Vim with limp [SOLVED]

i've yaourted limp and i'm looking at the docs:
however, other than putting stuff in /usr/share/vim/ftplugin/lisp/vim nothing much is happening.
looking at limp.vim i see:
runtime ftplugin/lisp/limp/cursor.vim
runtime ftplugin/lisp/limp/highlight.vim
runtime ftplugin/lisp/limp/sexp.vim
runtime ftplugin/lisp/limp/bridge.vim
runtime ftplugin/lisp/limp/autoclose.vim
runtime ftplugin/lisp/limp/keys.vim
runtime ftplugin/lisp/limp/mode.vim
so i put a softlink in the ftplugin/lisp/ dir to vim, but that didn't accomplish anything either.
anyone know how to get limp working with vim?
(of course, i installed sbcl)
Last edited by pradtf (2010-09-26 17:10:11)

ok some progress has just been made!
by putting a softlink in .vim/ftplugin/lisp -> /usr/share/vim/ftplugin/lisp
it comes on.
now to try to figure out what to do with it as per mikael's doc.
<F12> works but it doesn't seem to start a limp connection hanging on Booting ... indefinitely.
now this document provides some idea:
but i'm not sure how to proceed since changing
did zilch.
no wait actually it works but i have to start lisp manually after changing the LIMPDIR: test -b
then i can (g)vim into the program and <F12> and follow mikael's doc.
this discussion was what provided the info:
so we'll see where this goes, but at least this much is working now.
Last edited by pradtf (2010-09-26 06:51:49)

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    JackH79 wrote:
    Strange. Is vim at least using any other modifications in your vimrc?
    If no, then I'd say that maybe it doesn't use the same vimrc you're working with.
    If it does, then I'm out of ideas for the moment.
    Edit: Maybe check this.
    Thanks for your help. I noticed this problem while trying to modify my existing vimrc, which is much larger. That pre-existing vimrc works quite well, with or without these changes to the statusline settings. The changes just get ignored. This leads me to think that $HOME/.vimrc isn't being ignored entirely. For some reason, only the statusline part seems to be ignored.
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    within vim appears identical to
    vim --version
    within bash, and so:
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    system vimrc file: "/etc/vimrc"
    user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
    system gvimrc file: "/etc/gvimrc"
    user gvimrc file: "$HOME/.gvimrc"
    I could suppose that some error is making vim fall back on /etc/vimrc - but wouldn't this also make an error message appear, and make the colorscheme fall back to default as well? If there's a problem, then shouldn't the commands fail to work when I run them manually, and shouldn't a warning or error be issued?
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    I think that the default backup settings (in /etc/virc if you use the basic vi package) changed with the recent upgrade to Vim 7.2.25.
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  • LaTeX composition in (g)vim with live update-as-you-type PDF preview

