Views & tables

what is the use of views & what is the advantages of views over using database tables?

Database View (SE11)
Database views are implement an inner join, that is,
only records of the primary table (selected via the join operation)
for which the corresponding records of the secondary tables also exist are fetched.
Inconsistencies between primary and secondary table could, therefore, lead to a reduced selection set.
In database views, the join conditions can be formulated using equality relationships between any base fields.
In the other types of view, they must be taken from existing foreign keys.
That is, tables can only be collected in a maintenance or help view if they are linked to one another via foreign keys.
Help View ( SE54)
Help views are used to output additional information when the online help system is called.
When the F4 button is pressed for a screen field, a check is first made on whether a matchcode is defined for this field.
If this is not the case, the help view is displayed in which the check table of the field is the primary table.
Thus, for each table no more than one help view can be created,
that is, a table can only be primary table in at most one help view.
Projection View
Projection views are used to suppress or mask certain fields in a table (projection), thus minimizing the number of interfaces. This means that only the data that is actually required is exchanged when the database is accessed.
A projection view can draw upon only one table. Selection conditions cannot be specified for projection views.
Maintenance View ( SE54 )
Maintenance views enable a business-oriented approach to looking at data,
while at the same time, making it possible to maintain the data involved.
Data from several tables can be summarized in a maintenance view and maintained collectively via this view.
That is, the data is entered via the view and then distributed to the underlying tables by the system.
Creating Database View:
Creating Projection View:
Creating Help View:
Creating maintenance View:
Creating a Maintenance View
Enter the name of the view in the initial screen of the ABAP Dictionary, select object class Views and choose Create. A dialog box appears, in which you must choose the type of the view. Select the type Maintenance view.
The maintenance screen for maintenance views appears. You will see three input areas for tables, join conditions and view fields. Carry out the following actions in this screen:
Enter a short explanatory text in the field Short text.
In Tables, enter the primary tables of the view.
If required, include more tables in the view. In a help view you can only include tables which are linked to one another with foreign keys.
Position the cursor on the primary table and choose Relationships. All existing foreign key relationships of the primary table are displayed. Check the foreign keys you require and choose Copy. The secondary tables involved in such a foreign key are included in the view. The join conditions derived from the foreign keys ( Foreign Key Relationship and Join Condition) are displayed.
You can also include tables which are linked to one of the previously included secondary tables with a foreign key. To do this, position the cursor on the secondary table and choose Relationships. Then proceed as described above.
You can only select foreign keys in which the secondary table for the primary table or for the secondary table which transitively preceded it is in an n:1 relationship. This is the case if the secondary table is the check table of the base table and the foreign key was not defined generically. If the base table is the check table, the foreign key fields must be key fields of a text table or the foreign key must have cardinality of n:1 or n:C.
The foreign keys violating these conditions are displayed at the end of the list under the header Relationships with unsuitable cardinality.
Select the fields which you want to include in the view.
You can enter the field names directly. If you do not know the field names, you can copy them from the tables. To do this, position the cursor on a table and choose TabFields. The fields of the table are now displayed in a dialog box. You can copy fields from here by marking the first column and choosing on Copy.
Formulate the selection conditions. To do this choose Goto ® Selection condition. The input area for the selection conditions appears in place of the input areas for the fields. Maintain the selection condition as described in Maintaining the Selection Condition for a View. You can then switch back to the fields display with Goto ® View fields.
Activate the view with View ® Activate. A log is written during activation. You can display it with Utilities ® Activation log. If errors or warnings occurred during the activation of the view, you branch directly to the activation log.
Create the documentation for the view with Goto ® Documentation. This documentation is output for example when you print the view with View ® Print.
Branch to transaction SE54 with Environment ® Tab.maint.generator. From the view definition you can generate maintenance modules and maintenance interfaces there which distribute the data entered with the view to the base tables. You can find more information about using this transaction in the documentation Generating the Table Maintenance Dialog.
Optional Settings
You can make the following optional settings:
Change data element of a view field:
Select the Mod column (modify) for the view field and choose Enter. The Data element field is now ready for input. Enter the new data element there. This data element must refer to the same domain as the original data element. With the F4 help key for the Data element field, you can display all the data elements which refer to the domain of the field. If you want to assign the original data element again, you only have to reset the Mod flag and choose Enter.
Change maintenance status:
The Maintenance Status defines how you can access the view data with the standard maintenance transaction (SM30). Choose Extras ® Maintenance status. A dialog box appears in which you can select the maintenance status of the view.
Define the delivery class of the view:
Choose Extras ® Delivery class. A dialog box appears in which you can enter the delivery class of the maintenance view.
Define the maintenance attribute of a view field
The maintenance attribute defines special access modes for the fields of the view. You can make the following entries in field F in the input area for the view fields:
R : Only purely read accesses are permitted for fields with this flag. Maintenance with transaction SM30 is not possible for such fields.
S : Fields with this flag are used to create subsets when maintaining view data. Only a subset of the data is displayed. This subset is defined by entering the corresponding value in this field.
H : Fields with this flag are hidden from the user during online maintenance. They do not appear on the maintenance screen. You have to ensure in a separate procedure that each such field has the correct contents. Otherwise, they are left empty.
: There are no restrictions on field maintenance.
Check functions:
With Extras ® Runtime object ® Check you can determine whether the definition of the view in the ABAP Dictionary maintenance is identical to the specifications in the runtime object of the view. With Extras ® Runtime object ® Display you can display the runtime object of the view.
Display foreign key of a view field:
If a foreign key which was automatically included in the view definition is defined for the field of the base table, you can display it. To do so, position the cursor on the view field and choose Extras ® Foreign keys.
Display foreign key on which a join condition is based:
If a join condition was derived from a foreign key, you can display its definition. To do so, position the cursor on the join condition and choose Extras ® Foreign keys.
See also:
Maintenance Views

