Vertical dzen statusbar? [SOLVED]

this started out as a let's-see-if-it's-possible sort of thing, and now it's driving me mad that I can't figure this out. I'm attempting to make dzen + conky act as a statusbar, positioned vertically on the left side of my screen. my current .xinitrc line is:
conky -c /home/bryant/conkyrc | dzen2 -x '0' -w '60' -h '900' -ta 'l' -bg '#000000' -fg '#00ee00' -y '50' -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-*-130-*-*-*-*-*-*'&
my conky config is:
background no
out_to_console yes
background no
out_to_console yes
update_interval 1.0
short_units yes
format_human_readable yes
out_to_x no
{${time %a %b %d %Y}
${time %H:%M:%S}}
[RAM: $memperc%]
[CPU: $cpu%]
[disk I/O: ${diskio_write /dev/sda}/${diskio_read /dev/sda}]
[SSD: ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} (${fs_used_perc /}%)]
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlp1s0}[network: ${wireless_essid wlp1s0} (${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp1s0}%)] $else [network: -- ]$endif
${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1}[battery: ${battery_percent BAT1}%,
(${battery_time BAT1})] $else ${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/ADP1} [AC power] $else [battery: -- ]$endif
I realize that most of this won't fit in a 40-pixel bar, but I'm still working out the formatting. dzen positions itself properly, but it only displays part of the fist line no matter how wide I make it.
Last edited by ParanoidAndroid (2013-07-16 05:19:14)

Sweet. Got it working properly. But a new problem has popped up: xmonad won't reserve space for it, despite using the avoidStruts and manageDocks in the proper way. Here is my xmonad.hs:
import XMonad
import System.Exit
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified Data.Map as M
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
import XMonad.Prompt.XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
-- layout
myLayout = avoidStruts (tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| Full)
-- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio
-- The default number of windows in the master pane
nmaster = 1
-- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
ratio = 1/2
-- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
delta = 3/100
-- window rules
myManageHook = composeAll
[ className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat
-- , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
, className =? "feh" --> doFloat
, resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore ]
myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList $
[ ((mod4Mask, xK_x ), kill) -- close window
, ((modMask, xK_q), restart "xmonad" True)
, ((mod4Mask, xK_m ), nextWS) -- move to next workspace
, ((mod4Mask, xK_n ), prevWS) -- move to prev workspace
, ((mod4Mask .|. mod1Mask, xK_m ), shiftToNext) -- move window to next workspace
, ((mod4Mask .|. mod1Mask, xK_n ), shiftToPrev) -- move window to prev workspace
, ((mod4Mask, xK_o ), windows W.swapMaster) -- push to master
, ((mod4Mask, xK_i ), windows W.focusMaster)
, ((mod4Mask, xK_h), sendMessage Shrink) -- shrink the master area
, ((modMask, xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
, ((modMask, xK_period ), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
, ((mod4Mask, xK_j ), windows W.focusDown) -- swap the focused window with the next window
, ((mod4Mask, xK_0 ), (setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)) --Reset layout to workspaces default
, ((mod4Mask, xK_k ), windows W.focusUp) -- swap thefocused window with the previous window
, ((mod4Mask, xK_l ), sendMessage Expand) -- expand the master area
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_q), io (exitWith ExitSuccess)) -- quit xmonad
, ((0, xK_Print ), spawn "/home/bryant/.scripts/screenshot")
, ((mod4Mask, xK_BackSpace ), spawn "/home/bryant/.scripts/screenlock")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_r ), spawn "/home/bryant/.scripts/remind-notify")
, ((mod4Mask, xK_space ), spawn "/home/bryant/.scripts/touchpadtoggle")
, ((mod4Mask, xK_semicolon ), spawn "dmenu_run -b -p Run: -nf green -sb green -nb black -sf black -fn 'Terminus-16' -h 23")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), spawn "urxvtc")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_3 ), spawn "urxvtc -e calc")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_a ), spawn "urxvtc -e mocp")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_m ), spawn "urxvtc -e htop")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_n ), spawn "urxvtc -e newsbeuter")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), spawn "urxvtc -e wyrd")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_2 ), spawn "urxvtc -e mutt")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_e ), spawn "urxvtc -e vim")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_Home ), spawn "urxvtc -e ranger")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_p), spawn "urxvtc -e cboard")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_g ), spawn "gimp")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_d ), spawn "dwb")
, ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_l ), spawn "urxvtc -e elinks")
, ((mod4Mask, xK_b ), spawn "sleep 0.5 && xset dpms force off")
, ((mod4Mask, xK_s ), spawn "systemctl suspend")
, ((0, 0x1008FF14 ), spawn "mocp -G")
, ((0, 0x1008FF17 ), spawn "mocp -f")
, ((0, 0x1008FF16 ), spawn "mocp -r")
, ((0, xK_F6 ), spawn "/usr/bin/mute_toggle")
, ((0, xK_F7 ), spawn "/usr/bin/vol_down")
, ((0, xK_F8 ), spawn "/usr/bin/vol_up") ]
myLogHook = dynamicLog
main = do
xmonad $ defaultConfig
-- override settings
terminal = "urxvtc"
, borderWidth = 1
, modMask = mod4Mask
, workspaces = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]
, normalBorderColor = "#000000"
, focusedBorderColor = "#00ee00"
, focusFollowsMouse = False
, layoutHook = myLayout
, manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageDocks
, handleEventHook = docksEventHook
, logHook = myLogHook
, keys = myKeys