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    Anyway, I thought I'd post my method here just in case anyone thought it useful, or more importantly, anyone had any feedback for how it might be improved. I'm not a programmer (--my degrees are in philosophy!--) and don't really have that much experience with vim or bash scripting, so forgive my naive methods.
    Anyway, in my ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim I have:
    " Function to save, check if already compiling and compile if not
    function! KKLtxAction()
    " go to right directory
    lcd %:p:h
    " save the file if need be and it's possible
    if filewritable(bufname("%"))
    silent update
    " see how many kkltx processes there are
    " note that there are always 3 when the checking itself happens
    " so we need there to be no more than that
    let numrunning = system("ps ax | grep kkltx | wc -l")
    if numrunning < 4
    exec "silent !kkltx " . expand("%") . " &"
    " Call this function whenever mupdf the cursor moves
    " But only in gvim
    if has("gui_running")
    au CursorMoved *.tex call KKLtxAction()
    au CursorMovedI *.tex call KKLtxAction()
    So whenever the cursor moves, the file saves and checks if the compilation script is running. If it is not, it runs it. Here's the script, named kkltx. (To make it work, create a ~/.config/kkltx folder. Sorry about the stupid name; I needed it to be uncommon.)
    # check to see when file was last saved and
    # check see what version of file was last compiled
    currmodified=$(stat -c %Y "$file")
    oldmodified=$(cat $HOME/.config/kkltx/lastprocessedfile)
    # if they're the same exit with no change
    if [ "$currmodified" == "$oldmodified" ] ; then
    echo "nochange"
    exit 0
    # if compilation is necessary, check what program to use
    # 'xelatex' should appear in first 5 lines for xelatex docs
    if head -n 5 "$file" | grep -i -q 'xelatex' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    # try to compile
    if ${execprog} -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    # if compiling worked check if bibtex needs to run
    if cat "$logfile" | grep -i -q 'undefined citations' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    if bibtex "$auxfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    if ! ${execprog} -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    echo "failure"
    exit 1
    echo "bibfail"
    exit 2
    # check if a rerun is necessary to update cross-references
    if cat "$logfile" | grep -i -q 'rerun to get' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    if ! ${execprog} -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    echo "failure"
    exit 1
    # update mupdf by sending the r key to it
    xdotool search --class mupdf key --window %@ r > /dev/null 2>&1
    echo "success"
    # save time of compilation
    echo -n "$currmodified" > "$HOME/.config/kkltx/lastprocessedfile" 2>/dev/null
    echo "failure"
    exit 1
    exit 0
    One thing you miss out on with mupdf is the SyncTeX ability in, e.g., TeXworks that allows you jump from the source to the corresponding part of the PDF and vice-versa. Here's a kludge that at least gets to you to the right page by using xdotool to send the signal to move to a certain page matching the source, or to read what page mupdf is on, and move to the beginning of the source code for that page (or strictly, a couple inches over and down). Again, in my ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim
    " \v to open the viewer
    nnoremap \v :exec "silent! !mupdf ".expand("%:r").".pdf &"
    " forward search with mupdf
    function! MuPDFForward()
    " make sure I'm in the right directory
    lcd %:p:h
    let pageforward = 0
    " find where I am now; adjust for starting with 0
    let searchline = line(".") + 1
    let searchcol = col(".") + 1
    " use synctex to find the page to jump to
    let pageforward = system("synctex view -i " . searchline . ":" . searchcol . ":\"" . expand("%") . "\" -o \"" . expand("%:r") . ".pdf\" | grep -m1 'Page:' | sed 's/Page://'")
    " if a page other than 0 is found, send the page number to mupdf
    if pageforward > 0
    call system("xdotool search --class mupdf type --window %1 \"" . pageforward . "g\"")
    " inverse search with mypdf
    function! MuPDFReverse()
    lcd %:p:h
    let gotoline = 0
    " call a script which returns the line number near start of page shown on mupdf
    let gotoline = system(" " . expand("%:p:r"))
    if gotoline > 0
    exec ":" . gotopage
    " mappings \f and \r for forward and reverse search
    nnoremap <buffer> \f :call MuPDFForward()<CR>
    nnoremap <buffer> \r :call MuPDFReverse()<CR>
    Here is the script called by the above:
    # full-path-of-PDF-minus-extension
    # reduce filename to base, add .pdf
    pdffile="$(echo "$pathfn" | sed 's@.*/@@g').pdf"
    # change to directory containing files
    cd "$(echo "$pathfn" | sed 's@\(.*\)/[^/]*@\1@g')"
    # read page number in mupdf window title
    page=$(xdotool search --class mupdf getwindowname | sed 's:.* - \([0-9]*\)/.*:\1:')
    # synctex lookup; remove junk
    line=$(synctex edit -o "$page:288:108:$pdffile" | grep -m1 'Line:' | sed 's/Line://' | head -n1)
    line=$(echo "$line" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p')
    # return line for gvim
    echo "$line"
    exit 0
    I also recommend putting mappings in vim to send keys to mupdf to move around, so you can move around in the preview but without making (g)vim lose focus. These are just examples.
    nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-PageDown> :silent! call system("xdotool search --class mupdf key --window %@ Page_Down")<CR>
    nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-PageUp> :silent! call system("xdotool search --class mupdf key --window %@ Page_Up")<CR>
    Anyway, these could definitely be improved, by, for example, accommodating master/sub-documents, and so on. Thoughts?
    Last edited by frabjous (2010-11-04 22:41:21)