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    steps are
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    Choose the radio button of Views, give the view name and create.
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    Select the 2nd table-name field and click on relationship button.
    Then goto view fields tab.
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    Save and activate.
    please see this
    steps  to create a view

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    From your description, it is not very clear that what you mean about the View, if it means the View concept in database as SQL Server, your required view should be as below:
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    Select Bloggers.bloggerName, Bloggers.blogTitle, Bloggers.blogImage
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    If it means the UI view in MVC concept, I suggest you could ask it on the MVC forum:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    PgmID = R3TR
    Obj = VDAT
    Object name = ZVAITM_TBLE
    But when I press enter, I encountered the following error:
    No object definition exists for Customizing object ZVAITM_TBLE
    Message no. TK427
    The Customizing object R3TR VDAT ZVAITM_TBLE is not defined in the tables of the Change and Transport System.
    This means that you cannot use the Transport Organizer to edit it.
    System Response
    The function terminates.
    First check whether the name of the object is correct. Then you (or the system administrator) should check the object definition, to ensure that the object was created correctly (transaction SOBJ).
    If the object does not exist, then create it or delete it from the request/task.
    I am new to transports so I have no idea how to proceed.
    Please advise.
    Thanks a lot!
    Cha Cha

    Hello Cha,
    Kindly open this custom table using SM30 and try creating a transport request from there.

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    Edited by: [email protected] on Feb 25, 2009 9:19 AM

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    Thanks in advance .
    Thanks .

    Using Function Module C160_TRANSACTION_CALL you can call any tcode which dont have access..
    Create a report  and call function module and pass se16 to parameter .
        i_tcode =        'SE16'            " sy-tcode
        ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1           "
        INTERNAL_ERROR = 2          "
        .  "  C160_TRANSACTION_CALL
    now create a tcode for this report as ZSE16.,
    hope this helps u.,
    You can also create Data browser ( SE16 ) in report and display as ALV., using Field Symbols and RTTS.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Hello Chuck,
    There are 2 ways to restrict this
    1: The user should be a part of at least one user group to run the corresponding ABAP query. This automatically restricts the access of the user to specific functional areas, and thus the corresponding underlying logical databases.
    2: The authorization object S_QUERY should be used to give proper authorizations to the user for a query. This authorization object has a field named ACTVT, which can take values 02 for Change, 23 for Maintain and 67 for Translate.
    This value determines whether the user can create and modify the query. The possible authorizations in the object are as follows:
    S_QUERY_ALL          Change, maintain and translate query
    S_QUERY_UPD         Change and Translate