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    Go to Solution.

    Hello Alann,
    The NI High-Speed Digitizers help is very useful in defining these types of terms.
    From the help "Reference levels are high, low, and mid range values that you set to take rise time, fall time, width negative, width positive, duty cycle positive, and duty cycle negative measurements. Reference levels are generally configured in terms of the percentage of the waveform you acquire. By default, the low value is 10% of the waveform, the mid level is 50%, and the high value is 90%."
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    Message was edited by: Quindaro

    I'm Steve Harris from - thanks for notifying me of this problem through the MuseThemes support forum (
    This looks like a classic case of "overlapping elements" causing weird layout shifts on publish.  I actually covered a similar issue in a blog post way back in October 2011 (link below, tip #3)
    To summarize the blog post, what I would suggest is to try and group all of your elements in the Muse file.  We took a close look at the code Muse is generating, and it appears that grouping elements (select elements > right click > group) will actually wrap them in a "div" tag, which acts as a container to hold content together.  We've fixed countless situations like this by grouping together blocks of content (images & text) to keep them from shifting on export.
    As a customer of, our support team would be happy to have a look at your Muse working file to find a fix.  Feel free to send it our way in the MuseThemes support portal.
    - Steve

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    I solved my problem. It just took reading dzen's documentation some more.
    Last edited by xly15 (2012-11-30 21:33:11)

    I am using dzen as a status bar in DWM and I want to know how I get the clickable areas to work. I have looked over all the place and I am still confused. Also I am piping conky to dzen.
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    I solved my problem. It just took reading dzen's documentation some more.
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  • Dzen, conky and wmii statusbar...

    [What I need]
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    2. Then I tried to pipe conky into wmii statusbar but it is not straightforward at all, as the only working way I found, posted on the wmii thread, makes conky write a file and then wmii status bar to continuosly 'cat' that file. This way my hard disk is always active as wmii is always reading conky's output file.
    3. I finally decided not to use wmii's stausbar and "replace" it with conky piped into dzen2. The major problem is that dzen initially displays conky's output correctly but the whole bar disappears as soon as I switch to another workspace.
    Can someone point me to a solution?
    Here's my script:
    conky | dzen2 -ta r -h 12 -y 787 -fg $FG -bg $BG -fn $FONT
    Many thanks!

    rent0n wrote:
    [What I need]
    I'm trying to get a system info statusbar working on my wmii setup.
    [What I've done so far]
    1. Using wmii's statusbar directly is too difficult for me as I don't have enough knowledge about my system to get all the information I need and I a feel *a bit* unconfortable to work with sed and awk.
    2. Then I tried to pipe conky into wmii statusbar but it is not straightforward at all, as the only working way I found, posted on the wmii thread, makes conky write a file and then wmii status bar to continuosly 'cat' that file. This way my hard disk is always active as wmii is always reading conky's output file.
    3. I finally decided not to use wmii's stausbar and "replace" it with conky piped into dzen2. The major problem is that dzen initially displays conky's output correctly but the whole bar disappears as soon as I switch to another workspace.
    Can someone point me to a solution?
    Here's my script:
    conky | dzen2 -ta r -h 12 -y 787 -fg $FG -bg $BG -fn $FONT
    Many thanks!
    hmmm...i think you'll need to add -p at the end of the dzen2 options means persist or something like that.i hope that helps