    OK, I've uploaded a PKGBUILD to AUR. Since I've changed how it handles recognizing when it's safe to recompile, it no longer needs to have a weird name. The name is now:
    It comes with a very short vim help file, which I'll copy here.
    *live-latex-preview.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2010 Oct 27
    A plugin for creating a live-updating PDF
    preview for a LaTeX file in MuPDF
    Default key bindings:~
    \p = Begin auto-compilation and launch MuPDF preview.
    \o = End auto-compilation and close MuPDF preview.
    \s = Check the result of the last compilation;
    jump to first error in case of errors.
    \f = Forward search to page in PDF matching cursor
    position in source.
    \r = Reverse/inverse search to position in source
    matching active page in MuPDF. (Very approximate.)
    \<PageUp>, \<PageDown>, \<Up>, \<Down>, \<Right>, \<Left>, \G
    \m, \t, \-, \+, \= = Send the corresponding keystrokes
    to the MuPDF preview without losing focus on vim Window
    The '\' can be changed by changing <LocalLeader>.
    Be aware that your file is saved whenever the cursor moves. Be sure
    to take the appropriate measures to keep back-up saves and undo files
    so you can undo changes if need be.
    To compile with XeLaTeX rather than PDFLaTeX, include the string
    'xelatex' somewhere in the first five lines of your file (e.g., in a
    comment). Currently only PDFLaTeX and XeLaTeX are supported. (Support
    for LuaLaTeX and/or LaTeX > dvips > ps2pdf may be added in the future,
    but they may be too slow for the live updating process anyway.)
    The plug-in does not currently support master- and sub-documents
    via LaTeX's \input{...} and \include{...} mechanisms. This may be
    added in the future.
    This is a new version; pretty much completely rewritten from the above. In particular, I've tried to incorporate keenerd's ideas; in particular some changes:
    Rather than grepping the active processes, when it begins a compilation, it records the process ID of the compilation script, and will not begin a new compilation until that process finishes.
    When it first launches MuPDF, it records the Window ID and sends it back to vim, so vim knows which instance of MuPDF to refresh or work with.
    I've added a \s quick key which provides a one-word summary of the effects of the last compilation and jumps to the line number of the first error, if there were errors.
    The script is located in a separate file in the main $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin folder, rather than a user's tex.vim file.
    I'm sure there's still plenty of room for improvement. I'd still like to get it to handle master/sub-documents well, for example. All comments welcome.

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    display: :0.0 screen: 0
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    OpenGL version string: 2.0.5642 (8.22.5)
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    Section "Device"
    Identifier "** ATI Radeon"
    Driver "fglrx"
    BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
    Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"
    Option "NoTV" "no"
    Option "TVStandard" "PAL-D"
    Option "TVHSizeAdj" "4"
    Option "TVVSizeAdj" "0"
    Option "TVHPosAdj" "0"
    Option "TVVPosAdj" "4"
    Option "TVHStartAdj" "2"
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    First off, my Java skills are very basic at best. Also, please forgive me if I use incorrect terms when it comes to XML nomenclature.
    I need to read each <b:Bill> section and parse the various elements within each section. I can use the statement "//*[local-name()='AssessmentType']" and get the AssessmentType element from the 1st <b:Bill> section but that's it. I don't know how to access the 2nd and subsequent <b:Bill> sections. I checked a number of different articles on various sites including the forums but I haven't found anything that I can understand let alone make work. I thought using QName was going to be my answer but I can't figure out how to make that work.The more I read about this the more confused I get.
    I found a reference somewhere using //Bills/Bill[1]/AssessmentType to access the 1st section and //Bills/Bill[2]/AssessmentType to access the 2nd section but that returns null in both instances. If I use //a:Bills/b:Bill/b:AssessmentType I get an exception, prefix must resolve to a namespace a: exception in org.Apache.xpath.domapi.XPathStylesheetDOM3Exception.
    I event tried modifying the <b:Bill> tag to <b:Bill ID="1"> and using "//*[local-name()=[@ID=1]/AssessmentType" and <Bill ID="1"> but neither of those worked. I tried removing the b: from all of the elements and tried using the same syntax but I still get null.
    I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction on how I can do what I need to do, if it's even possible. I'm sure it is, I just don't know how to go about it.
    For testing, I just hard-coded the return XML string into a String variable, converted that to a document so I could use the Get XML Document Data step to parse it. The soapResponseStringModified variable is:
    U"<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\"><s:Body><SOAPGetBillSummaryResponse xmlns=\"\"><SOAPGetBillSummaryResult xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:i=\"\"><a:ErrorMessage i:nil=\"true\"/><a:Success>true</a:Success><a:BillCount>2</a:BillCount><a:Bills xmlns:b=\"\"><b:Bill><b:AssessmentType>Annual</b:AssessmentType><b:BillAmount>8259.96</b:BillAmount><b:BillNumber>272818</b:BillNumber><b:BillType>Secured</b:BillType><b:IsRollover>False</b:IsRollover><b:LevyAmount>7508.24</b:LevyAmount><b:RollDate>2014</b:RollDate><b:TaxStatus>Cancelled</b:TaxStatus></b:Bill><b:Bill><b:AssessmentType>Additional</b:AssessmentType><b:BillAmount>7758.24</b:BillAmount><b:BillNumber>501340</b:BillNumber><b:BillType>Secured</b:BillType><b:IsRollover>False</b:IsRollover><b:LevyAmount>7758.24</b:LevyAmount><b:RollDate>2014</b:RollDate><b:TaxStatus>Unpaid</b:TaxStatus></b:Bill></a:Bills><a:GlobalData xmlns:b=\"\"><b:Address>123 MAIN ST</b:Address><b:City>ANY TOWN</b:City><b:EDO>19500909</b:EDO><b:IsDelinquent>true</b:IsDelinquent><b:IsVoid>false</b:IsVoid><b:ParcelNumber>00000</b:ParcelNumber><b:State>XX</b:State><b:TaxRateArea>3016</b:TaxRateArea><b:TodaysDate>20150323</b:TodaysDate><b:Zip>00000</b:Zip></a:GlobalData><a:MainRoll>false</a:MainRoll></SOAPGetBillSummaryResult></SOAPGetBillSummaryResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>"
    Script (run in single-step mode from the IDE):
    I appreciate any guidance.

