Viewer Version selector absent from v25 Folio Builder

We upgraded the Folio Builder Panel for CS5 from v.24 to v.25 on January 30. Due to the use of a 3rd-party plug-in, we are not allowed to upgrade the Folio Producer Tools, so we are still using v.20 of those.
Now the portion of the Folio Builder where we could select the Viewer Version is missing. As a result, we are getting very unpredictable results with our apps.
Is it possible that our installation (we are a large media company) went bad? Our computers are managed and software distributed via Filewave, so this is a company-wide problem right now.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

Hi Bob and John.
I burrowed into the .folio files that are being created.
In a folio created that is working properly, we see:
<folio version="2.3.0" lastUpdated="2013-01-22T09:03:00Z" date="2013-01-22T17:02:57Z" orientation="portrait" bindingDirection="left" id="ISU Demo" targetViewer="24.0.0">
In folios created that we're having trouble with we see:
<folio version="2.0.0" lastUpdated="2013-02-04T15:20:15Z" date="2013-02-04T06:00:00Z" orientation="portrait" bindingDirection="left" id="Roumen">
So for some reason, the "targetViewer =" tag is absent. Thoughts on that?

Similar Messages

  • Version 19 Release - Update Folio Builder panel

    Digital Publishing Suite released a mandatory update to the Folio Builder panel as well as a new version of the Folio Producer tools. You can view a list of new features here: What's new in this release.
    Should you update the Folio Builder panel?
    Yes, or you won't be able to use the panel. Note that updating the panel does not affect your version of the DPS tools.
    Should you update the Folio Producer tools?
    If you're in the last stages of publishing a folio, if you have an important presentation coming up, or if you created a custom viewer using a previous set of tools and don't want to update your viewer app yet, install only the Folio Builder panel.
    If you install the new Folio Producer tools and create a folio, you cannot view it in the current Adobe Content Viewer on the iPad (until Apple approves the new version) or with a custom viewer app that hasn't been updated to v19. If you try to open a new folio in an older viewer, a "Please update your app" message appears.
    If you have a Professional or Enterprise account, you can use the Viewer Builder to create a custom version of the Adobe Content Viewer so that you don't have to wait for Apple to approve.
    For links and addition installation information, see Installing digital publishing tools.

    Hi I give the audio file the same mistake all the foils. please help!
    This issue occurred after the builder and the tools of updates to Folio

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    You should be able to force the logout by quitting InDesign and deleting this folder: /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE and then restarting InDesign.
    Yes, this is awkward

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    Please help.

    Hi Bob,
    I think there's still something amiss here.
    I have the v25 Folio Producer Tools for CS5.5 and the v25 Folio Builder panel. (I'm on 10.6.8 for reference.)
    I also have the latest v25 CV from the App Store, and with my iPad Mini plugged in, and the Content Viewer open, the option to side-load still isn't showing.
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    Created shapes  in illustrator and saved it as a SVG.
    Imported SVG in Edge animate, made a simple animation of the shapes getting larger and made a poster snap
    Gone to publish settings
    Ticked Animate Deployment Package and saved in Target direectory .\publish\animate_package
    In indesign placed the edge .oam file in
    gone to the folio builder and gone to preview > preview on desktop

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    The individual download pages are:
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    This is not a manditory forced panel update but all users are encouraged to download and install the latest build.

    Hi John,
    I am still experiencing issues with my app. Your last message told me to "call up directly" for official support, but there doesn't seem to be a number for Australia.
    I'm now being told that I need to update my app in the App store, but this isn't right.
    From: John J Metzger <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 01:16:57 +0800
    To: Production <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Folio Builder Panel is available
    Re: Folio Builder Panel is available
    created by John J Metzger<> in Digital Publishing Suite - View the full discussion<

  • Folio Builder: An error has occurred opening the source file for the article layout.

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    An error has occurred opening the source file for the article layout.
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    Can anyone help.
    Many thanks
    The problem initially seemed very similar to the one linked below, but I dont get the content generation error

    Questions about the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite should be posted in the DPS Forum.

  • Can't sign into Folio Builder CS6.

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    You will receive replies (like this one). Here's the link:
    Can't sign into Folio Builder CS6.

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    Please, if anyone has any ideas. I already have an account with the DPS system and can login just fine through my browser.
    Thank you.

