rec number := 1;
    tmp_xml clob;
    tmp_file clob;
    rec TRecord;
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(tmp_file, true);
    tmp_file := dbms_xslprocessor.read2clob(p_directory, p_filename);
    rec.BATCHHEADER := regexp_replace(tmp_file, '.*<BATCHHEADER>(.*)</BATCHHEADER>.*', '\1', 1, 1, 'n');
    rec.BATCHTRAILER := regexp_replace(tmp_file, '.*<BATCHTRAILER>(.*)</BATCHTRAILER>.*', '\1', 1, 1, 'n');
    tmp_xml := regexp_substr(tmp_file, '<\?xml[^?]+\?>\s*<([^>]+)>.*?</\1>', 1, nb_rec, 'n');
    exit when length(tmp_xml) = 0;
    nb_rec := nb_rec + 1;
    select RqUID, Severity, PmtRefId, StatusDesc, ErrorDesc, AsOfDate, AsOfTime, RqUID1, SPRefId
    into rec.RqUID
    , rec.Severity
    , rec.PmtRefId
    , rec.StatusDesc
    , rec.ErrorDesc
    , rec.AsOfDate
    , rec.AsOfTime
    , rec.RqUID1
    , rec.SPRefId
    from xmltable(
    '/CMA/BankSvcRq' passing xmltype(tmp_xml)
    columns RqUID varchar2(3000) path 'RqUID'
    , Severity varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/Status/Severity'
    , PmtRefId varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/Status/PmtRefId'
    , StatusDesc varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/Status/StatusDesc'
    , ErrorDesc varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/Status/ErrorDesc'
    , AsOfDate varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/Status/AsOfDate'
    , AsOfTime varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/Status/AsOfTime'
    , RqUID1 varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/RqUID'
    , SPRefId varchar2(3000) path 'XferAddRs/SPRefId'
    pipe row ( rec );
    end loop;
    Many Thanks,

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    Thank you for your help.

    Hi Ssheoran,
    Can you provide more detail when you say that the Write to File VI doesn't work? Is there an error given? Or can you just not find the file on your computer? Keep in mind using this file in a Real-Time VI on the myRIO will save files on the myRIO. You will then have to transfer to your PC. Please view the following video as a guide for saving files and transferring them to your computer: ( Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Roel F.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • What's This Help not working for one entry in each header file

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    Below is the contents of the corresponding text file:
    Click this button to add a new row of hierarchical appearance settings to the grid.
    Use this grid to define hierarchy appearance settings. Each row in the grid represents a level of the hierarchy. For example, the appearance settings you define for the first row apply to the top level of hierarchy, the settings you define for the second row apply to the second level, and so on.
    Click this button to delete the selected row of hierarchical appearance settings from the grid.
    The What's This Help that was part of the original project still works perfectly. However, after upgrading the project to RoboHelp Version 8, I have had to update the project to reflect changes to the software. As part of this work, I have imported some new header files and updated some existing ones - and edited the corresponding text files accordingly.
    The What's This Help that is covered by the header files that I have imported since the upgrade to RoboHelp Version 8 does not work correctly; in each case, the What's This Help does not work for whichever field appears at the top of the appropriate text file. The position of the entry in the corresponding header file does not make a difference.
    If I manually edit a text file to move a different entry to the top then recompile the Help project, the What's This Help does not work for the field that now appears at the top of the text file - and the What's This Help for the field that used to appear at the top of the text file now works.
    I've tried everything I can think of to fix this, but nothing has worked. It seems as if there is a problem in the way RoboHelp is compiling the header and text files.
    If I use Microsoft HTML Help Workshop to decompile the CHM file, then view the contents of the resulting, decompiled text files, the affected files appear as follows:
    Click this button to add a new row of hierarchical appearance settings to the grid.
    .topic 16811
    Use this grid to define hierarchy appearance settings. Each row in the grid represents a level of the hierarchy. For example, the appearance settings you define for the first row apply to the top level of hierarchy, the settings you define for the second row apply
    to the second level, and so on.
    .topic 16813
    Click this button to delete the selected row of hierarchical appearance settings from the grid.
    Note how the entry at the top - which relates to the What's This Help that doesn't work - appears differently to the other entries which do work. The name of the ID appears after ".topic" rather than the appropriate ID number.
    Any help that anyone can provide me with would be very much appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Its working now. We just kept trying to reinstall the tools and restarting indesign. On the 4th time the buttons started working. I can't explain why it finally worked, just that it is working now.