    It looks like I found a solution to my problem. I haven't explored this for all the possible SOAP methods I have to use but this "solution" looks encouraging.
    If I do a replace() on the namespaces for a: and b: with an empty string, then replace the a:, /a:, b: and /b: with an empty string, I can use the XPath statements //Bill[1]/<FieldName>, //Bill[2]/<FieldName>, //Bill[x]/<FieldName> I can extract the data in a loop since I know the total number of bills ahead of time.
    I replace xmlns:a="" and xmlns:b="" with "", I can extract the elements in the Bill tags.
    It looks like this will solve my problem. It's not elegant but it works. When I loop through the elements, they' re updating appropriately based on the returned XML response.
    I'm sure there's a more elegant way to solve this problem but based on my limited coding skills, I found this a workable solution. I don't know how to use all the various Java tools available to me so this does the job.
    If someone knows the proper way to do this, I'd like to know how it's done. This will add to my toolkit and make my code easier to maintain down the road.

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    Now, when I do "pacman -Syu" I get:
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    :: current is up to date
    :: extra is up to date
    :: unstable is up to date
    :: community is up to date
    failed copying /home/pacman/custom.db.tar.gz
    failed to synchronize custom
    error: /var/lib/pacman/extra/cl-sdraw-1.0.0-1/desc: Permission denied
    db_read: error: /var/lib/pacman/community/perl-net-ipv6addr-0.2-2/depends: Permission denied
    error: could not open sync database: custom
           have you used --refresh yet?
    Again, on doing "pacman -S xfce4" I get
    error: /var/lib/pacman/extra/cl-sdraw-1.0.0-1/desc: Permission denied
    db_read: error: /var/lib/pacman/community/perl-net-ipv6addr-0.2-2/depends: Permission denied
    error: could not open sync database: custom
           have you used --refresh yet?
    Then I edited pacman.conf and commented out custom and then did "pacman -Syu" and got
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    :: current is up to date
    :: extra is up to date
    :: unstable is up to date
    :: community is up to date
    error: /var/lib/pacman/extra/cl-sdraw-1.0.0-1/desc: Permission denied
    db_read: error: /var/lib/pacman/community/perl-net-ipv6addr-0.2-2/depends: Permission denied
    :: Replace mkinitrd with mkinitcpio from "current"? [Y/n] y
    :: Replace devfsd with udev from "current"? [Y/n] y
    Remove:  mkinitrd devfsd
    Targets: klibc-1.4.29-2 klibc-extras-2.1-1 klibc-udev-102-1
             gen-init-cpio-2.6.17-1 mkinitcpio-0.5.8-1 udev-102-1 autoconf-2.60-1
             binutils-2.17-1 bison-2.3-1 coreutils-5.97-1 cracklib-2.8.9-1
             db-4.4.20-3 dcron-3.2-1 dialog-1.0_20060221-1 e2fsprogs-1.39-1
             filesystem-0.7.2-5 gcc-4.1.1-3 gettext-0.14.6-2 kernel-headers-2.6.18-3
             glibc-2.4-4 groff-1.19.2-1 gzip-1.2.4b-4 initscripts-0.7.2-9
             iputils-021109-5 jfsutils-1.1.11-1 kbd-1.12-5 kernel26-
             libpcap-0.9.5-1 libusb-0.1.12-1 lilo-22.7.3-1 m4-1.4.7-1 man-1.6d-1