  • [SOLVED]Clickable Dzen not Functioning

    I've been hunting the past few days trying to make my dzen bar clickable.
    Mainly to switch workspaces in xmonad, and later adding mpd to my dzen bar clicking next stop previous so on.
    I've learn that dzen had add a clickable functionality with the  ^ca().
    There are a few pages about xmonad with dzen clickables.
    Such as … workspaces
    And they all follow that format.
    Some have
    myWorkspaces = clickable . (map dzenEscape) $ nWorkspaces 9 ["web", "irc", "com"]
    myWorkspaces = clickable . (map dzenEscape) $ ["1","2","3","4","5"]
    I do have the latest dzen, and I am using xmonad standard version not darcs.
    My xmonad.hs is
    import XMonad
    import XMonad.Actions.CycleWindows -- classic alt-tab
    import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS -- cycle thru WS', toggle last WS
    import XMonad.Actions.DwmPromote -- swap master like dwm
    import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog -- statusbar
    import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops -- fullscreenEventHook fixes chrome fullscreen
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks -- dock/tray mgmt
    import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook -- window alert bells
    import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName -- matlab fix
    import XMonad.Layout.Named -- custom layout names
    import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders -- smart borders on solo clients
    import XMonad.Util.EZConfig -- append key/mouse bindings
    import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe) -- spawnPipe and hPutStrLn
    import System.IO -- hPutStrLn scope
    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W -- manageHook rules
    main = do
    conky <- spawnPipe myDzenConky -- conky stats on the right
    statuspipe <- spawnPipe myDzenMain --"dzen2 -bg black -fg white -ta l -w 840"
    xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig
    { modMask = mod4Mask
    , borderWidth = 2
    , normalBorderColor = "#dddddd"
    , focusedBorderColor = "#0000ff"
    -- , handleEventHook = fullscreenEventHook
    , workspaces = myWorkspaces
    , layoutHook = myLayoutHook
    , manageHook = (doF W.swapDown) <+> manageHook defaultConfig --Make new window not be master winodw
    , startupHook= setWMName "LG3D"
    , logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ defaultPP
    ppCurrent = dzenColor "#3399ff" "#000000" . pad --Current workspace (fore/back)ground colour
    , ppVisible = dzenColor "#888888" "#000000" . pad
    , ppHidden = dzenColor "#dddddd" "#000000" . pad --Unused workspace with apps on it
    , ppHiddenNoWindows = dzenColor "#888888" "#000000" . pad --Unused workspace with no apps on it
    , ppTitle = dzenColor "#FF00FF" "". shorten 700 . dzenEscape --Title of window on current workspace00AA9DC
    , ppOutput = hPutStrLn statuspipe
    `additionalKeysP` myKeys
    -- Tags/Workspaces
    -- clickable workspaces via dzen/xdotool
    myWorkspaces :: [String]
    myWorkspaces = clickable . (map dzenEscape) $ ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]
    where clickable l = [ "^ca(1,xdotool key super+" ++ show (n) ++ ")" ++ ws ++ "^ca()" |
    (i,ws) <- zip [1..] l,
    let n = i ]
    -- Layouts
    -- the default layout is fullscreen with smartborders applied to all
    myLayoutHook = avoidStruts $ smartBorders ( mtiled ||| full ||| tiled )
    full = named "X" $ Full
    mtiled = named "M" $ Mirror tiled
    tiled = named "T" $ Tall 1 (5/100) (2/(1+(toRational(sqrt(5)::Double))))
    -- sets default tile as: Tall nmaster (delta) (golden ratio)
    -- Statusbars
    myDzenMain = "dzen2 -bg black -fg white -ta l -w 1610"
    myDzenConky = "conky -c ~/.conkyrc | dzen2 -bg black -x '1500' -w '110' -ta 'r'"
    -- Key bindings
    myKeys = [ ("M1-<Tab>" , cycleRecentWindows [xK_Alt_L] xK_Tab xK_Tab ) -- classic alt-tab behaviour
    , ("M-b" , sendMessage ToggleStruts ) -- toggle the status bar gap
    , ("M-<Tab>" , toggleWS ) -- toggle last workspace (super-tab)
    , ("M-<Right>" , nextWS ) -- go to next workspace
    , ("M-<Left>" , prevWS ) -- go to prev workspace
    , ("M-S-<Right>", shiftToNext ) -- move client to next workspace
    , ("M-S-<Left>" , shiftToPrev ) -- move client to prev workspace
    , ("M-r" , spawn "xmonad --restart" ) -- restart xmonad w/o recompiling
    , ("M-x" , spawn "chromium" ) -- launch browser
    , ("M-S-x" , spawn "chromium --incognito" ) -- launch private browser
    , ("M-l" , spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock" ) -- lock the screen
    , ("C-M1-<Delete>" , spawn "sudo shutdown -r now" ) -- reboot
    , ("C-M1-<End>" , spawn "sudo shutdown -h now" ) -- poweroff
    , ("<XF86AudioMute>" , spawn "amixer -q sset Master toggle") --Toggle Volume
    , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer -q sset Master 2- unmute") -- lower volume
    , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer -q sset Master 2+ unmute") -- raise volume
    , ("<Print>" , spawn "import -window root `date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'`.png") --Take a Screenshot
    Put no matter who's configuration I try using dzen is not clickable.
    Also my workspaces are always named wierd things like
    ^a(1,xdotool key super+1()1^a()       [for first one]
    ^a(1,xdotool key super+1()1^a()       [for second one]
    Is the character c being escaped?
    If someone could please tell me how to troubleshoot this problem I will be very greatful.
    I've also been searching through the xmonad dzen and xmobar hacking thread.
    And they have the format from the link i provided above, and it works for them no problem.
    Last edited by Jabrick (2011-11-05 22:37:14)