    Hi Bob,
    My ID is working on Adobe portal.
    my problem date since that upload. I download and install Folio Producer Tools.dmg + Folio_Panel.dmg at least 10 times but my panels do not work. I completely reinstall Indesign but still nothing.
    My Folios do not appear in the panel. I can not connect to CS Live.

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    The exact error message is as below:
    An error has occurred opening the source file for the article layout.
    The InDesign file for the layout cannot be found.
    Another strange thing that seems to be happening is that the folio will randomly reoder the articles in the folio.
    I have dumped my indesign prefs, tried creating an entirely new project, made a new account and even reinstalled the entire software.
    But the problem of opening an article that I have imported or added to a folio, simply not being found to open has got me stumped. I can't proceed with a major project until I can sort this out.
    Can anyone help.
    Many thanks
    The problem initially seemed very similar to the one linked below, but I dont get the content generation error d=true

    Hi Casey,
    That is my main concern, I moved nothing. The only thing that has changed is that I had a message pop up that folio builder needed an update (which I did, as I couldn't do any more work in it until I had done this).
    Once I had completed this, I couldn't load any of the files through the builder that I had previously worked on.
    I have just checked the path as per your instructions, and that is totally fine.
    I have created a test project using new fresh files/folios and articles and still get the same.
    There are two things that make this even stranger.
    1. Everything works fine if I work on a folio that has all files in a folder on my desktop. If I work at any other level of sub folder it doesn't.
    2. The folio will randomly reorder the articles within it. If I put them back where I want them, a few hours or updates later folio builder will re-organise them.
    Totally weird

  • Folio Builder - cannot login after changing password

    Hi all,
    I changed my password at, now I cannot login with the new password from the Folio Builder panel in InDesign CS5.5. I'm on Mac OSX 10.6.8. Basically, the panel shows "Signing in..." and the endlessly spinning wheel, which means it's hanging and doesn't let me re-enter my login credentials.
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    I did create a new user on my machine and that worked — I was able to login successfully with my new login credentials. But moving my production files and recreating all my settings from my account to this new one would take a while, so I wanted to see if there was another solution.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Hi John,
    Yes, I can login successfully there. The problem also appears to be with the CS Review and Access CS Live panels in InDesign.
    When I initially open the Folio Builder, I get the error dialog "Sign In had failed. [svr.InvalidLogin]". The CS Review and Access CS Live panels also report an internal error.
    This happens in both InDesign CS5 and CS5.5 (both installed on the same computer). Could the CS5.5 and CS5 panels be sharing that info? I haven't uninstalled/reinstalled the panels from CS5, just from CS5.5, which might explain the error, if I need to also uninstall the CS5 panels/extensions.

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    Article thumbnails are missing now, too (but only on articles uploaded with the new builder panel). And I can't open articles from the Folio Builder panel any more.
    Using InDesign CS5.5.

    Not sure if anyone still has this issue... I have Adobe InDesign CS6, with the newest updated version of DPS. I was having the same issue when adding articles, the pin wheel would just run without end, tried all different formats, nothing.
    Finally, I realized that I had been working off of an InDesign file located on a server, so I Packaged my InDesign File and transfered all my files onto my local Hard Drive (onto my MacBook Pro)
    Tried the steps again and voila!
    Worked for me

  • Folio Builder panel is empty?

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    I'll add that it's clearly a glitch. I don't have the option to create an article from an open document. However, quitting InDesign I get an altert saying that the folio builder is busy—as though I have managed to get it to do a task, despite no visual feedback of that in the panels...

  • Folio Builder sign in doesn't work!

    I just downloaded all the tools for CS6 on my Mac, the latest version 32. But the folio builder won't sign in, at all. I can click on it a million times and nothing happens. No pop-ups, no links, just no reaction.
    What do i do?

    What does your Folio Builder panel fly out menu look like? You should see the sign in link which will take you to the sign pop-up window and then leave you with only the sign out option.
    Are you able to sign in at Adobe Digital Publishing Suite – Sign In? You may need to accept the terms of agreement if this is a new setup. Accepting the terms of agreement has to be done manually at the website and on a computer, not a device.

  • InDesign/ Folio Builder

    How do I add another document by scrolling to the right? In the folio builder.

    Moved to DPS.
    If the ID file is open you can use the add function otherwise you'd use the import function. Both are available from the folio builder panel with the folio selected.

Maybe you are looking for