             man-pages-2.39-1 mkinitrd-1.01-31 module-init-tools-3.2.2-3
             openssl-0.9.8d-1 pam-0.81-2 perl-5.8.8-4 ppp-2.4.4-3 procps-3.2.7-1
             rp-pppoe-3.8-1 shadow- slocate-3.1-2 vim-7.0.118-1
             wget-1.10.2-2 xfsprogs-2.8.10-1
    Total Package Size:   110.4 MB
    Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] n
    So, after excluding "custom," pacman is working but still giving "permission denied" error at the begining.
    Now, when I do "pacman -S kde" I get
    error: /var/lib/pacman/extra/cl-sdraw-1.0.0-1/desc: Permission denied
    db_read: error: /var/lib/pacman/community/perl-net-ipv6addr-0.2-2/depends: Permission denied
    error: /var/lib/pacman/extra/cl-sdraw-1.0.0-1/desc: Permission denied
    db_read: error: /var/lib/pacman/community/perl-net-ipv6addr-0.2-2/depends: Permission denied
    error: /var/lib/pacman/extra/cl-sdraw-1.0.0-1/desc: Permission denied
    kde: not found in sync db
    So, it seems pacman has problems installing packages which are not currently installed, like xfce4 or kde. With the packages currently installed, it behaves properly as when I did "pacman -S wget" which is already installed, it gave me as
    error: /var/lib/pacman/extra/cl-sdraw-1.0.0-1/desc: Permission denied
    db_read: error: /var/lib/pacman/community/perl-net-ipv6addr-0.2-2/depends: Permission denied
    Targets: wget-1.10.2-2
    Total Package Size:   0.5 MB
    Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] n
    Hence, I'm unable to install any single packages and also could not understand that "permission denied" error. Also, I am unable to delete /var/lib/pacman/current, extra, etc., or change their permission using chmod 751. Please help.
    Thanks in advance.
    Ravi S Ghosh

    ravisghosh wrote:Now i'm unable to boot, hangs when mounting / partition. While trying to mount the arch partition from other linux, it hangs.
    Try to just fsck the partitions, don't mount them.  Certainly doesn't sound good though.

  • Vim --with-x=yes

    Just wondering if anyone else ran into a problem with the latest version of vim, where you can no longer paste into vim from the X clipboard.
    I got so used to selecting text from anywhere and everywhere (OpenOffice, Firefox, any other X app), and pasting it straight into an open vim session with the middle mouse button.  But with the 7.1.12 package it's no longer working.  Keep in mind, I'm not talking about gvim, but about vim.  I have urxvt windows open everywhere (w/ screen), and vim.
    Anyway, the solution is to build vim yourself, and in the PKGBUILD, find where it says "--with-x=no" and change it to "--with-x=yes".
    I wonder, how could I request the maintainer, Tobias Kieslich, to do this?  I don't think the change hurts anything, and it has always worked this way in previous archlinux vim packages.

    im wondering why vim tries to connect to the xserver, as vim is compiled with with-x=no. But if i ssh to my machine that has no Xserver running, vim need long time for opening a file, because it tries to connect to x, so it needs to be started with vim -X.
    But i dont want to do this everytime, so is there a fix?