    gotmor wrote:
    Be sure to use the SVN version of dzen2, 0.8.5 doesn't include this feature.
    Run the following command to fetch it:
    svn checkout dzen
    Thank you so much!!
    Wow I feel so stupid, its always these simple things that mess me up
    I read through previous posts I read and only now notice the mention of svn and gadget.
    I guess its because I didn't know anything about svn, revisions and such.
    I feel a lot better now!
    Thank you Rob.

  • My facebook icons won't show in messenger app for my ipad when my screen is vertical but will in horizontal how do I solve this please

    I have messenger for facebook and my images and emojis will only show when my iPad Air screen is horizontal and won't show when horizontal when I message someone how do I solve this please but my emojis still show on my keyboard with the globe icon thank you

    Did you ever figure out how to get them back? The same thing happened to me yesterday. I was able to open the file in VLC media player (you can download this app), but the file had been corrupted. It was only the last clip I had recorded, all the others were lost. Even the clip that will play is messed up

  • [SOLVED] Giving Firefox an infinite vertical scroll bar

    I recently reinstalled Arch after having a really difficult time with the move of binaries to /usr/bin
    There's one nagging issue after reinstalling, and I can't seem to find anything about it here. In Firefox, the vertical scrollbar on the right hand side of the screen doesn't meet the edge of the screen like it did before. What I mean is that I have to back up my cursor a pixel or two from the edge of the screen to hit the scroll bar. This behavior is frustrating, because it's so much easier to be able to just throw your cursor to the edge and click.
    I thought that this behavior might be controlled by GTK2 theme, but I haven't been able to find any themes that behave this way. Does anybody have an idea of what's going on here? My window manager is Openbox.
    Last edited by fatjake (2013-06-18 01:19:33)

    I was able to resolve this issue by switching Firefox to the "Littlefox complete theme". Thanks dag! … or-firefox
    So this problem seems to have something to do with the default Firefox theme. This whole issue is one of those things that many people might not outright notice, but once you're aware of it drives you mad. Such a little thing but such a huge effect on usability. Here's another discussion about it if anybody finds it interesting … bug/125734
    Marked as resolved

  • [Solved] I3 WM: date and time in statusbar?

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    Last edited by JonathanArcher (2010-04-06 19:37:41)

    What does i3-msg bb do?
    I start the script from xinitrc. Here's mine:
    exec i3 --force-xinerama &
    and the startup script:
    feh --bg-scale /media/sdb1/Documents/wall2copia.png
    while [ $i = 1 ]
    MEMINFO=$(sed -n -e '3d' -e '1,4p' /proc/meminfo | awk '{printf "%d ", $2 }')
    UPTIME=$(uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g')
    QUALITY=$(sed -e '1,2d' /proc/net/wireless | cut -d" " -f6,7)
    UNAME=$(uname -a | cut -d" " -f1,2,3)
    TEMPS=$(sensors | awk '/C/ { print $3}' | xargs | cut -d" " -f1,2,3,4)
    echo "^fg(white)$DATE^fg(grey) | $UNAME | ^fg(white)^i(mem.xbm)^fg(grey) T/F/C $MEMINFO | ^fg(white)^i(net-wifi.xbm) $QUALITY ^fg(grey)| ^fg(white)^i(cpu.xbm)^fg(grey) $UPTIME | ^fg(white)^i(temp.xbm)^fg(grey) $TEMPS"
    sleep 5
    done | dzen2 -x 150 -y 1005 -w 1050 -bg black -fg grey -fn fixed

  • [solved] WMFS statusbar and conky - conky appears on desktop as well.