  • Document library open in client application not working for img,pdf,txt files

    In an office 365 sharepoint site i have enabled open in client applicartion for document library but it is not working for image/txt/pdf files for word and excel files it is working fine. I have even turned on the feature open document in client application
    by default from site collection features also but there is no change.
    Please advice.

    Hi Chaitanya,
    The feature is currently designed to be used with HTTPS, and will not work as expected with the HTTP connection available on Office 365 for professionals and
    small businesses sites.
    To take advantage of this update, do the following steps:
    Wait for the update to the SharePoint Online service, which is in progress now.
    Upgrade Adobe Reader to the version 10.1.2 client.
    Add your SharePoint Online root URL/domain to the Trusted Sites security zone in Internet Explorer1 (e.g.,
    Check the Keep me signed in box when you log in to a SharePoint Online site.
    SharePoint Online update is currently
    being rolled out worldwide along with several other new features.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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    I am trying to change the date on an imported home video clip. I entered 9/7/2012 and got 6/9/0339! I checked modify original file, but it is not working. Any ideas?

    Are you using the Adjust Date and Time option or the Batch Change option?  If it's the former try the latter.  If you get the same results  launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and create a new, test library.  Import  the same video file and check to see if the same problem persists.

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    "Offline Files (XXX on YYY): Access to ZZZ is denied on ZZZ."
    where XXX is either a samba share or a normal windows share. I have all the permissions to access those files, and can edit them if I go online without synchronising offline changes.
    I would ask this on the XP group, but I've +never+ seen this on any other laptops I've used (including Toshiba). Offline files to these servers still works for me on an older laptop (running an up to date XP), using the same account details and even using the roaming profile. Its also not related to any of the standard Offline files problems that are turned up on Microsoft's Knowledge Base.
    What more can I test - this problem seems specific to this laptop, and if I can't use offline files, the machine is practically useless to me (modulo paying for, and then setting up an equivalent piece of software).
    Should I try uninstalling TrueSuite for example?

    I have disabled the TrueSuite File Protection and now offline files work.
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    On the MBP, in iTunes, switch to Song view and enable the iCloud Status column by pulling down View > View options and selecting the option for "iCloud Status." Close the small window. Look for any tracks that have a status of "waiting." If you see several of them disable iTunes Match while holding down the Option key. Quit iTunes, wait a few seconds, then open it again and turn iTM back on. Let it compelete the scan. Wait until all tracks that are "waiting" have a status of either "matched" or "uploaded."
    On the iPad, turn off iTunes Match then launch the Music app and let the contents clear out. Power cycle the iPad for good measure, then re-enable the service once all the tracks in iTunes have been processed.

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    iWeb is not working for sending podcasts to iTunes, so I need a new web building tool. What is the closest thing to iWeb that I can use, which also supports podcasts?

    There's no reason you can't go on using iWeb for this - with iWeb '08 you have to publish to a local folder (i.e. on your Mac) and then upload the contents of the folder (not the folder itself) to your hosting service: and you have to make sure you enter the new URL in the Publish information or the feed won't work properly; this done, an iWeb podcast should work fine.
    Of course there is still the problem that iWeb is not supported and sooner or later a system upgrade may break it. You could look at RapidWeaver: you can make podcasts with that, though the last time I looked into that - which was admittedly some time back - I didn't feel it was ideal for this. There are lots of other podcast creation programs or services around. WordPress is OK but it may be a bit of a steep learning curve: Libsyn is an online service that seems to work reliably. Blogger writes messy feeds but does usually work. Podcast Maker used to work well - I used it myself a few years back - but it rather looks as if it's gone moribund and it may not be reliable with Lion/Mountain Lion, so you would want to check into that.

  • The specified UNC path does not contain a valid WIM file or you do not have permission to access it. please specify a valid path

    I loaded 4 captured images into SCCM via the Add Operating System Image Wizard 2 months ago.
    I have since captured another image to the same location (which is the SCCM site server) and tried to add it to the server.
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    the specified UNC path does not contain a valid WIM file or you do not have permission to access it.  please specify a valid path
    nothing has changed on the site server that i can think of.
    i am domain admin and permissions have not changed.
    anyone got any answers?
    please help i am baffled

    I am having similer issues.
    Win 2003 SP2 - SCCM2007 SP2 R2 single site with MDT2010 intergrated but can not get a MDT2010 TS Captured WIM to import into SCCM OS Images "Invalid WIM". allso i tried to mount the MDT WIM image without luck (Invalid Image). however a SCCM TS
    will Capture and I can Import it into OS Images. it seems like something is amiss with MDT or WAIK possibly.

Maybe you are looking for