  • Can't upgrade with -Syu [SOLVED, eeeh :D]

    Well, this is what happens if I pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    warning: bin32-wine: local (1.1.27-1) is newer than archlinuxfr (1.1.24-1)
    warning: g15daemon: local ( is newer than archlinuxfr (
    warning: g15stats: local (1.91-1) is newer than archlinuxfr (1.0-1)
    warning: libg15: local (1.2.7-1) is newer than archlinuxfr (1.2.6-1)
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets (15): dvd+rw-tools-7.1-2 hal-info-0.20090716-2 inputproto-1.5.1-2
    lib32-libtiff-3.8.2-6 lib32-libxml2-2.7.3-3 lib32-qt-4.5.2-6 libpng-1.2.39-1
    libtiff-3.8.2-6 libxml2-2.7.3-3 libxpm-3.5.7-2 xf86-input-evdev-2.2.4-1
    libgl-7.5-2 xorg-server-utils-7.4-7 xorg-server-1.6.3-3 xterm-245-1
    Total Download Size: 27,62 MB
    Total Installed Size: 81,37 MB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    :: Retrieving packages from extra...
    error: failed retrieving file 'libpng-1.2.39-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    error: failed retrieving file 'libtiff-3.8.2-6-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    error: failed retrieving file 'libxml2-2.7.3-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    error: failed retrieving file 'libxpm-3.5.7-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    error: failed retrieving file 'xf86-input-evdev-2.2.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    error: failed retrieving file 'xorg-server-utils-7.4-7-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    error: failed retrieving file 'xorg-server-1.6.3-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    error: failed retrieving file 'xterm-245-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
    warning: failed to retrieve some files from extra
    error: failed to commit transaction (File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access))
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    I tried to change mirror from mirrorlist, but it gives the same result on different mirrors too. It started to blame like that a day before yesterday and I tried to fix it myself. Without luck. Help?
    E: Using Arch 64, if it helps.
    Last edited by Exitium (2009-08-17 17:54:46)

    Exitium wrote:
    #Archlinux @ Freenode: "There has been an "accident" with our repositories. It has been fixed, but core, extra and testing don't contain package files on most mirrors until they have resynced"
    And one guy said that works. So, problem fixed.
    thanks so much man, i was pulling my hair apart from yesterday due to this problem. and your mirror solved the problem

  • [Thinkpad W520] Cant control backlight with xbacklight [solved]

    Hello Forum,
    the backlight control keys wont work in gnome shell and xbacklight also doesnt work (it does not show errors).
    from aur works and when showing controllers. Both nv_backlight and intel_backlight are shown. I suspect a problem with the gpu setup using nouveau and intel.
    Are there any ways to disable nv_backlight?
    Or can I specify which controller to use for gnome shell?
    Last edited by Alcasa (2015-04-26 17:22:13)

    Thanks for the answer.
    I have solved the problem in the meantime adding the kernel option.
    This option has been introduced to improve brightness configuration, albeit it doesnt work on W520.

  • Issues getting on the net with wlan0 [SOLVED]

    I've managed to be able to see my network (if that count's for anything) but can not get on to it.
    I installed netcfg, went in to /etc/network.d/examples/wpa.example and entered in all of my details - I then cp'd that over to /etc/networkd.d/   - it's just been renamed to wpa.
    I now dhcpcd wlan0 but it just gives me "already running on pid 2546" so i kill 2546 && dhcpcd wlan0 and it times out with warn - using IPV4LL address
    I have also tried iwconfig wlan0 Tony passkey    - but that also does not work. Spitting out "Tony : command not found: - however, the archwiki says to enter it this way.
    iwlist wlan0 scan | less comes out with master netgear and Tony - both the same. Tony looks a bit like -
    Cell 02 - Address: 00.14.6C.AC.6E.8C
    ESSID: "Tony"
    Frequency:2.462 GHz (channel 11)
    Quality=55/64 Signal level=23/65
    Encryption key = On
    IE: WPA Version 1
    Group cipher : TKIP
    Pairwise Ciphers TKIP
    Auth Suites : PSK
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Last edited by Blindraven (2009-10-15 01:37:39)

    zenlord wrote:
    I'm not sure you did this, but you have to '# netcfg wlan0 wpa' once you set up your profile (you don't need to use iwconfig or dhcpcd yourself anymore) or add net-profiles to your rc.conf to connect automatically.
    Please add [SOLVED] to the subject-line of this thread.
    No, it's simply "netcfg <profilename>" - no need to specify wlan0.
    So if I want to connect to the profile uniwireless, I would do:
    netcfg uniwireless

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