    Hello guys. I recently got into WMFS. I was able to use conky in the status bar. However, some text shows up on the desktop. I could not find any fix for this issue by searching. Here is a screenshot- … x768s.png/
    and this is my conkyrc-
    Would using double buffer or user_space none help?
    EDIT: I just tried out_to_x no and it appears to fix the issue for me.
    Last edited by cirnOS (2011-12-23 01:42:53)

    Mr Green wrote:Please make thread as Solved
    <keybind key="F1">
    <action name="DesktopLeft">
    <keybind key="F2">
    <action name="DesktopRight">
    <keybind key="F1">
    <action name="Execute">
    <command>feh --bg-scale /root/img.png</command>
    <keybind key="F2">
    <action name="Execute">
    <command>feh --bg-scale /root/img.jpg</command>
    This lines in rc.xml make set different wallpapers on 2 desktops

  • Sapscript, check address,  variable starting vertical position  Solved

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    On the check that we are creating for Accounts Payable payments, vendors that have all four name fields populated are causing the last line of the address on the check to be too close to the MICR line. 
    I want the address to start printing conditionally  at line 55, 56, or 57, depending upon the number of name fields that are populated.  Does anyone have a suggestion on a way to accomplish this?  Currently the address starts printing in line 57.
    This is the address command as it currently exists.
    ADDRESS PARAGRAPH AS            
      STREET      &REGUH-ZSTRA&     
      POSTCODE    &REGUH-ZPSTL&     
      REGION      &REGUH-ZREGI&     
      CITY        &REGUH-ZORT1&     
      COUNTRY     &REGUH-ZLAND&     
      FROMCOUNTRY &T001-LAND1&      
    All answers greatly appreciated.
    This is how I sold my problem.
    1.  Move the address window up two lines.
    2.  Add the following code before the address command. This code could possibly print one or two blank lines before the address command is executed.
    /:   IF &REGUH-ZNME3& = ' ' AND &REGUH-ZNME4& = '
    /:   ELSEIF &REGUH-ZNME4& = ' '                  
    /:   ENDIF                                       
    Message was edited by: Bruce Tjosvold
    Message was edited by: Bruce Tjosvold
    Message was edited by: Bruce Tjosvold

    andre.ramaciotti wrote:And I'm not sure if you should put that & after exec awesome. It works fine here without it.
    No & after entries in .xinitrc . You've commented out the awesome entry.

  • [SOLVED] uzbl-browser and dmenu-vertical

    I recently installed the uzbl-browser, which is just great.  It uses dmenu for bookmarks, and it has been suggested (I can dredge up posts if necessary) that the "patched" version dmenu-vertical will improve the experience by listing the bookmarks vertically (horizontally you can see the first three or so, and then end up scrolling).  Looking in the AUR there are two packages: dmenu-vertical and dmenu-vertical-xft.  I chose the version with XFT support. 
    When I tried to install it, pacman complained that it conflicted with dmenu, which was already installed.  I uninstalled dmenu, which required uninstalling uzbl-browser, installed dmenu-vertical-xft, and then attempted to install uzbl-browser.  When I answered "no" to that installation's suggestion that I replace dmenu-vertical-xft with dmenu, the install aborted.
    So I have reverted to uzbl-browser with vanilla dmenu, but I would like to get it working with the vertical patch.  Has anybody done this, and if so how?
    Thanks - Hy
    Last edited by Hy Ginsberg (2010-04-10 00:10:35)

    Thanks -- just what I needed.  - Hy

  • [SOLVED!] nasty vertical lines on screen after suspend or hibernation

    it's all in the title.. the lines appear while suspending already (thin green or blue lines) and linger on the screen after it's resumed, becoming thick white lines that cover everything).
    - i'm using pm-utils
    - i use kms with an old radeon mobility card, which doesn't seem to be properly configured (see my other thread viewtopic.php?id=113016).
    - the /var/log/pm-suspend.log doesn't provide any useful information. everything looks fine.
    - the system didn't resume from hibernation until i set the resume hook. now it does.
    - suspending/hibernating from the command line or with the lxde menu produces the same result.
    Last edited by v43 (2011-02-17 07:21:07)

    none of these trials solved the problem.
    i uninstalled everything except pm-utils and acpi+acpid, as it where before. btw, do i need acpid?
    now with the vga drivers...
    - removing kms: didn't work
    - vbetool seems useless
    - trying the new framebuffer Uvesafb i get a black screen (i'll have to use a boot cd to resolve this)
    any suggestion at all??
    Last edited by v43 (2011-02-13 10:57:35)

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