Viewing problem

Hello. Im relatively new to photoshop and i have a problem with Photoshop CS4 on a Macbook computer.
My problem is that when i try to draw a rectangle or other shape the lines while i drag are almost invinsible making it very hard to see them and this makes really hard to do and to be precise.
In the attached file is a print screen while a drag and u can really see what i mean.

If i understoodcorrectly you are reffering to blending options and that is not my problem. What i mean is at the time where i click (and hold)  and drag in order to create the shape.
The shapes size is sort of represented by an outline and my problem is that the outline cannot be seen.
If you look at the print screen i've attached that is the time i am holding the click down and i've dragged along, but i have not released the click yet so that outline is just the rectangle's size representation.
I hope you understood what i am talking about since i am not sure on whether i am using the right terms to express what's going on.

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    Il giorno 21/gen/2012, alle ore 16:18, Bob Levine ha scritto:
    Re: Adobe Content Viewer problem. Please Help me...
    created by Bob Levine in Digital Publishing Suite - View the full discussion
    As discussed in numerous threads already, the new viewer has not been approved by Apple yet.
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    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
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    Class ID:          
    Use count:         
    Block count:       

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    > So my main question is - should I be worried by the
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    Yes. I'd say more, but I cannot see your page.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "theboyfromthefens" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:fgaou7$hgv$[email protected]..
    > Another design view question - I've looked through other
    posts but not
    > seen
    > anything that's similar.
    > (Firstly, can't give a URL as I'm sensibly(?) doing a
    site redesign
    > offline...)
    > I've got a page that consists of three columns - each
    floated left, each
    > with
    > nested divs (the nested divs are fixed width).
    > In design view, everything was fine with this structure
    - as was preview
    > in
    > browser, and the page validates with DWCS3's checker.
    But adding content
    > to
    > the first of the columns (within a nested div) made the
    next two columns
    > drop
    > below the first in design view - although DWCS3
    validation and previewing
    > is
    > still fine.
    > Through judicious deleting etc., I've found that it was
    a floated element
    > in a
    > nested div within the first column, that caused the
    subsequent elements to
    > drop
    > below the first column.
    > So my main question is - should I be worried by the
    design view problems,
    > or
    > is It just an inconvenience?
    > (And if there's any other obvious problems I'm inviting
    by structuring the
    > page this way, please feel free to (gently) point it
    > Thanks, Matt.

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    I very rarely have this problem on my old Powerbook 1.33 GHz 17". Since 2.1 I haven't encountered it. However, the simplest way to overcome it is to go into Full Screen (press F), do 1 simple adjustment (such as increase brightness by .1), go back to Window View (press F again), undo the adjustment (decrease brightness by .1) - et voilà. Takes around 20 secs on my Mac.
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      Do one thing.Develop some temporary BDC programs for different material  with required views.
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    when 'mat1'  .
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    when '2'.
    At last delete all temporary programs.
    Hope your problem will get solved
    Don't forget to reward if useful.

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    after that. Might be something particular to Internet Explorer 11.

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    I thought "that's strange.."
    So to troubleshoot- first, I tried managing the sites properly in CS5 by going to the "Manage Sites.." menu item in the "Site" menu and defining those site folders on the new computer.
    That worked fine but didn't cure the problem, so I copied over from the G5 all the DW CS4 prefs I could find, and the DW CS4 site def file, placing all those items in their appropriate locations on the Intel box. That didn't cure it either, so now I'm wondering- when I created those sites originally on the G5 with DW CS4, did I limit their forward compatibility by choosing to format in a particular flavor of html?

    When I opened one of my sites in DW CS5 on the new box, I noticed the html file could only be viewed in 'code view'- the 'split' snd 'design' buttons were grayed out, and the menu items in the "View" menu- 'view' and 'code and design'- were also grayed out and could not be selected...
    The usual reason is that you've got that file extension (e.g. .html) listed under:
    Edit > Preferences > File Types / Editors > Open in Code View (based on its behavior, that should be labelled "Open only in Code View")
    If that's the case, removing the file extension from the list usually fixes it.

  • Crystal report viewer problem

    We have CR 2008 SP2 license version and We are using visual studio 2010 and downloaded CR for visual studio 2010. After upgrading when we run the application, report displays successfully with new report viewer  but when i try to open another report it displays in new window rather than in current window. This issue occurs in Internet Explorer only. When i run this apllication in firefox it works....!!!! In firefox, it does not open new window for each report.
    So, can you tell me this issue is related to browser or report viewer and what should we do to solve this issue?
    Thanx in advance for any help.

    I got the exact problem which was occurred. We do have 3 frames in an aspx page. From the link given in one frame (left frame), we are loading new form in another frame(main frame) by giving the "target=main" in link. Suppose in left frame i have given options to load different reports. Report is loaded in main frame after clicking on one of the link given in left frame. Report is displayed successfully in main frame but after that if i click on any of the links given in left frame, page will be loaded in new window. That is the exact issue occurred over here.
    By searching the solution for this problem, I got to know the reason.  It is specified in community forum that in frames concept,  frame name is taken "filter" by default. So i have to chahge my main frame id and name to "filter". I did that and the isuue is resolved...!!!! But for this reason, i have to change frame name in the application. May i know why this was happened..??? In earlier version i did not face this problem then why in upgraded version ...???

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    In below is an example of my problem
    ( I need to say when I run this example in Oracle 11g all things is OK )
    create table ali.alitest1(id number primary key,n1 number,n2 number);
    create table ali.alitest2(id number primary key,n3 number);
    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ali.alitest1_mv
    select id,n1 from ali.alitest1;
    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ali.alitest2_mv
    select,t1.n1,t2.n3,t1.rowid "t1_rowid",t2.rowid "t2_rowid" from ali.alitest1_mv t1,ali.alitest2 t2 where;
    SQL Error: ORA-12053: this is not a valid nested materialized view
    12053. 00000 - "this is not a valid nested materialized view"
    *Cause:    The list of objects in the FROM clause of the definition of this
    materialized view had some dependencies upon each other.
    *Action:   Refer to the documentation to see which types of nesting are valid.
    do you know what is problem ?

    Take look for this link :

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