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    table 1
    table 2
    table 3
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    WITH t1 AS
    (SELECT mrnno,
                      SUM(mrnqty) sum1
    FROM table_1
    GROUP BY mrnno),
    t2 AS
    (SELECT mrnno,
                      SUM(issqty) sum2
    FROM table_2
    GROUP BY mrnno),
    (SELECT mrnno,
                      SUM(retqty) sum3
    FROM table_3
    GROUP BY mrnno)
    SELECT mrnno,
    FROM t1,t2,t3
    WHERE t1.mrnno = t2.mrnno
    AND       t1.mrnno = t3.mrnnoCheers
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)

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    Hi All,
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    Warning: Oracle does not recommend you query or alter data using this view. It may change dramatically in subsequent minor or major releases.
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    Any ideas for that?
    Best Regards,

    Hi Carolin,
    It's usually more efficient to use base tables instead of views. The tables you will actually need will depend on your requirements. Regarding your question about MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_VL, it's usually ok to use the _VL views. These typically contain the same information as the base tables plus some logic to get the appropriate translations for fields that can be shown in different languages (for instance, DESCRIPTION). Typical table names you will need could be:
    Item Master: MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B
    Organizations: MTL_PARAMETERS
    Units of Measure: MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE
    Material Transactions: MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS
    If your query didn't return any data, it's probably because the language was not properly setup in your session (check USERENV ('LANG') so see what's the language in your session).
    Hope it helps.

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    Can't give you an answer why. I would suggest that you try (1) creating the materialzed views on prebuilt tables and (2) add parallelism to the apply process(es)

  • Updating XML thru view table

    Given the following view table that i created
    ) AS select extractValue(value(p),'/OrderMessage/MessageHeader/@payloadId'),
    from PURCHASEORDER p, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(p),'/OrderMessage/Order/OrderLine'))) i
    when i executed the following command:
    UPDATE po_detail_view
    SET ORDERNUMBER = '500001' where PAYLOADID='1'
    I get end of file error which disconnect me from my oracle database.
    but when i update my another view table it is fine.
    BUYERPARTYNAME, BUYERROLE ) AS select extractValue(value(p),'/OrderMessage/MessageHeader/@version'),
    UPDATE po_master_view
    SET VERSION = '2.0' where PAYLOADID='1'
    i can see that the problem lies with
    table(xmlsequence(extract(value(p),'/OrderMessage/Order/OrderLine'))) i
    is there any better way or solutions to work ard with it?

    Thanks Mark,
    That's what i suspected the case, will log the itar later when i am free.
    Actually my main issue is that I am using forms 9i to view and edit the view tables that are based on the xml schema. Forms is giving me problem in accessing complicating views.
    I think my only solution is to:
    1)create a custom table updated by the view table.
    2)Create my form block based on custom table.
    3)update the xml data using updateXML() from the custom table.

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    so i appreciate any help or suggestions.
    Best regards
    Micheal A

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    you can use user exits like below
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    srw.user_exit('FND SRWINIT');in after report trigger:
    srw.user_exit('FND SRWEXIT');user exits will take care of org id or any other security profiles

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    I work on a portal migration project from EP5 to EP6 and I have a problem to work together a "teamviewer" iview and a "generic view table" iview.
    The teamviewer displays all my employees and when I click on a employee, the "generic view table" iview must display me his/her career in the company (the iview execute a SAP query with in input the personal ID of the selected employee).
    On EP5, it is working.
    But on EP6, it is not working. I have no error message displayed but it throughs me on the first folder of the test portal role I have created.
    I have used the same templates from EP5 to create EP6 iviews.
    There are few parameters on each iviews, so I don't know where can be the origin of problem :/.
    If you have any clue, it would be great !
    Thanks by advance
    Best regards,

    I've found the solution: I have to set the "isolation method" property to "Pumped" for the iView which catches the event launched by the teamviewer.
    What is looked strange is that isolation method is deprecated
    Hope that it will help someone on this subject.

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    Check the UOM and Conversion for Weight/volume/base unit detailed in the SAP note:722706
    I would suggest you to check the guideline in SAP Note:722706..
    Thanks and Regards

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